class 12 entrepreneurship project on business plan on tea

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2019-2020 ENTREPRENEURSHIP PROJECT MARKET SURVEY BUSINESS PLAN AZZAM ABDUL KHALIQ XII COMMERCE 16886 6 Mr. Aqeel Ahmed 20 Jan 2020 AL MAWARID INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL JEDDAH, SAUDI ARABIA This is to certify that this project is bonafide work of Mr. ………………………………………… of Class XII COMMERCE of Al Mawarid International School Jeddah, under my supervision. I also certify that he carried out the work with utmost sincerity and skill. As per CBSE guidelines for the fulfillment of the requirement leading to the successful completion of the course. Name & Signature Signature of Supervisor of Principal Name & Signature of External Examiner I would like to extend my sincere and heartfelt gratitude to my Entrepreneurship Teacher Mr.Aqeel Ahmed who has helped me in this endeavor and has always been very cooperative and without his help, cooperation, guidance and encouragement, the project couldn’t have been completed. I extend my heartfelt thanks to my faculty for their guidance and constant supervision, as well as, for providing me the necessary information regarding the project. I’m also thankful to my Parents for their cooperation and encouragement. At last but not the least, gratitude to all my friends who have helped me directly and indirectly to complete this project within a limited time frame. AZZAM ABDUL KHALIQ TORABUDS Purpose: To collect primary data for the preparation of Class 12 Entrepreneurship Market Survey Report, the product being researched is ‘Wireless Headphones’. The idea is to get the reviews of public about the new innovative headphones. General Instructions: 1. Filling personal details is optional. 2. All the questions are compulsory. 3. Only one alternative option to be chosen. 4. Answer by ticking off the most appropriate choice. NAME: PERSONAL DETAILS OCCUPATION: AGE: GENDER: Q1. How many pairs of Headphones do you own? One( ) Two( ) More than 2( ) Q2. What type of Headphones do you own? Wireless Headphone( ) Wired Headphone( ) Q3. Which brand of Headphones do you own? Apple( ) Xiaomi( ) Beats( ) Huawei( ) Q4. When do you use your Headphones the most? Exercising( ) Travelling( ) Studying( ) Q5. Would you consider purchasing a pair of Wireless Headphones? Yes, Definitely( ) No, Never( ) Maybe( ) Q6. What do you use your Headphones for? Gaming Time( ) Listen Music( ) Watch Movies( ) Q7. How much would you be willing to pay for a pair of Wireless Headphones? Less than $50( ) Around $100( ) More than $250( ) Q8. What do you consider when buying a pair of Headphones? Appearance( ) Price( ) Comfortability( ) Materialistic( ) Safety( ) New Features( ) We really appreciate your time and effort! Thank You❤️ Q1. How many pairs of Headphones do you own? No. of Headphones 14 13 12 10 10 87 6 4 2 0 Two More than 2 One Headphones Q2. What type of Headphones do you own? Types of Headphones 25 20 20 15 10 10 5 0 Wired Headphones Wireless Headphones Headphones Q3. Which brand of Headphones do you own? 14 Brands of Headphones 12 12 10 7 8 XIAOMI BEATS 3 8 HUAWEI 6 4 2 0 APPLE Headphones Q4. When do you use your Headphones the most? Places of using Headphones 14 13 12 10 10 87 6 4 2 0 Travelling Studying Exercising Headphones Q5. Would you consider purchasing a pair of Wireless Headphones? Favouring Wireless Headphones 18 17 16 14 12 10 8 8 65 4 2 0 No, Never Maybe Yes, Definitely Headphones Q6. What do you use your Headphones for? Purpose of using Headphones 14 13 12 10 10 87 6 4 2 0 Listen Music Watch Movies Gaming Time Headphones Q7. How much would you be willing to pay for a pair of Wireless Headphones? Budget for Wireless Headphones 16 15 14 12 10 10 8 65 4 2 0 Around $100 More than $250 Less than $50 Headphones Q8. What do you consider when buying a pair of Headphones? Consideration for buying Headphones 8 7 7 7 6 5 5 44 4 3 3 2 1 0 Price Comfortability Materialistic Safety New Features Appearance Headphones Market Survey Evaluation Proforma Student’s Name: …………………………………….. Roll Number:- …………………………………….. Class:- …………………………………….. Section:- …………………………………….. Teacher’s Assessment Basis Max Marks Marks Obtained 1. Initiative, cooperativeness and participation 2 …………. 2. Creativity in presentation 2 …………. 3. Content, observation and research work 3 …………. 4. Analysis of situations 3 .………… OVERALL REMARKS: Certified that this Project is a bonafide work of Mr. …………………… of class 12th Commerce of AL MAWARID INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL JEDDAH, under my supervision. I also certify that he carried out the work with utmost sincerity and skill. As per CBSE Guidelines for the fulfillment of the requirement leading to the successful completion of the course. ……………………………….. School Stamp .......…………………...….…. Internal Teacher’s External Teacher’s Signature Signature S.NO PARTICULARS UNITS Business Plan Evaluation Proforma Student’s Name: …………………………………….. Roll Number:- …………………………………….. Class:- …………………………………….. Section:- …………………………………….. Teacher’s Assessment Basis Max Marks Marks Obtained 1. Product selection and details 1 …………. 2. Profit and loss statement 2 …………. 3. Fixed and variable cost details 2 …………. 4. Start up cost calculation 2 .………… 5. Computation of Break Even Point 3 …………. OVERALL REMARKS: Certified that this Project is a bonafide work of Mr. …………………… of class 12th Commerce of AL MAWARID INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL JEDDAH, under my supervision. I also certify that he carried out the work with utmost sincerity and skill. As per CBSE Guidelines for the fulfillment of the requirement leading to the successful completion of the course. ……………………………….. School Stamp .......…………………...….…. Internal Teacher’s External Teacher’s Signature Signature

class 12 entrepreneurship project on business plan on tea

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Entrepreneurial Planning, Entrepreneurship, Class 12 Revision Notes PDF Download

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A business plan usually consists of the following elements.

  • A general introduction about the venture
  • Planning related to the Business venture
  • Planning related to the Organization
  • Planning related to the Production
  • Planning related to the operations
  • Planning related to the human resources
  • Planning related to the Marketing and promotional activities
  • Planning related to the Financing
  • Any other miscellaneous planning elements and appendix

In your opinion who should prepare the business plan?

Ideally the business owner/the entrepreneur should prepare the business plan. They can consult other experts during the course of preparation. However, they should take the sole responsibility of preparing the business plan themselves.

What are the various formats available to present an effective business plan? Watch Video

The following are the various formats available for preparing an effective business plan.

  • Elevator pitch: It is a precise summary of the business plan’s execution.
  • Oral/In person presentation: The presentation containing the key elements of the business plan is presented to the potential investors.
  • Written/Documented presentation: This is targeted for external customers.
  • Operational plan: This is targeted for the internal management team. (not for external stakeholders)

How is shipping considered while preparing an operational plan?  

Shipping represents a sequence of steps to accomplish a business transaction. When properly planned for, it helps in completing a business trasaction with optimum efficiency and least expenses. Shipping primarly depends on the

  • Nature of business
  • Type of the product or service
  • Whether the business is operating at a small scale or large scale
  • Usage of technology

What is significance of proforma income statement?

Proforma income statement is used to provide the summary of all the profits earned by a new enterprise, in the first year. It projects the profit computed by subtracting projected costs and expenses from the projected revenue. Projected net profit = Projected Revenue – Projected cost. While preparing the proforma income statement, the first thing to be computed is the ‘sales by month’. Any of the following available forecasting techniques are used for this purpose.

  • Consumer opinion Surveys
  • Expert opinions
  • Financial data available from start-up ventures in the same industry or sector.
  • Industry sales
  • Marketing research.
  • Our own experience or others’ experience.

While preparing the proforma income statement one need not be conservative for the sake of initial planning. However if the estimates are conservative and result in substantial profits, it adds credibility to the bright future prospects of the enterprise.

Give an analysis of the break even point.  

Break even point occurs when the enterprise is earning an income equivalent to its expenses. In other-words, at break-even point represents a state of the business where in it is neither making profits nor incurring losses. Put it differently, the revenue and the cost are equal in magnitude. Break-even point is critical to any business due to the following reasons.

  • It gives an estimate of minimum number products to be produced or services to be delivered.
  • Any deviation in the output will directly affect the profits.
  • It is used to determine the selling price of a product or amount to be charged for a service.
  • Helps in determining which options or processes or methodologies in the production results in a profit.

Break-even analysis is used in deciding how much sales volume helps the business to break-even. The volume of sales thus computed help the business to get an estimate of the number of sales to be made to meet the total of variable and fixed expenses. You’ve already studied about break-even point in class xi. To refresh your memory refer back to the Business Finance and Arithmetic lesson

Give a brief of the “target market”.  

Target market refers to the group of specific potential customers who are interested in availing the products or services provided by the enterprise. Deciding the “target market” is a very complex task. Deciding on the target market involves

  • Deciding the basis on which the entrepreneurs or general market pursue through market research or analysis of the industry. The industry analysis or market research need to be performed by the entrepreneurs themself or by highly experienced professionals.
  • Geographic such as city, state, country
  • Demographic such as age, gender etc
  • Psycho-graphic such as life style, personality, education etc
  • Buying conditions (time available etc)
  • Desired features and specifications of a product
  • Choosing the segment that need to be targeted
  • Prepare a marketing plan based on the product, sale price, promotion, delivery logistics etc.

What is the significance of TAN?  

TAN is acronym for Tax deduction and collection Account Number. It is 10 digit long and is a combination of alphanumeric characters. Every one who are responsible or required for deducting or collecting the tax at source, on behalf of Income Tax Department, should apply for and obtain the TAN. It is mandatory to furnish TAN while filing the TDS or TCS returns either directly or online. It should be quoted while paying any TDS/TCS challan or certificate.

Give a very short definition of the business plan.

A business plan is a document, generally prepared by the entrepreneur himself/herself, documenting all the internal and external elements essential to setup an enterprise. The business plan projects

  • The business goals
  • The factors that favor the achievement of these goals
  • The plans to achieve the goals
  • Details of the organizations
  • Details about all the team involved in achieving the goals.

What do you know about Elevator pitch?  

Elevator pitch is shorter version of the executive summary of the business plan. When presented to someone it is usually seen that the elevator pitch finishes in around 3 minutes. It is used to give a quick introduction about the enterprise to the potential investors, partners and even customers. The primary motive of elevator pitch is usually to grab the attention of the audience and attract them towards the upcoming venture.

Give a brief about the production plan.  

According to Alford and Beatty production planning is defined as The technique of forecasting or picturing ahead, every step in a long series of separate operations,

  • in the right place
  • of the right degree
  • and at the right time
  • and each operation to be done at maximum efficiency.

Production planning should give a clear picture of the following.

  • Machinery, tools and equipment
  • Manufacturing processes and techniques
  • Production schedule and/or budget
  • Plant layout
  • Time, motion and word study

An enterprise which is not manufacturing any products can completely eliminate this from the business plan.

Which factors highly affect the operational plan?   The following factors highly affect the operational plan.

  • Nature of product or service
  • Whether the business is Small/Medium/Large scale
  • Technology used.

What are the different sources of funds to finance an enterprise?  

There are typically two sources of funds available for an enterprise to finance its needs. They can be summarized into two types.

  • Owners i.e. Owner’s funds
  • Outsiders i.e. funds raised from the investors/financial institutions etc

An entrepreneur should not completely rely on on source of financing i.e. Along with their own funds they should invest the outsider funds so as to make up the complete capital. The ratio in which the owner funds and the outsider funds should be calculated so that

  • the cost of capital and the financial risk is lowest
  • Return on Investment (ROI) and the profits are highest

Which objectives does an operational plan deal with? 

The operational plan is prepared with due consideration to the following objectives.

  • Planning for production well ahead of operations.
  • Determine the exact route taken by each part or item in the assembly line.
  • Come up with the timeline regarding the exact start date and ending date for each critical assignment or task.
  • Controlling and ensuring that the goods are moving through the manufacturing cycle in systematic way. This will ensure that there is systematic approach followed right from the procuring of the materials to the distribution of the end product.

What does an organizational plan contain?  

The organizational plan consists of the following details documented in high clarity. By reading the organizational plan the potential investors can get a clear picture of the associated rights or authorities or roles and responsibilities of each member in the organization.

  • Authority and responsibilities of each member of the new enterprise.
  • Bio-data i.e. name, role, contact details and resume of each of the member
  • Conflict/dispute (in case any arise in future) resolution procedure
  • Delegated rights to each of the members. Rights related voting, management controlling etc fall into this category.
  • Each member’s roles and responsibilities.
  • Form of payment to all the members
  • Gross stake of each member in the enterprise.
  • High level details of terms and conditions

When you are asked to prepare the income statement which forecasting techniques do you use to prepare the ‘Sales by Month’? 

We have the following most popular forecasting techniques at our disposal for forecasting the income while preparing the ‘Sales by Month’ as part of proforma income statement.

What are all the various steps that should be considered while preparing the marketing plan.  

The following are the various steps that should be considered while preparing the marketing plan.

  • Analysis of the business situation
  • Broad identification the target market
  • Conduct SWOT analysis
  • Detailed goal establishment
  • Enlist the marketing strategy
  • Foolproof implementation and monitoring of the plan

Define PAN. What is its significance? 

PAN is acronym for Permanent Account Number. It is issued by the income tax department and consists of alphanumeric characters. It should be quoted in all the transactions performed by a person with the income tax department. For instance, it should be quoted in the following instances.

  • tax payment
  • TDS/TCS credits
  • communication with income tax department
  • Other mentioned transactions

All documents related to financial transactions should compulsorily include the PAN number. PAN number is issued to a person when they fall into one or more of the following categories.

  • All existing assessee or persons or taxpayers who need to submit the income tax returns. They should possess PAN even if they are submitting these returns on behalf of others.
  • A business man or a professional whose annual gross receipts or turnover or total sales is beyond 5 lakh rupees, in the previous year.
  • When a person is dealing with the financial transactions where in it is mandatory to mention the PAN
  • PAN can be issued to any person by an assessing officer, on his/her own decision. It can also be allocated to a person who has requested for PAN

Define operational plan.  

Operational plan can be defined as the planning and control of each and every operation in production, at every step of the manufacturing process to result in a coordinated and smooth completion of work withing a factory. Operational plan ensures that the final product is as per the plan.

The operational plan is a blueprint devised much before the actual operations begin. Justify this statement.  

The operational plan is indeed a blueprint of the actual operation and is produced well before the actual operations begin. The following facts support this statement.

  • The operational plan ensures that there is an organized process flow from the starting (where the raw material is procured) to the final stage(where the end product is produced)
  • continuous production
  • less work-in-progress (WIP)
  • less wastage
  • Purchasing/Procuring
  • Engineering
  • Manufacturing/Production
  • Inventory management
  • Supply chain or distribution of goods from the plant to the consumer
  • Ensures efficient quality control
  • Adopting the more efficient/latest and cost effective manufacturing methods and policies

What is an organizational plan?  

The organizational plan is a part of the business plan that details the enterprise’s form of ownership. It provides detailed information about the who has what kind of authority in the enterprise and how each member of the enterprise deal with other while executing their managerial functions.

Into how many categories can you segregate the types of businesses? What are they?  

Businesses in general can be segregated into four basic categories. They are as follows.

  • Manufacturing: Any business that produces a tangible product will fall into this category.
  • Service: Any business that offers something that is intangible such as expertise (An accountant’s expertise) or time (a teachers time) or advice (a lawyer’s advise).
  • Wholesale: Any business that purchases the products from the manufacturer in buld and then sells the product in small quantities to the retailers.
  • Retail: Any business that sells a product directly to the end consumer whose need is satisfied by the product.

For an entrepreneur to start a business what type of business options are available.  

For an entrepreneur to start a business the following forms of business are available.

The following forms are business are available as a choice for a business man to start a new venture..

  • Sole proprietorship: This form of business is owned, managed and controlled by a single person, responsible for procuring all the required funds. The business can not be transferred into others’ name. The owner is liable for all the losses and all the profits are enjoyed by the owner only. This kind of business is easier to start and shut down. It has very limited liability.
  • Partnership: This form of business is owned, managed and controlled by two or more persons. These persons enter a mutual oral or on paper agreement to form the partnership and share the profits and losses together. This form of ownership has unlimited liability. Each partner enjoys implied authority. Each partner is liable for their and others’ actions. Partners can transfer their shares or sell them after getting a consent from other partners. Partners can discontinue the partnership by giving a notice. It continues as long as all the partners are willing to continue.
  • Joint Hindu Family Business/firm (HUFs): Joint Hindu Family or Hindu Undivided Family Business is prevailing only in India. It is governed by Hindu law. This form of business is owned, managed and controlled by male members of a joint Hindu family. HUFs have been defined under Hindu law as a family comprising male who have a common ancestor, including their wives and unmarried daughters. This form of partnership is formed by the status or operation of Hindu law. Only members born in the family can become partners. Others can also become partners but only if they are adopted by someone in the family. Only the eldest male member has rights to manage or verify the accounts of the business. Liability is defined by the share a partner has in the business. However, the eldest member, also known as Karta, has unlimited liability. Any new born male can become the member. The business can be shut down only if all the members provide their consent.
  • Cooperative: A cooperative form of business is formed by a society. Its primary object is mutual help. Profit is secondary objective. Members can join or leave at their own will. The members select the management committee which will be responsible for managing the affairs of the business. The capital is procured from the members. Shares can not be transferred. This form of enterprise is limited by the Cooperative societies act and the State cooperative societies act. Profits are limited to 9% of the share. Excessive profits are shared among members depending on their contribution to the society.
  • Joint Stock Company: For a private company minimum two persons are required and for a public company minimum seven persons are required. In addition to this, the company exists as an individual and has its own personality. Thus the company will have a common seal which is used as a signature of the company. The company neither has any liability nor it can have any shares. The company is managed by the directors. The actions of the company are governed by The Indian Companies Act, Memorandum of Association, Articles of Association. The company can be liquidated through legal proceedings.

While preparing a financial plan, which areas should be giving at-most consideration for it to be effective?  

While preparing the financial plan, the following areas should be dealt with at-most consideration as they form the key areas.The following are the areas which need to be given due consideration while preparing a financial plan. The more the emphasis is laid on these areas the more will be the effectiveness of the financial plan.

  • All the areas which require financing
  • Sources from where the investments or funds can be procured.
  • cash flow considerations
  • inventory requirements
  • loan and other investment options
  • Timely procurement of funds.

What are the key components that should be part of the financial plan?  

The following are the key components that should be part of the financial plan.

  • Break-even Analysis
  • Proforma Balance sheet
  • Proforma Cash flow
  • Economic and social factors
  • Proforma financing decisions
  • Proforma income statements
  • Proforma investment decisions

Define and describe the significance of the business plan.  

Business Plan: A business plan is formal document prepared by the entrepreneur consisting of all the extensive details of internal and external elements to be considered for starting a new business. The business plan covers

  • A list of business goals.
  • All the factors that support the fact that these goals can be realized.
  • Road-map or plan for accomplishing these goals
  • The background information of the enterprise
  • The team involved to realize these goals.

Thus a business plan is a detailed document consisting of all the tasks performed as part of the business. Along this information it also serves as

  • A means to understand the viability and feasibility of the proposed business.
  • Helps in planning for bottlenecks and implementation of the idea.
  • Gives an idea about risks associated and the possibility of successful establishment of the business.

Significance of business plan: A business plan is significant to all the stakeholders who are interested to get an insight of the

  • business/venture
  • and its objectives

The business plan is very handy to

  • get a clear picture of the viability of the venture in a specific market sector.
  • identification of the required resources
  • Procure the license, depending on the need
  • complete the legal formalities imposed by the government
  • clarify the queries, issues or concerns of all the parties interested in the proposed venture.
  • perform self-evaluation and self-assessment. This will enable the entrepreneur consider various alternate solutions to avoid/mitigate risk.
  • identify the risk which can not be dealt with and drop off the plan. However this is very rare scenario.
  • Contribution of equity

Thus it helps in convincing the investors/lenders and procure the required funds.

Specify the various components of an operational plan.  

The following are the various components of an operational plan.

  • Routing: Routing deals with the work flow of a product or service from the stage the raw materials are procured to the stage the final product is produced/service is accomplished.
  • Scheduling: Scheduling deals with the exact start and end time of each operation. Indirectly, scheduling is concerned with the duration required to complete each operation.
  • information
  • instructions
  • and orders are issued thus giving the desired shape to the production plan.
  • the materials
  • work-in-progress (WIP)
  • finished products
  • Identify the steps to improve the performance of the poorly performing departments.
  • suggesting alternate courses of action to overcome the obstacles in the production line.
  • Inspection: Inspection deals with the established standards to ensures that these standards are maintained in the materials or product or performance. Inspection ensures that there are separate laboratories or processes established to ensure that the product or service is within the prescribed quality standards.
  • Shipping: Shipping deals with the deliver of the finished product or service to the consumer.

What is a financial plan? Watch Video at the financial plan definition part

Financial plan is a representation of critical financial data related to

  • The total possible funding required to establish the new enterprise
  • Feasibility of the enterprise to become economically successful.  

at the objectives of financial plan part

What are the primary objectives of the financial plan?

The objective of the financial plan is to ensures that all the interested stakeholders get a clear idea of

  • Total funds required for smooth running of all the business operations without any impact. This includes the funds required for purchasing assets, day-to-day expenses etc.
  • Sources such as Banks, financial institutions, angel investors, equity financiers, venture capitalists from where the funds can be procured.
  • Disbursement of funds. Give details of how the funds are managed effectively so as to minimize the expenses and maximize the profits.
  • Liquid cash available at disposal
  • An estimate of the possible revenue generation at least after completing a year. This section is very important as it plays key role to make the investors confident about the entrepreneur and gives them an idea about the returns on their investments.

Thus it facilitates the timely gathering of the funds and there by becoming a key factor in the success of the enterpreneur and enterprise. By reading the financial plan, the stakeholders can get detailed information regarding

  • how all financial requirements are fulfilled
  • how the enterprise can successfully generates good returns on all the investments made
  • how the entrepreneur maintains liquidity to cover the debts

Thus with a well documented financial plan and executing it, the entrepreneur will be able to pu the critical resources i.e. materials, men, machines and methods to produce goods and services on time.

What are the investment decisions?  

Investment decisions under financial plan refers to the strategies with which the funds are wisely invested in various assets. A well planned and investigated investment decision can generate maximum income and thus contribute to maximum returns on all the investments. In the financial plan the investment decisions are documented under the proforma investment decisions section. The divestment of investment under the working capital and fixed assets is estimated and should be clearly documented in this proforma.

What is the priority in which the investments are distributed and documented in proforma investment decisions.  

The priority in which the proforma investment decisions are made is as follows.

  • Investment on the Land and building
  • Investment on the tools, machinery and plant
  • Setup or installation expenses
  • Initial or preliminary expenses
  • Margin allocated for the working capital.
  • Expenses for performing the research and development activities.
  • Investments made on the short-term assets like raw material, level of cash etc.

A properly formatted investment decision gives an idea about the exact amount funds to be raised so as start the venture. This will be of great help for efficiently running the enterprise. Any insufficiency or surplus of funds can have an adverse impact on the success of the enterprise. So, proforma investment decision plays a critical role in estimating the exact amount of funds required and how they should be distributed based on the priority. For this reason due attention should be paid while preparing the proforma investment decisions.

  • possess the desired skill set
  • available at the right time
  • available at the right place to perform the assigned job
  • they do the work most appropriate for what they are paid for.

Why is the manpower critical for every enterprise?  

  • Which type of human resources are required to perform the job.
  • As the roles of the human resources vary, it should be clearly specified about the position for which the human resources are recruited for i.e., Unskilled employees, skilled employees, technicians, engineers, managers, administrators etc.
  • The type of business determines the type of human resources required.
  • the amount of work done
  • work done by an individual in a given period.
  • Number of leaves allocated
  • The rate at which the manpower leaves the organization and the rate at which the new workforce is recruited (this is called attrition).
  • The current size of the organization.
  • Future growth and diversification
  • Recruitment process
  • Selection process
  • Training the recruited or existing employees

Explain what you understood by the term ‘marketing plan’?  

  • Brief history of the market place
  • The strengths and weaknesses of the business in the market.
  • Risks and opportunities
  • Future direction: This section covers the goals and objectives of the enterprise to be achieved in the next 1 year.
  • The strategies to be executed to reach the goals.
  • Time frame to achieve the goals
  • Delegation of the responsibilities to various personnel to take the ownership and monitor the progress.

Why is the marketing plan called as one of the the critical elements of the business plan? 

  • It helps in convincing the investors regarding how the entrepreneur is going to drive the business towards success.
  • It analyses the current business situation.
  • It helps in identifying the target market and prepare the strategies to reach the target market.
  • Contains the details of the SWOT (Strengths – Weaknesses – Opportunities – Threats) analysis details.
  • It emphasizes the entrepreneur to establish the goals to be achieved in the next one year.
  • Defines the marketing strategies to achieve the established goals.
  • It helps in identifying the qualified personnel to delegate the marketing goals who in turn can take the ownership and start monitoring the progress.
  • Apply for PAN: PAN can be obtained from the Income Tax Department. This is essential as the entrepreneur has to submit the PAN in all the documents dealing with financial transactions.
  • ID Proof like Driving license or passport or voter Id card or PAN card
  • Address proof: Any utiltity bill like telephone or electricity bill.

Private or public limited companies need to furnish the following documentation in addition to the above.

  • Certificate of incorporation and starting of the business.
  • Memorandum and Articles of Association
  • Authorising document from the board resolution approving the opening and opertaing of the account.
  • Filled in Form 60
  • Name of the business or company
  • e-filing through the MCA website for registration
  • Apply for DIN
  • Procure DSC
  • Submit DSC in the MCA portal
  • Submit the application for getting the approval for the name of the company
  • Memorandum of Association
  • Articles of Association
  • Verification of all the forms needed for the incorporation of the company.
  • Register for service tax: Need to register for service tax so as to authorize the company to collect service tax.
  • Register for Sales tax/VAT: The company should register for VAT so as to procure authorization to collect VAT. Also, if the product is sold for the first time then the company should have registered for service tax and obtained the Sales tax Identification number.
  • Excise duty: Where applicable the company should register for excise duty.
  • Customs duty: This is applicable for import/export business.
  • Submit the entrepreneurship memorandum at DIC: This is not mandatory and can be applied optionally.
  • Apply for TAN: The business should apply for and procure TAN if the business requires deducting or collecting the tax.
  • Submit the application for the plot/shed, offer letter, payment of earnest money deposit.
  • Approval from the authorities regarding the allotment of plot/shed, balance payment, taking the possession
  • Application to procure NOC/SSI
  • Obtain lease agreement
  • Approval for water connection during construction.
  • Approval for power connection during construction.

After the construction is completed, the following approvals should be procured.

  • Building completion
  • Tree plantation
  • Drainage completion.
  • Approval for mortgage
  • NOC from the pollution control board
  • Fire clearance certificate
  • NOC from the environmental department
  • Industrial safety certification
  • Issue of permanent power supply.
  • Issue of permanent water supply and sewerage.
  • Employee’s provident fund(EPF):  This is required for business who have a work force of 20 or more people.
  • Employee’s state insurance scheme (ESI):  This is required for non-seasonal business units that have a workforce of 10 or more. However for businesses like shops, hotels, cinemas or preview theatres etc, this is required if the workforce is 20 or more.

FAQs on Entrepreneurial Planning, Entrepreneurship, Class 12 Revision Notes

1. What is entrepreneurial planning?
2. What is the importance of entrepreneurial planning?
3. How does entrepreneurial planning help in minimizing risks?
4. What are the key components of a business plan in entrepreneurial planning?
5. How does entrepreneurial planning contribute to business growth and expansion?

Class 12 Revision Notes

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Business Studies Class 12 Project: Marks Distribution, Topics, and More


  • Updated on  
  • Jan 16, 2024

Business Studies Class 12 Project

Looking for a Class 12 Business Project? CBSE has mandated students to prepare a project as part of the Class 12 Business Studies syllabus wherein they can conduct their own research, gather primary or secondary data and make inferences out of the results in a presentable way. If you are struggling to make a nice project and want to have good guidance, read on to find everything you need to know about the Business Studies class 12 project and BST project class 12 on marketing management , principles of management, stock exchange and more.

This Blog Includes:

  • CBSE BST Project Class 12 2023-24: Marks Distribution

CBSE Class 12 BST Project Topics 2023-24

Marketing management, elements of business environment , principles of management project in business studies, stock exchange, important guidelines, cbse bst project class 12 2023-24 : marks distribution.

The revised Business Studies Class 12 syllabus 2022-23 allotted 20 marks to the project work. Take a look at the distribution of marks for Class 12 Business Studies Project 2023-24: 

Creativity in Presentation02
Participation, Initiative and Cooperation02
Research Work, Observation and Content04
Analysis of the Situation04

Click here to download the official CBSE Class 12 Business Project Topics

Here are the best BST project class 12 topics:

  • Elements of Business Environment 
  • Consumer Protection

Also Read: Controlling Class 12: Important Revision Notes

For this BST project class 12 on Marketing Management, The students can consider the following products and conduct research to gather information about the various aspects concerning the marketing of the product. Some of the most prominent and sought-after products are mentioned in the table below:

Adhesives Mobile Phones Inverters Wallet
Butter Toys Microwave Newspaper
Coffee Hair Oil Chocolate Sauces
Cutlery Lipstick Washing Machine
Bread Jewellery Moisturizer Noodles
Bathing Soap Handbags Cheese Music System
Hair Dye Jeans Eraser Pencil

The students can choose either of the aforementioned or any of the products permissible by the teacher for their Business Studies Project. Taking any one of the products into consideration, the students will have to gather information on the following parameters.

  • Profit margin in percentage to the manufacturer, wholesaler and retailer
  • Packaging of the product
  • Selling price to the consumer
  • Promotion or marketing of the product
  • Identify the USP
  • Type/category of product
  • Grading and standardization
  • Channels of distribution

Also Read: Courses & Career Options in Commerce without Maths

In this topic of the Business Studies class 12 project, given below are the important elements of the business environment:

  • Changes witnessed in packaging and economic impact over the last few years in relation to products like fruits and vegetables, plastic/wooden furniture, milk, reuse of packages, packages as a means of advertisement, etc.
  • Reasons behind the changes in “ Coca Cola and Fanta in the 70s decade to Thums up and Campa Cola in the 80s decade to Pepsi and Cola in the 90s. ”
  • Changes in the patterns of export and import of different products.
  • The law, effects and implementation of the anti-plastic campaign.
  • Social factors affecting acceptance and rejection of an identified product (atta maker, dishwasher)
  • Effect of changes in the technological environment on employee behaviour. 

Also Read: Top 20 Career Options in Commerce with Maths Stream

Under this subject of the Business Studies class 12 project, the students are required to visit any departmental store, fast food outlet or any industrial unit and perceive if applications like Fayol’s General Principles of Management or F.W. Taylor’s Scientific Management Techniques are applied or not. For clarification, have a look at the principles and techniques advocated by both the administrative gurus:

Division of Work; Unity of Command; Unity of Direction; Scalar Chain; Espirit de corps; Fair Remuneration; Order; Equity; Discipline; Subordination of Individual Interest to General interest; Centralization and Decentralization; Stability of Tenure
Functional Foremanship; Standardization and Simplification of Work; Method Study; Motion Study; Time Study; Fatigue Study; Differential Piece-rate Plan

Also Read: Commerce Subjects in Class 12 [Download Updated PDF]

The students who opt for the third option in the business studies class 12 project will have to learn various aspects of the stock market, monitor the stock market trends and how calculate profit or loss in relation to stock. Through this topic, the students will be able to learn about the capital market and the sources of business finance along with a deep understanding of the concepts used in the stock exchange. Business Studies class 12 project will expect the students to work on the following parameters:

  • Create a brief report on the history of stock exchanges in India.
  • Prepare a hypothetical portfolio with a sum of INR 50,000 in any 5 top companies over a period of 20 working days.
  • Identify the reasons for fluctuations in prices, for example, change of seasons, strikes and accidents, political environment, the spread of an epidemic, international events, etc.
  • Find the value of the investments and update the portfolio accordingly through various graphical representations.

Also Read: Business Studies Class 11 Syllabus, Exam Pattern & More

Here are the official CBSE guidelines for the Class 12 Business Studies project:

  • The entire project must be completed between 25 to 30 pages
  • It is compulsory for class 12th students that the project must be handwritten 
  • The project must be clubbed inside a neat and tidy transparent folder 
  • Cover Page: Student information, School name and year
  • Index (List of Contents)
  • Acknowledgement and Preface
  • Introduction
  • Topic with a Unique Title/Heading
  • List of activities and planning done to gather information about the project (If any)
  • Observations from the places of visit
  • Conclusions
  • Photographs (if any)
  • Teacher’s remarks
  • Signature of the teachers

Related Reads

Ans: The official CBSE guidelines for the Class 12 Business Studies project are: 1. The entire project must be completed between 25 to 30 pages 2. It is compulsory for class 12th students that the project must be handwritten  3. The project must be clubbed inside a neat and tidy transparent folder  4. While crafting your project, you must follow this specified format: -Cover Page: Student information -School name and year -Index (List of Contents) -Acknowledgement and Preface -Introduction -Topic with a Unique Title/Heading -List of activities and planning done to gather information about the project (If any) -Observations from the places of visit -Conclusions -Photographs (if any) -Appendix -Teacher’s remarks -Signature of the teachers

Ans: The business studies project is an important part of the Class 12 business studies curriculum and is of a total of 20 marks.

Ans: There are a total of 12 chapters in Class 12 business studies.

Ans: To crack your business studies exam, you must practice sample papers and previous year exam papers of business studies as well as master the basic concepts of every chapter.

We hope that this blog covered every single aspect essential for you to know about the Business Studies class 12 project. Connect with us at Leverage Edu and we will help you choose the right course and university after 12th that goes well with your dream of becoming one of the future business leaders . Book your 30 minutes of free career counselling now! For more on NCERT study materials and school education , follow Leverage Edu now!!

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It help me a lot😊thanks for sharing this project with us😊

It’s too good and easy to prepare…… Thanks a lot it’s very helpful

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Thank you, for sharing such informative blog. It seems very interesting and very informative. It helped a lot, keep sharing…!!

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  • Class 12 Commerce
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  • Class 12 Business Studies Projects

Class 12 Business Studies Project

Class 12 Business Studies Project

Class 12 Business Studies project in the principle of management is one of the important topics for business studies. However, a few students would be apprehensive about how and what to prepare a project. This dilemma of how to accomplish the project work drives to an issue of copying projects from peers. It is a general issue where students weigh project work as a burden and do not pay attention to how to prepare it. If you are confronting a similar obstacle at the beginning of given project work. The best thing, to begin with, is a sample project work.

Download Free PDFs of Business Studies Projects for Class 12:

Stock Exchange
Principles of Management

The project for Business Studies Class 12 will undoubtedly assist all those students who really want to have a summary of what a project for class 12 looks like. It will completely answer all your questions on what are the different things we should contemplate while preparing a Business Studies project. The whole project work is of 20 marks. To be well aware of the entire Business Studies syllabus for class 12,  click here  for the Business Studies Syllabus Class 12.

Additionally few tricks and tips to prepare  Business Studies Project Class 12 are given below.

1. Handwritten TOC (Table of Content).

It is important for any students to understand that the table of content for Business Studies Project for Class 12 should be written by hand and not typed or printed.

2.  Distinct Handwriting

Content written by hand must be clear and neat, so the examiner can read the content properly. A neat project can secure students excellent marks.

3. Submit in Spiral Bound

Make sure that the project is submitted neatly attached in a spiral-bound book.

4. Project Format

The formatting of a project should be in a file set up.

5. Size of the paper

The overall project has to be hand-written and the size of the paper should be A4.

6. Check Notes Alignment

Project notes have to be written only on the science project paper, on the ruled side and not on the blank pages.

7.  Headers

Leave the same portion margin on the Bottom, Top, left, and right of the project page.

8. Number each Pages

The entire project needs to have numbers.

9. Tables and Numbers 

  • The entire mentioned tables and numbers must be arranged in the middle of the page, categorized with the numbers, titles, and required labels. 

10. Classification of the Project

The outer and the first cover of the project should have the title/heading, along with student information including school name and the year.

  • Acknowledgement
  • Certificate (if you have any)
  • Table of contents
  • Topic and Introduction  with a suitable heading
  • Newspaper cuttings (If Any)
  • Summary/Conclusion of the project
  • Bibliography
  • Teachers Remarks and Observation.

Learning Outcomes of Business Studies Project for Class 12

The learning results recognise the important areas of Class 12 Business Studies Projects’ learning of the subject. Four (4) learning outcomes are clearly explained: knowledge application, communication, collaboration and independent learning.

Stay tuned to BYJU’S for more project work for Class 12,  Business Studies Important Questions , question papers, sample papers, syllabus and Commerce notifications.

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Entrepreneurship Project Topic For Class 12 CBSE

Get free entrepreneurship project list for class 12 CBSE. we also provide free downloadable pdf’s. Here’s a list of 60+ awesome ideas that you can use for Class 12 CBSE projects

  • Entrepreneurship Project Business Plan- CBSE Class 12
  • Entrepreneurship Project On Market Survey On Bisleri Class 12th CBSE
  • Marketing Management Project On Perfumes For Class 12 CBSE

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Entrepreneurship Project on Business Plan

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Download PDF of Entrepreneurship Project on Business Plan for CBSE class 12. Complete project based on CBSE guidelines, unique content, full of charts, Diagrams and pictures. Project available on product /services of your choice.


Size: 40-45 Pages

Made as per guidelines given on NCERT Entrepreneurship Book of Class 12.

Our Entrepreneurship Project Material on Business Plan includes the following –

  • The business idea: The introduction to the Main product or service selected.
  • Analysis of its unique Features , Market Potential , Market size , segment , uses and other details
  • Name of your business, logo design and tagline
  • Competitor Analysis : Comparison of similar products or services in the market. Selection of top competitors and brief details of there product
  • Unique selling proposition (USP ) / Competitive Analysis : This includes features that are unique in the product from its competitor that gives it edge over them .
  • Analysis of Competitive advantage of the business/ product
  • Market research plan (Description of competitor, demand for product/service etc)
  • Various target customers and how will you reach them?
  • Various advertising and promotion ideas 
  • Packaging- with the weightage on eco-friendly packaging methods available in the market.
  • Distribution (How do you intend reaching your customers?)-Channel of distribution – direct and indirect strategies. 
  • What does quality mean for your product or service?-ISI, Agmark, FPO etc
  •  Computation / calculation of cost per unit of the selected product or service. Reason behind the same.
  • Computed fixed cost – Along With the following details with other details
  • Consultancy charges
  • Packing charges 
  • Raw material
  • Selling Price calculation : What is the selling price and logic behind it?
  • Start up Cost Computation : Details of your start–up costs , its components
  • Sources of finance of start up cost : How would the business plan meet the costs?
  • Risk Factor Analysis and Mitigation Plan : Different possible risk factors in business and their mitigation or survival plan.
  • Calculation of One month’s profit and loss statement for the first month of the second year.
  • Calculation of break even point ( BEP ) with explanation : What is the break-even point of your business? Computation assuring the selling price and units which will be sold.
  • Other business plan project computations and content .

For more details Contact Us or Call us at 09887485444

Note : You can select from the list of sample products /services in the drop-down or you can select any other product of your choice and mention your product name .

Weight 1 kg

Ice Cream, Perfume, Biscuits, Chips, Chocolate, Coffee, Cornflakes, Cycle, Dairy, Electric Flashlight, Ghee, Hair Oil, Agarbatti, Jeans, Juice, Ketchup, Ladies Hand Bag, Moisturizer, Papad, Pen, Pen Drive, Pickle, Restaurant, Roasted Snacks, Heating Mug, Shampoo, Shoes, Soap, Tea, Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Washing Powder

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Entrepreneurial Planning class 12 Notes (PDF) - NCERT Entrepreneurship

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Welcome to Witknowlearn, where we provide in-depth and insightful notes for Class 12 Entrepreneurship, focusing on Chapter 2 - Entrepreneurial Planning. This chapter is a crucial component of the Class 12 Entrepreneurship curriculum, offering students comprehensive knowledge about the intricacies of planning in the entrepreneurial world. Our Class 12 Entrepreneurship Chapter 2 notes are meticulously designed to cater to the needs of young entrepreneurs and students who are eager to understand the core of business planning and strategy.

In this chapter, students will dive into the realms of entrepreneurial planning for Class 12, where they'll learn about the strategic steps involved in starting and sustaining a business. The notes cover a wide range of topics from the basics of business planning to advanced strategies crucial for budding entrepreneurs. These detailed Class 12 notes on entrepreneurial planning are not just informative but also engaging, making the learning process both enjoyable and effective.

We at Witknowlearn understand the importance of having a solid foundation in entrepreneurial planning for Class 12 students. Therefore, our notes are crafted to ensure clarity and comprehensiveness, helping students grasp the essential concepts and techniques in business planning. Whether you're looking for a quick revision or a thorough study guide, our entrepreneurial planning Class 12th notes are the perfect resource.

Join us at Witknowlearn to explore the exciting world of entrepreneurship and equip yourself with the knowledge and skills required for successful business planning and strategy. Unlock your entrepreneurial potential with our expertly curated Class 12 Entrepreneurship notes today!

Entrepreneurial planning is a multifaceted process crucial for any business venture, encompassing various types of activities like manufacturing, trading, and service provision. At its core, business represents a state of being engaged and occupied, primarily with economic activities aimed at earning monetary benefits. In contrast, non-economic activities are driven by love and affection, without the intent of monetary gain.

Business enterprises can be categorized into three main forms: public sector, private sector, and joint sector. A partnership, often seen as beneficial due to the collaboration of multiple minds, is a common form of business organization. Central to entrepreneurial planning is the business plan, a comprehensive document that integrates various sub-plans from different business areas such as marketing, finance, operations, human resources, and legal aspects. This plan is typically developed by an entrepreneur with the help of experts from various fields.

The business plan encompasses several key components, including an executive summary, industrial analysis, venture description, production plan, operational plan, organizational plan, financial plan, marketing plan, and manpower plan. The executive summary is especially crucial as it concisely highlights the main points of the plan, aiming to engage potential investors.

Furthermore, the production plan focuses on efficient work planning, ensuring each step is executed at the right time and place. The operational plan, often referred to as the soul of the business plan, and the organizational plan details the venture's ownership structure. The financial plan projects the financial aspects and investment needs of the new venture, assessing its economic feasibility.

Human resource planning is vital for building a loyal and efficient workforce, while the marketing plan outlines the objectives, strategies, and activities for enterprise promotion. Starting a business also involves various formalities like obtaining a PAN number, registering the business, and complying with tax, duty, and legal requirements.

Key terms in entrepreneurial planning include economic and non-economic activities, organizational and financial plans, marketing strategies, proforma income statements, break-even analysis, target market identification, TAN (Tax Deduction and Collection Account Number), elevator pitch, production planning, and PAN (Permanent Account Number). These elements collectively form the backbone of successful entrepreneurial planning, guiding entrepreneurs through the complex process of establishing and running a business.

  • Entrepreneurial planning class 12 notes
  • All CBSE notes
  • All 12 COMMERCE notes

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CBSE Class 12 Business Studies Project 2023-24

Picture of Developer@VidyaSetu

  • CBSE Board , Class 12th
  • Last Updated On April 2, 2024

Class 12 Business Studies Project

This article is curated to provide complete information on the Class 12 Business Studies Project 2023-24 given by the CBSE Board. CBSE Guidelines for BST Project say, only one specific Report File is needed to be submitted during the practical’s. The Business studies practical will hold in the month of February 2024. Students are supposed to submit the physical Report File to the teachers in the practical’s. Business Studies Project of Class 12 helps students to get the practical knowledge of what the students have studied in the class theoretically.

The CBSE Class 12 Commerce Date Sheet 2023-24 is announced by the CBSE Board, and the practical to be held in the month of February. So, all the class 12 students are supposed to prepare their Business Studies Project Of Class 12 for the academic session 2023-24 in the month of January to avoid any last-minute hassle. Students can also go through the Previous year question paper for BST class 12 .

In this proper Class 12th Business Studies Project Guide 2023-24, students will find all the necessary details about the project file, along with the proper guidelines of the CBSE Board syncing with the new and reduced syllabus of class 12 Business Studies. CBSE Business Studies Project for Class 12 topics are provided below for reference.

Also Check: Accounts Project Class 11

Download CBSE Class 12 Business Studies Project Guideline PDF 

Let’s get started with the weightage of the 12th Class Business Studies Project 2023-24. Read more to get more details. 

SiteMap of the CBSE Class 12 Business Studies Project

Total Weightage20
Total Project1 File
Chapters (Topic)1 Out Of 4
1.Initiative, Cooperativeness, and Participation2
2.Creativity and Preparations2
3.Content, Observation, and Research Work4
4.Analysis of Situation4

Students can check out the above table showing the sitemap of the complete CBSE Class 12 Bst Project 2023-24. The whole project is 20 marks, where the project includes 1 Report File. CBSE Board has given important points to be covered in the project work. On these specifications of the assessments, teachers will allot marks to the students. If students have covered all the 4 points in their project work and performed well in the viva, then scoring full marks would be not so far.

What are the CBSE Class 12 Business Studies Project Topics 2023-24?

CBSE Board has assigned the 4 important Business Studies Class 12 Project Topics to the class 12th Commerce Students. Students need to choose any 1 out of 4 Topics. The topics are given below:

  • Elements of Business Environment  (Book-I)
  • Principles of Management (Book-I)
  • Stock Exchange (Book-II)
  • Marketing Management (Book-II)

These are the 4 important chapters of topics for the CBSE Class 12 Business Studies Project 2023-24. Students need to pick any topic and start preparing a very detailed project and gain as much information as they can. The VIVA test would be taken on the chosen topics, so it is advisable for the students to learn while preparing the project file.

Viva of Class 12th Business Studies Project 2023-24

The last test type for the CBSE curriculum is the Viva, also called an oral exam, and the school only schedules these exams in January.

The majority of Viva’s questions are project-related. The purpose of this Viva is to ensure that the students have gained deeper awareness and comprehension of the subject matter of their project.

Objectives of CBSE Class 12th Business Studies Project 2023-24

The class 12 business study project’s goal is to assist students in comprehending the business scenario and using the analysis tool related to the project’s subjects.

Additionally, it is meant to stimulate the ability needed to interpret business study data from business firms’ quarterly, half-yearly, or annual reports. The purpose of the class 12 business study project is also to analyze the data in accordance with the specified parameters.

How to Prepare the Class 12 Business Studies Project 2023-24?

Follow the below-mentioned CBSE guidelines before starting a project report:

Consult the relevant teacher for suggestions on alternative topics. Assignments can be completed individually or collaboratively, but each student needs to create a unique project file. When selecting a topic, bear the following in mind:

  • Make sure the topic you select is exclusively from the Class 12 Business Study syllabus.
  • Consult the relevant teacher about the issue before beginning to get any necessary recommendations.
  • Remember to study the subject in advance of the viva.
  • The project file should not be copied from another student. At least 40% of it should be unique from other students’ work.
  • Don’t write lengthy narratives or paragraphs for an accounting project.
  • To ensure that the job is executed easily, make sure you conduct in-depth research on the subject

Class 12 Business Studies Project On Elements of Business Environment

Students can take the help of their respective subject teachers while choosing any one of the following elements prescribed by the CBSE.

  • The changes in transportation of fruits and vegetables such as cardboard crates being used in place of wooden crates, etc. Reasons for above changes.
  • Milk being supplied in glass bottles, later in plastic bags and now in tetra-pack and through vending machines.
  • Plastic furniture [doors and stools] gaining preference over wooden furniture.
  • The origin of cardboard and the various stages of changes and growth.
  • Brown paper bags packing to recycled paper bags to plastic bags and cloth bags.
  • Re use of packaging [bottles, jars and tins] to attract customers for their products.
  • The concept of pyramid packaging for milk.
  • Cost being borne by the consumer/manufacturer.
  • Packaging used as means of advertisements.
  • Reasons of stopping the manufacturing of the above mentioned drinks in India THEN.
  • The introduction of Thums up and Campa cola range.
  • Re entry of Coke and introduction of Pepsi in the Indian market.
  • Factors responsible for the change.
  • Other linkages with the above.
  • Leading brands and the company having the highest market share.
  • Different local brands venturing in the Indian market.
  • The rating of the above brands in the market.
  • The survival and reasons of failure in competition with the international brands.
  • Other observations made by the students
  • Changing role of the women in the past 25 years relating to joint families, nuclear families, women as a bread earner of the family, changes in the requirement trend of mixers, washing machines, micro wave and standard of living.
  • The changes in the pattern of import and export of different Products.
  • The trend in the changing interest rates and their effect on savings.
  • A study on child labour laws, its implementation and consequences.
  • The state of ‘anti plastic campaign,’ the law, its effects and implementation.
  • The laws of mining /setting up of industries, rules and regulations, licences required for running that business.
  • Social factors affecting acceptance and rejection of an identified product. (Dish washer, Atta maker, etc)
  • Washing machines, micro waves, mixers and grinder.
  • Need for crèche, day care centre for young and old.
  • Ready to eat food, eating food outside, and tiffin centres.
  • Change in the man-machine ratio with technological advances resulting in change of cost structure.
  • Effect of changes in technological environment on the behaviour of employee

 Principles Of Management Project for Class 12

For taking this topic, the students are required to visit any one of the following:

  • A departmental store.
  • An Industrial unit.
  • A fast-food outlet.
  • Any other organization approved by the teacher.

After visiting any one of the venues, students need to observe the application of the general principles of management advocated by Fayol.

What are Fayol’s principles?  

  • Division of work.
  • Unity of command.
  • Unity of direction.
  • Scalar chain
  • Espirit de corps
  • Fair remuneration to all.
  • Subordination of individual interest to the general interest.
  • Initiative.
  • Centralization and decentralization.
  • Stability of tenure.

OR Students of class 12 Commerce may enquire into the application of scientific management techniques advocated by F.W.  Taylor in the unit visited.

  • Functional foremanship.
  • Standardization and simplification of work.
  • Method study.
  • Motion Study.
  • Time Study.
  • Fatigue Study
  • Differential piece-rate plan.

Stock Exchange Project for Class 12

The aim and provision of the Class 12 Business Studies Project On Stock Exchange are to teach commerce students the proper way of investing and analyzing the stock market which is the major factor responsible for the country’s economy. This project also focuses on important lessons about the economy, financial responsibility, and mathematical calculations based on research. This BST project 2023-24 enables commerce students to know about the stock market while investing some fake money (practically) in certain stocks. Students, thus research and buy and sell according to the market and self-need. This project topic will also provide some knowledge to the students about how the stock market is being monitored by the brokers and will teach students to calculate profit and loss in the stocks. The Class 12 BST stock exchange project work will enable the students to:

  • understand the topics like sources of business finance and capital market
  • understand the concepts used in a stock exchange
  • inculcate the habit of watching business channels, reading business journals/newspapers, and seeking information from their elders.

Marketing Management Project of Class 12

Students can pick any product in the marketing management project of class 12. The only thing to remember while preparing the class 12th business studies project on marketing management is that the identified product should not be anything whose use or consumption is discouraged by the society or government such as pan masala, alcohol, tobacco, etc. marketing project topics for class 12 are given below so that students can pick one without being worried about the topics.

Identify or pick one product/service from the below list which you may like to manufacture/provide [pre-assumption].

  • Air conditioners
  • Baby diapers
  • Bathing Soap
  • Bathroom cleaner
  • Breakfast cereal
  • Cheese spreads
  • Cosmetology product
  • Fairness cream
  • Fruit candy
  • Infant dress
  • Ladies footwear
  • Learning Toys  40. Lipstick
  • Microwave oven
  • Moisturizer
  • Music player
  • Nail polish

Students can take any product/service they want, discussing with the teacher would help to make the appropriate Class 12 Business Studies Project on Marketing Management. 

Marketing Management Project Must Include

On the basis of the work done by the students the Class 12 Business Studies Project Marketing Management should include the  following:

  • Type of product /service identified and the (consumer/industries) process involved therein.
  • Brand name and the product.
  • Range of the product.
  • Identification mark or logo.
  • Labelling and packaging.
  • Price of the product and basis of price fixation.
  • Selected channels of distribution and reasons thereof.
  • Decisions related to transportation and warehousing. State reasons.
  • Promotional techniques used and starting reasons for deciding the particular technique.
  • Grading and standardization.

Presentation of Class 12 Business Studies Project

Project must have 25-30 pages.

CBSE Board says each class 12 project should at least have 25-30 pages. It is up to students to increase the number of pages to make it a detailed project. These pages include all the necessary formalities needed to be done at the starting and end of the project like the Student’s complete details, Acknowledgements, and preface, Introduction, Conclusion, Bibliography, etc.

The project should be Handwritten

CBSE accepts only handwritten projects on the boards. So, students prepare their report files with attractive handwriting. As presentation plays a very important role in scoring marks. If your hand-writing is good and the project file looks neat and clean, then even if you have some analytical mistake or less research, you would get the full marks.

Presented in Folder

Students should submit their project files in a neat folder. This is the proper way of submitting your board class 12 business studies project 2023-24. Teachers get more attracted by a neat and clean project which is presented nicely by students. If your cover is very sober yet classy, you can easily score the full marks.

Project Sheets Must be in Specified Sequence

The project report file of business studies should be drafted in the following sequence by covering every detail- The cover page should include the title of the Project, student information, school, and year. List of contents.

  • Acknowledgements and preface (acknowledging the institution, the places visited, and the persons who have helped).
  • Introduction.
  • Topic with a suitable heading.
  • Planning and activities are done during the project if any.
  • Observations and findings of the visit.
  • Conclusions (summarized suggestions or findings, the future scope of the study).   Photographs (if any).
  • Appendix, bibliography for bst project is also very necessary for teachers to know where have they taken the data from.
  • Teacher’s observation.
  • Signatures of the teachers.

CBSE Guidelines for Business Studies Class 12 Project 2023-24

Students of class 12 Commerce Stream are supposed to pick one topic out of four and are required to prepare only ONE project report file from the selected topic. (Consist of one project file of 20 marks)

  • Students can pick any ONE Unit out of the four with the help of teachers.
  • The BST Project topic will be assigned to every student after the discussion with the respective subject faculty and later are supposed to be discussed at every stage of the submission.
  • While preparing a CBSE Class 12 Business Studies Project 2023-24, teachers play the role of a facilitator who is there to supervise every student for completing the project report.
  • Students can ask their teachers to provide relevant study materials or suggest websites, or even obtain permits for visiting certain restricted places.
  • Do not fall prey to the readymade project reports, if caught by the teachers, they will be discarded at once.
  • Students need to have complete research on the project topic and prepare it wisely. This will help in answering questions in the VIVA Exam.
  • Students must take initiative to present their projects before the class.
  • Students can make their teachers proud by showing their hard work and self-esteemed creativeness on the Business Studies Project File.
For more details, students can study related solutions:

Class 12 Commerce Students can acknowledge this research-based CBSE Class 12 Business Studies Project 2023-24. In this project guide, students will find all the necessary details to be included in the project, including CBSE prescribed topics, guidelines, and submission date with other necessary details. Students can also refer to CBSE Class 12 Business Studies Guide 2023-24 for more information on Business Studies and get answers to their every query. Students can also join CBSE Class 12 Business Studies Free Online Classes offered by the top online portal, VidyaSetu. As per the Business studies, new curriculum students should also make sure to go to business studies case studies class 12 .

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is the Marking Scheme of the Class 12 Business Studies Project? It consists of 20 Marks which includes ONE File + Viva Test.

Q2. Can I choose any Random Topic for preparing the Class 12 BST Project? No, students can’t choose any topic of their choice. CBSE has prescribed the following 4 topics from which ONE topic is supposed to be selected.

Q3. How many Pages of Report File should be a Class 12 Business Studies Project 2023-24? There should be a minimum of 25-30 Pages.

Q4. When to submit the Business Studies Report File? At the time of CBSE Class 12 Business Studies Practical Exams, students are supposed to carry their project file, from which the examiner will ask VIVA questions.

Q5. How to prepare for the Class 12 Business Studies Project?

For preparing the Business Studies project, students can refer to the CBSE Class 12 Business Studies Project Guide (2023-24) for all material required for the project guidelines. 

Q6. Can we get a Class 12 Business Studies Project Topic Idea from the NCERT Books?

The NCERT books are the best option for choosing the Business Studies Project Topic. However, students can get help from teachers and the internet for writing the project.

Q7. Is it compulsory to prepare for the CBSE Class 12 Business Studies Project?

It is compulsory for students to prepare for the CBSE Class 12 Business Studies Project as it contains a 20 marks project file.

Q8. How to prepare for Class 12 Business Studies Project Viva-Voice?

First and foremost, it is important for students to do a thorough research on their respective topics and write only the information relevant to their class 12 Business Studies syllabus. Examiners tend to ask the questions related to the topic.

Q9. What are the important questions for Business Studies VIVA?

Prepare the topic thoroughly that you have chosen as most of the questions are project or syllabus related only.

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