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Sample Personal Statement Business Analytics

business analyst personal statement examples

by Talha Omer, MBA, M.Eng., Harvard & Cornell Grad

In personal statement samples by field.

Here is the personal statement of an applicant who got admitted to top Master’s in Business Analytics programs, including CMU, and MIT. For personal statement, the programs posed several questions to applicant, which the admissions committee expects to be answered in an essay form. The universities provide these personal statement prompts to encourage students to self-reflect and then to share their insights with the program.

The following essays are an example of a compelling story and reflect the original voice and personality of the applicant. Get inspiration from them and try to incorporate their strengths into your own personal statement.

Related Personal Statements 1) Sample Personal Statement in Advanced Analytics (admitted to NCSU) 2) Sample Personal Statement in Analytics (admitted to Georgia Tech) 3) Sample Personal Statement in Data Science and Analytics (admitted to CMU and Vanderbilt) 4) Sample Personal Statement in Management and Analytics (admitted to LBS)

In this Article

Personal Statement Prompt 1

Personal statement prompt 2, personal statement prompt 3, personal statement prompt 4.

Please attach to the application a brief narrative outlining your academic interests. Include any current or long-range interests in research, teaching or other professional objectives. Please describe these if you have progressed far enough in your career to have publications or other evidence of scholarly endeavour.

I want to play the critical role of a business strategist and capitalize on the most useful of the sophisticated technologies flooding modern businesses. In the short run, I want to set up a consulting firm which provides analytics-driven marketing solutions to large firms operating to deliver a consistent and easy buying experience for their customers. I would ideally like to leverage recent shifts in the marketing industry towards data, expand my consulting services across countries, and become a global leader in revolutionizing customer experience through data analytics.

I am an ideal candidate for the Business Analytics program due to my strong academic record as I graduated in Electrical Engineering with a cum laude GPA. My undergraduate has equipped me with extensive quantitative knowledge and technical experience around different themes in engineering. I’ve focused most of my studies on parametric analysis using different software like C++, VB, MySQL, Python and MATLAB. This was further honed when I joined Facebook’s Meta as an Analyst Software Engineer and, using MySQL, predicted patterns of interpersonal behaviour to optimally pair customers with an agent. Solving demand-related issues of customers from all around the globe, I have become aware of the mismatches between marketing outreach and customers’ buying needs. Therefore, I aspire to influence global customers’ marketing experience by investigating ways in which customer needs can be well aligned with the sales strategies of firms supplying goods online.

To materialize my aspirations into a successful reality, I want to glean more information on predicting customer behaviours and matching it with the right promotion offers since it ideally dovetails with my professional expertise in using MySQL to predict patterns of interpersonal behaviour to optimally pair customers with an agent. While I developed a strong skillset in matching commercially available information to determine successful behavioural interaction patterns, I plan to extend my research pursuits by exploring the right mix of traditional and digital marketing vehicles.

Beyond the classroom, I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to learn from and collaborate with the influential faculty and the Center and Laboratory for Behavioral Operations and Economics’ endeavours to solve critical IT-related decisions that advance company performance. In particular, the techniques of Professor Gary Bolton in experimenting with real-world trading markets within laboratory settings are foundational for my current work. Moreover, they will equip me with experimenting tools through which I can excel in my future career. Moreover, my future aspirations require strong leadership qualities recognized in a data-driven world. For this purpose, I would greatly benefit from The Leadership Center’s four dynamic offerings to mould my personality into a global leader’s persona.

Lastly, I will exploit the strong placement services and gain access to leading consulting companies where I can seek pro bono consulting opportunities and enhance my problem-solving acumen. I am also confident in acquiring the necessary communication skills to present solutions to Product Managers, Sales Associates, Engineers, and Marketing Teams for effective decision-making.

Thus, to sum up, owing to my strong academic credentials and professional expertise in applying artificial intelligence, I am confident of fully utilizing vibrant opportunities at Master in Business Analytics and converting it into an ideal segue for my future career aspirations.

Introduce yourself to your future classmates in 100 words or less.  

I have a passion for entrepreneurship, and during my sophomore year, I laid the foundations of the “ pay as you play”  console gaming platform and earned $4,000 a month. I have strong interpersonal skills and have won five national debating championships and represented at various national and international competitions. I am a fighter and showed great resolve in fighting acute liver failure, which I suffered in my junior year. I am a risk taker and quit my high-paying job at Unilever to start my venture of connecting home-cooked food suppliers with potential buyers.

What professional experiences have made you determine that business school is the right next step? (150 words)  

I pitched a business idea named Homestove – a food sharing application based on the B2C model. The business idea was successful as it won a substantial seed funding. Encouraged by its traction, I spearheaded its execution of supplying home-cooked food to potential buyers. However, the main factor I overlooked was doing intensive data analytics based on the market’s demographics. The locus I initially defined was 8 km, which was far from optimal. As a result, it created a mismatch between the area from where demand was being generated and where the chef was supplying the home-cooked food. Consequently, we incurred a considerable loss and customer dissatisfaction because of extended delivery times. Therefore, to avoid such losses, I strongly need a degree based on data management, technology, and analytics to create an ideal operations model for my business.

What career do you plan to pursue after business school and why? (150 words)

In the short run, I would restructure my business model by carefully analyzing the individual-level micro-data. Ideally, I aim to optimize my operations, mitigate the mismatch of distances between chefs and potential buyers, and reclaim the currently lost market share. If successful, I would like to expand my business to other metropolitan cities of US.

In the long run, alongside my business, I would like to provide consulting services to other tech-based startups suffering from a lack of operational optimization of their business. Unfortunately, despite having a lot of potential, most tech-based startups fail because of a lack of proper training in operational research. Consequently, they are unable to sustain themselves and run out of funding. I want to provide such firms consulting based on data analytics, business insights and marketing so they can harness themselves and become profitable.

Is there anything not addressed elsewhere in the application that you would like the Admissions Committee to know about you to evaluate your candidacy? (300-word maximum)

During my senior year, I got recruited by British American Tobacco after winning their battle of mental challenges. They had devised stringent criteria based on a rigorous aptitude test. Additionally, they assigned a group-based project related to any issue in public policy. I was the team lead and submitted a basic blueprint idea for using solar panels for domestic power needs. The basic plan was that the cost of these solar panels, being the main hindrance, would be offset once the government provided low-interest loans to homeowners to power their own houses. The savings on electricity bills would then be used to pay off the loans. It was an innovative idea that was well crafted after hundreds of hours of hard work. For example, my team and I conducted a rigorous field activity and accumulated over 400 bills from different homes in Frederick, Maryland to prove that using solar panels would not cost anything extra to these houses. We won the competition based on our innovative idea, and I was later called for an interview. Later, I was selected as MT and five other candidates out of 7000 applicants. I worked there for two years and eventually moved to Unilever. However, I always wanted to create social value and impact the lives of others, so after a brief stint at Unilever, I started my venture.

Describe a situation in your life where you failed to achieve a goal. What did you learn from this experience? (Max. 400 words)

I pitched a business idea named Homestove – a food sharing application based on the B2C model. The app’s primary purpose was to create local clusters where domestic chefs and homemakers market and sell their food to potential buyers within a particular locus. The business idea was successful as it was selected at top incubators and won a substantial seed funding award. Encouraged by its traction, I spearheaded its execution  to become a pioneer in supplying home-cooked food to potential buyers . The main factor I overlooked was doing intensive market research based on the market’s demographics. Due to a lack of in-depth data analysis, the locus I initially defined was an 8km radius, which was far from optimal. As a result, it created a mismatch between the area from where demand was being generated and where the chef was supplying the home-cooked food. Consequently, we levied a considerable cost of transportation and customer dissatisfaction because of extended delivery timings. The  goal of becoming a pioneer not only failed severely , but the loss’s extent was so much that it even eroded our initial seed funding. 

Although I failed in my initial ambition, my failure taught me deep insights into this business. Therefore, I am not let down by this experience. Instead, it has given me a direction leading me to future success. I realize that I conceded this partly because I didn’t discount some factors but, more importantly, because I lacked the necessary skill set. I realized that had I had better analysis skills in synthesizing microeconomic data, I would have developed a better spatial model of the business. I also felt that I needed to hone my skills in optimizing the operations of this business so that the mismatch between consumer and food supplier localities is mitigated. 

My more profound understanding of my failure and firm resolve to stand up again only point in one direction. And that is to pursue a Master’s degree in Business Analytics, where I can bolster my quantitative research skills and get international exposure to similar business models. I am therefore confident that a Master’s degree in Business Analytics will go a long way in pursuing my career goals and ambitions.

You just entered the elevator with a member of the Applicant Review Committee for the MS in Business Analytics. You can only speak to this person on the elevator for a short time. What would you say to this individual so that they would look favorably upon your application? (Max. 250 words)

During my senior year, I was inducted as Management Trainee by British American Tobacco after aced their “Battle of Minds” challenge. I was among the top 5 candidates out of other 7,000 aspirants. I worked there for almost two years, and after a very brief stint at Unilever, one of the leading multinationals, I decided to start my business venture. I looked for seed funding programs and pitched them my idea of supplying home-cooked food to potential buyers. The business idea won a substantial seed funding award. The idea was unique and covered on the local news channels during their prime-time transmission. After initial success, I experienced a downturn in my business. I realized the need to hone my quantitative analysis skills, particularly focusing on the operational optimization of business ventures. While searching for programs, I was excited by the curriculum. The vibrant community and home to more than 400 businesses, is an ideal place to learn and build new experiences. Additionally, the business analytics research centre is a perfect platform where I can test new quantitative research methods to calibrate the optimal spatial model of my business. In short, my strong credentials and desire to learn more align with the core values of the program in Business Analytics and will be ideal for fulfilling my career ambitions. 

One of our core values is Integrity. What does academic integrity mean to you? (250 words or less)

Academic integrity to me means being honest first and foremost to myself and anyone else. For me, it’s a way of life beyond just being honest in academic writing and following rules and regulations. I have stood up for academic sanctity, even against my friends and peers and have never tolerated slight slip-ups. I clearly remember how I had to take a firm stand against my group fellows in a Finance course when they were inclined to plagiarize a business idea. Additionally, when I started my undergraduate, I had many problems with citing during my writing courses. I wanted to learn and uphold academic integrity, so I took an additional paid online course to understand and master the art of referencing and citations. I have ensured that I take academic integrity beyond my university. As an entrepreneur, I have created a platform where cooks from around the city supply food to various customers. Dealing with almost 40 such cooks, I have ensured everyone is treated equally and honestly. For this purpose, I have developed systems where my employees’ names and background details are encrypted against an identification number so that my judgment remains impartial towards them. These are just some notable instances. Still, throughout my life, I have not let my moral guard down and confidently say that my ethical code of conduct strongly resonated with the core value of integrity.

Describe your experience using Excel, Databases or Software Tools. How has this influenced your decision to pursue a career in analytics? (250 words or less)

During my undergraduate studies, I worked with advanced Excel and basic STATA for various courses involving small and medium datasets. However, I realized a massive handicap of advanced data analytics when I started my business venture. I started a business named Homestove – a food sharing application based on the B2C model. Due to a lack of in-depth data analysis, the locus I initially defined was an 8 km radius, which was far from optimal. As a result, it created a mismatch between the area from where demand was being generated and where the chef was supplying the home-cooked food. I realized that had I had better analysis skills in synthesizing microeconomic data, I would have developed a better spatial model of the business. I also felt that I needed to hone my skills in optimizing the operations of this business so that the mismatch of consumer and food suppliers’ localities is mitigated. My deeper understanding of my failure and firm resolve to stand up again only point in one direction: to pursue a Master’s degree in Business Analytics. Through this, I can bolster my quantitative research skills and get international exposure to similar business models.

What is your target industry post-graduation? What impact do you want to make in your industry using analytics? (250 words or less)

In the short run, I would like to restructure my business model by carefully analyzing the individual data. Ideally, I aim to optimize my operations and mitigate the mismatch of the distance between chefs and potential buyers and reclaim the currently lost market share. If successful, I would like to expand my business to other metropolitan cities. In the long run, alongside my business, I would like to provide consulting services to other tech-based startups suffering from a lack of operational optimization of their business. Unfortunately, despite having a lot of potential, most tech-based startups fail because of a lack of proper training in operational research. As a result, they cannot sustain themselves and run out of funding. I would like to provide such firms with the necessary training based on data analytics, business insights and marketing to harness themselves and become profitable.

Please provide any additional information you would like to bring to the admissions committee’s attention. (250 words or less)

I have a keen sense of developing businesses from simple ideas of human needs. During my sophomore year, I developed a passion for console gaming. However, I soon realized my limited options as each game cost around $50. It was my handicap that I started my first business. I formed a virtual club initially with only 17 of my friends who could play up to 17 other games by only paying an additional fee of $20 per day. By the following year, my club had 123 members across various cohorts. Just by renting the games I bought from the initial deposits; I earned as much as $4,000 per month. 

When I joined Unilever, I had many problems having lunch at the office. So, I searched for cooks nearby my office and found a lady who was ready to supply it. Her food was tasty, and soon she had five customers from our office. This gave me an idea to lay down the foundations of Homestore – a food-sharing B2C modelled application. The application’s primary purpose was to create local clusters where domestic chefs and housewives marketed and sold their food to potential buyers within a particular locus. The idea was well received as it won seed funding and got promoted on local news channels’ prime-time transmission. Currently, I am running this business, but I need a data analytics degree to smoothen operations so that I can increase the impact of my venture. 


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27 October 2023

7 minutes read

Crafting a Winning Business Analyst Personal Statement in 2023


Dirghayu Kaushik


In the competitive world of business analysis, a well-crafted personal statement can be your ticket to landing that dream job as a professional business analyst.

Whether you’re an experienced senior business analyst or just starting in the field, a strong personal statement is essential to set you apart from other applicants.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the key components of a business analyst’s personal statement and provide you with valuable insights and templates to help you create an outstanding one.

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The Importance of a Business Analyst’s Personal Statement

Your personal statement is not just another piece of your job application; it’s a powerful tool that can significantly impact your career. Here’s why it’s so important:

1. First Impressions Matter

Your personal statement is often the first thing recruiters and hiring managers read. It’s your chance to make a strong initial impression and pique their interest in your application.

2. Highlight Your Qualifications

In a competitive job market, it’s crucial to showcase your qualifications effectively. Your personal statement allows you to concisely highlight your education, skills, and relevant experience.

3. Demonstrate Your Fit

Employers want to know if you’re a good fit for their organization. A well-crafted personal statement can show how your career goals align with the company’s mission and values.

4. Showcase Your Unique Value

Your personal statement is an opportunity to stand out from the crowd. It allows you to demonstrate your unique skills, accomplishments, and what sets you apart from other candidates.

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  • How to Write a Business Analyst Personal Statement

Crafting an effective business analyst personal statement is a skill that can greatly enhance your chances of securing your desired role in the field. This section provides a comprehensive guide on how to create a compelling personal statement that captures the attention of hiring managers and showcases your qualifications effectively.

Step 1: Understand the Purpose

Before you start writing your personal statement, it’s essential to understand its purpose. The personal statement serves as your introduction to potential employers, giving them insight into your qualifications, experiences, and motivations. It’s an opportunity to present yourself as the ideal candidate for the business analyst position and make a strong first impression.

Step 2: Gather Information

Begin by gathering all the necessary information you’ll need to include in your personal statement. This may include:

  • Your educational background, including degrees and certifications.
  • Your work experience, especially roles related to business analysis.
  • Specific skills and competencies relevant to the job.
  • Your career goals and how they align with the position you’re applying for.
  • Any unique achievements, projects, or awards that demonstrate your capabilities.

Step 3: Choose the Right Structure

A well-structured personal statement is essential for clarity and readability. Consider using the following structure as a guideline:


Start with a concise and engaging introduction. Mention your name, express your interest in the business analyst position, and provide a brief overview of what the reader can expect from your personal statement.


In this section, highlight your academic qualifications, relevant degrees, and any certifications that make you a qualified business analyst. Keep it concise but informative.

Discuss your professional experience, focusing on roles and responsibilities that relate to business analysis. Provide concrete examples of projects you’ve worked on and the impact you’ve had on business processes. Use quantifiable achievements to demonstrate your effectiveness.

Detail the specific skills that make you a proficient business analyst. Include both technical skills like data analysis, software proficiency, and any methodologies you’re familiar with, as well as soft skills such as communication, teamwork, and problem-solving.

Career Goals

Share your long-term career goals and how the business analyst role fits into your professional aspirations. Explain why you’re passionate about business analysis and how this position aligns with your journey.

Call to Action

Wrap up your personal statement by expressing your enthusiasm for the role and your eagerness to discuss your qualifications further. Invite the hiring manager to contact you for an interview.

Step 4: Tailor it to the Job

Customization is key to a successful personal statement. Analyze the job description thoroughly and tailor your statement to match the specific requirements and qualifications mentioned in the job posting. This demonstrates your genuine interest and suitability for the position.

Step 5: Highlight Achievements and Impact

To make your personal statement stand out, focus on highlighting your achievements and the positive impact you’ve had in your previous roles. Use specific examples to showcase how your contributions benefited your past employers.

Step 6: Showcase Soft Skills

While technical skills are crucial for a business analyst, don’t underestimate the importance of soft skills. Effective communication, adaptability, and problem-solving abilities are highly valued in this profession. Mention these skills and provide evidence of how you’ve used them in your career.

Step 7: Edit and Proofread

After writing your personal statement, carefully review it for clarity, conciseness, and grammar. Typos and errors can detract from your professionalism, so take the time to proofread or consider asking a trusted colleague or friend to review it for you.

Step 8: Maintain Professionalism

Throughout your personal statement, maintain a professional tone and style. Avoid using overly casual language or sharing personal information that is not relevant to the job.

Step 9: Be Concise

While it’s important to include relevant details, strive to be concise. Keep your personal statement focused and on point. Aim for clarity and readability, as hiring managers often have limited time to review applications.

Step 10: Seek Feedback

Before finalizing your personal statement, seek feedback from peers, mentors, or career advisors. Constructive feedback can help you refine your statement and make it even more impactful.

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  • Crafting a Business Analyst Personal Statement: In-Depth Tips

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s delve deeper into each section of your personal statement.

Your introduction is your chance to grab the reader’s attention and make a memorable first impression. Consider starting with a compelling anecdote related to your passion for business analysis or a brief statement that highlights your enthusiasm for the role. Keep it concise but impactful.

In this section, provide a snapshot of your educational background and relevant certifications. Mention your degree in business or a related field, any additional qualifications like certifications in data analysis or project management, and any academic honors or awards. Be sure to emphasize how these qualifications make you a strong candidate for the business analyst position.

Your experience section is where you can shine by showcasing your practical knowledge and accomplishments. Use the following tips to craft this part effectively:

  • Relevant Roles : Highlight roles and positions that directly relate to business analysis. Provide job titles, the names of previous employers, and the duration of your employment.
  • Project Descriptions : Describe specific projects you’ve worked on, their objectives, and your role in them. Discuss how your contributions impacted the success of the projects and the organizations involved.
  • Quantify Achievements : Whenever possible, quantify your achievements. For example, mention how you improved business processes, increased efficiency, or saved the company money through your analytical skills.
  • Transferable Skills : Mention any transferable skills gained from previous roles that are applicable to business analysis, such as problem-solving, critical thinking, or leadership.

In this section, focus on your core skills as a business analyst. Mention technical skills related to data analysis, software tools you’re proficient in, and any specific methodologies you’re experienced with, such as Agile or Six Sigma. Additionally, highlight your soft skills, including communication, teamwork, and adaptability, as these are vital for success in the field.

Express your career aspirations and how the business analyst role fits into your long-term plans. Explain why you’re passionate about business analysis and how this position aligns with your professional growth. Mention any specific industries or types of projects you’re interested in working on in the future.

Wrap up your personal statement by reiterating your enthusiasm for the business analyst role and your eagerness to discuss your qualifications further. Encourage the hiring manager to reach out to you for an interview. This shows confidence and proactive engagement.


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  • Going the Extra Mile: Additional Tips

To make your personal statement truly exceptional, consider these advanced strategies:

Addressing Challenges

If you’ve faced and overcome challenges in your career, briefly mention them in your personal statement. Discuss how these experiences have made you a stronger and more resilient business analyst.

Industry Knowledge

Demonstrate your deep understanding of the industry by mentioning trends, emerging technologies, or relevant industry news. This shows that you’re not only a skilled analyst but also a well-informed professional.

Tailoring for Different Roles

If you’re applying for various business analyst positions, create different versions of your personal statement to match each role’s specific requirements. This level of customization can make a significant impact.

Highlighting Leadership

If you’ve taken on leadership roles in your previous positions, emphasize your ability to lead teams, manage projects, and make critical decisions.

Data Science and Analytics

Given the growing importance of data science and analytics in business analysis, consider discussing your data-related skills and how they contribute to your effectiveness as a business analyst.

Addressing Soft Skills

In addition to technical skills, emphasize soft skills such as empathy, adaptability, and problem-solving. These qualities are increasingly valued in the business analysis profession.

Creating a standout business analyst personal statement is a crucial step in securing your dream job in 2023. Remember that your personal statement should reflect your unique qualifications, experiences, and passion for the field.

Use the templates and advanced tips provided in this guide to craft a personal statement that not only meets the standard expectations but also goes above and beyond, setting you apart as an exceptional candidate in the competitive world of business analysis. Best of luck with your job applications!

  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How can I ensure my personal statement is concise yet impactful?

To strike the right balance, focus on conveying essential information concisely. Use specific examples and avoid unnecessary details. A well-structured personal statement should be able to make an impact without excessive length.

Can I include references or recommendations in my personal statement?

References and recommendations are typically provided in a separate document when requested by the employer. Your personal statement should focus on your qualifications and experiences.

Should I include personal hobbies or interests in my personal statement?

While it’s generally not necessary to include personal hobbies or interests unless they directly relate to the job or demonstrate relevant skills, it’s always a good idea to research the company culture. Some organizations may appreciate personal touches in your application, while others prefer a strictly professional approach.

How should I handle employment gaps in my personal statement?

If you have employment gaps, it’s best to address them honestly and positively in your personal statement. Briefly explain the reason for the gap (e.g., further education, family reasons, or personal projects) and highlight any skills or knowledge you gained during that time.

Is it appropriate to mention salary expectations in the personal statement?

Salary expectations are typically discussed later in the hiring process, such as during interviews or negotiations. Your personal statement should focus on your qualifications and fit for the role, rather than compensation.

  • The Importance of a Business Analyst's Personal Statement

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Table of Contents

  • • The Importance of a Business Analyst's Personal Statement
  • • How to Write a Business Analyst Personal Statement
  • • Crafting a Business Analyst Personal Statement: In-Depth Tips
  • • Going the Extra Mile: Additional Tips
  • • Conclusion
  • • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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33 Strong Business Analyst Resume Objective Statement Examples

Do you want a job as a business analyst? Employers are going to read the top half of your resume first, starting with your objective statement. This means your objective statement is really important. Before you start writing yours, look at the examples below to get a sense of what to include and the overall style of the objective statement.

The next step to crafting the perfect objective statement is to pull out the job listing for the job you want. Identify keywords from the job description that the employer needs, and that you have. Make sure to include those keywords as you draft. Next, identify soft skills from the job posting or from the examples below that you have, and include those as well. Communicate that you have both the hard and soft skills that the employer needs, and that you are the right person for the job.

Below is a selection of objectives statements for business analysts with a range of experience to guide you in writing a powerful objective statement for your resume:

Experienced Business Analyst Objective Statements

  • Success-driven and focused business analyst looking for a new role, bringing extensive expertise of automating manual processes, diagnosing existing inefficiencies and proposing innovative solutions based on specified needs.
  • Highly organized and driven team player with six years of experience in the pharmaceuticals and medical equipment industries, seeking a Business Analyst position with BH Pharma, bringing demonstrated achievement of increasing revenue by 15% after conducting analyses of competitor HB Pharma.
  • Versatile and solutions-oriented business analyst with demonstrated ability to use data analytics to enhance operational efficiency resulting in 10% increase in revenue for a leading automotive manufacturer, coming with relentless hustle and willingness to do whatever it takes to drive a successful outcome.
  • Detail-oriented quantitative business analyst with two years’ experience in analyzing national consumer trends and interpreting big data to inform marketing strategies of leading supermarkets, coming with exceptional proficiency in data visualization tools and B.S. in Computer Science (GPA 3.9), seeking to support ABC Grocery Co.’s growth from a regional food retailer to a national market player.
  • To obtain a Business Analyst position at LuxuryMark Online App, leveraging demonstrated expertise in KPI reporting and marketing research, expert knowledge of SQL and MS Excel, and hands-on experience with Tableau. Bringing excellent written and verbal communication skills and a passion for delivering actionable insights to key stakeholders.
  • Innovative problem-solver with three years of experience in using multi-method approaches to analyze organizational processes, coming with demonstrated ability to identify challenges and develop solutions using root cause and workflow analyses. Offering exceptional business judgment, analytical and social skills to aid successful meeting of company goals.
  • Seeking a Business Analyst position at ABC Data Discovery Inc. to collaborate with project managers to develop business solutions, bringing Salesforce and Excel skills; personable project management skills; demonstrated capabilities in data mining, statistical analyses and predictive modeling, and B.S. in Mathematics (GPA 3.8).
  • Highly seasoned and driven business analyst with over 25 years’ experience analyzing business processes in the automotive industry, aiming to work with company directors to develop informed approaches to research and development to achieve company goals.
  • Results-oriented and dynamic business analyst experienced in developing and refining algorithms to ensure efficient stock management, seeking to apply proven approaches to increasing efficiency throughout business process at Gen Pharmaceuticals.
  • To obtain a Senior Business Analyst position at Marine Partners, bringing over 15 years’ experience analyzing and automating process within the shipping industry, and proven skills to equip company directors with tools to ensure they are prepared to respond to existing and future challenges while ensuring value for money.
  • Dynamic problem-solver with four years’ experience of applying software to help organizations automate manual processes, coming with excellent interpersonal skills and a superb ability to gain buy-in to new processes across teams.
  • To support Global Ltd. in improving gross revenue by maximizing performance of the MENA sales teams through analysis of client relationships, drawing on previous success of increasing gross revenue of competitor Worldwide Ltd. by 15%.
  • Flexible and reliable business analyst with eight years’ experience seeking a position with a healthcare company, leveraging demonstrated achievement in guiding leading healthcare companies to improve their business functions, in managing medical supply chains, and in more effectively implementing telehealth solutions.
  • Outcome-oriented business analyst with experience guiding cross-functional teams in the efficient collaboration, delivery and documentation of processes to collectively achieve organizational goals, seeking opportunities to innovate existing business processes and achieve maximal results in an efficient and cost-effective manner.
  • Highly analytical business analyst with the ability to easily handle large datasets, draw out insights and validate them, looking to apply my experience at Data Compute Inc., bringing a deep understanding of data analytics and commercial awareness gained over 12 years working with computing and data management organizations ranging from start-ups to industry leaders.

Entry-Level Business Analyst Objective Statements

  • Motivated technology professional applying for the Business Systems Analyst position at Advantage Corporation, bringing knowledge of the ETL process, experience with various tools (such as SQL databases, JAVA, and HTML), incredible work ethic, and B.S. in Computer Science.
  • Business-minded self-starter seeking business analyst position, demonstrating emotional intelligence, ability to make professional connections with clients, aptitude for challenge, proficiency in Microsoft Office products, and familiarity with Salesforce. Offering a can-do attitude, sense of urgency and unbeatable work ethic.
  • Applying for Global Web Analyst position at Online Fashion Retailer, Inc., bringing knowledge of HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript; strong organizational skills, and ability to learn quickly in an ever-changing, fast-paced environment. Ready to give 110% of myself to build excellent relationships and perform at the highest levels for the benefit of the company.
  • Recent graduate with B.S. in Management Information Systems seeking a business analyst position, offering great customer facing skills, proficient technical writing skills, superior verbal communication and presentation skills, and flexibility to travel as needed. Eager to work hard to begin learning and developing professionally for the benefit of the company.
  • Hardworking, responsible and organized team player with B.S. in Computer Science (GPA 3.5), looking to secure business analyst position, leveraging working knowledge of SQL, Python and Excel, ability to read code, and having the highest integrity.
  • Independent and proactive graduate with a strong sense of urgency, seeking position as a Business Analyst at Garrison Retail Stores, aiming to combine exceptional interpersonal skills, strong working knowledge of MS Office, working knowledge of database management systems, and superior communication and presentation skills for the benefit of the company.
  • Flexible and personable individual with attention-to-detail, seeking role as a business analyst to help maximize human resource management, reduce staff turnover, and attract top talent, coming with a recent B.S. in Business Management.
  • Senior-year student working towards B.S. in Finance (GPA 3.7), applying for Business Analyst position at Smith Health Group to start after graduation, coming with proficiency in PC-based software programs and automated database management systems as well as MS Office, and the ability to communicate clearly and effectively with people from diverse backgrounds.
  • Exceptionally analytical self-starter with a high level of energy, seeking business analyst position in a fast-paced team environment to demonstrate ability to solve complex problems, to work effectively with people across all levels of the organization, and to continuously learn and improve. Bringing B.S. in Business Administration, flexibility to work when and where needed, and ability to travel.
  • Recent graduate with B.S. in Accounting (GPA 3.6) applying for Business and Operations Analyst position at XYZ Metal Manufacturing, seeking to utilize strong computer skills, detail-oriented approach to problem-solving, and aptitude to build strong and positive relationships.
  • Responsible, dependable and quickly adaptable graduate with B.S. in Computer Science (GPA 3.4), seeking a business analyst role to utilize expertise in data analytics and software development to help rationalize business processes, understand workflows, and more quickly and efficiently achieve corporate goals.
  • Detail-oriented graduate of the highest level of personal integrity and ethical standards, a positive attitude and a strong work ethic, seeking Hedge Fund Business Development Analyst position at ABC Investors, LP, leveraging coursework from B.S. in Finance and a desire to work collaboratively across the organization.
  • Customer-focused team player, seeking a Business Analyst position with Web and Mobile, Inc., leveraging B.S. in Computer Science, strong communication and technical skills, and an excitement to begin a career where analyses of complex problems and derived solutions benefit stakeholders at multiple levels.
  • Innovative and self-motivated graduate with B.S. in Computer Science (GPA 3.8), looking to work with clients to define and implement their artificial intelligence strategies, coming with knowledge of several coding languages, ability to thrive in a fast-paced environment, excitement to learn, and ability to travel as needed.
  • Professional team player with unrelenting integrity, strong communication skills and the ability to work independently on multiple projects simultaneously, seeking a Business Systems Process Improvement Analyst position with ABC Gas, bringing B.S. in Business Administration, great time management skills, and a deep desire to learn.

Career Change Business Analyst Objective Statements

  • Early career business analyst looking to support companies to innovate and apply new technologies to minimize waste, enhance efficiency and maximize profits, holding a Ph.D. in Data Analytics and bringing two years’ experience in consulting.
  • Hardworking and focused customer service representative with high emotional intelligence, seeking to transition career and secure Business Analyst position with Smith Credit Union, leveraging clear and concise verbal and written communication skills, ability to effectively collaborate with business and technical teams, strong analytical skills, and unrelenting can-do attitude.
  • Adaptable and high-energy team player looking for a job as a business analyst position, coming with four years of experience in the hospitality industry. Ready to provide proficiency with spreadsheets, flow charts, sequence diagrams, and a passion for software and technology in career transition for benefit of the company.

After you have prepared your objective statement, go through your resume and determine if there is any tailoring in your resume that you can do for the particular job you want. Make sure that your resume is 100% error-free by asking a friend or two to review it for you, or putting it away for at least a day so that you can read it through again with “fresh eyes” to try to catch any mistakes. Best of luck!


StandOut CV

Business analyst CV examples

Andrew Fennell photo

If you want to secure a well-paying business analyst role with a leading employer, you’re going to need a strong CV.

The right CV will get you noticed by recruiters and let hiring managers know that you are the perfect choice for their team and project.

But writing a good BA CV isn’t easy.

So, I’ve put together this in-depth guide which includes 4 business analyst CV examples and shows you step-by-step how to write your own effective BA CV.

CV templates 

Business analyst CV example

Business Analyst CV-example-1

Finance Business analyst CV example

Finance Business Analyst CV-1

IT Business analyst CV example

IT Business Analyst CV-1

MiFID Business analyst CV example

MiFID Business Analyst CV-1

This example business analyst CV (and those above it) give you a good steer on how your BA CV should look , and the type of information it should include .

Now, let’s take a look at how to write your own attention-grabbing business analyst CV, that will land you a top BA job.

Structuring and formatting your CV

The foundations of any good CV are its format and structure.

They provide the document with a professional layout , and allow the CV to be easily navigated by busy recruiters and hiring managers.

This infographic shows the high level details of formatting and structuring your BA CV.

CV structure

Formatting your business analyst CV

As a business analyst , you are likely to be applying for roles with big professional organisations, and your CV needs to reflect that.

Follow these formatting guidelines…

  • Use a crisp simple font   to create a professional modern outlook and make the document easy to read
  • Colour scheme should be black text on a white background – again, simplicity and professionalism is key
  • The CV’s sections should be clearly divided with bold headings and borders – this makes it easy for recruiters to skim read and find key info
  • Don’t include a photograph – they take up too much space, and don’t provide employers with anything that will affect a hiring decision
  • Keep the CV to around 2 pages in length – anything longer will risk the CV not being read in full and key points being missed

Structure overview

Once you have a solid format for your CV, you should split your CV up into the following major sections to provide hiring managers with the info they want.

Name and contact details

  • CV profile – Introductory paragraph
  • Core skills section – bullet pointed in-demand skills
  • Work experience – previous roles
  • Education and qualifications
  • Hobbies (optional)

I will now walk you through how to write each section for best results

Your name and contact details are a basic part of the CV, but still important – and mistakes here can have negative implications for your job applications.

Firstly, ensure these details are at the top of the CV so they don’t get missed. Don’t make readers hunt around the CV for them.

Contact details

Secondly don’t take up too much space with them, and only include what is necessary which is:

  • Email address
  • Location (general area and/or where you are looking to work)
  • Telephone number
  • Maybe your LinkedIn profile if you have a good one

Quick tip: You can also add a professional title next to your name (something like Finance business analyst) to set the tone for the CV and create the right first impression .

You do not need to include;

  • Your full address
  • Date of birth

These details are surplus to requirement at the early stages of an application and will waste valuable space on the CV.

Your business analyst CV profile

Your CV profile is the opening paragraph which summarises your offerings as a candidate, and is designed to reel recruiters in and get them excited about reading the rest of your CV.

You need to think of it as an elevator-pitch and tailor it heavily towards the candidate requirements of your target roles.

CV profile

Keep the profile short and sweet, so that readers will be able to get a good idea of your skills and experience within the first few seconds of opening the CV.

So, what type of information should be include in a business analyst CV?

Your CV will be unique, but here are some common BA factors to consider…

  • Industry experience – Have you worked predominantly in banking? Pharma? Defence?
  • Project exposure – Have you worked on HR transformation programmes ? IT rollouts?
  • BA Skillset – Your important and in-demand BA skills such as requirements gathering, documentation, running workshops etc.
  • Qualifications – Prince2 , Agile etc.
  • Size and scale of projects worked on – Multi-million pound global programmes? Niche internal projects?
  • Results you deliver – Saving project spending, restructuring and improving functions, improving products and services etc.

Quick tip: A poorly written CV will fail to impress recruiters and employers. Use our quick-and-easy CV Builder to create a winning CV in minutes with professional templates and pre-written content for every industry.

There may be other assets of your own work that are more important, but this is a good list to start with. Most importantly, you need to research your target roles before you start writing your CV to determine what skills and experience is deemed most important by the employers you are approaching.

Add a core skills list

To help catch the attention of hiring managers and recruiters as they open your CV, include a core skills section like the one below.

CV core skills

If you include a short selection of your most in-demand skills, they will jump off the page at readers and give them an instant impression of your suitability for roles.

Detailing work experience

Your work experience gives you a great opportunity to showcase your ability to apply your skills and knowledge on projects, and how you’ve helped previous employers.

List your roles in reverse chronological order to show off your most recent experience first, and focus primarily on your business analysis roles and responsibilities.

Work experience

Older and less-relevant roles can be shortened or even removed because recruiters won’t be too interested in them.

Structuring your role descriptions

To ensure that your roles are easily digested and it is easy for recruiters to pick out they info they want, structure your roles like the  sample  below.

Role descriptions

In your business analyst CV, here’s how you should populate each section.

Role outline

Give an overview of the company worked for, or specific project worked on and explain where your role sits within it.

For example:

Lead business analyst for £10m global migration programme, managing entire IT remit, reporting to programme lead and managing team of 4 staff for global management consultant .

Key responsibilities

Showcase your skills, knowledge and client/colleague/ project manager interactions by bullet pointing your responsibilities in concise sentences.

  • Led requirements gathering – brainstorming sessions, workshops, interviews, user observation.
  • Defined automation processes, user stories, created mock ups and wireframes.


Prove your impact by adding some impressive achievements that had a big effect on your projects/customers and quantify them with figures.

  • Achieved complete user satisfaction for the intranet within 10 months through WebEx workshops
  • Saved 2 weeks of manual data input time and circa £5k staffing costs by developing automation scripts

Although your most important qualifications (Prince2, Agile etc.) should be mentioned at the top of your CV in the profile – you should save your full education section for the bottom of your CV.


Here, you can go into more detail by including dates the qualifications were achieved, and expand to talk about degrees, A levels etc. which might not be relevant enough to appear at the top of the CV – but are still worth including.

Hobbies and interests

Hobbies and interests are a totally optional section, and normally won’t make a huge difference when applying for business analysis roles.

If you have some interests that are highly related to your industry or business analysis in general, then it’s worth including a small amount of detail on them at the bottom of the CV.

There’s no need to include socialising with friends or watching TV , they aren’t going to impress anybody.

More BA CV examples: Finance BA – MiFID BA

Vital skills for your business analysis CV

Of course, every BA role will be different, but here are some core BA skills that you probably need to consider getting into your CV.

  • Requirements gathering – The process of gathering information on the current state of the business by interviewing people within the company, to garner information on current systems and processes.
  • Documentation – The preparation and storage of many documents created within a project, such as the business case and project vision document
  • Leading workshops – Holding session with system users generate ideas for new business solutions
  • Data analysis – Reviewing large sets of data from a business to spot areas where change or improvement is required.
  • IT systems – Confident use of project management software such as Microsoft Project , for tracking project progress.
  • Process improvement – Helping businesses to save time and money by making recommendations to implement to systems and processes.
  • UAT (User acceptance testing) – Running stringent tests of systems, once they have been implemented to ensure that they work as intended and do not cause any user issues.
  • Reporting – Generating reports on project progress to by read by leadership and clients on.
  • Stakeholder management – Liaising with the end users of a project, mitigating issues and managing relationships throughout a project.

Writing your business analyst CV – conclusion

Writing a good business analyst CV, requires a sound structure and format, along with compelling content which contains the correct skills and experience for target roles.

It’s crucial to research the job market before you start writing your CV, otherwise you won’t know what your next potential employers are hoping to see from candidates.

Your work experience will come under the most scrutiny from recruiters and hiring managers, so ensure they showcase your ability to make an impact in the workplace

Good luck with the job search!

20 Best Resume Summary Examples for Business Analyst Position

Resume Summary Examples for Business Analyst Position

This post presents valuable resume summary examples for business analyst positions that you can apply in writing an effective one for your resume/CV and improve your chances of getting the business analyst job you are seeking.

Your resume summary for the business analyst position that you are seeking needs to be compelling to get the recruiter/employer interested in reading your resume/CV and possibly inviting you to an interview.

It is important to get the recruiter/employer to read your business analyst resume or CV; this will improve your chances of being invited to an interview.

You will be able to convince the recruiter/employer to grant you an interview if they actually read your resume to discover what you are bringing to the business analyst position.

To make a great resume that gets you an interview with an employer/recruiter, it is important to learn about various resume statistics before writing your resume. According to novoresume, these resume statistics will give you helpful insight into the prevailing HR trends, guide you in making the right decision about your job hunting, and in creating an effective resume.

How to Write a Great Resume Summary Statement for a Business Analyst Position

The key to writing a good summary statement for a business analyst resume is to first identify what the recruiter/employer really wants from applicants for them to be hired for the vacant business analyst position in their company.

This means that you need to study the job description and requirements for the vacant business analyst position that the recruiter/employer published.

From the job description, you will know the kind of duties and responsibilities the business analyst job entails, while from the job requirements you will learn of the qualities, skills, experience, etc. that the recruiter/employer wants applicants for the business analyst position to have to be hired.

By having the above knowledge about the business analyst job that is on offer, you can then write a compelling summary statement for your resume/CV that shows that you have what it takes to succeed as a business analyst with the company.

Your resume summary should highlight your best qualities, experience, skills, etc. that align with what the recruiter/employer wants for the business analyst position.

Now, let’s see some good examples of summary statements for business analyst resumes to boost your understanding of how to make one for your resume/CV:

20 Best Resume Summary Examples for Business Analyst Positions:

  • Talented individual seeking to work with Disney Streaming Services as a Business Analyst with 5 years of experience in consumer tech organizations in an analyst setting. To utilize the ability to establish KPIs to measure efficiency across the supply chain for content delivery to Disney. Also coming with a Bachelor’s degree in Data Science and business administration, 5 years of relevant experience, and strong attention to detail.
  • Highly-motivated individual hopeful to gain employment with Amazon as a Business Analyst to globally develop and implement innovative solutions that help Sellers become successful and stop bad actors at scale. Also bringing a Bachelor’s degree, 5 years of program management experience, and the ability to create a detailed business analysis.
  • To obtain a Business Analyst position with IDR.Inc to serve as the liaison between the development team and customer, and support the enhancement of current applications. Also coming with 7 years of experience gathering business requirements from clients, 5 years of experience with Software Development Life Cycle, and 5 years of Agile Methodology experience.
  • A skilled Business Analyst with 5 years of experience seeks to work with Sogeti to utilize the ability to identify and manage functional requirements as well as develop and validate use cases. Also coming with a Bachelor’s degree, and 3 years of experience with facilitating User acceptance and conducting integrated systems testing.
  • Hopeful to gain employment with Poshmark as a Business Analyst to prepare and track business KPIs, build reports, and communicate clearly across functions and levels within the organization. Also coming with a Master’s degree in a technical discipline, expert knowledge of SQL and MS Excel, experience solving problems, and hands-on experience Looker.

More Resume Summary Examples for Business Analyst Position [6-10]

6. A well-organized individual with 8 years of business analyst experience seeks employment with Deloitte as a Business Analyst to perform requirements gathering, maintain data exchange batch process, and make available program assistance to health applications functionality and related statues. Also bringing a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering as well as the ability to obtain and maintain a US government security clearance.

7. Team-oriented individual willing to work at Capgemini as a Business Analyst with experience of working in an Agile Environment looks to utilize the ability to participate in Business Requirement assessment and document business processes. Also comes with excellent communication skills, prior experience of working in a card issuing environment, and outstanding problem-solving skills.

8. Energetic individual with experience leading requirements elicitation sessions and writing user stories seeks a Business Analyst position with Leo Burnett, to lead the creation of all requirements documentation. Also coming with a Bachelor’s degree, MS Office Suite, and an understanding of relational databases.

9. To obtain a position with Capgemini as a Business Analyst, to interact with business/SMEs/Technical stakeholders and steer workshop for requirement elicitation, system, and functional impact analysis. Also bringing the experience of working in an Agile Environment and excellent Customer Management and Communication skills.

10. Passionate individual with 2 years of experience in a highly analytical role seeks a Business Analyst position with Thumbtack, to design and build key company data tables, dashboards, and insights tools that power decisions across the company. Also bringing a Bachelor’s degree in Business with statistics knowledge, as well as experience with Python.

More Resume Summary Examples for Business Analyst Position [11-15]

11. Safety conscious individual with 2 years of experience in Business Research and insurance industry desires a Business Analyst position with Farmers Insurance to provide analytical and operational assistance for plans to apply advanced analytical solutions to strategic business problems. Also bringing a High School diploma, proficiency in English written and verbal communication skills, and strong technical skills.

12. Individual with a strong ability to learn quickly interested in a Business Analyst position at IBM, seeks to utilize experience analyzing and solving complex business and technical problems. Also coming with experience using MS Office Suite, familiarity with medical terminology, and experience working in a team environment.

13. Team-oriented individual eager to work at Wing brings 5 years of proven work experience as a Business Analyst, to interpret data, analyze results using statistical techniques, and provide ongoing reports. Also bringing a Bachelor’s degree, strong knowledge of and experience with reporting packages, and strong analytical skills.

14. Passionate individual hopeful for a Business Analyst position with NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, to assist the Business Manager with different kinds of activities. Also coming with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, 6 years of related work experience, and strong professional characters with advanced skills in MS Office Suite.

15. Extremely organized individual interested in a Business Analyst position with Tiffany & Co, seeks to document current and future process flows to understand and examine business processes. Also bringing a Bachelor’s degree with 4 years of experience in an IT Business Analyst role, as well as strong business acumen and strong presentation skills.

More Resume Summary Examples for Business Analyst Position [16-20]

16. Individual with 5 years of IT work experience in a business environment seeks a Business Analyst job with Verizon, to gather, analyze, and interpret data for specific business requirements. Also bringing a Bachelor’s degree, technical experience with Python and SQL, and strong written and verbal communication skills with demonstrated analytical and conceptual thinking.

17. Detail-oriented professional with 3 years of experience in product management and business analysis desires the Business Analyst position with NextPath Career Partners where the ability to measure and report on the effectiveness of product enhancement initiatives will be applied. Also bringing strong project management, organizational, and prioritization skills.

18. Seeking a Business Analyst job with Harte Hanks where 5 years of experience using data to make decisions and assist businesses will be utilized. Also coming with a Bachelor’s degree in Business, experience in program management models and automation, and excellent planning, time management, organizational, communication, and interpersonal skills.

19. Highly experienced individual seeking a Business Analyst position with Infosys, to deliver high-quality code deliverables for a module, lead validation for all types of testing, and support activities related to implementation, transition, and warranty. Also coming with a Bachelor’s degree, 5 years of Information Technology experience, and strong understanding of the business area where the project is involved.

20. Certified individual with 3 years of experience with gathering requirements and writing product specifications longs for a Business Analyst position with Aristocrat, to demonstrate an understanding of internal and external game technologies and their usage by studios. Also coming with a Bachelor’s degree in Business, 2 years of experience in a game studio as a product owner, and excellent oral and written English skills.

Your quest to gain the business analyst position that you are seeking is enhanced if you began your resume or CV with a compelling summary statement that convinces the recruiter/employer that you might be the candidate they are looking for.

If you are looking to learn how to write an impressive resume summary for a business analyst position, then this post gives you the ideas and examples that you can apply to develop the skills.

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Top 22 Business Analyst Resume Objective Examples

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Career Building Jobs

Career Building Jobs

CV, Interview and Job Application Tips

How to Write a Business Analyst CV / Resume (With Examples)

Applying for jobs as a Business Analyst can be extremely frustrating. Especially when it comes to writing the perfect CV for the job you want. It might be appealing to just submit the same generic CV to as many employers as possible and hope that one of them bites. But if you really want to stand out from the crowd you need to tailor your CV to the job you want.

That is why in this post we are going to break down how to write the perfect BA CV. Starting off with things you need to do before putting pen to paper such as what to look for in the job description and how to research the company (and why you would want to). After that we will get into the CV itself, how to write a personal statement, what to include in your employment and education history sections and finally we will briefly discuss what you DON’T want to do when writing your CV.

business analyst personal statement examples

  • 1 Find a Good CV Template
  • 2.1 Job Description Example
  • 3 Research The Company
  • 4.1 Business Analyst Professional Summary Example
  • 5 Detail your employment history
  • 6 Detail your education history
  • 7 CV Structure
  • 9 General Business Analysis CV Tips
  • 10 Business Analyst CV Example

Find a Good CV Template

When selecting a CV template, it’s essential to opt for a simple design and structure. Not only are straightforward layouts more compatible with Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), but they also make it easier for recruiters and hiring managers to quickly identify and understand key details. A clutter-free and organized CV ensures that your most important information stands out, facilitating a smoother review process for potential employers.

This is the CV template that we recommend (click here)

Read the job description / advert

First step is of course to read the job description. We need to know what the firm is looking for so that we can properly highlight these characteristics in our CV. So read back over the job description and try and pinpoint the important points. A lot of times a firm will call things “required”, if you see this you need to make sure you include that in your CV. Similarly if certain things are repeated throughout the advert this indicates they are of high importance so we will want to make sure our CV shows that as well. 

When performing this analysis take care to copy the ‘exact’ words and phrases that are being used by the hiring manager. We will want to pepper these into our CV later.

Job Description Example

Project Description One of the largest private banks in the UK is looking for a number of highly competent senior business analysts to work across a number of different projects to support the Bank with new transformation initiatives.

You’ll take on a critical role supporting the bank with implementing new functionalities that increases the efficiencies of internal and external process and ultimately helps support the Bank’s vision for simple change.

You’ll be working in a vibrant team and helping shape the future of the business.

This will prove to be a great development opportunity, to hit the ground running and take your career to the next stage.

Responsibilities As part of this role, you’ll be producing business requirements, supporting teams in understanding the requirements and aligning with the Banks long-term strategic vision. You’ll have an opportunity to build working relationships with a wide ranging network of stakeholders and third party suppliers across multiple enterprises.

Some of the types of responsibilities that you may have, but not limited to:

  • Supporting the business with transformation ideas and translating these into requirements and work closely with the IT team to implement these.
  • Capturing, validating and documenting business and system requirements and making sure that they’re in line with key strategic principles
  • Frequently interacting with key stakeholders and the team to obtain and document functional and non-functional needs
  • Analysing existing system documentation to summarise existing system functionality as it relates to the work at hand
  • Supporting the identification of team priorities based upon feedback from the customers, key stakeholders and the team

Skills Must have

  • Previous experience and background with Banking, strong preference for Complaints and Redress
  • A good understanding of the Agile methodologies and experience of working in an Agile environment.
  • Evidence of technical Business Analyst knowledge and complex requirement gathering
  • Proven record of delivering projects
  • Experience of full project lifecycle
  • Up to date understanding of analysis approaches, tools and techniques
  • Strong stakeholder management skills and is an analytical thinker
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills
  • Ability to work on multiple projects concurrently
  • Understanding of JIRA and Confluence tools which the Bank use.

Nice to have

  • BCS/ISEB Foundation Certificate in Business Analysis
  • Business process and data modelling experience
  • Risk-based testing experience

Research The Company

Get out your Sherlock Holmes costume from Halloween as it’s time to go sleuthing. Get stuck into your target company. You want to look at their website, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, all of that. You are looking for any piece of intel that will give you the leg up.

– Find out what recent work/projects they have undertaken or will be embarking on (highlight your experience in these areas on your CV)

– Find out what software/processes they use and make sure you include your proficiency in them in your CV

See if you know anyone who works there and/or connect (LinkedIn) with people ahead of the interview . A little nepotism could never hurt and you might be able to glean more information about the role/hiring process in the meantime.

Write A Few Sentence “Personal Statement”, and call it a “Professional Summary”

Using the information discovered above tailor your professional summary to the job.

Business Analyst Professional Summary Example

  • Adept Analyst & Delivery Manager practiced in all stages of the project life cycle within both the Finance & IT sectors. Regularly managed or supported projects with budgets or cost savings in the millions of pounds.
  • Extensive experience using JIRA, MS Project and other tools in managing multiple facets of a large complex customer complaints operation including but not limited to the automation of Workflow, Customer Contact and Redress.
  • Excellent Leadership & Stakeholder Management Skills.

Notice how the summary states proficiency in Finance, IT, Customer Complaints, Automation, Customer Contact, Redress, Leadership, Stakeholder Management, JIRA & MS Project all in just 3 bullet points, while also dropping in the applicant’s experience in big money projects and in large multi-lane projects.

Detail your employment history

Your potential employer is definitely going to want to know where you have worked in the past. Therefore list your employment history starting from the most recent and going down in reverse chronological order. 

Employers value recent experience over all else. You do not want to go over 2 pages (as noone will read them) so as you go further back in time reduce the level of detail accordingly.

Finally, do not just list off all of the responsibilities of your role. Use your responsibilities as context to showcase your achievements so instead of saying “Responsible for requirement solicitation” say something like “Sourced the requirements for 10 projects with a combined budget of $10,000,000 and a 100% rate of coming in on time and in budget”. See how the second example shows the employer that you oversaw the requirements gathering for the project but also highlights that you have experience in multiple million dollar budget projects that have a history of successful deployment. Much better.

Detail your education history

Remember I said we need to keep the CV to 2 pages or noone will read it. The education history section is a place that takes up far too much space in most CVs. If you have a degree employers are not going to care what A levels you have, if you have A levels employers are not going to care what GCSE’s you have. (For my American readers, if you have a Bachelor’s degree noone is going to care about your GPA)

People who list every single one of their GCSE and A-Level results are just clogging up their CV with details that most, if not all, employers will simply disregard immediately (if they even read it at all). 

The only exception would be if one of your older education achievements is highly relevant and you want to highlight that experience. For example if you are applying to be a BA for an accounting firm and you have zero experience in that industry, then you might want to include your A level in accountancy. 

Other than that niche example you will want to stick with Bachelor Degrees and Post-Grad / Professional Qualifications only. When your CV shows that you have a Master’s degree the employer is going to know full well that you made it through high-school.

CV Structure

Tactically structure your cv to the ‘most wanted’ attributes of the job description. For example If the job description was valuing “qualified” then whack your qualifications first, if they wanted someone with RECENT experience stick your last job up top. If they want multiple years of experience highlight your tenure.

I always recommend that you have a Professional Summary up top (after your name/contact info) as it will be the first thing that anyone reads. As discussed above this should be tailored toward the job advert and showcase your experience and skills in what the employer is looking for.

A fairly typical structure would go:

  • Name and contact info
  • Professional Summary
  • Current (or most recent employment)
  • Education & Professional Qualifications
  • Employment History


So we’ve talked about what you should be including in your CV, let’s now look at some things that you should avoid doing.

Do not include personal history or likes . Management are not going to care about your hobbies, so unless you have some inside gossip that the hiring manager only hires people who play football at the weekend (for example) then leave your Sunday League team off your CV. This does not extend to things like volunteer or charity work. Definitely include that if you have the space.

Do not list your skillset and the tools/applications you have experience with . It takes up valuable space and is often obvious (Skilled in Excel…?). Instead include these in your achievements section (Example: “Used Jira when managing defects for X number of projects”)

Do not include references or “references available on request” . If employers want a reference they will ask you for them, otherwise this is just wasted space on your CV.

Do not include a photo of yourself unless specifically asked . I know that this is mainly a cultural thing and does not apply to certain countries. However in the UK and US you should not include a photo of yourself on your CV/resume. Companies don’t want you to do it as it opens them up to liability and there is absolutely nothing for you to gain by doing so – plus you are making it easier for firms to discriminate against you either implicitly or explicitly.

Do not use any fancy graphic or artistic CV format, unless your BA position also has some element of graphic design in the job description . Most CVs come in a standard format, as such recruiters and hiring managers are able to easily pick out the key pieces of information that they need quickly based on their experience. If you throw them a CV in a artistic format they are more likely to get annoyed and throw your application away. This is not a situation where standing out is good. You want your skills/experience to be noted not your CV format.

Do not include your previous salaries . This will severely impact your negotiation abilities down the line

General Business Analysis CV Tips

Stick to 2 pages only

Use the words as written in the job description

Use action words rather than passive words

Use numbers when showcasing your achievements

Have Someone Review Your CV/Resume for typos and to see how it reads to fresh eyes. Preferably have someone with hiring experience do this.

Get a professionally reviewed CV

Business Analyst CV Example

Below is an example CV from someone with a number of years experience in the field. For an editable .DOCX version, click here.

Business Analyst CV example page 1

Should I put my address on my CV?

No, your employer does not need your physical address at this stage. Your CV should include your email address (please make it a professional sounding one!) and your phone number only. If an employer rejects you for not having a physical address on your CV in this day and age then that is not an employer you want to be working for in the first place.

Should I put my social media account on my CV?

LinkedIn account – yes if you have room and your profile is up-to-date. Other accounts (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram) should not be put on your CV unless you use them for professional purposes e.g. you issue BA tips on your Twitter.

Should I put that I failed my degree or dropped out of University on my CV?

No, unless you have a seriously good reason for dropping out I would not include it as failed here. You are only going to be asked probing questions about why you quit and regardless of the reason the hiring manager is very likely to consider it a negative when evaluating your application. If you absolutely must put it on your CV, mention it as ongoing and that you are arranging for night classes / online learning in order to complete your degree.

Should I add references to my CV?

Unless you are specifically asked to include them then you should not. If a hiring manager requires references they will ask you for them and call them up personally. If you do include them you are not providing any additional benefit and are taking up valuable space on your CV – remember 2 pages maximum is optimal.

Fresher Business Analyst CV Example

Cv guidance.

  • CV Template
  • How to Format
  • Personal Statements
  • Related CVs

CV Tips for Fresher Business Analysts

  • Highlight Your Education and Certifications : Mention your degree in business, finance, or a related field. If you have any certifications like CBAP or CCBA, make sure to include them as they demonstrate your commitment to the profession.
  • Showcase Your Analytical Skills : Use specific examples to demonstrate your ability to analyze data and provide actionable business insights. This could be a project you worked on during your studies or an internship.
  • Align Your CV with the Job Description : Tailor your CV to match the specific requirements of the job you're applying for. Highlight relevant skills and experiences that align with the job description.
  • Detail Your Technical Proficiency : List your proficiency in business intelligence tools like Tableau, Power BI, or Excel. Also, mention any experience with SQL, Python, or other data analysis tools.
  • Emphasize Soft Skills : Highlight your communication, problem-solving, and teamwork skills. These are crucial for a Business Analyst as they often act as a bridge between technical teams and business stakeholders.

The Smarter, Faster Way to Write Your CV

business analyst personal statement examples

  • Conducted comprehensive market research and analysis, leading to the identification of new business opportunities and contributing to a 20% increase in sales.
  • Implemented a new data analytics tool that improved the efficiency of data collection and analysis by 30%, enhancing the decision-making process.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to streamline business processes, resulting in a 15% increase in operational efficiency.
  • Assisted in the development of a strategic business plan that led to a 10% increase in company revenue within the first quarter of implementation.
  • Played a key role in the successful launch of a new product line by conducting thorough competitor and SWOT analysis.
  • Developed and maintained a comprehensive database of key business metrics that improved the accuracy and speed of performance tracking.
  • Participated in the design and implementation of a new CRM system, leading to a 25% improvement in customer relationship management.
  • Conducted detailed financial analysis for potential investments, contributing to a 15% increase in ROI.
  • Assisted in the preparation of quarterly business performance reports, enhancing transparency and stakeholder confidence in the company's strategic direction.
  • Market Research and Analysis
  • Data Analytics
  • Cross-Functional Collaboration
  • Strategic Business Planning
  • Competitor and SWOT Analysis
  • Database Management
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
  • Financial Analysis
  • Business Performance Reporting
  • Process Improvement

Fresher Business Analyst CV Template

  • Worked closely with [teams/departments] to understand and document [business processes/requirements], demonstrating strong [soft skill, e.g., communication, problem-solving].
  • Performed [type of analysis, e.g., data, business process], using [analytical tools/methods] to provide [outcome, e.g., actionable insights, process improvements].
  • Contributed to [project or initiative, e.g., system implementation, business strategy development], leading to [measurable impact, e.g., increased efficiency, cost savings].
  • Participated in [business meetings/workshops] to gather [type of information, e.g., user requirements, business rules], showcasing effective [soft skill, e.g., listening, negotiation].
  • Assisted in [task or responsibility, e.g., creating business models, preparing business cases], ensuring [quality or standard, e.g., accuracy, completeness] in all deliverables.
  • Played a key role in [system or process improvement, e.g., the adoption of new software, revision of workflow], resulting in [quantifiable benefit, e.g., 20% time savings, enhanced report detail].
  • Major: Name of Major
  • Minor: Name of Minor

100+ Free Resume Templates

How to format a fresher business analyst cv, begin with a strong profile summary, emphasize on educational qualifications, highlight relevant skills and certifications, detail any internship or project experience, include soft skills and technical proficiencies, personal statements for fresher business analysts, fresher business analyst personal statement examples, what makes a strong personal statement.

Match & Compare Your CV to a Job Description

business analyst personal statement examples

CV FAQs for Fresher Business Analysts

How long should fresher business analysts make a cv, what's the best format for an fresher business analyst cv, how does a fresher business analyst cv differ from a resume, related cvs for fresher business analyst.

Entry Level Business Analyst CV

Business Data Analyst CV

Junior Data Analyst CV

Business Intelligence Analyst CV

Fresher Data Analyst CV

Tableau Business Analyst CV

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Business Analyst (BA) Cover Letter: 5 Examples for 2024

Stephen Greet

  • BA Cover Letter
  • Entry-Level BA
  • Business Systems Analyst
  • Writing Your BA CL 101

A business analyst (BA) plays an essential role, often acting as an intermediary between end-users and project managers. You have outstanding communication skills, and since the BA role is so varied, it’s critical to study the exact job you’re applying for and carefully create a cover letter for the specific company and  business analyst job description .

Once you’ve done your research, it’s time to write a cover letter and  business analyst resume  to grab employers’ attention with your experience and grasp of their needs.

If you’re stuck, you’ve come to the right place! We’re here with five business analyst cover letter samples and guidance on formatting and wording. Don’t miss our free cover letter templates below, free cover letter generator , and matching  resume templates . 

business analyst personal statement examples

Business Analyst Cover Letter Example


Microsoft Word

Google Docs

Block Format

Elegant business analyst cover letter template

Copy this text for your Business Analyst cover letter!

2512 Palisade Avenue Weehawken, NY 07086 (123) 456-7890

January 13, 2023

Kenneth Heaps Chief Information Officer Latham & Watkins LLP 1271 W 50th Street New York, NY 10020

  • Dear Mr. Heaps:

I found Latham & Watkins’s listing for a business analyst intriguing, not merely from a job duties perspective, but based on the fact that your firm is dedicated to a pro bono program for financially challenged neighborhood residents to address their justice-involved scenarios. I would like to leverage my analytical and process improvement skills to make a difference for people needing it most.

In 2020, I led the implementation of new cloud-based accounting systems at EXTRAordinary! that reduced ongoing operational efforts by over 7 percent (equivalent to $1.1 million annually) by eliminating numerous steps in their AP and AR processing. I believe using similar analysis methods would help me make your community group initiatives more successful by better identifying those in need and creating a quicker and easier way for them to engage your organization.

In addition, streamlining and optimizing your community assistance programs is more than possible with my decade-plus history of converting detailed analytics reports into actionable steps with a focus on improving key performance indicators and enabling improved executive decision-making. For example, at IBM, I led business requirements, product design, and implementation efforts for a new product proof-of-concept reporting tool that allowed them to reduce their time to market for new products by 12 percent (over 2 months).

My desire to help underserved communities motivates me to rise to this challenge as I continue growing as a business analyst. I would be thrilled to use my technical expertise to assist you in your efforts to improve the lives of residents by helping them obtain justice, and I welcome the opportunity to discuss this possibility further. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best regards,

Karina Pate

Enclosures: Resume Application References

Level up your cover letter game

Relax! We’ll do the heavy lifting to write your cover letter in seconds.

Entry-Level Business Analyst Cover Letter Example

Entry-Level Business Analyst cover letter template

Copy this text for your Entry-Level Business Analyst cover letter!

123 Fictional Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90001 (123) 456-7890

November 20, 2023

James Smith Warner Bros. Entertainment. 123 Fictional Lane Los Angeles, CA 90001

Dear Mr. Smith:

Data-driven decision-making has become increasingly essential in today’s fast-paced business environment. Harnessing the power of data analytics and leveraging advanced tools can significantly improve performance and drive innovation. Having grown up in the digital age, with an added passion for honing my skills in this field, I’m excited to apply for the entry-level business analyst position at Warner Bros. Entertainment.

My experiences at the picturesque Pepperdine University shaped my interest in analyzing data to support crucial business decisions. For a class project in my business analytics course, I used Microsoft Excel to scrutinize data sets and generate pivotal insights. Applying pivot tables and Power BI, I unearthed key trends and predictors that contributed to an impressive 19.2% simulated increase in company profits.

During the summer of my junior year, I interned with FabFitFun, a subscription start-up in Los Angeles, where I honed my data visualization skills. Using Tableau, I transformed intricate raw data into easy-to-understand dashboards. These visual aids helped stakeholders understand complex company data and enabled data-driven marketing decisions that increased the email open rate by 17.7%.

Another project for my process management class immersed me in the process mapping world. Using Lucidchart, my team and I reengineered a pizza delivery system. Our process revamp reduced average delivery times by an estimated 26.4% without diminishing product quality.

I’m drawn to Warner Bros. Entertainment’s unparalleled legacy as an industry leader and am eager to contribute to the company’s continued success. I’m excited about the prospect of joining your esteemed team and look forward to discussing how my experiences and skills can further align with the company’s objectives. Thank you.

Alejandro Santos

Why this resume works

  • This approach demonstrates your ability to apply theoretical knowledge in a practical setting. See how Alejandro shares his experience dissecting data with Excel and unveiling trends and predictors using Power BI in a class project.

Business Systems Analyst Cover Letter Example

Business Systems Analyst cover letter template

Copy this text for your Business Systems Analyst cover letter!

123 Fictional Avenue Chicago, IL 60601 (123) 456-7890

Emma Johnson Motorola Solutions 123 Fictional Lane Chicago, IL 60601

Dear Ms. Johnson:

The triumph of a friend’s business in Chicago over a major systems failure came to mind as I read about your open business systems analyst position at Motorola Solutions. Observing my friend’s struggles and ultimate success firsthand, I realized how my skills, honed over the years, can help organizations prevent and overcome similar challenges.

At SMS Assist, I used my SQL expertise to analyze and optimize database performance, facilitating a 37% increase in data retrieval efficiency. Besides, my experience with advanced tools such as Microsoft SQL Server and Tableau allowed me to create insightful data visualizations that streamlined the management’s decision-making process.

My work at Unified Communication Services involved extensive collaboration with cross-functional teams, where I was responsible for designing and implementing system integration solutions. Through my in-depth knowledge of MuleSoft and Apache Camel, I successfully increased operational efficiency by 29%.

While serving as a business systems analyst at Fulton May, I played a pivotal role in improving the cybersecurity awareness of multiple Chicago-based companies. By conducting regular security assessments and implementing robust cybersecurity measures using tools like Splunk SIEM, my efforts contributed to a 23% reduction in security incidents.

Looking forward to discussing further how my skills and passion can contribute to Motorola Solutions. Thank you.

  • Better yet, have the narration showcase you playing the hero who identified the issues and implemented the solution. After all, who wouldn’t want to work with a business analyst with the savvy to tackle real-life issues head-on?

Senior Business Analyst Cover Letter Example

Official senior business analyst cover letter template

Copy this text for your Senior Business Analyst cover letter!

1000 Willow Road Jersey City, NJ 07310 (123) 456-7890

Mark Hawkinson President of Technical Solutions ABM Industries One Liberty Plaza, 7th Floor New York, NY 10006

  • Dear Mr. Hawkinson:

As an accomplished professional with experience analyzing processes and implementing solutions to achieve organizational goals, I am excited to pursue your open senior business analyst role. My record of managing projects throughout all phases is extensive, and I am confident I will significantly contribute to ABM’s 10 percent sales revenue increase and market share (5 percent growth) objectives.

Your job listing discusses the need for someone to lead reviews of business processes and develop optimization strategies. During my tenure at HP, I helped improve processes for various products by lowering costs and improving conversion rates, generating $4.8 million in incremental annual revenue. Through this experience, I have developed a rigorous, data-driven framework to identify blockers for better execution.

In 2020, I successfully mediated executive disagreements regarding product features and helped them reach a consensus, which allowed HP to complete a major project that produced a new product. My business analysis and project execution position me well to provide direction and momentum to your new technology initiatives to help accomplish one of your stated quarterly goals.

Among my peers and clients, I am regarded as an analytical expert, and my history of translating stakeholder requirements into effective results that deliver positive sales growth will serve your goals well. If partnering together piques your interest, I look forward to further discussing how I can contribute to the growth of ABM’s market share, revenue, and bottom line.

Nyssa Raatko

Enclosures: Resume Application

Agile Business Analsyt Cover Letter Example

Standout agile business analyst cover letter template

Copy this text for your Agile Business Analyst cover letter!

129 Plymouth Dr New Rochelle, NY 10583 (123) 456-7890

Linhao Zhang Chief Technology Officer TrialSpark 16 E 34th St Floor 10 New York, NY 10016

Dear Mr. Zhang:

Eczema is a condition I am all too familiar with, and I would love to dedicate my career to fighting chronic illness at TrialSpark. Not only will I bring my passion for the company mission, but I believe my experience aligns perfectly with what you need in an Agile business analyst.

Growth is the only way to ensure TrialSpark can reach as many patients as possible, and like TrialSpark, I have always kept growth top of mind. In the last year alone, I helped improve efficiency rates by up to 13 percent across three major sites for Dell Technologies by optimizing sales and operations processes, implementing system enhancements, thinking innovatively, and sharing best practices. Leading the redesign of Dell’s data systems to maximize the use of cloud-based technologies and microservices, my team and I reduced overall operating expenses to save over $1.2 million.

Growth also means identifying and resolving losses, and I am pleased to have identified a 9 percent loss in potential revenue at Dell. By performing extensive business process analyses, I discovered opportunities to streamline their product marketing program, enabling them to better identify their target markets to improve their sales results. You’re looking for a BA to apply quantitative analysis and data visualization skills to clearly present complex information. This is fundamental, and, in fact, the first step, in my process of evaluating existing operations.

My keen attention to detail, in-depth understanding of enterprise systems, Agile expertise, and passion for creating innovative solutions will equip me to help TrialSpark perform more clinical trials and, ultimately, improve the quality of life for those with chronic illnesses. It would be an honor to grow with TrialSpark, and I’m eager to discuss the next steps with you at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your consideration.

Marta Watkins

Enclosures: Resume References

Business Analyst Resume

Need a resume to pair with your business analyst cover letter?

or download as PDF

Business analyst resume example

How to Write a Business Analyst Cover Letter

BA sits at desk with books and files with hands in the air wondering how to write a cover letter

Stay tuned as we walk you through the three steps to help you create the best cover letter for a business analyst role. 

business analyst personal statement examples

Step 1: Read the job description carefully

If you’ve prepared your resume, then you know the importance of tailoring it to the specific  business analyst job ad . This is also true for your cover letter. Research the company and the role. Use this info to ensure your cover letter addresses the unique needs mentioned in the job listing. This will benefit you when you’re facing a slew of  business analyst interview questions .

Let your research be the foundation that demonstrates your interest in the role and company. What does the job ad tell you about an initiative the role needs to handle or a gap that needs to be filled? 

  • Talk about how your commitment and skills will facilitate their progress. 
  • Discuss your training, background, or certifications related to business analysis and/or project management.

Take advantage of anything in the job description where you can highlight your abilities and experience for the specific business analyst role. 

business analyst personal statement examples

Step 2: Hone in on your business analyst achievements

Focus on specifics from the job listing that shows you can give the company what it needs in a business analyst. But, avoid repeating skills or experience you’ve already provided in your resume. Your cover letter should be fresh , containing additional information employers can’t glean from your resume.  

Use your business analyst cover letter to share your achievements or progress, which aren’t as easily incorporated into a resume. Since a resume must be succinct and objective, you can, for instance, use your cover letter to point out something you did that may not have objective measurements.

  • The cover letter is a good place to expound on examples of your  soft skills  that are not always appropriate for a resume that demands your attention to more technical skills. 
  • This also offers another opportunity to customize your letter to show your knowledge of the company and its specific needs.

business analyst personal statement examples

Step 3: Convey the right tone

While your cover letter is a good place to describe skills and successes you might not be able to explore in-depth in a resume, do  keep your letter to less than one page. Limit it to a few of your best examples. Eliminate wordiness and keep it professional and sincere, avoiding pleasantries and brown-nosing. 

Avoid clichés, colloquialisms, and filler words. This  is  a business position you’re applying for, after all. It’s okay to be somewhat conversational—maybe use a contraction here and there depending on the company—but be professional.

Avoid clichés, colloquialisms, and filler words. This  is  a business position you’re applying for, after all.

Not only do you need to revise, edit, and condense your cover letter text (keeping it to one page or less), but it’s also critical to proofread. Go a step further and invite others to review your work. Accept feedback, consider it, and make the needed edits.

Once you’ve completed the above steps, save your file with a logical and professional name (like MWatkins.AgileBA.CoverLetter.2023), and be confident that you have a solid cover letter to send to your prospective employer.

How to Format a Business Analyst Cover Letter

Job seeker at home outlines business analyst cover letter on purple laptop with cat sitting by desk

How do you start writing a fabulous cover letter? Well, if you’re staring at your screen and having trouble knowing where to begin, then build from one of our cover letter templates for a business analyst above. Next, we’ll explain each section of your business analyst cover letter. 

business analyst personal statement examples

Business analyst cover letter header and greeting

Your contact info: When using a template, carefully fill in the letterhead to match the job role. Don’t miss revisions to any of the generic text or forget to include your contact information (like your name, email, and phone number).

  • Formatting:  Creating a letter from scratch? Including your address is acceptable and typical. Many cover letter templates will prominently display your name on the letterhead; however, a basic but professional block letter should omit your name as it’ll be obvious on the signature line.

Date:  Hopefully you’re writing your cover letter well in advance of submitting it, but don’t forget to edit the date to reflect when you actually send the letter.

  • Formatting:  Use the full date, e.g. January 13, 2023.

Inside address:   If at all possible , use the name of a specific person. Include their title, full company name, and mailing address for the person/company.

  • Formatting:  Each part of the address should be on a new line. Double space between the inside address and greeting. 

Greeting:  Start on the right foot with your new employer, so avoid a generic greeting (AKA a salutation) like: 

  • Dear Manager, 
  • Dear Hiring Department,
  • To Whom it May Concern:

It’s often a challenge to sleuth out the name of the hiring manager for many jobs. Many companies use staffing agencies or their HR departments.

Do some detective work, look at the company website, and see if you can find the department you’re applying to, or, better yet, if you can figure out who the hiring manager is. A specific name leaves an impression (a positive one). The extra time you spend hunting down a name does make a difference:

  • Formatting:  Use formal letter etiquette by using a colon at the end of the greeting. Comma usage is most likely too casual for a BA, but it truly depends on the company’s culture. 

business analyst personal statement examples

Business analyst cover letter introduction

Introduction:  The objective of the first paragraph is simple. Speak to your interest in the job and your experience at a high level (years of experience, profession, certifications, education, etc.) leveraging what’s relevant to the role and company. 

It’s common to see opening sentences like this one:

I saw your need for a business analyst on Indeed, and I believe I’d be a good fit.

Does that grab your attention, though? It makes us yawn.  

Stating where you saw the job listing for the business analyst role is unnecessary. They know where they posted the job, and they certainly know what the job is for, so consider something like this:

This makes a strong statement and clearly demonstrates that you’ve done your homework and researched the company and its industry. You also display interest in the role and offer valuable experience. Tying a personal connection to business objectives shows that you’re serious about the job and confident in your expertise.

business analyst personal statement examples

Business analyst cover letter body

Body paragraphs:  Strive to make the content in your cover letter different from your resume. Focus each paragraph on a single achievement. Include short (two to three sentences), detailed, and quantifiable (if at all possible) descriptions of how you benefited past employers.

Take advantage of the third paragraph if you can as it will give you another chance to impress upon the reader how valuable your business analyst skills will be to the company. Use factual evidence of your credentials and achievements.

business analyst personal statement examples

Business analyst cover letter closing

Closing paragraph:  This is your final opportunity to leave a great impression on your potential employer and land an interview. Avoid clichés, trite phrases, or something like this:

I feel I am the best candidate for this business analyst position, and I look forward to speaking with you soon. 

Nope. Boring and indistinguishable from hundreds of other cover letters. If you use something similar, they’ll suspect you’re using a form letter or don’t care.

Be creative and original. Give employers something unique that shows how your values and qualifications align with the organization’s needs. Leverage your enclosures to save space and give them additional information. Convince employers you’re not merely looking for a job (even if you are). 

Use your last sentence or two as a call to action. Indicate your anticipation of a follow-up or interview. For example:

Signature:  Don’t forget to say “thank you” if you haven’t already done so in your closing paragraph. Always use a professional closing with your formal (legal) name. 

  • Formatting:  If you print hard copies of your business analyst cover letter, quadruple space in this section to have room to sign your name. Use blue or black ink. 

Thank you for your time and consideration,

Bailey Hough 

Enclosure(s):  It’s important to include this line because it indicates that more follows your letter. Typical things to include are your current  business analyst resume , application form, technical certifications, and possibly a reference letter, depending on the requirements in the  business analyst job listing . 

  • Formatting:  Use the singular or plural form of “enclosure” depending on how many things you’re enclosing.

Enclosures: Resume Application 2 letters of recommendation

Add a Professional Business Analyst Resume

Job seeker studies graph and works on yellow laptop to build business analyst resume

Congrats on creating an awesome cover letter for a business analyst role that’ll impress prospective employers. Is your resume up to the same quality? If you’ve already put in the work to update, upgrade, and polish your resume, nice! You’re well on your way to landing a great BA position.  

On the other hand, if you’ve left your resume until last, don’t worry. We can help you with that! A strong  business analyst resume  for a technical candidate like you is crucial to your job search.

Our practical tools will enable you to  make a resume , and our  free resume templates  will keep you from endless, frustrating hours of working in Google Docs or Word (we have those, too, though if that’s your preference— free Google resume templates  and  free Word resume templates ). 

We’re confident you’ll build a top-notch resume (like the one you can edit below) and cover letter that will empower you to win interviews and secure your next great business analyst role.

Agile Business Analyst Resume

Need a resume to pair with your agile business analyst cover letter?

Agile business analyst resume example

Expanding on the achievements you listed in your business analyst resume is a great idea, but your cover letter should offer a fresh perspective. Talk about the aspects of your achievements that were difficult to quantify, forcing you to omit them from your resume. For instance, if you’ve refined your talent for resolving conflicts between stakeholders and getting them on the same page, dive into the details of your impact.

The “right” tone is something that varies for every business, so for each business analyst role you apply to, try and get a read on how laid back the company culture is and match it. As a general rule of thumb, though, try to be succinct and maintain a tone of professionalism while keeping it conversational enough that it doesn’t come across as stiff or like a legal document.

Show that you’ve taken this application seriously by mentioning the company’s core mission, values, and products and how they resonate with your skills and experience. If being data-driven is one of the core values of a company you’re applying to, highlight how this has been one of the driving forces of your career, and cite examples where you’ve waited for the data to support your decisions before making them.

Create my free resume now


Sample Personal Statement – Business Analytics

This is a good example of a Personal Statement for applying to a master’s program focusing on Business Analytics, Data Science and Marketing, or anything related to SEO.

If you need help writing your SOP or Personal Statement, check out our SOP Writing Service

business analyst personal statement examples

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Business Analytics Masters Personal Statement Example

Masters in Business Analytics Personal Statement Example (page one)

  • Reading time: 4 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 13th June 2022
  • Word count: 1125 words
  • File format: Text

I have always believed that innovation is all about experimenting with new things. Based on my experiences to date, I have realized that for a person to stand out of the crowd, innovation plays a major role. Maybe that’s why ever since primary school Mathematics has always been my favorite subject, probably because it involved solving problems using different methods and I constantly tried to solve math in ways other students might not have. I wanted to be innovative and different from the rest of my peers in the way I solved mathematics. This need for innovation increased the euphoria I obtained in learning and solving the problems. Especially when it comes to science and technology, I am always fascinated about the innovative ideas that helped the predecessors to shape today’s world and how the inventors were able to get such an idea. One of my favorite hobbies is to probe deep into the devices that I could get my hands on, to find how they work and try to tinker with them. My interest toward analytics got heightened when I chose a branch-like computer science engineering in my under-graduation. Being a girl, it is a very tough and challenging task in a country like India to take up and grow in this stream. But I could not care less and here I am, who decided to pursue a field like business analytics as my master’s degree, that would satisfy my dream.

I come from a business family background and I have grown up around business meetings. I have always been inclined towards learning more on managing a business or a company. But I am immensely fascinated by technology as well. One can never learn enough in the enormous field of technology, as new things always keep popping up. I am particularly curious to learn more about data analytics and someday I wish to run a company of my own. A successful business is a constant calculation between risk and reward. A master’s in business analytics is the perfect blend for my interest towards management and analytics and has fuelled my curiosity towards how business analytics and marketing can come together. This will definitely take me a huge step closer to my dream. I wish to study in the US for global exposure and attain an international perspective of the world.

At the academic level, my focus has always been on delving deeper into the conceptual level of things rather than remaining content with merely superficial theoretical knowledge. This has strengthened my basics and also enabled me to secure satisfactory marks in all milestone exams. I have chosen Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry as majors in 11th and 12th. I am currently pursuing engineering in Computer Science where I am doing my final year in Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of engineering and technology which I will be completing soon. I attained comprehensive knowledge on concepts like C, C++, DBMS, JAVA, PYTHON, machine learning and various other subjects. The labs in my college complemented this knowledge and gave me a platform to practically implement my learning. It was in my third year where I chose ‘Big data analysis’ as an elective and that is when I fell in love with analytics.

During my time in college, I have undertaken a mini project named ‘OXYGEN CYLINDER MONITORING SYSTEM’ where we developed a code that is used to send text messages to the hospital staff and the oxygen delivery person when the weight of cylinder is less than 30%. That is when I discovered the joy of inventing a new thing. Since I have always been interested in learning more about a business, I’ve decided to do an internship in sales and marketing. During my three-month internship in MyCaptain , which is an E-learning platform, I have gained experience in business development, marketing and sales.

Throughout my time in school and college, I wanted to build a solid non-academic foundation as well. Thus, I have attended numerous science fairs conducted in my school and I have always been an active participant in all the sports . I once won a painting competition which I am very proud of. I have also attended the NCC (National Cadet Cop) camp and attained the level-A certificate. Coming to my undergraduate degree, I am an active member of ‘National Service Scheme’ of India which is a club in my college. I find immense joy in helping the needy. As I love managing people, and do the job efficiently, I was chosen as the lead for a photography competition, a part of my college fest named ‘REUDO’. At all these places, I have schooled over my techno-managerial, leadership and most importantly communication skills.

After achieving so much through my academic and non-academic exposition, I did not want to limit my studies to undergraduate level and I, therefore, have decided to go ahead with graduate studies in the USA. Not only will it facilitate my academic growth, but it will also help me in developing a global perspective and will polish my interpersonal skills. I believe that Masters in the UNT’s G. Brint Ryan College of Business, one of the nation’s largest business colleges is an ideal option to reach my career goals. The tutoring sessions by the outstanding teachers and renowned researchers of the college can help me gain comprehensive understanding on Data mining, Data warehousing, Decision modelling, Operations management, Process improvement, Six-sigma analysis and ensure my academic success. I believe that no other university provides students with the desired combination of culture, education and research environment, required for overall personality development, as offered by your institution. The MS program in business analytics offered by the university will undoubtedly provide me with the knowledge and skills that I am seeking, and the experience to pursue my dream and exploit the opportunities to the greatest extent. I resolve to approach the program with enthusiasm and hard work and use the opportunity to advance my learning optimally.

My short-term goal is to work in a leading multinational company and I want to be able to assist in their important decisions regarding advertisement, growth and production. This will enhance my career. My long-term goal is to skilfully own a company of my own with all the experience over the years. The master’s in business analytics program, offered by your college, is the perfect choice for me to attain my short- and long-term goals. The courses and facilities offered by your college will tremendously boost my career and help me learn to make impactful decisions. This multifaceted education is very crucial to propel me to the top of my field. I sincerely hope you consider my application and help me thrive for my career goals.


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This was such a great help to me – I’ve never had to write a personal statement before and despite all the guides, I had no idea where to start. I was so happy to stumble across one for this Masters as there really aren’t a lot of guides to go on. Thank you so much for sharing your statement, whoever you are!!

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What is a business management personal statement?

You are required to write a business and management personal statement to showcase your main strengths, skills, experience and career goals to your chosen universities.

Admissions tutors want to see candidates with business and/or management experience that they can apply to their course.

It should also convey your passion for the subject, as well as why you want to pursue a degree in this area.

How do I write a business management personal statement?

It’s a good idea to start your statement with why you want to study business and and management at university (rather than just business ). For example, you may want to focus on the management part and why this interests you.

Make sure you back up everything with examples, which means having a good list of notes about your experience.

A good business and management personal statement should be written concisely, with a clear structure, including a memorable conclusion.

For inspiration on how to write your own unique statement, take a look at some of our business and management personal statement examples above (please don't copy them!), which will help you decide what to include.

What should I include in my business management personal statement?

It’s important you talk about skills and experience from all areas of your life and try to relate them to hobbies or extracurricular activities, especially if they are relevant to your course.

Think about how any work experience has helped you, what you have learned from it, and how it might be useful in your degree.

University admissions tutors want students on their course that are going to work hard and be of benefit to their department.

For more help and advice on what to include in your business and management personal statement, please see:

  • Personal Statement Editing Services
  • Personal Statement Tips From A Teacher
  • Analysis Of A Personal Statement
  • The 15th January UCAS Deadline: 4 Ways To Avoid Missing It
  • Personal Statement FAQs
  • Personal Statement Timeline
  • 10 Top Personal Statement Writing Tips
  • What To Do If You Miss The 15th January UCAS Deadline.

Further resources

For more information about business management degrees and careers, please visit the following:

  • Business & Finance - National Careers Service
  • What jobs can you get with a busines degree in the UK?
  • 18 Career Paths in Business
  • Business careers advice for school leavers
  • What can you do with a business degree?

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7 Business Analytics Examples From Top Companies (+Use Cases)

7 Business Analytics Examples From Top Companies (+Use Cases) cover

Data-driven companies are 58% more likely to hit revenue goals. This shows how important business analytics is for your product .

Business analytics gives insights that help you make better decisions to improve your product. This article will show seven examples of business analytics to highlight its positive impact.

  • Business analytics uses data to find trends and boost performance. It helps companies make smart decisions and optimize operations.
  • Tracking customer behavior improves marketing, enhances user experience , and boosts customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Business analytics has four types: descriptive, diagnostic, predictive , and prescriptive. These analyze past trends , identify causes , forecast future events, and recommend actions.
  • Segment customers by demographics and usage to personalize experiences . This boosts satisfaction and retention with tailored messages and offers.
  • Map the user journey to find key touchpoints. Use path analysis to optimize the experience , remove friction, and improve outcomes.
  • Use feature heatmaps to analyze user behavior. This helps optimize in-app engagement , promote key features, and boost satisfaction and retention.
  • Improve product usability by analyzing data to find issues through funnel analysis and session recordings. Then, make targeted improvements.
  • Find upselling opportunities by analyzing usage patterns. Target the right segments , features, and timing for tailored upsell messages.
  • Use predictive analytics on user data to forecast churn . Monitor with a churn prevention dashboard to improve retention.
  • Cuvama used Userpilot for path analysis to find and fix user-specific errors. This enhanced customer experience through direct communication.
  • ClearCalcs improved user activation rates with Userpilot by addressing user needs through cohort analysis and personalized onboarding flows.
  • RecruitNow used Userpilot to create and analyze onboarding surveys. This improved their training process and saved over 1,000 hours of customer training.
  • DocuSign boosted freemium-to-paid conversions by 5% using funnel analytics. They offered free users select premium features, enhancing user experience.
  • Netflix’s 93% retention rate comes from using user behavior analytics and personalization . This offers tailored recommendations and content, boosting engagement.
  • Amazon drives 35% of sales through personalized recommendations and dynamic pricing. Prices adjust based on user behavior and market factors.
  • Uber Eats uses taxi business data to model delivery times and coordinate pick-ups. They also employ meteorologists to ensure efficient, timely deliveries.
  • If you want to segment your product, understand user behavior, and predict churn, book a demo now to see how Userpilot can help!

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business analyst personal statement examples

What are business analytics?

Business analytics is the use of data to make better business decisions. It involves gathering and examining data to find trends and patterns that can improve a company’s performance.

With user analytics, businesses can learn about what their customers like and how they behave. This approach helps companies make smart decisions, improve how they work, and get better results.

Why is it important to track customer behavior analytics?

Tracking customer behavior analytics is essential for business analytics for several reasons:

  • Optimize marketing campaigns based on customer preferences : By understanding what your customers like and dislike, you can tailor your marketing campaigns to match their interests. This makes your marketing efforts more effective and engaging , leading to better results.
  • Identify friction points : Analyzing user behavior can help you spot areas where customers face difficulties. Addressing these issues can make the user experience smoother and more enjoyable.
  • Increase customer satisfaction and loyalty : Using data to understand and meet your customers’ needs makes them happier and more likely to stick with your brand. Satisfied customers are more loyal and can become advocates for your business.

What are the four types of business analytics?

Business analytics can be divided into four main types. Each serves a unique purpose in helping you analyze data to improve performance.

A business analyst plays a role in leveraging these analytics to drive success:

  • Descriptive analytics : This type of analytics examines historical data to understand past trends and performance. By analyzing key performance indicators (KPIs), business analysts can identify patterns that inform future strategies. Descriptive analytics helps you make sense of past events for future planning and decision-making .
  • Diagnostic analytics : This type of analytics investigates the reasons behind past outcomes. By drilling into the data, business analysts can uncover the root causes of specific results to understand why certain things happened. Diagnostic analytics provides deeper insights into the factors that influenced past performance.
  • Predictive analytics : Predictive analytics : This type uses models to forecast future trends and behaviors. Using machine learning and historical data, predictive analytics can help businesses predict future events. This allows them to prepare and plan.
  • Prescriptive analytics : This type provides recommendations for decision-making to achieve desired outcomes. By analyzing raw data and predicting future trends, prescriptive analytics offers actionable advice on the best steps to meet business goals. Business analysts use these recommendations to guide organizations in making informed decisions.

How to leverage customer data for actionable insights?

Understanding how to use customer data can change your business. Use this data through analytics to find valuable insights. These insights drive key decisions and improve customer experiences. Here’s how to turn customer data into useful insights.

Create personalized experiences for different segments

To create personalized experiences , segment your customers by different factors. These can include age, gender, and product usage. Using business analytics, gain deeper insights into these segments.

By understanding these segments, you can send personalized messages. Tailor suggestions and offers to each group’s needs. This focused approach improves customer experience. It helps boost satisfaction and retention .

A screenshot showing user segmenting in Userpilot, part of business analytics

Identify the shortest path to value to help users achieve future outcomes

Mapping the user journey is key to finding important touchpoints. Use path analysis to improve the user experience. Understand these critical moments with business analytics.

Remove friction points and streamline the path to value. Ensure users reach their goals more efficiently. Focus on these improvements to boost the customer experience. This will drive better results for your business.

Optimize in-app engagement

To optimize in-app engagement , start by analyzing user behavior. Use business analytics to understand what drives engagement.

Feature heatmaps are an effective tool for this purpose. They visually show how users interact with different parts of the app. These heatmaps reveal which features are most and least used. This helps identify areas for improvement.

Use this information to promote key features. Target in-app messages to highlight important features. Encourage users to engage more with your app. This leads to better user satisfaction and retention.

A screenshot of using heatmaps in a product as a business analytics example

Improve product usability for a better user experience

To improve product use and enhance the user experience, start by using business analytics to find and fix problems.

Spot these issues through funnel analysis drop-offs. This shows where users leave a process or feature. Use session recordings (coming soon in Userpilot) to see where users have trouble.

By knowing where and why users struggle, you can make targeted fixes. This ensures a smoother and more satisfying user experience. This proactive approach helps keep users and boosts overall happiness.

A screenshot of funnel analysis in Userpilot

Identify the right opportunities for upselling

To find upselling chances, analyze customer usage with business analytics. This helps you pinpoint:

  • The right segments to upsell : Find which customer groups are most engaged. Target these users with tailored upsell messages. Segments might include frequent users or those using certain features a lot.
  • The right features to upsell : See which features are popular. Offer upgrades or extra features that match their usage. Users of a particular feature might want an upgraded version or added functionality.
  • The right time to upsell : Timing is key. Look at when users are most active or reach app milestones. After using a feature often or completing a task, they might welcome an upsell offer for better capabilities or more services.

By analyzing these patterns with business analytics, you can create effective upsell campaigns. This increases revenue and customer satisfaction.

Viewing product usage in Userpilot

Predict customer churn to increase retention

Creating predictive models using user behavior data can help forecast churn . Use business analytics to find patterns showing a customer might leave.

To manage these insights, create a churn prevention dashboard . This tool helps you monitor churn levels and act quickly. By fixing issues that lead to churn, you can improve retention rates. This keeps your customers happy and engaged.

7 business analytics examples from leading companies

This section will explore how top companies use business analytics to succeed. These examples will show how businesses use data to improve operations, enhance customer experiences, and boost performance.

Cuvama successfully used business intelligence, data analytics, and Userpilot. They used path analysis to find an error message affecting certain users. By accessing profile information through Userpilot, they could click on names in the paths report and contact those users directly to resolve the error.

Leyre Iniguez, Customer Experience Lead at Cuvama, praised the user profile feature: “I love this. I can come here and see who my user is having those problems, so I can directly contact the person and check out what’s happening.” This proactive approach allowed Cuvama to enhance its customer experience significantly.

A screenshot of the product Cuvama

2. ClearCalcs

ClearCalcs , a structural design software, significantly improved user activation rates using Userpilot. They identified customers delaying activation by using business analytics and cohort analysis . This analysis helped them understand user behavior and address specific needs.

Using Userpilot, ClearCalcs implemented personalized onboarding flows. This played a crucial role in improving user activation and delivering value faster. These tailored onboarding experiences ensured new users quickly found and used the calculators they needed, enhancing their initial interaction with the product.

ClearCalcs use of cohort analysis

3. RecruitNow

RecruitNow used Userpilot to train its growing customer base effectively. They used business analytics and Userpilot to create an onboarding survey to monitor their onboarding flow.

RecruitNow tracked survey completions, satisfaction levels, and customer feedback through survey analytics. This data-driven approach allowed them to improve their training process and ensure high customer satisfaction.

Using these insights, RecruitNow saved over 1,000 hours in customer training. This made their onboarding process more efficient and impactful.

A screenshot of RecruitNow and there use of Userpilot for onboarding

4. DocuSign

DocuSign, a leading e-signature platform, aimed to boost its freemium-to-paid conversion rates. They used business and data analytics to give free users access to select premium features.

Using funnel analytics, they identified which features would drive upgrades. This strategy resulted in a 5% improvement in conversions, a significant increase given their 130,000 new users daily. By leveraging data insights, DocuSign successfully enhanced its conversion rates and overall user experience.

With nearly 270 million subscribers, Netflix is the world’s largest streaming service, boasting a 93% retention rate. This success is driven by using business analytics and personalization.

Netflix analyzes viewing patterns, including what users watch, when, and for how long. These insights allow them to offer personalized recommendations, AI-generated trailers, and develop original content that matches their audience’s tastes.

This data-driven approach boosts retention and helps Netflix compete with traditional media giants, as shown by their Golden Globe and Oscars wins.

A screenshot of the homescreen of Netflix

Amazon, the largest e-commerce business, attributes 35% of its sales to personalized recommendations. By analyzing user behavior—such as viewed items, added to the cart, or purchases—they create tailored suggestions for each user.

Amazon also uses dynamic pricing, adjusting prices up to 2.5 million times daily based on shopping patterns, competitor prices, and product demand. This use of big data and analysis enhances the customer experience and drives significant sales, demonstrating Amazon’s effective data-driven strategies to maintain its market leadership.

7. Uber Eats

Uber Eats used its extensive data from the taxi business to excel in the competitive food delivery market. To ensure timely and warm deliveries, Uber Eats used business analytics and natural language processing to model the physical world and predict delivery times accurately.

They collected data on meal preparation times to coordinate precise pick-ups, allowing drivers to deliver multiple orders efficiently per trip with incentives. Their innovative approach includes employing meteorologists to anticipate weather impacts. Uber Eats shows how Big Data and analysis can expand services, gain a competitive edge, and predict customer needs .

It’s clear that data is crucial for all types of business analytics and can produce fantastic results for your business. With business analytics, you understand how your product is performing.

Getting started with business analytics can be daunting, but Userpilot makes it easy. Userpilot helps you segment users to create personalized experiences, measure in-app engagement, and understand product usage to improve the customer experience. For examples of business analytics in action, Userpilot can show you how it works. If you want to know more, book a demo now .

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    1 Find a Good CV Template. 2 Read the job description / advert. 2.1 Job Description Example. 3 Research The Company. 4 Write A Few Sentence "Personal Statement", and call it a "Professional Summary". 4.1 Business Analyst Professional Summary Example. 5 Detail your employment history.

  15. Business Analyst Resume Sample for 2024 (+ Skills)

    Business Analyst Resume Example—Key Achievements. Key achievements: Led a team assigned to a $5M project that delivered an enterprise data warehouse. Saved $0.5 million by redesigning a client's data system. Expert Hint: If your experience for a business analyst job is limited, add relevant volunteer work or other.

  16. CV Example for Fresher Business Analysts (+ Free Template)

    The ideal length for a Fresher Business Analyst's CV is 1-2 pages. This allows enough room to showcase your relevant skills, educational background, and any internships or projects. Prioritize clarity and conciseness, emphasizing experiences that highlight your analytical skills, problem-solving abilities, and understanding of business processes.

  17. Business Analyst CV Example

    Dale Coverley [email protected] 07712 345 678 Example Street, Example Town, Example City, EX4 3PL ~~~~~ PERSONAL STATEMENT ~~~~~ I am a skilled business analyst with 11 years' experience in the financial services sector whose specialisms cover intranet design and digital transformation, among others.

  18. How To Write a Business Analyst CV (With Example)

    3. Write a personal statement. A personal statement is brief summary of the qualities that suit you for the position for which you're applying. In three to five sentences, describe yourself as a business analyst, provide an overview of your experience and note some of the hard and soft skills which you possess.

  19. Business Analyst (BA) Cover Letter: 5 Examples for 2024

    Letter: 5 Examples for 2024. Stephen Greet April 4, 2024. A business analyst (BA) plays an essential role, often acting as an intermediary between end-users and project managers. You have outstanding communication skills, and since the BA role is so varied, it's critical to study the exact job you're applying for and carefully create a ...

  20. Sample Personal Statement

    Sample Personal Statement - Business Analytics. This is a good example of a Personal Statement for applying to a master's program focusing on Business Analytics, Data Science and Marketing, or anything related to SEO. If you need help writing your SOP or Personal Statement, check out our SOP Writing Service.

  21. Business Analytics Masters Personal Statement Example

    This will enhance my career. My long-term goal is to skilfully own a company of my own with all the experience over the years. The master's in business analytics program, offered by your college, is the perfect choice for me to attain my short- and long-term goals. The courses and facilities offered by your college will tremendously boost my ...

  22. Business Personal Statements

    Business Personal Statement Example 1. My decision to apply for a degree in Business is due to my desire to aim for a career in the promotion of electronic music. This initiated from a visit to London, where I had the opportunity to experience the deeply fascinating influences of the local club scene to the culture of our times...

  23. Business Management Personal Statement Examples

    Business and Management Personal Statement Example 1. I have chosen a business related course as I have been interested in this field from GCSE level and I believe that I have the qualities to forge a successful career in this area. I have been inspired to fulfil this path by my Uncle, a director at a successful company in England.

  24. 7 Business Analytics Examples From Top Companies (+Use Cases)

    7 business analytics examples from leading companies. This section will explore how top companies use business analytics to succeed. These examples will show how businesses use data to improve operations, enhance customer experiences, and boost performance. 1. Cuvama. Cuvama successfully used business intelligence, data analytics, and Userpilot ...