Alliance for Young Artists & Writers / Scholastic Art & Writing Awards

The Scholastic Awards Writing Rubric: What Is It and How Can It Improve Your Writing?

When jurors review writing works during the awards selection process, they must keep in mind the Awards’ three judging criteria:


Work that breaks from convention, blurs the boundaries between genres, and challenges notions of how a particular concept or emotion can be expressed.

Technical Skill

Work that uses technique to advance an original perspective or a personal vision or voice, and shows skills being utilized to create something unique, powerful, and innovative.

Emergence of a Personal Voice or Vision

Work with an authentic and unique point of view and style.

We’ve used the same judging criteria since the Awards began in 1923 and have found it useful for identifying works that show promise. But how are those criteria used when reviewing teen writing? To assist our judges with making their selections, we’ve put together a rubric that offers guides to help the jurors determine which works meet the criteria and which works exceed them.

Students and educators may want to review the rubric to see where their works fall and what they can improve. For instance, rambling sentences can drown out a strong voice, and works that are grammatically correct can fall short of the originality criteria if they don’t present any new ideas. Like any skill, writing can be improved with practice, and reviewing the rubric may help.

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Zoya Makkar, Awake from an Ignorant Slumber , Photography. Grade 10, Plano East Senior High School, Plano, TX. Karen Stanton, Educator ; Region-at-Large, Affiliate . Gold Medal 2021

This summer, you can carry forward President Kennedy's legacy with DOUBLE the impact!

Criteria for judging, content (55%), demonstrated understanding of political courage.

  • Demonstrated an understanding of political courage as described by John F. Kennedy in  Profiles in Courage
  • Identified an act of political courage by a U.S. elected official who served during or after 1917.
  • Proved that the elected official risked his or her career to address an issue at the local, state, national, or international level
  • Explained why the official's course of action best serves or has served the larger public interest
  • Outlined the obstacles, dangers, and pressures the elected official is encountering or has encountered


  • Thoughtful, original choice of a U.S. elected official
  • Story is not widely known, or a well-known story is portrayed in a unique way
  • Essay subject is not on the list of most written about essay subjects .

Supporting Evidence

  • Well-researched
  • Convincing arguments supported with specific examples
  • Critical analysis of acts of political courage

Source Material

  • Bibliography of five or more varied sources
  • Includes primary source material
  • Thoughtfully selected, reliable   

Presentation (45%)

Quality of writing.

  • Style, clarity, flow, vocabulary


  • Structure, paragraphing, introduction and conclusion


  • Syntax, grammar, spelling, and punctuation

An essay will be disqualified if:

  • It is not on the topic.
  • The subject is not an elected official.
  • The subject is John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, or Edward M. Kennedy.
  • The subject is a previous  Profile in Courage Award recipient  unless the essay describes an act of political courage other than the act for which the award was given.
  • The subject is a senator featured in  Profiles in Courage .
  • The essay focuses on an act of political courage that occurred prior to 1917.
  • It does not include a minimum of five sources.
  • It is more than 1,000 words or less than 700 words (not including citations and bibliography.)
  • It is postmarked or submitted by email after the deadline.
  • It is not the student’s original work.

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Evaluation Criteria for Formal Essays

Katherine milligan.

Please note that these four categories are interdependent. For example, if your evidence is weak, this will almost certainly affect the quality of your argument and organization. Likewise, if you have difficulty with syntax, it is to be expected that your transitions will suffer. In revision, therefore, take a holistic approach to improving your essay, rather than focussing exclusively on one aspect.

An excellent paper:

Argument: The paper knows what it wants to say and why it wants to say it. It goes beyond pointing out comparisons to using them to change the reader?s vision. Organization: Every paragraph supports the main argument in a coherent way, and clear transitions point out why each new paragraph follows the previous one. Evidence: Concrete examples from texts support general points about how those texts work. The paper provides the source and significance of each piece of evidence. Mechanics: The paper uses correct spelling and punctuation. In short, it generally exhibits a good command of academic prose.

A mediocre paper:

Argument: The paper replaces an argument with a topic, giving a series of related observations without suggesting a logic for their presentation or a reason for presenting them. Organization: The observations of the paper are listed rather than organized. Often, this is a symptom of a problem in argument, as the framing of the paper has not provided a path for evidence to follow. Evidence: The paper offers very little concrete evidence, instead relying on plot summary or generalities to talk about a text. If concrete evidence is present, its origin or significance is not clear. Mechanics: The paper contains frequent errors in syntax, agreement, pronoun reference, and/or punctuation.

An appallingly bad paper:

Argument: The paper lacks even a consistent topic, providing a series of largely unrelated observations. Organization: The observations are listed rather than organized, and some of them do not appear to belong in the paper at all. Both paper and paragraphs lack coherence. Evidence: The paper offers no concrete evidence from the texts or misuses a little evidence. Mechanics: The paper contains constant and glaring errors in syntax, agreement, reference, spelling, and/or punctuation.

English Composition 1

Evaluation and grading criteria for essays.

IVCC's online Style Book presents the Grading Criteria for Writing Assignments .

This page explains some of the major aspects of an essay that are given special attention when the essay is evaluated.

Thesis and Thesis Statement

Probably the most important sentence in an essay is the thesis statement, which is a sentence that conveys the thesis—the main point and purpose of the essay. The thesis is what gives an essay a purpose and a point, and, in a well-focused essay, every part of the essay helps the writer develop and support the thesis in some way.

The thesis should be stated in your introduction as one complete sentence that

  • identifies the topic of the essay,
  • states the main points developed in the essay,
  • clarifies how all of the main points are logically related, and
  • conveys the purpose of the essay.

In high school, students often are told to begin an introduction with a thesis statement and then to follow this statement with a series of sentences, each sentence presenting one of the main points or claims of the essay. While this approach probably helps students organize their essays, spreading a thesis statement over several sentences in the introduction usually is not effective. For one thing, it can lead to an essay that develops several points but does not make meaningful or clear connections among the different ideas.

If you can state all of your main points logically in just one sentence, then all of those points should come together logically in just one essay. When I evaluate an essay, I look specifically for a one-sentence statement of the thesis in the introduction that, again, identifies the topic of the essay, states all of the main points, clarifies how those points are logically related, and conveys the purpose of the essay.

If you are used to using the high school model to present the thesis of an essay, you might wonder what you should do with the rest of your introduction once you start presenting a one-sentence statement of your thesis. Well, an introduction should do two important things: (1) present the thesis statement, and (2) get readers interested in the subject of the essay.

Instead of outlining each stage of an essay with separate sentences in the introduction, you could draw readers into your essay by appealing to their interests at the very beginning of your essay. Why should what you discuss in your essay be important to readers? Why should they care? Answering these questions might help you discover a way to draw readers into your essay effectively. Once you appeal to the interests of your readers, you should then present a clear and focused thesis statement. (And thesis statements most often appear at the ends of introductions, not at the beginnings.)

Coming up with a thesis statement during the early stages of the writing process is difficult. You might instead begin by deciding on three or four related claims or ideas that you think you could prove in your essay. Think in terms of paragraphs: choose claims that you think could be supported and developed well in one body paragraph each. Once you have decided on the three or four main claims and how they are logically related, you can bring them together into a one-sentence thesis statement.

All of the topic sentences in a short paper, when "added" together, should give us the thesis statement for the entire paper. Do the addition for your own papers, and see if you come up with the following:

Topic Sentence 1 + Topic Sentence 2 + Topic Sentence 3 = Thesis Statement


Effective expository papers generally are well organized and unified, in part because of fairly rigid guidelines that writers follow and that you should try to follow in your papers.

Each body paragraph of your paper should begin with a topic sentence, a statement of the main point of the paragraph. Just as a thesis statement conveys the main point of an entire essay, a topic sentence conveys the main point of a single body paragraph. As illustrated above, a clear and logical relationship should exist between the topic sentences of a paper and the thesis statement.

If the purpose of a paragraph is to persuade readers, the topic sentence should present a claim, or something that you can prove with specific evidence. If you begin a body paragraph with a claim, a point to prove, then you know exactly what you will do in the rest of the paragraph: prove the claim. You also know when to end the paragraph: when you think you have convinced readers that your claim is valid and well supported.

If you begin a body paragraph with a fact, though, something that it true by definition, then you have nothing to prove from the beginning of the paragraph, possibly causing you to wander from point to point in the paragraph. The claim at the beginning of a body paragraph is very important: it gives you a point to prove, helping you unify the paragraph and helping you decide when to end one paragraph and begin another.

The length and number of body paragraphs in an essay is another thing to consider. In general, each body paragraph should be at least half of a page long (for a double-spaced essay), and most expository essays have at least three body paragraph each (for a total of at least five paragraphs, including the introduction and conclusion.)

Support and Development of Ideas

The main difference between a convincing, insightful interpretation or argument and a weak interpretation or argument often is the amount of evidence than the writer uses. "Evidence" refers to specific facts.

Remember this fact: your interpretation or argument will be weak unless it is well supported with specific evidence. This means that, for every claim you present, you need to support it with at least several different pieces of specific evidence. Often, students will present potentially insightful comments, but the comments are not supported or developed with specific evidence. When you come up with an insightful idea, you are most likely basing that idea on some specific facts. To present your interpretation or argument well, you need to state your interpretation and then explain the facts that have led you to this conclusion.

Effective organization is also important here. If you begin each body paragraph with a claim, and if you then stay focused on supporting that claim with several pieces of evidence, you should have a well-supported and well-developed interpretation.

As stated above, each body paragraph generally should be at least half of a page long, so, if you find that your body paragraphs are shorter than this, then you might not be developing your ideas in much depth. Often, when a student has trouble reaching the required minimum length for an essay, the problem is the lack of sufficient supporting evidence.

In an interpretation or argument, you are trying to explain and prove something about your subject, so you need to use plenty of specific evidence as support. A good approach to supporting an interpretation or argument is dividing your interpretation or argument into a few significant and related claims and then supporting each claim thoroughly in one body paragraph.

Insight into Subject

Sometimes a student will write a well-organized essay, but the essay does not shed much light on the subject. At the same time, I am often amazed at the insightful interpretations and arguments that students come up with. Every semester, students interpret aspects of texts or present arguments that I had never considered.

If you are writing an interpretation, you should reread the text or study your subject thoroughly, doing your best to notice something new each time you examine it. As you come up with a possible interpretation to develop in an essay, you should re-examine your subject with that interpretation in mind, marking passages (if your subject is a literary text) and taking plenty of notes on your subject. Studying your subject in this way will make it easier for you to find supporting evidence for your interpretation as you write your essay.

The insightfulness of an essay often is directly related to the organization and the support and development of the ideas in the essay. If you have well-developed body paragraphs focused on one specific point each, then it is likely that you are going into depth with the ideas you present and are offering an insightful interpretation.

If you organize your essay well, and if you use plenty of specific evidence to support your thesis and the individual claims that comprise that thesis, then there is a good possibility that your essay will be insightful.

Clarity is always important: if your writing is not clear, your meaning will not reach readers the way you would like it to. According to IVCC's Grading Criteria for Writing Assignments , "A," "B," and "C" essays are clear throughout, meaning that problems with clarity can have a substantial effect on the grade of an essay.

If any parts of your essay or any sentences seem just a little unclear to you, you can bet that they will be unclear to readers. Review your essay carefully and change any parts of the essay that could cause confusion for readers. Also, take special note of any passages that your peer critiquers feel are not very clear.

"Style" refers to the kinds of words and sentences that you use, but there are many aspects of style to consider. Aspects of style include conciseness, variety of sentence structure, consistent verb tense, avoidance of the passive voice, and attention to the connotative meanings of words.

Several of the course web pages provide information relevant to style, including the following pages:

  • "Words, Words, Words"
  • Using Specific and Concrete Diction
  • Integrating Quotations into Sentences
  • Formal Writing Voice

William Strunk, Jr.'s, The Elements of Style is a classic text on style that is now available online.

Given the subject, purpose, and audience for each essay in this course, you should use a formal writing voice . This means that you should avoid use of the first person ("I," "me," "we," etc.), the use of contractions ("can't," "won't," etc.), and the use of slang or other informal language. A formal writing voice will make you sound more convincing and more authoritative.

If you use quotations in a paper, integrating those quotations smoothly, logically, and grammatically into your own sentences is important, so make sure that you are familiar with the information on the Integrating Quotations into Sentences page.

"Mechanics" refers to the correctness of a paper: complete sentences, correct punctuation, accurate word choice, etc. All of your papers for the course should be free or almost free from errors. Proofread carefully, and consider any constructive comments you receive during peer critiques that relate to the "mechanics" of your writing.

You might use the grammar checker if your word-processing program has one, but grammar checkers are correct only about half of the time. A grammar checker, though, could help you identify parts of the essay that might include errors. You will then need to decide for yourself if the grammar checker is right or wrong.

The elimination of errors from your writing is important. In fact, according to IVCC's Grading Criteria for Writing Assignments , "A," "B," and "C" essays contain almost no errors. Significant or numerous errors are a characteristic of a "D" or "F" essay.

Again, the specific errors listed in the second table above are explained on the Identifying and Eliminating Common Errors in Writing web page.

You should have a good understanding of what errors to look out for based on the feedback you receive on graded papers, and I would be happy to answer any questions you might have about possible errors or about any other aspects of your essay. You just need to ask!

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Criteria for Judging Essays in the Creative Writing Competition 2013

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2021 Writing Contest Judging Criteria

For all categories,  the judges are asked to write comments on winning submissions,. This is optional on any other entries, but the judging form will be returned to the submitter.


Please rate the author on each item on a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being “needs a lot of work”, 5 being average, and 10 being outstanding. Add up the points for a total rating. In the case of a tie, you may be asked to determine which story is more compelling.

____    Originality : The piece shows a freshness of imagination, creativity, and individuality.

____    Plot Structure: The piece is a complete story with beginning, middle, and a satisfying conclusion.

____    Characterization: Characters are vivid and compelling.

____      Quality of Writing : Organization is logical and effective. Voice is individual and appropriate. Sentence fluency is smooth and expressive.



Please rate the author on each item on a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being “needs a lot of work”, 5 being average, and 10 being outstanding. Add up the points for a total rating.  In the case of a tie, you may be asked to determine which story is more compelling.

____    Plot Structure: Enough information is provided to understand the story. Conflict emerges early and builds toward resolution. The sequence of events, dialog, and emotional movements are well crafted. Situations needing resolution are closed. Subtle undercurrents (if any) emerge during resolution.

____    Character Development and Dialog: The reader can relate to the characters; they are able to hold the reader’s attention. Actions and interactions are consistent and well-motivated. Dialog shows the characters to the readers for who they really are.

____     Quality of Writing : Organization is logical and effective. Voice is individual and appropriate. Sentence fluency is smooth and expressive.


____    Age Appropriate: Does this story seem appropriate for a 6 to 10 year-old child?

____   Originality : The piece shows a freshness of imagination, creativity, and individuality.

____    Plot Structure: Enough information is provided for a child to understand the story. Conflict emerges early and builds. The sequence of events, dialog, and emotional movements are well crafted.

____     Quality of Writing : Organization is logical and effective. Voice is individual and appropriate. Word choice is specific and memorable. Sentence fluency is smooth and expressive.

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How to Judge a Contest: Guide, Shortcuts and Examples

how to judge a contest guide shortcuts and examples

What is a Co ntest?

A contest is an activity where skill is needed to win. Unlike a Sweepstakes where a random draw identifies the winner, in a contest the participants has to take an action that requires some degree of skill . That degree of skill depends on what the promotion or event is asking the participant to do. For example; in an essay contest, participants enter and compete by submitting original writing.

The Legal Contest Formula 

Prize + consideration (monetary fee or demonstration of skill) = legal contest (in most jurisdictions)

Are Contest Legal in the US?

Yes. All 50 States allow contest promotions. All contests are allowed as long as the sponsor awards the prize based on skill and not chance.

See Contest Rules and Laws by State.

The Judging Criteria

Contests also have an element of competition that requires the Sponsor or agency to set clear contest judging criteria so participants know how their entries will be judged. This criteria will also tell the judging body what to look for and how to assign value or rank entries.

As a marketer, you can save yourself a lot of potential trouble, and complaints, if your judging criteria is clear to all participants and judges. For example: “ Es s ay Submissions must be in English, comply with Official Rules, meet all requirements called for on the Contest Website and be original work not exceeding 1,000 characters in length.”

The “How-To” Guide for Judging

In a contest, the judging criteria is an attempt to focus the participants, as well as the judges, on the expected outcome of the entry. Properly designed judging criteria aims to minimize the judges unconscious biases and focus their attention on the qualities that are going to be weighed and assigned a value or score. For example, a judging criteria score sheet may rank values as “ 33.3% for creativity, 33.3% for originality; and 33.3% for adherence to topic .”

Judges (ideally more than one) should be experts or have some degree of expertise in what they are judging. This is not a requirement, but it helps the Sponsor or contest administrator select the winner. The contestants also gain a sense of fair play when they see the winner was chosen by experts.

How to Pick Judges for the Contest

If you can’t find expert judges, then individuals or a group with a clear understanding of the judging criteria and no conflicts of interest or bias could serve as judges. Beyond the judging criteria, the judges should have seen enough examples of the work being judged to determine what is considered poor, average and exceptional within the criteria.

Judges Goals

Ultimately, judges aim to assign a total value or points to each entry and select the winner based on total amount of points earned.

Judging Shortcut

A shortcut to judging large numbers of entries is to use social media networks to judge on your behalf up to a certain degree. For example, you can run your contest on Facebook and have the fans vote for the top five entries. From there a more formalized judge or contest administrator can select the winner based on the criteria. This can work well, but there are risks associated with fan voting. One of the risks is that participants can simply ask their friends to vote for them regardless of the quality of the work. It undermines the promotional effort when a poor entry gets lots of votes. This is why we don’t recommend that fan votes make the final decision on who wins.

Protect Your Contest With Judging Criteria

Having your judging criteria set will also protect the integrity of the contest and guide judges if there is a tie. A well-articulated judging criteria will explain what to do in the event of a tie. For example; “ In the event of a tie for any potential Winning Entry, the score for Creativity/Originality will be used as a tiebreaker.” Or “If there still remains a tie, Sponsor will bring in a tie-breaking Judge to apply the same Judging Criteria to determine the winner .”

Rules for Social Media Contests

Contests are allowed in all social media platforms as long as you follow state laws and the social media platform’s own set of rules.

  • Facebook Contest Rules you should follow, along with a few Facebook contest ideas to help you get started. See Facebook Contest Rules
  • Instagram has some strict rules that you need to be aware of and follow closely if you want your promotion to be successful. See Instagram Contest Rules
  • Pinterest can help you connect with your customers, especially if your business is related to the types of content that often trend on Pinterest like fashion, food, and beauty. See Pinterest Promotion Rules 
  • For Twitter see Guidelines for Promotions on Twitter (sorry, we haven’t written a rules article on Twitter yet.)
  • For Youtube see YouTube’s Contest Policies and Guidelines (sorry, we haven’t written a rules article on Youtube yet.)

Can You Charge Participants an Entry Fee?

Yes, as long as the winners are chosen by skill and not chance (randomly).

Remember: Prize + consideration (monetary fee or skill) = legal contest (in most jurisdictions)

Contest Official Rules Examples

Better Homes & Gardens America’s Best Front Yard Official Contest Rules

Bottom Line: Contests are a Great Marketing Tool

Contests are worth the effort and repay the sponsor handsomely. They’re fun and generate a lot of buzz, awareness and potential sales for the sponsor. Just make sure your judging criteria are set in place.  If you need any help with your contest let us know at [email protected] .

Need help witha Contest? See our Contest Management Services

Want to build a sweepstakes by text?  See our features and pricing .



  • The Board of judges shall provide topic of the essay at the venue of the competition.
  • The contestants shall be given two (2) hours to develop the composition.
  • The contestants shall be provided with a pen and a long bondpaper marked with the assigned number duly signed by the contest master. They are prohibited to write their names and the University they are representing.
  • No printed materials, electronic gadgets, or storage devices shall be utilized.
  • The contestants are prohibited to wear their university uniform or any symbol/s (e.g. ID lanyard) that mark distinction of their respective university.
  • Each contestant shall be assigned a number.
  • The result of the contest shall be posted on the tally board immediately after the judges have finished rating the contestants’ manuscripts.
  • The judges’ decision is final.


(Relevance to the theme, Comprehensiveness, Originality, Insights)

– connection, significance of the issue being discussed

– how complete and detailed the writer’s exposition of the topic.

– uniqueness, novelty and authenticity of ideas

– a fresh way of looking at things, critical view of the subject

(Clarity of Thoughts, Creativity, Unity and Consistency)

– use of simple and appropriate words to convey ideas or issues.

– the use of appropriate devices and expressions in the exposition of the subject.

– ability to highlight the focal point

(Punctuation, Spelling, Capitalization, Grammar)

–         the correct use of punctuation, capitalization and grammar




*Adapted from PASUC Guidelines and modified by the host university.


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    The subject is a previous Profile in Courage Award recipient unless the essay describes an act of political courage other than the act for which the award was given. The subject is a senator featured in Profiles in Courage. The essay focuses on an act of political courage that occurred prior to 1917. It does not include a minimum of five sources.

  10. How to Judge a Contest: Guide, Shortcuts and Examples

    Judging Shortcut. A shortcut to judging large numbers of entries is to use social media networks to judge on your behalf up to a certain degree. For example, you can run your contest on Facebook and have the fans vote for the top five entries. From there a more formalized judge or contest administrator can select the winner based on the criteria.

  11. PDF Essay Contest Judging Rubric

    Essay Contest Judging Rubric. For each criterion listed, score the essay on a scale of 1-5, with 5 being the best score. Use a separate form for each essay. Do not score in decimals or fractions - whole numbers only. Understanding of the topic: To what extent did the writer demonstrate a clear understanding of the question and respond with ...

  12. Criteria For Judging Essays in The Creat

    The document outlines the criteria for judging essays in a creative writing competition in 2013. It establishes a percentage-based system with six criteria: creativity (40%), structure (20%), adherence to topic (10%), grammar (10%), length (10%), and a "wow" factor (10%). Each criteria is further defined by checkpoints that judges use to award percentages. Essays must receive an average of 80% ...

  13. Evaluation Criteria for Formal Essays

    An excellent paper: Argument: The paper knows what it wants to say and why it wants to say it. It goes beyond pointing out comparisons to using them to change the reader?s vision. Organization: Every paragraph supports the main argument in a coherent way, and clear transitions point out why each new paragraph follows the previous one. Evidence ...

  14. ENG 1001: Evaluation Criteria for Essays

    According to IVCC's Grading Criteria for Writing Assignments , "A," "B," and "C" essays are clear throughout, meaning that problems with clarity can have a substantial effect on the grade of an essay. If any parts of your essay or any sentences seem just a little unclear to you, you can bet that they will be unclear to readers.

  15. Criteria for Judging Essays in the Creative Writing Competition 2013

    Each essay should initially be read by 2‐3 judges still, and the following criteria should be applied: Creativity Structure Adherence to Topic Grammar Length "Wow!" factor TOTAL: 40% 20% 10% 10% 10% 10% 100% These criteria are discussed at length below.

  16. 2021 Writing Contest Judging Criteria

    HIGH SIERRA WRITERS' 2021 WRITING CONTEST: CHILDREN'S STORY. Please rate the author on each item on a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being "needs a lot of work", 5 being average, and 10 being outstanding. Add up the points for a total rating. In the case of a tie, you may be asked to determine which story is more compelling.

  17. How to create criteria for judging a contest

    Judging Criteria and sponsor's goal(s) Now that we have talked about what a contest is, why judging criteria is important, the different kinds of contests that you can run and various criteria they should be judged on, let us have a look at what should be the judging criteria and sponsor's goals while running a contest. Checklist

  18. How to Judge a Contest: Guide, Shortcuts and Examples

    Judging Shortcut. A shortcut to judging large numbers of entries is to use social media networks to judge on your behalf up to a certain degree. For example, you can run your contest on Facebook and have the fans vote for the top five entries. From there a more formalized judge or contest administrator can select the winner based on the criteria.

  19. Essay Writing Competition

    ESSAY WRITING COMPETITION Mechanics and Rules. The Board of judges shall provide topic of the essay at the venue of the competition. The contestants shall be given two (2) hours to develop the composition. ... CRITERIA FOR JUDGING. Content (Relevance to the theme, Comprehensiveness, Originality, Insights)

  20. Teen Writing Contest Rules and Judging Criteria

    1) We have an Editor that reads every single essay in the high school and college sections of the website for each writing contest prompt. 2) That Editor flags the first round of essay finalists. 3) We then have a second Peer Editor that double checks the first Editor's picks and either adds or deletes essays to the finalist pool as needed to ...

  21. Mechanics and Criteria for the Essay Writing Contest

    Contains at least three (4) paragraphs 3. All entries must be written in English, with at least 250 words and must not exceed to 400 words. 4. The participants shall be given one (1) hour to write and finish their essay. The criteria for judging both Preliminary and Final Round will be as follows:

  22. Essay Writing Competition Mechanics

    Average word count range to 300-1,000 words. Write a 5-paragraph essay, composed of an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The result of the contest shall be posted on the tally board immediately after the judges have finished rating the contestants' manuscripts. The judges' decision is final. CRITERIA FOR JUDGING

  23. Buwan

    The document outlines various criteria and scoring rubrics for judging different types of contests and competitions. Some of the contests and scoring categories included are: - Spoken poetry contests judged on content, literary technique, conventions, and performance quality. - Poster making contests judged on creativity, originality, relevance to theme, and visual impact. - TikTok ...