Comparing and Contrasting in Nonfiction: Biography, Autobiography, and Memoir

Use this two-page graphic organizer to help students compare and contrast informational narratives from two different genres. With this worksheet, learners will get first-hand experience examining the differences between biographies, autobiographies, and memoirs as they read about people like Roald Dahl, Ruby Bridges, Malala Yousafzai, or another person of their choosing. In addition to tracking the similarities and differences between types of texts, students will answer deeper analysis questions that require them to think critically about author's purpose and reliability of a text, while also exploring point of view, theme, and other key sixth-grade reading comprehension skills.

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Biography vs Autobiography: Similarities and Differences

Biography vs Autobiography: Similarities and Differences

Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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biography vs autobiography, explained below

A biography is an account of someone’s life story that is written by an author who is not the subject of the nook. An autobiography, on the other hand, involves an individual narrating their own life experiences.

The differences between biographies and autobiographies relate most prominently to the authorhship:

  • Autobiography: When you read an autobiography, you’re getting the author’s own interpretation of their life.
  • Biography: When you read a biography, you experience the subject’s life through someone else’s lens (Schiffrin & Brockmeier, 2012).

Biography vs Autobiography

1. biography.

A biography is a detailed account of a person’s life, scripted by an author who is not the person who is featured in the text itself.

This type of life story focuses both on factual events in the person’s life, such as birth, education, work, and death, but often also delves into personal aspects like experiences, relationships, and significant achievements.

It may also weave-in cultural and contextual factors that help illuminate the person’s motivations and core values .

Origins of Biographies

The concept of biography as a literary genre dates back to antiquity. Such works were primarily used to capture the lives of dignified individuals, mainly rulers and war heroes.

Suetonius’s Lives of the Caesars and Plutarch’s Parallel Lives are landmark examples from this ancient period (Sweet, 2010).

The popularity of biographical works only grew in the ensuing centuries, and they became a prominent part of many cultures’ literary traditions. 

Into the 18th century and during the Enlightenment, biographies began to present a more balanced portrayal of the subject. They would present both their strengths and flaws, providing a holistic perspective on the subject.

Dr. Samuel Johnson’s compilation of English poets biographies, Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets (1779-1781) ushered in a new era of biography writing by focusing on examining human nature (Ditchfield, 2018).

In the modern era, the genre has evolved and broadened, encompassing a diverse range of figures from all walks of life – there’s a biography in every niche imaginable, with each offering readers an in-depth exploration of their lives, their struggles, and their triumphs.

This demonstrates the enduring appeal of biographies and their value in providing snapshots of history through individual lenses.

Key Characteristics of Biographies

The author of the biography is not the person who the story is about. The writer is an observer who collects, verifies, and narrates the life story of the person in focus (Smith et al., 2012).
A biography doesn’t have the of an autobiography. So, a biography is often more trustworthy, but we still need to examine the incentives of the actual author (Jones, 2015).
A biography covers all the significant aspects of the person’s life. From birth to death, or their most noteworthy accomplishments, it encompasses a wide array of life events (Johnson & Johnson, 2017).
A biography prioritizes facts and major milestones in an individual’s life, such as , careers, relationships, and more. It does not delve into trivial details unless they are relevant to the person’s life story (Williams, 2019).

Examples of Biographies

Title: The Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets Author: Dr. Samuel Johnson   Description: Dr. Johnson’s work profiles the lives of 52 poets from the 17th and 18th centuries, including John Milton and Alexander Pope. He critiques not just the works, but also explores their personal lives and the sociopolitical contexts of their times (Johnson, 1781). Johnson’s study is invaluable for its integrated historic and biographic approach.

Title: The Life of Samuel Johnson Author: James Boswell   Description: This work by Boswell explores, in great depth, the life of his friend and mentor, Dr. Samuel Johnson. The biography offers a compelling portrayal of Dr. Johnson’s life, character, eccentricities, and intellectual prowess (Boswell, 1791). Boswell’s vivid account creates a near-physical presence of Johnson to the readers, making it one of the greatest biographies in English literature.

Title: The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt Author: Edmund Morris   Description: In this Pulitzer Prize-winning biography, Morris chronicles the early life of Theodore Roosevelt until his ascension to the U.S presidency. The work brilliantly captures Roosevelt’s extraordinary career and his transformation from a frail asthmatic boy into a robust and vigorous leader (Morris, 1979). Morris accurately represents Roosevelt’s indomitable spirit, making it an engaging and educational read.

Title: Steve Jobs Author: Walter Isaacson Description: This comprehensive biography provides a deep-dive into the life and career of Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple. Isaacson had unparalleled access to Jobs and those closest to him, thus presenting an intimate and detailed account. He explores Jobs’ professional endeavors as well as his personal life, revealing his ambition, intensity, and visionary mind that revolutionized several high-tech industries (Isaacson, 2011).

Title: Alexander Hamilton Author: Ron Chernow Description: Ron Chernow provides a sweeping narrative of one of America’s most compelling founding fathers, Alexander Hamilton. Chernow combines extensive research with a flair for storytelling, charting Hamilton’s evolution from an orphan into a political genius. The book sheds light on Hamilton’s crucial role in the formation of the United States’ financial system and his political ideologies (Chernow, 2004).

2. Autobiography

An autobiography is a self-written record of someone’s own life. It is a personal narrative in which the author writes about their life from their own perspective.

Autobiographies are usually centered around the author’s personal experiences, including key milestones, challenges, and achievements (Eakin, 2015).

They’re also often a defense of the person’s perspective (especially in political autobiographies) or insight into their thought processes, which can make them very intimate.

Origins of Autobiographies

The term ‘autobiography’ was first used deprecatingly by William Taylor in 1797 in the English periodical The Monthly Review, when he suggested the word as a hybrid but condemned it as ‘pedantic’.

Pioneering examples of the genre form include Thomas De Quincey’s Confessions of an English Opium-Eater (1821) and the memoirs by veterans of the Napoleonic Wars (Lejeune, 2016).

However, apart from these early instances, autobiographies have been composed by a wide array of individuals from history. 

In the early 20th century, the genre witnessed major transformations, and autobiographies started to cover a broader spectrum of experiences, including trauma, struggles, and successes.

‘Black Boy’ by Richard Wright, for instance, shares the author’s experiences with racism and his journey towards developing a literary career (Wright, 1945).

This was followed by a host of autobiographies by public figures sharing their diverse stories, such as Ernest Hemingway’s ‘A Moveable Feast’, depicting his days as a struggling young writer in Paris (Hemingway, 1964). 

Autobiography as a genre has continued to evolve over the years, and a variety of forms have emerged to communicate individual experiences globally.

As history has progressed, we see more and more people with diverse perspectives sharing their stories, broadening our understanding of the human experience (Smith & Watson, 2010).

Key Characteristics of Autobiographies 

The author of the autobiography is the person the story is about. They are the principal actor and the of the information (Miller, 2014). As a result, we can get a deeper ‘insider’ insight into their mentality and expereinces.
An autobiography emphasizes the personal viewpoint adopted by the author. The story is told from their own emotions, biases, and interpretations, providing a very personal perspective. However, we also need to be aware that it’s going to only present one self-serving perspective on the matter.
Autobiographies go beyond factual accounts and include the author’s internal thoughts, emotions, and introspections about their experiences (Baker et al., 2013).
Unlike a biography, an autobiography may not cover the entirety of the author’s life. Instead, they’re more likely to concentrate on specific themes (like resilience) or significant periods (like childhood or a specific career phase) (Brown & Brown, 2018).

Examples of Autobiographies

Title: Long Walk to Freedom Author: Nelson Mandela   Description: “Long Walk to Freedom” provides an in-depth exploration of ex-President Nelson Mandela, his political journey, and his stand against apartheid in South Africa. The biography offers a unique perspective into Mandela’s noble character, his indomitable spirit, and his commitment to justice when faced with grave adversities (Mandela, 1995). Mandela serves as one of our times’ great moral and political leaders through this biography.

Title: The Diary of a Young Girl Author: Anne Frank  Description: This biography provides a startling firsthand account of a young Jewish girl named Anne Frank, who with her family, hid from the Nazis in Amsterdam during World War II. Her diary entries offer profound insights into the fear, hope, and resilience she demonstrated during her two years in hiding (Frank, 1947). Frank’s posthumous biographical record serves as a reminder of the injustices of the past and as a symbol of endurance in the face of oppression.

Title: I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Author: Maya Angelou  Description: This moving autobiography charts Maya Angelou’s early life, from experiencing racial discrimination in the South to becoming the first black streetcar conductor in San Francisco. Angelou portrays her journey of self-discovery and overcoming traumatic experiences, including racial prejudice and personal trauma, with remarkable strength and grace. Her story is one of resilience, and it speaks powerfully about finding one’s voice (Angelou, 1969). 

Title: Night Author: Elie Wiesel  Description: “Night” is Wiesel’s personal account of his experiences in Nazi concentration camps during World War II with his father. This heartbreaking narrative describes not only physical hardship and cruel atrocities but also examines the loss of innocence and the struggle to maintain faith in humanity. It stands as a testament to human resilience in the face of unimaginable horror (Wiesel, 1960).

Title: Dreams from My Father Author: Barack Obama Description: In this engaging memoir, the 44th President of the United States narrates the story of his diverse background and early life. The narrative extends from his birth in Hawaii to his first visit to Kenya, from dealing with racial identity to self-discovery. “Dreams from My Father” not only provides personal insights about Obama’s life and values but also discusses issues of race, identity, and purpose (Obama, 1995).

Similarities and Differences Between Biographies and Autobiographies

1. AuthorshipWritten by a third party. The author and subject are different individuals (Smith et al., 2012).Written by the subject themselves. The author is the person the story is about (Miller, 2014).
2. PerspectivePresents an objective perspective, offering a balanced view of the subject’s life (Jones, 2015).Emphasizes a subjective perspective, providing a very personal view of the author’s life.
3. ContentFocuses on facts and major life events, offering a comprehensive account of an individual’s life (Johnson & Johnson, 2017).Often includes personal reflections and feelings, may focus on specific themes or periods in the author’s life (Baker et al., 2013; Brown & Brown, 2018).
4. Personal ReflectionsContains limited personal reflections or emotions of the subject.Contains an abundance of personal reflections and emotions from the author (Baker et al., 2013).
5. Subjectivity / ObjectivityMore objective due to the distance between the author and the subject (Jones, 2015).More subjective due to the close relationship between the author and the subject – they’re the same person.
6. StrengthsProvides an impartial and factual account of a person’s life, which can be helpful for historical or academic study (Williams, 2019).Gives a deeper insight into a person’s thoughts and emotions, providing a unique perspective on their life experiences (Baker et al., 2013).
7. WeaknessesMay lack personal insight or emotional depth due to its objective approach (Williams, 2019).May be biased or overly emotional due to its subjective approach, and may not cover the entirety of the author’s life (Brown & Brown, 2018).

While both biographies and autobiographies are excellent sources of information and entertainment about significant figures in history (or the present!), they serve different purposes. By knowing the different purposes of each, we can develop stronger media literacy , understanding what the intention of the author is, and how we should approach the text.

Angelou, M. (1969). I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings . Random House.

Baker, J., Davis, E., & Thompson, K. (2013). Reflection and Emotions in Autobiography . Chicago University Press.

Boswell, J. (1791). The Life of Samuel Johnson . J.R. Taylor.

Brown, J., & Brown, S. (2018). Thematic Focus in Autobiography Writing . Princeton University Press.

Chernow, R. (2004). Alexander Hamilton . Penguin Books.

Ditchfield, S. (2018). Extracting the Domestic from the Didactic: Transmission and Translation of the Sacred in The Lives of the Ancient Fathers (1672–1675). Church History and Religious Culture, 98 (1), 28-50.

Eakin, P. J. (2015). How Our Lives Become Stories: Making Selves . Cornell University Press.

Frank, A. (1947). The Diary of a Young Girl . Contact Publishing.

Hemingway, E. (1964). A Moveable Feast . Charles Scribner’s Sons.

Isaacson, W. (2011). Steve Jobs . Simon & Schuster.

Johnson, M., & Johnson, S. (2017). A Comprehensive Guide to Biography Writing . New York: Penguin.

Johnson, S. (1781). The Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets . Printed by C. Bathurst, J. Buckland [and 28 others in London].

Jones, B. (2015). The Art of Writing Biographies: An Objective Approach . Oxford University Press.

Lejeune, P. (2016). On Autobiography . University of Minnesota Press.

Mandela, N. (1995). Long Walk to Freedom: The Autobiography of Nelson Mandela . Macdonald Purnell.

Miller, R. (2014). The Self as the Subject: Autobiography Writing . Stanford University Press.

Morris, E. (1979). The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt . Coward, McCann & Geoghegan.

Obama, B. (1995). Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance . Crown Publishing Group.

Schiffrin D., & Brockmeier J. (2012). Narrative Identity and Autobiographical Recall. Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplements, 70 , 113-144.

Smith, J., Davis, M., & Thompson, S. (2012). Third Party Narratives: An Exploration of Biography Writing . Cambridge University Press.

Smith, S., & Watson, J. (2010). Reading Autobiography: A Guide for Interpreting Life Narratives . University of Minnesota Press.

Sweet, R. (2010). Biographical Dictionaries and Historiography. Bibliothèque d’Humanisme et Renaissance, 72 (2), 355–368.

Wiesel, E. (1960). Night . Hill & Wang.

Williams, T. (2019). The Importance of Facts in Biographies . HarperCollins.

Wright, R. (1945). Black Boy: A Record of Childhood and Youth . Harper & Brothers.


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What’s the Difference Between a Biography and an Autobiography?

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There are so many fascinating people in the world and throughout history. Books invite us into the life of someone worth knowing. There are two types of books that tell the story of someone’s life: biographies and autobiographies. Biographies and autobiographies are forms of nonfiction. This means that they contain real, factual information. They do not include stories or made-up scenarios. They’re meant to be informative.  

Both forms of writing highlight the life, work, and views of a real person. The subject of the book is usually someone who has made an impact on society and is considered famous. These people include athletes, celebrities, and business leaders. Although there are some core similarities, there are many important differences between biographies and autobiographies as well. Most notably, the level of objectivity and factual content is different. The language style and perspectives also differ. Let’s look closer at the difference between a biography and an autobiography!

Difference Between a Biography and an Autobiography: Biographies

Point of view.

Someone other than the subject of the book writes biographies. It is written in the third-person, which means the author refers to the subject with their name or with ‘he’, ‘she’, or ‘they’. Since a biography is an account of a person’s life written by someone else, it is considered to be a secondary source. Point of view is the main difference between a biography and an autobiography.

A biography may take several years to complete because of all the research required. This is especially true if the person has recently died, and the author must rely on other people to provide interviews. For example, Walter Isaacson, who wrote a biography on Steve Jobs, had to piece together information from the accounts of over 100 people who knew the subject.  

Degree of objectivity

A biography tends to be more objective than an autobiography. Biography writers typically gather information through a journalistic research project. This normally includes reviewing records of events and interviews with the subject of the book or people connected to the subject. 

Biographies usually cover the entire life of the subject. This is especially true if the subject has died. If they are still living, the book may cover a large portion of that person’s life.  

Authorized vs Unauthorized 

A biography should have trustable sources so that there is nothing fictional within the book. When it comes to biographies, it’s important to note whether it is authorized or unauthorized. This has to do with the subject’s participation in the book. Did the subject allow the author to interview them? If so, the biography is considered authorized. If, on the other hand, the subject is not involved in the research of the book, it is considered an unauthorized biography.


When the book is unauthorized there is a chance it contains nonfactual information. Anyone can write a biography on a famous person so long as they don’t violate privacy rights. People like celebrities and high-profile politicians can be hard to gain access to which is why many biographies are written without cooperation from the subject. However, another reason the book may not have approval from the subject is that the author is writing a negative portrayal of the subject. They’re often gossipy and promise to “spill the beans”. Some of these end up on the New York Times Bestsellers List. They’re also controversial and can lead to legal troubles for the author. Some people view unauthorized accounts as less reliable. If the biography is about a historical figure or someone who died long ago, it wouldn’t be considered unauthorized.


Authorized biographies are more likely to be based on facts because the subject is providing information. Sometimes it is the subject’s idea to have the book written in the first place. In these cases, the subject may seek out a reputable author to write their story.


Point of view.

The subject of the book writes the autobiography, meaning the author and the subject are the same. The author writes in the first person point of view. This means they refer to the subject with ‘I’, ‘me’, and ‘my’. A first-person account gives the reader first-hand opinions, thoughts, and feelings from the subject. Knowing this will help them easily spot the difference between a biography and an autobiography.

An autobiography is considered a primary source because it is a first-hand account of a person’s life in its original form without interpretation or commentary from other writers. However, this doesn’t always mean the subject/author wrote the book without help from anyone else.Because the subject is not a professional writer, a collaborator often joins to help the author tell the most factual story possible.

Degree of objectivity 

In an autobiography, the author’s memory is the primary source. good autobiographies leave the reader feeling like they know the author personally. this is because the book includes details that only the author knows, as well as their thoughts and feelings. , timeline .

Autobiographies tend to focus on a certain period of time when a notable event occurred. The chronology is organized but may not specify exact dates. The timeline may veer off track if appropriate. For instance, the author may start from the present day and include flashbacks. They may even organize events thematically rather than chronologically. 

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Biography and Autobiography

Biography and Autobiography

Subject: English

Age range: 7-11

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    Explore biography, autobiography, and memoir with 20 mini-lessons, 20 sample anchor charts, guided practice sheets, 19 discussion guides and 20 reading prompts. Students will learn about text structure, verifiable facts, author's attitude and more while exploring this genre. ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★

  7. Autobiography and biography worksheet

    Liveworksheets transforms your traditional printable worksheets into self-correcting interactive exercises that the students can do online and send to the teacher. ... Autobiography and biography worksheet Autobiography and biography worksheet. bluengo Member for 2 years 9 months Age: 8-11. Level: 4th grade, 5th ...

  8. Biography And Autobiography Unit Worksheets & Teaching Resources

    51. $5.00. PDF. This resource is the perfect addition to any Autobiography and Biography unit. This resource is full of practice activities and resources to keep your students engaged in learning. The entire resource is black and white so that you can print it quickly and easily to use in your classroom.

  9. Comparing Biography and Autobiography Lesson Plans & Worksheets

    Third graders, in groups, select and research a favorite studenT author or illustrator. They answer questions about the author, conduct research and prepare a PowerPoint presentation with their findings. Find comparing biography and autobiography lesson plans and teaching resources. Quickly find that inspire student learning.

  10. Autobiography Vs Biography Worksheets

    Worksheets are Lesson skill comparing and contrasting biography and, Autobiographical work, Focus on biographies in 3rd grade, Biography, Autobiographical essaypersonal narrative, Biographies, Lesson introduce the elements of biographies, From the autobiography of malcolm x. Click on pop-out icon or print icon to worksheet to print or download.

  11. Year 5: Biographies and Autobiographies (Week 1 of 2)

    Download Week 2 here! Lesson 1: To read, compare and identify the features of a biography. Lesson 2: To rewrite a biography extract using dialogue. Lesson 3: To investigate suffixes. Lesson 4: To investigate sentence structure in formal writing. Lesson 5: To write a biography. Total Number of Slides: 32.

  12. What's the Difference Between a Biography and an Autobiography?

    Point of view is the main difference between a biography and an autobiography. A biography may take several years to complete because of all the research required. This is especially true if the person has recently died, and the author must rely on other people to provide interviews. For example, Walter Isaacson, who wrote a biography on Steve ...

  13. Comparing Autobiography and Biography by BigKidsLearn

    Compare autobiography with biography using these notes and differentiated activities. You might also be interested in the Autobiography Research Report Outline or Biography Research Report Outline located in my store!

  14. Biography Vs Autobiography Worksheets

    Displaying top 8 worksheets found for - Biography Vs Autobiography. Some of the worksheets for this concept are Autobiography vs biography work, Difference between biography and autobiography work, Biography vs autobiography work, Lesson skill comparing and contrasting biography and, Elementary autobiography template, Lesson introduce the elements of biographies, The autobiography of benjamin ...

  15. 255 Biography English ESL worksheets pdf & doc

    Biographies. Students look at the. 431 uses. A selection of English ESL biography printables.

  16. Biography Vs Autobiography Worksheets

    Displaying all worksheets related to - Biography Vs Autobiography. Worksheets are Autobiography vs biography work, Difference between biography and autobiography work, Biography vs autobiography work, Lesson skill comparing and contrasting biography and, Elementary autobiography template, Lesson introduce the elements of biographies, The autobiography of benjamin franklin, Biography samples ...

  17. Biographies & Autobiographies worksheet

    Read and select. School subject: English as a Second Language (ESL) (1061958) Main content: Text features (1394748)

  18. Biography Vs Autobiography by Please Feed the Animals

    This worksheet is designed to help students see the differences between a biography and an autobiography. Great for a quick check assessment or use it as a whole group activity. Enjoy! Total Pages. 1 page. Answer Key. N/A. Teaching Duration. N/A.

  19. Biography Vs Autobiography Worksheets

    Showing top 8 worksheets in the category - Biography Vs Autobiography. Some of the worksheets displayed are Autobiography vs biography work, Difference between biography and autobiography work, Biography vs autobiography work, Lesson skill comparing and contrasting biography and, Elementary autobiography template, Lesson introduce the elements ...

  20. Biography And Autobiography Worksheets

    Worksheets are Writing a biography, Biography research work, Lesson skill comparing and contrasting biography and, Seventh grade biographyautobiography book report, Name autobiography, Focus on biographies in 3rd grade, Biography, Autobiographical work. *Click on Open button to open and print to worksheet. 1. Writing a biography. Download. 2.

  21. Results for compare contrast biography

    Get teens excited about non-fiction with this two-day lesson featuring a compare-and-contrast of two gripping stories from World War II. First, read an excerpt of Unbroken, Laura Hillenbrand's New York Times bestselling biography of Olympic runner and Army Air Corps P.O.W. Louie Zamperini. Then, introduce your students to a family confined to a Japanese internment camp in California's ...

  22. Biography and Autobiography

    Age range: 7-11. Resource type: Worksheet/Activity. File previews. ppt, 712 KB. doc, 36.5 KB. doc, 23.5 KB. doc, 22 KB. This is a presentation I made about autobiographies and biographies for a Year 6 class. There are also differentiated sheets to help with activities- David Beckham (LA), Roald Dahl (MA) and Jacqueline Wilson (HA).

  23. Biography and autobiography venn diagram

    Reading: Students learn to identify and describe the characteristics found in biographies and autobiographies. •4 posters for a meaningful display•faux book covers sorting activity•compare and contrast with a Venn diagram •book titles/authors sorting activity•6 leveled reading passages: students determine if a passage is a biography or autobiography and explain their reasoning.