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119 Internet Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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The internet has become an integral part of our daily lives, providing us with access to a wealth of information and resources at our fingertips. With the rise of online platforms and social media, there are endless possibilities for essay topics related to the internet. Whether you are writing a research paper, a persuasive essay, or a personal reflection, here are 119 internet essay topic ideas and examples to inspire your writing:

  • The impact of social media on mental health
  • The rise of online shopping and its effects on brick-and-mortar stores
  • The role of the internet in political activism and social movements
  • Cyberbullying and its consequences
  • The ethics of online data collection and privacy
  • The influence of internet memes on popular culture
  • The future of artificial intelligence and machine learning
  • Online education and its benefits for students
  • The dark web and its implications for law enforcement
  • The phenomenon of viral videos and their impact on society
  • Online dating and its effects on relationships
  • The spread of fake news on social media platforms
  • The role of algorithms in shaping our online experiences
  • The impact of internet censorship on freedom of speech
  • The rise of influencer marketing on social media platforms
  • The benefits and drawbacks of online gaming
  • The role of the internet in modern journalism
  • The impact of online reviews on consumer behavior
  • Online communities and their influence on individuals
  • The future of cybersecurity in a digital world
  • The impact of streaming services on the entertainment industry
  • The rise of online activism and its impact on social change
  • The effects of online dating apps on intimacy and relationships
  • The role of social media in shaping political opinions
  • The rise of online education and its impact on traditional schooling
  • The impact of online shopping on the environment
  • The influence of internet celebrities on young people
  • The ethical implications of online content moderation
  • The role of the internet in spreading misinformation and conspiracy theories
  • The impact of online advertising on consumer behavior
  • The future of virtual reality and its applications
  • The rise of online therapy and its benefits for mental health
  • The effects of internet addiction on individuals
  • The role of social media in shaping body image
  • The impact of online dating on traditional courtship rituals
  • The rise of online crowdfunding and its impact on entrepreneurship
  • The ethics of online surveillance and government monitoring
  • The influence of social media on political polarization
  • The future of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology
  • The impact of online gaming on cognitive development
  • The role of the internet in shaping cultural identities
  • The effects of online harassment on victims
  • The rise of online news aggregators and their impact on traditional journalism
  • The ethics of online content creation and ownership
  • The influence of social media on consumer trends
  • The impact of online education on traditional classroom dynamics
  • The role of the internet in promoting diversity and inclusion
  • The effects of online activism on political change
  • The future of online dating and its impact on romantic relationships
  • The rise of online marketplaces and their impact on traditional businesses
  • The impact of online dating on marriage and family dynamics
  • The role of the internet in promoting global connectivity
  • The effects of online gaming on social skills and relationships
  • The influence of social media on body image and self-esteem
  • The future of online privacy and data security
  • The rise of online streaming services and their impact on traditional media
  • The impact of online activism on corporate social responsibility
  • The role of the internet in shaping political discourse
  • The effects of online dating on traditional gender roles
  • The influence of social media on political mobilization
  • The impact of online shopping on consumer behavior
  • The future of artificial intelligence in online communication
  • The ethics of online content moderation and censorship
  • The impact of online activism on social change
  • The impact of internet addiction on individuals
  • The impact of online gaming on social skills and relationships

These are just a few examples of the many essay topics that can be explored in relation to the internet. Whether you are interested in social media, online shopping, cybersecurity, or any other aspect of the digital world, there is no shortage of ideas to inspire your writing. So, pick a topic that resonates with you and start exploring the endless possibilities that the internet has to offer.

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246 Internet Essay Topics

🏆 best essay topics on internet, ✍️ internet essay topics for college, 👍 good internet research topics & essay examples, 🌶️ hot internet ideas to write about, 💡 simple internet essay ideas, 📌 easy internet essay topics, ❓ research questions about the internet.

  • Internet Does More Good Than Harm
  • Impact of Internet on Students’ Life
  • Life Before the Internet Versus After the Internet
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet
  • Internet Impact on Modern Culture
  • History of the Internet
  • The Role of Internet on International Marketing
  • The Negative Effect the Internet Has on Society The essay explores how the Internet has negatively influenced culture and its outcomes for the current world. It breaks down all the significant adverse effects.
  • Is the Internet «Making Us Stupid?» The global spread of the Internet is raising concerns among the public in the fields of general education and knowledge.
  • Evolution of the Internet The complex history of the evolution of the internet involves many aspects such as technological, organizational, social, and political.
  • Dangers of the Internet to Children People are so attracted to the internet because of the inability to disclose the identity of the user. This is the main reason that makes the internet so dangerous to kids.
  • Benefits of Using the Internet in the Modern World This essay is focusing on the benefits which the worldwide users have been enjoying since they started using the internet, until now when the usage of the internet is advanced.
  • The Internet Importance for the Modern World The Internet is a major tool for the integration and rapprochement of human communities, which has undoubtedly affected the change in social thought.
  • Impact of Internet on Society The importance of Internet technologies in the life of society cannot be underestimated. Despite some negative aspects, it improves many aspects.
  • The Internet and the World Wide Web Concepts The Internet and the World Wide Web play a vital role in everyday life. The Internet contributes to the connection of the computer, and the World Wide Web enables access.
  • Impacts of Internet on Print Media and Journalism This essay seeks to elaborate on the impacts of internet on print media and journalism while in the process stating the advantages and disadvantages of both internet and print media.
  • My Digital Footprint on the Internet Today, the US companies based on the internet create and store citizens’ personal data, including race, ideology/religion, and sexuality.
  • The Internet Impact on the Buying Process The essay will concentrate on the Internet as a global marketplace that impacts how the worldwide network of communication either promotes or limits business interactions.
  • Intellectual Property Law and Piracy on the Internet Piracy can be done on various different types of intellectual properties, especially those that can be downloaded from the internet.
  • Internet Addiction as a Teenage Issue This paper evaluates Internet addiction as an issue affecting teenagers today and assesses the causes, assessment tools, and support options.
  • Research of Dark Side of the Internet The present paper focuses on the overview of the Darknet (Dark Side of the Internet), its purposes, users, and ways to control it.
  • The Internet’s Effects on Intelligence in Digital Age The use of the Internet does not make the population stupider. It is the inevitable progress of technology and science that makes people’s lives easier.
  • The Various Aspects of Internet Pornography The paper discusses what actually internet pornography is, its effect on our culture, pros and cons and some worth mentioning facts have been mentioned.
  • Unethical Behavior: Abuse of Cell Phones and Internet The availability of mobile devices and internet access necessitates organizations to address how their workers use their time at work.
  • Necessity of Internet Censorship: Essay Sample Many governments have taken various measures to ensure that they monitor information that is made available to their citizens.
  • Internet and Interactive Media as an Advertising Tool There are 2 benefits of the use of the Internet and interactive media as an advertising tool: they are extremely cost-efficient and improve customer interaction and communication.
  • The Internet Growth and Problems That It Faced A major factor in the growth of the internet was the development of the World Wide Web. The World Wide Web was invented in 1990 by Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau.
  • The Impact of the Internet on Banking The internet and Information Technology has given banks their core objective and that is services towards their customers and at the moment it is bringing forth more valued added products.
  • Discussion of Civility on the Internet Civility comes from the Greek word “civilitas”, which means the readiness of people to offer themselves for the benefit of the city.
  • The Internet, Its Role and Development This essay will discuss the key roles and events that enabled the establishment and development of the Internet and evaluate its contribution to society.
  • The Internet Era’s Impact on Reading The Internet era has decreased the popularity of reading even though people can find an alternative way to consume written information.
  • The Rapid Growth of the Internet The digital information revolution and explosion manifest in the ever increasing quantities and array of new electronic information resources.
  • The Impact of the Internet on Human Heath Healthcare professionals need to develop prevention and intervention strategies to fight Internet addiction and negative consequences for the physical health.
  • Internet in Our Life: Personal Opinion Amazon.com practically dominates the online retail industry with its selection of products and services, the problem with this though is that a crowding-out effect occurs.
  • Should We Restrict Internet Usage by Children? The paper examines why there exists a need to filter internet usage by children and suggests ways and means to implement the same.
  • How the Internet Changed Academic Paper-Writing Researchers and students use deductive reasoning to break down their concepts and ideas. This process usually revolves around the development and presentation of arguments.
  • The Internet in Modern Human Life The Internet in modern human life is not only entertainment, but also a way of obtaining information, knowledge, and the ability to specify the real workplace.
  • Negative Effects of Using Cell Phones and the Internet during Social Interactions Reduced communication skills, low-quality conversations, weakened relationship bonds, and mental health issues are among many negative effects.
  • How the Internet Transformed Design Fashion By using the Internet, people can shop online and avoid overcrowded shopping malls. It saves time, and people do not get tired while looking for a specific product.
  • Impact of the Internet on Society The Internet creates new ways for citizens to communicate, congregate, and share information of social nature. It is obvious that the Internet has and will continue to change the way we live.
  • The Internet and the Media The traditional media facilitated the enforcement of laws, which ensured that all released contents remained ethical.
  • Internet for Children: Benefits and Threats The paper notes that while there are many advantages of the internet to children, the numerous harms make it unwise to let children access it on their own.
  • The Internet in the Modern Educational System The increased access to the Internet made it possible for both teachers and students to be at the forefront of digitalization.
  • Freedom of Speech on the Internet The research paper explores freedom of speech, with a specific focus on each person’s right to express their thoughts on the Internet.
  • Effects of Social Media and Internet Social scientists focus on social, economic, and political affairs, and social media and the Internet are highly useful.
  • The Internet’s Impact on Advertising This research highlights the effects of the Internet on advertising and argues that the Internet has revolutionized advertising due to its flexible and dynamic orientation.
  • Modern Internet and Copyright Arguments This paper aims to discuss arguments for and against downloading copyrighted books, music, and software from the Internet.
  • The 1974 Copyright Regulations on Internet Videos In 1974 the United States became a member of the convention that safeguarded the procedures of phonograms contrary to unauthorized duplication of their contents.
  • The Internet and Interactive Media as a New Advertising Tool Since at present advertising is one of the most active spheres of human activities, the use of the Internet and interactive media in it is ever-increasing.
  • E-Commerce: The Utility of Internet Retail The paper states e-commerce has no space restrictions, and websites can carry various products. It helps customers to get what they need.
  • Journalism: Impact of the Internet and Technology The internet paved the way for citizen journalism which eradicated censorship and significantly played a part in democratizing power.
  • “Dressing for the Internet” by Shumaker et al. The study aims to study clothing as a method of nonverbal online communication but falls short due to its flawed sample and methodology.
  • Internet Privacy and Privacy Issues Even though internet connectivity enables many people to interact and share information, privacy issues have remained a big problem for Internet users.
  • The Information Transmission Through the Internet The data streaming over the Internet influenced the improvement and invention of the updated media platforms. That opens a wider range of possibilities the live files.
  • The Effect of the Internet on Advertisement The internet provides an effective model of injecting efficiency in the advertisement as a component of businesses.
  • Effects of the Internet on Society and Individuals The use of the internet is a great resource that is available worldwide. People can connect with their loved ones, receive information, and reach out to the needy ones.
  • Pros and Cons of Health-Related Information on the Internet Many people today, whether providers or consumers of healthcare, often turn to the internet for medical advice.
  • The Effectiveness of the Internet in Healthcare Healthcare organizations that are making use of the internet to manage their information have received significant attention.
  • Internet for Travel Agencies and Tourism Websites The purpose of the project is to address the question of how the Internet affected the travel industry about customer satisfaction and service convenience.
  • Saudi Arabia and Internet Censorship The Internet in Saudi Arabia is one of the most restricted, even though this country is one of the biggest economic giants thanks to oil.
  • The Use of the Internet to Solve Crimes The paper discusses that the use of the internet in solving crimes has made it easy and convenient for law enforcers to handle criminal cases.
  • Internet Usage Around the World The Asian country Macao has a higher percentage of internet users compared to the Czech Republic, even though the European region has more internet access than the Asian one.
  • Shifts That May Happen as the Internet Continues to Grow and Expand The Internet can be the innovation that has transformed every industry and individuals’ life. The changes can be seen in technological, business, and society, and development.
  • Security for Internet E-Commerce Transactions E-commerce is becoming an important focus to many businesses across the globe because of the accompanying benefits and also because of the need to advance towards modern systems.
  • The Internet of Things as the Primary Trend in Telecommunications The purpose of this paper is to give a detailed and critical analysis of the Internet of Things as the current trend in telecommunications.
  • How the Internet Challenges Families This paper aims at discussing the effects the Internet has on families through the prism of communication, the desire to compare, and the intentions to find information quickly.
  • Music Journalism in the Future Internet Age The advent of the Internet has affected the role of the traditional print music journalist to the extent of raising concerns over the prospects of the field.
  • Impact of Internet and Social Media on Influencers The paper states that influencers and the Internet are inseparable elements of the whole. Influencers continue to be an essential part of the modern Internet.
  • Are Children Smarter and More Socialized Because of Internet? The article argues today’s children have problems with socialization and intellectual development because of the Internet.
  • Government Censorship on the Internet: An Extended Outline This essay argues that while governmental censorship can support the well-being of the nation, it should be applied with increased caution to respect the freedom of speech.
  • Body of Knowledge of Internet of Things This paper aims to analyze the Body of Knowledge of Internet of Things, knowledge and application area, and methodology and planning level.
  • Applications of the Internet of Things in Business The paper discusses the Internet of Things applications in business, and significantly how the large volumes of data collected can improve business insight and customer experience.
  • Impact of the Internet on Mental Health The purpose of this paper is to learn more about the particular positive effects of Internet use on human psychology in the era of the Covid-19.
  • The Facets of Globalization in Internet Security This paper aims to outline and define interconnections between Internet security and the process of worldwide integration.
  • Internet Sources in Health Education In the article, the author talks about the importance of using the media to improve health literacy of the population.
  • Internet Invention: History and Lifestyle Changes It is clear that the world has really come far in terms of inventions. The internet particularly has provided a link between all the continents.
  • Internet’ Effects on Journalism The research compares traditional journalism (journalism during the internet blackout era), and modern journalism commonly referred to as citizen journalism.
  • The Internet Origins and Commercial Use The emergence of the Internet has facilitated a greater exchange of information between people. As a result, it stimulated the development of e-commerce and trade.
  • Cultural Democracy and Internet Imperialism The source helps draw a connection between the conscious domination of cultural niches and its impact on global biases within media.
  • The Neuroscience of Internet Addiction Technology firms play a great role in exploiting the neuroscience of internet addiction through marketing, as revealed in the article.
  • Internet as a Revolutionary Innovation One of the major discoveries is the Internet, which over 50% of the global population uses on daily basis. The microwave is another technological innovation.
  • Internet Censorship: Freedom of Expression in the Arts Many countries have embraced this technology and used it to boost their economies and other aspects of life, including education.
  • News on the Internet vs. Traditional Media The credibility of news on the Internet is a topic that often becomes the cause of controversy and even lawsuits against unscrupulous media resources.
  • Post-Literate Generation: Is the Internet Making Us Stupid? Many scientists, specifically, Nicholas Carr, believe that limitless access to information has the capacity to damage humanity’s ability to think critically.
  • Jurisdictional Standards to Civil Internet Issues The internet has come a long way from a lawless nature to an entity where some laws and guidelines and regulations monitor the way it is utilized.
  • Internet Usage Among Small and Medium Enterprises: A Malaysian Perspective The United States and the original European Community members may have pioneered going into the World Wide Web, even invented the basic tools and techniques.
  • Rise of Internet and End of Mass Media Audience This paper is an analysis of whether the rise of the internet is the signal of a dramatic end to the traditional ways of communicating.
  • Internet and the Radio Industry: Strategic Management The Internet has reformed the way business is done all over the world. The impact the Internet had on the radio industry is that the network would boost the programming variety.
  • The All Geeks Company’s Internet Marketing The All Geeks should post content on their website and other channels using some of these powerful words: “free”, “limited”, “easy”, “best”, and “exclusive.”
  • Internet Technology: Creating a Website This paper is set to explain the way the internet has changed lives and its effect on the pace at which businesses are conducted all over the world today.
  • The Concept of Internet Memes A sarcastic use of virtually harmless memes, idols, and mascots such as Pepe the Frog or Gritty is a vivid illustration of such trend for non-verbal abuse of certain public.
  • Ramifications of the Internet The Internet is useful, and it possesses great advantages because a person can discover a lot of new opportunities for oneself, which can make his/her dreams come true, and become more knowledgeable and informed.
  • Musical Culture and Internet Influence Music is the most ancient and common in human culture. It is characterized as an art form that reflects reality in sounds, artistic images and actively influences the human psyche.
  • Internet Marketing Strategies and Consumer Behavior Interactive discussions enable consumers to find information from experienced clients and this captures more attention towards evaluation and making decisions over alternatives.
  • The Internet of Things (IoT) and Healthcare The Internet of Things (IoT) is a term that defines the way objects (things) can be connected to the Internet, which provides them with the capability to transmit information.
  • Amazon vs. Walmart: Internet in the Retail Industry This paper discusses the recent development of retail through the main aspects of Porter’s Five Forces analysis and the growth of Amazon and Walmart.
  • Internet Privacy Policy at the Workplace This paper discusses the concept of monitoring the use of the internet, email, and other privacy issues at work and the current laws regulating employee privacy.
  • What Feminist Theory Teaches Us About the Internet? This study examines the article that speculates upon the increasing sexism that currently dominates online spaces, and the ability of feminist theory to change this situation.
  • How the Internet Changed the Way People Think? Some parts of the Internet have become so inseparable from people’s existence that the Internet affects the way people think.
  • Education: Internet Courses Versus Traditional Courses This paper argues that internet courses are better and more effective than traditional college courses since the internet education platform is more affordable.
  • Networks and the Internet Tools This research paper examines various types of networks, a range of the Internet tools, and the Internet activism.
  • Legal Regulation of the Internet The question of the responsibility of Internet providers to society for the content of their messages is quite acute.
  • Muted Generation or How Internet Changes the Way We Live The daily use of devices is addictive, and given the long time spent daily interacting with technology, the Internet can shape our personality, mental state, and lifestyle.
  • Internet-of-Things in the Military and Its Feasibility This paper provides an analysis of the Internet of Military Things functions and a description of its feasibility in the future and its associated costs.
  • Regulating Internet Privacy and Related Issues Internet privacy subjects cover all the concerns about the information collected by the website operators and by spying soft wares.
  • Issues on Internet: Privacy and Freedom of Speech Two of the issues, namely, privacy and freedom of speech with regards to the Internet have been discussed in this article.
  • Why the Internet Is Killing Us The Internet is killing humanity because of the colossal scale of hatred and the same number of channels through which it is transmitted.
  • Internet Communications and Media Internet communication gives us a fling like real communication. Chatting, videoconference, etc. are promoting the virtual culture in this world.
  • Internet and Education Interconnection The Internet promoted the globalization of world education, made the latest scientific achievements available for students and tutors. Internet is the whole world for learning.
  • Internet Age and Its Influence on a Public Self The Internet age has brought forth a significant change in social interactions and personal connections. This phenomenon created both numerous advantages and challenges.
  • Role of Internet in Internet Addiction This paper will use qualitative data to analyze the role of the web in digital media addiction amid the young people. The paper will begin with a literature review of internet addiction.
  • Web Evlauation – Website of the Internet Mental Health Organization We chose the website of the Internet Mental Health Organization. This website is dedicated to all the individuals in society, trying to inform them regarding mental health disorders.
  • Benefits and Problems of Internet-Enabled Flexible Working Arrangement Computers and the Internet, at large, have specifically changed the face of modern jobs since they facilitate communication between employees and the company from remote locations.
  • The Internet of Things Aids Waste Management The use of unique cards and audio and photo identification allows the configuration of access parameters and limits the possibilities of data leakage.
  • Internet-Based Business Models as Positive Innovation The platform business model is more of a positive innovation than a negative one. With it, owners reduce risk, can grow quickly, and can provide a complete service to the consumer.
  • The Internet of Things Privacy Issues in Business Avital’s article “The Transformative Effect of the Internet of Things on Business and Society” delves into how the IoT has changed the business world.
  • The Segment of the Internet of Things The paper states that the segment of the Internet of Things has been developing rapidly, which is why much of the research has been focused on this topic.
  • The Internet Experience in the Learning Process The Internet is an integral part of people’s lives. With the advent of this technology, individuals have gained access to a large amount of knowledge and opportunities.
  • The Internet of Things Devices and Security Issues The Internet of Things devices are very insecure, and their security is not up to the mark. Many risks are associated with it, which can impact the company’s functioning.
  • The Internet’s Effect on Education and Students’ Literacy While some claim it gives students a broader learning option, others believe it cannot replace the possibility of writing on physical paper and reading from paper books.
  • Internet of Things, Digital Servitization and Business Performance The Internet of Things refers to an integrated system built of hardware and software components that is used to facilitate communication and data sharing.
  • Internet Search and Personal Information The sources that provide information about a person are discussed. YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok are among the most popular social media.
  • The Internet Role in Human Trafficking This essay will argue that the problem of Internet use for human trafficking is unsolvable because there are not enough ways to control these processes.
  • The Internet on Guard of the State Regime To subjugate freedom of speech on the Internet, censors use several techniques, such as focusing on a local incident and actively using innovative technologies.
  • The Internet Censorship Problem from Various Viewpoints Although online communications are still relatively free of censorship in the form of legal restrictions, more people argue that interactions on the internet should be regulated.
  • Internet Technology: Software Maintenance and Evolution More and more organizations depend on trends in the IT market. Now one can see how even small companies hire employees who can create a website.
  • The Internet Evolution and Advancement Since its creation, the Internet has changed humanity’s trajectory. All aspects of people’s lives, from business to social interactions, are now shaped by the World Wide Web.
  • The Internet and Technology Negative Effects This article forms a good understanding of the influence technology has on the human brain and draws a pessimistic conclusion on its future trajectory.
  • How the Internet and Digital Culture Have Changed Language in Canada In Canada, digital platforms have ingrained a contemporary lifestyle in communication, influenced by new shortened twists of phrases and keystrokes, acronyms, effective emoticons.
  • Does the Internet Negatively Impact People’s Brains? The current paper indicates that the Internet cannot negatively influence people’s smartness and concentration unless they allow it to do so.
  • Aspects of Internet Neutrality The paper discusses internet neutrality. It is a set of laws that prevents Internet service providers to block access to specific sites.
  • Importance of Internet of Things Security The new peer-to-peer botnet referred to as Mozi, has a relation to Gafgyt malware, uses a DHT protocol and spreads by abusing Telnet passwords and target networking devices.
  • The Problem of the “Technological Bondage”: The Internet Addiction Psychologists compare Internet addiction, which appeared with the development of the Internet, with alco- and drug dependency.
  • The Internet of Things Cybersecurity Improvement Act This research paper discusses the Internet of Things Cybersecurity Improvement Act and what it means for the public and the government.
  • Programming: Correlates of Internet Addiction in Turkish Adolescents Variable gender respondent, labeled Q101 in the data set, is a nominal variable that measures the type of response that the researcher is recording.
  • How Has the Internet Changed the Recording Industry? Music as a business has been most thoroughly affected by the development of the Internet, as the physical medium (CDs) disappeared.
  • What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains Reading printed text existed long before the internet text. With the coming of the internet, many people have been at crossroads when it comes to choosing a better text to read.
  • The Internet Impact on Social Reality The debate space between cyber-optimists and cyber-pessimists is disputing how the Internet can change social reality.
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet and Mailed Surveys Internet surveys have advantages and disadvantages, but in modern times companies are still inclined to choose Internet surveys rather than regular mail.
  • Terrorism: Radicalization and the Internet The current paper examines the main causes and types of radicalism, as well as what role the Internet plays in the hands of terrorists.
  • A Plan for Internet Pedophile Investigation This paper aims to develop a plan to investigate and capture criminals who engage in online pedophilia to protect children.
  • Online Radicalization on the Internet The internet is a wide platform for communication and other activities. Radical beliefs take root online and spread to vulnerable demographics.
  • Harm From Social Networks and Internet Usage Social networks bring more harm than benefits and cause damage, not benefit to relationships, communication skills, and life quality.
  • Internet Recruiting: Stages and Benefits
  • Assigning IP (Internet Protocol) Addresses to People
  • The Internet of Things: Echo Product
  • The Internet of Things in Transportation Management
  • Sources Credibility in Internet Information About Stem Cells Research
  • Quality of Service in the Voice Over Internet Protocol
  • Massive Internet Outage Hits Websites Including Amazon, gov.UK and Guardian
  • The Internet of Things (IoT) as Used by Smart Cities in Response to COVID-19
  • Passwords and Their Role in the Internet Security
  • Impact of the Internet on Consumers’ Opportunities
  • Social Media and Internet Advertising for Brand’s Success
  • Phorm Fires Privacy Row for Internet Service Providers
  • Applying Internet Laws and Regulations to Educational Technology
  • The Internet: The Roles of The Private Sector and The Government
  • The Rise of Depression in the Era of the Internet
  • Transmission Control Protocol-Internet Protocol Ensuring Communication
  • Internet of Things in Manufacturing System
  • Internet Privacy and Internet Frontier
  • Internet Blogging Problems: Warman Versus Lemire Case
  • Concepts of Current Chinese Internet Culture
  • Treasure Trove or Trash: The Internet and Its Ability to Enact Social Change
  • Internet Communication Engineering
  • Patient Guide to the Internet
  • The World Wide Web and the Internet Issues
  • Self-Control and Rational Choice in Internet Abuses at Work
  • A Patient’s Guide Through www.: Surfing Through the Internet
  • Net Neutrality – A Free Internet
  • Internet Selling of Items of Crafts Business
  • Management Information Systems: Internet and Intranet
  • Biometrics in Regards to Computer and Internet Security
  • Voice Over Internet Protocol: Technology Introduction
  • Facts From Fiction and From the Internet
  • Tom.com: Strategic Analysis of an Asian Internet Company
  • White Power Never Disappeared: Supremacists in the Internet

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  • Internet Censorship: Classified Information Leaks
  • Complex Internet Security: Approaches to Protecting Private Information
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  • What Is Causing Internet Issues?
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  • Does the Internet Affect Today’s Children for Good or Bad?
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  • What Is the Importance of the Internet?
  • How Does Internet Marketing Communication Differ From Traditional Marketing Communication?
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  • What Is the Impact of the Internet in Our Life?
  • Why the Internet Is the Greatest Invention?
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  • How Has the Internet Impacted Society?
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  • Can Internet Enhance Social Capital Among Its Users?
  • How the Internet Is Useful in Research?
  • Should the Internet Service Providers Be Allowed to Ban Extremist Content?
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StudyCorgi. (2021, September 9). 246 Internet Essay Topics. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/internet-essay-topics/

"246 Internet Essay Topics." StudyCorgi , 9 Sept. 2021, studycorgi.com/ideas/internet-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . (2021) '246 Internet Essay Topics'. 9 September.

1. StudyCorgi . "246 Internet Essay Topics." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/internet-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi . "246 Internet Essay Topics." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/internet-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . 2021. "246 Internet Essay Topics." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/internet-essay-topics/.

These essay examples and topics on Internet were carefully selected by the StudyCorgi editorial team. They meet our highest standards in terms of grammar, punctuation, style, and fact accuracy. Please ensure you properly reference the materials if you’re using them to write your assignment.

This essay topic collection was updated on June 23, 2024 .

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Essays on Internet

Recommended internet essay topics.

  • The impact of artificial intelligence on internet services
  • Advancements in cloud computing and their implications for businesses
  • The role of blockchain technology in ensuring online security and transparency
  • Internet of Things (IoT) and its potential to revolutionize everyday life
  • The future of 5G technology and its impact on internet connectivity

Social Media

  • The influence of social media on consumer behavior and purchasing decisions
  • The ethical implications of targeted advertising on social media platforms
  • The role of social media in shaping political discourse and public opinion
  • The impact of social media on mental health and well-being
  • The rise of influencer culture and its impact on social media trends

Online Culture

  • The evolution of online gaming communities and their impact on gaming culture
  • The phenomenon of viral internet memes and their cultural significance
  • The rise of online dating and its impact on traditional relationship dynamics
  • The influence of internet subcultures on mainstream culture and media
  • The role of online platforms in fostering creativity and artistic expression

Digital Innovation

  • The emergence of virtual reality technology and its potential applications
  • The impact of e-commerce on traditional retail and consumer behavior
  • The role of digital marketing in shaping brand identity and consumer engagement
  • The future of cybersecurity in the age of digital transformation
  • The ethical considerations of data privacy and surveillance in the digital age

Online Communication

  • The evolution of online communication: from email to social media
  • The influence of online communication on language and writing skills
  • The psychology of online interactions and the concept of "digital identity"
  • The impact of online dating and relationships in the digital age
  • The role of online communication in fostering global connections and understanding

Internet and Education

  • The benefits and challenges of online learning
  • The impact of technology on traditional education methods
  • The role of the internet in providing access to educational resources for all
  • The influence of online research on academic writing and plagiarism
  • The future of education in a digitally connected world

Online Business and E-commerce

  • The growth of online shopping and its impact on traditional retail
  • The role of social media in digital marketing and brand promotion
  • The challenges of cybersecurity for online businesses
  • The impact of online reviews and ratings on consumer behavior
  • The future of e-commerce and the influence of emerging technologies

Internet and Politics

  • The influence of social media on political discourse and activism
  • The role of online news and misinformation in shaping public opinion
  • The impact of online fundraising and campaigning on political elections
  • The implications of government surveillance and online privacy laws
  • The future of democracy and governance in the digital age

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internet topics for essays

100 Persuasive Essay Topics

  • M.Ed., Education Administration, University of Georgia
  • B.A., History, Armstrong State University

Persuasive essays are a bit like argument essays , but they tend to be a little kinder and gentler. Argument essays require you to discuss and attack an alternate view, while persuasive essays attempt to convince the reader that you have a believable argument. In other words, you are an advocate, not an adversary.

Writing a compelling persuasive essay requires you to select a topic that ideally stirs your readers' emotions. Before settling on a subject, explore some options to find one that helps craft the strongest and most engaging argument.

Below is a list of potential persuasive essay topics to spark your brainstorming process. You can choose a topic from this list or use it as inspiration to develop an idea of your own.

Main Components of a Persuasive Essay

  • Introduction : This is the opening paragraph of your essay. It contains the hook , which is used to grab the reader's attention, and the thesis , or argument, which you'll explain in the next section.
  • Body : This is the heart of your essay, usually three to five paragraphs in length. Each paragraph examines one theme or issue used to support your thesis.
  • Conclusion : This is the final paragraph of your essay. In it, you'll sum up the main points of the body and connect them to your thesis. Persuasive essays often use the conclusion as a final appeal to the audience.

Learning how to write a persuasive essay is an essential skill people use every day in fields from business to law to media and entertainment. English students can begin writing a persuasive essay at any skill level. You'll surely find a sample topic or two from the list of 100 persuasive essays below, sorted by degree of difficulty.

Watch Now: 12 Ideas for Great Persuasive Essay Topics

Beginner topics.

  • Kids should get paid for good grades.
  • Students should have less homework.
  • Snow days are great for family time.
  • Penmanship is important.
  • Short hair is better than long hair.
  • We should all grow our own vegetables.
  • We need more holidays.
  • Aliens probably exist.
  • Gym class is more important than music class.
  • Kids should be able to vote.
  • Kids should get paid for extra activities like sports.
  • School should take place in the evenings.
  • Country life is better than city life.
  • City life is better than country life.
  • We can change the world.
  • Skateboard helmets should be mandatory.
  • We should provide food for the poor.
  • Children should be paid for doing chores.
  • We should populate the moon .
  • Dogs make better pets than cats.

Intermediate Topics

  • The government should impose household trash limits.
  • Nuclear weapons are an effective deterrent against foreign attack.
  • Teens should be required to take parenting classes.
  • We should teach etiquette in schools.
  • School uniform laws are unconstitutional.
  • All students should wear uniforms.
  • Too much money is a bad thing.
  • High schools should offer specialized degrees in arts or sciences.
  • Magazine advertisements send unhealthy signals to young women.
  • Robocalling should be outlawed.
  • Age 12 is too young to babysit.
  • Children should be required to read more.
  • All students should be allowed to study abroad.
  • Yearly driving tests should be mandatory past age 65.
  • Cell phones should never be used while driving.
  • All schools should implement bullying awareness programs.
  • Bullies should be kicked out of school.
  • Parents of bullies should have to pay a fine.
  • The school year should be longer.
  • School days should start later.
  • Teens should be able to choose their bedtime.
  • There should be a mandatory entrance exam for high school.
  • Public transit should be privatized.
  • We should allow pets in school.
  • The voting age should be lowered to 16.
  • Beauty contests are bad for body image.
  • Every American should learn to speak Spanish.
  • Every immigrant should learn to speak English.
  • Video games can be educational.
  • College athletes should be paid for their services.
  • We need a military draft .
  • Professional sports should eliminate cheerleaders.
  • Teens should be able to start driving at 14 instead of 16.
  • Year-round school is a bad idea.
  • High school campuses should be guarded by police officers.
  • The legal drinking age should be lowered to 19.
  • Kids under 15 shouldn't have Facebook pages.
  • Standardized testing should be eliminated.
  • Teachers should be paid more.
  • There should be one world currency.

Advanced Topics

  • Domestic surveillance without a warrant should be legal.
  • Letter grades should be replaced with a pass or fail.
  • Every family should have a natural disaster survival plan.
  • Parents should talk to kids about drugs at a young age.
  • Racial slurs should be illegal.
  • Gun ownership should be tightly regulated.
  • Puerto Rico should be granted statehood.
  • People should go to jail when they abandon their pets.
  • Free speech should have limitations.
  • Members of Congress should be subject to term limits.
  • Recycling should be mandatory for everyone.
  • High-speed internet access should be regulated like a public utility.
  • Yearly driving tests should be mandatory for the first five years after getting a license.
  • Recreational marijuana should be made legal nationwide.
  • Legal marijuana should be taxed and regulated like tobacco or alcohol.
  • Child support dodgers should go to jail.
  • Students should be allowed to pray in school.
  • All Americans have a constitutional right to health care.
  • Internet access should be free for everyone.
  • Social Security should be privatized.
  • Pregnant couples should receive parenting lessons.
  • We shouldn't use products made from animals.
  • Celebrities should have more privacy rights.
  • Professional football is too violent and should be banned.
  • We need better sex education in schools.
  • School testing is not effective.
  • The United States should build a border wall with Mexico and Canada.
  • Life is better than it was 50 years ago.
  • Eating meat is unethical.
  • A vegan diet is the only diet people should follow.
  • Medical testing on animals should be illegal.
  • The Electoral College is outdated.
  • Medical testing on animals is necessary.
  • Public safety is more important than an individual's right to privacy.
  • Single-sex colleges provide a better education.
  • Books should never be banned.
  • Violent video games can cause people to act violently in real life.
  • Freedom of religion has limitations.
  • Nuclear power should be illegal.
  • Climate change should be the president's primary political concern.

Key Takeaways

  • Persuasive essays aim to convince rather than confront, effectively making you advocate for a position or idea.
  • Choosing a compelling topic that evokes emotions is crucial for crafting a strong persuasive essay.
  • The main parts of a persuasive essay are the introduction (with a hook and thesis), body paragraphs (explaining themes supporting the thesis), and conclusion (summarizing main points and making a final appeal).

Hamilton College. " Writing a Persuasive Essay ."

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Sat / act prep online guides and tips, 113 perfect persuasive essay topics for any assignment.

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Do you need to write a persuasive essay but aren’t sure what topic to focus on? Were you thrilled when your teacher said you could write about whatever you wanted but are now overwhelmed by the possibilities? We’re here to help!

Read on for a list of 113 top-notch persuasive essay topics, organized into ten categories. To help get you started, we also discuss what a persuasive essay is, how to choose a great topic, and what tips to keep in mind as you write your persuasive essay.

What Is a Persuasive Essay?

In a persuasive essay, you attempt to convince readers to agree with your point of view on an argument. For example, an essay analyzing changes in Italian art during the Renaissance wouldn’t be a persuasive essay, because there’s no argument, but an essay where you argue that Italian art reached its peak during the Renaissance would be a persuasive essay because you’re trying to get your audience to agree with your viewpoint.

Persuasive and argumentative essays both try to convince readers to agree with the author, but the two essay types have key differences. Argumentative essays show a more balanced view of the issue and discuss both sides. Persuasive essays focus more heavily on the side the author agrees with. They also often include more of the author’s opinion than argumentative essays, which tend to use only facts and data to support their argument.

All persuasive essays have the following:

  • Introduction: Introduces the topic, explains why it’s important, and ends with the thesis.
  • Thesis: A sentence that sums up what the essay be discussing and what your stance on the issue is.
  • Reasons you believe your side of the argument: Why do you support the side you do? Typically each main point will have its own body paragraph.
  • Evidence supporting your argument: Facts or examples to back up your main points. Even though your opinion is allowed in persuasive essays more than most other essays, having concrete examples will make a stronger argument than relying on your opinion alone.
  • Conclusion: Restatement of thesis, summary of main points, and a recap of why the issue is important.

What Makes a Good Persuasive Essay Topic?

Theoretically, you could write a persuasive essay about any subject under the sun, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you should. Certain topics are easier to write a strong persuasive essay on, and below are tips to follow when deciding what you should write about.

It’s a Topic You Care About

Obviously, it’s possible to write an essay about a topic you find completely boring. You’ve probably done it! However, if possible, it’s always better to choose a topic that you care about and are interested in. When this is the case, you’ll find doing the research more enjoyable, writing the essay easier, and your writing will likely be better because you’ll be more passionate about and informed on the topic.

You Have Enough Evidence to Support Your Argument

Just being passionate about a subject isn’t enough to make it a good persuasive essay topic, though. You need to make sure your argument is complex enough to have at least two potential sides to root for, and you need to be able to back up your side with evidence and examples. Even though persuasive essays allow your opinion to feature more than many other essays, you still need concrete evidence to back up your claims, or you’ll end up with a weak essay.

For example, you may passionately believe that mint chocolate chip ice cream is the best ice cream flavor (I agree!), but could you really write an entire essay on this? What would be your reasons for believing mint chocolate chip is the best (besides the fact that it’s delicious)? How would you support your belief? Have enough studies been done on preferred ice cream flavors to support an entire essay? When choosing a persuasive essay idea, you want to find the right balance between something you care about (so you can write well on it) and something the rest of the world cares about (so you can reference evidence to strengthen your position).

It’s a Manageable Topic

Bigger isn’t always better, especially with essay topics. While it may seem like a great idea to choose a huge, complex topic to write about, you’ll likely struggle to sift through all the information and different sides of the issue and winnow them down to one streamlined essay. For example, choosing to write an essay about how WWII impacted American life more than WWI wouldn’t be a great idea because you’d need to analyze all the impacts of both the wars in numerous areas of American life. It’d be a huge undertaking. A better idea would be to choose one impact on American life the wars had (such as changes in female employment) and focus on that. Doing so will make researching and writing your persuasive essay much more feasible.


List of 113 Good Persuasive Essay Topics

Below are over 100 persuasive essay ideas, organized into ten categories. When you find an idea that piques your interest, you’ll choose one side of it to argue for in your essay. For example, if you choose the topic, “should fracking be legal?” you’d decide whether you believe fracking should be legal or illegal, then you’d write an essay arguing all the reasons why your audience should agree with you.


  • Should students be required to learn an instrument in school?
  • Did the end of Game of Thrones fit with the rest of the series?
  • Can music be an effective way to treat mental illness?
  • With e-readers so popular, have libraries become obsolete?
  • Are the Harry Potter books more popular than they deserve to be?
  • Should music with offensive language come with a warning label?
  • What’s the best way for museums to get more people to visit?
  • Should students be able to substitute an art or music class for a PE class in school?
  • Are the Kardashians good or bad role models for young people?
  • Should people in higher income brackets pay more taxes?
  • Should all high school students be required to take a class on financial literacy?
  • Is it possible to achieve the American dream, or is it only a myth?
  • Is it better to spend a summer as an unpaid intern at a prestigious company or as a paid worker at a local store/restaurant?
  • Should the United States impose more or fewer tariffs?
  • Should college graduates have their student loans forgiven?
  • Should restaurants eliminate tipping and raise staff wages instead?
  • Should students learn cursive writing in school?
  • Which is more important: PE class or music class?
  • Is it better to have year-round school with shorter breaks throughout the year?
  • Should class rank be abolished in schools?
  • Should students be taught sex education in school?
  • Should students be able to attend public universities for free?
  • What’s the most effective way to change the behavior of school bullies?
  • Are the SAT and ACT accurate ways to measure intelligence?
  • Should students be able to learn sign language instead of a foreign language?
  • Do the benefits of Greek life at colleges outweigh the negatives?
  • Does doing homework actually help students learn more?
  • Why do students in many other countries score higher than American students on math exams?
  • Should parents/teachers be able to ban certain books from schools?
  • What’s the best way to reduce cheating in school?
  • Should colleges take a student’s race into account when making admissions decisions?
  • Should there be limits to free speech?
  • Should students be required to perform community service to graduate high school?
  • Should convicted felons who have completed their sentence be allowed to vote?
  • Should gun ownership be more tightly regulated?
  • Should recycling be made mandatory?
  • Should employers be required to offer paid leave to new parents?
  • Are there any circumstances where torture should be allowed?
  • Should children under the age of 18 be able to get plastic surgery for cosmetic reasons?
  • Should white supremacy groups be allowed to hold rallies in public places?
  • Does making abortion illegal make women more or less safe?
  • Does foreign aid actually help developing countries?
  • Are there times a person’s freedom of speech should be curtailed?
  • Should people over a certain age not be allowed to adopt children?


  • Should the minimum voting age be raised/lowered/kept the same?
  • Should Puerto Rico be granted statehood?
  • Should the United States build a border wall with Mexico?
  • Who should be the next person printed on American banknotes?
  • Should the United States’ military budget be reduced?
  • Did China’s one child policy have overall positive or negative impacts on the country?
  • Should DREAMers be granted US citizenship?
  • Is national security more important than individual privacy?
  • What responsibility does the government have to help homeless people?
  • Should the electoral college be abolished?
  • Should the US increase or decrease the number of refugees it allows in each year?
  • Should privately-run prisons be abolished?
  • Who was the most/least effective US president?
  • Will Brexit end up helping or harming the UK?


  • What’s the best way to reduce the spread of Ebola?
  • Is the Keto diet a safe and effective way to lose weight?
  • Should the FDA regulate vitamins and supplements more strictly?
  • Should public schools require all students who attend to be vaccinated?
  • Is eating genetically modified food safe?
  • What’s the best way to make health insurance more affordable?
  • What’s the best way to lower the teen pregnancy rate?
  • Should recreational marijuana be legalized nationwide?
  • Should birth control pills be available without a prescription?
  • Should pregnant women be forbidden from buying cigarettes and alcohol?
  • Why has anxiety increased in adolescents?
  • Are low-carb or low-fat diets more effective for weight loss?
  • What caused the destruction of the USS Maine?
  • Was King Arthur a mythical legend or actual Dark Ages king?
  • Was the US justified in dropping atomic bombs during WWII?
  • What was the primary cause of the Rwandan genocide?
  • What happened to the settlers of the Roanoke colony?
  • Was disagreement over slavery the primary cause of the US Civil War?
  • What has caused the numerous disappearances in the Bermuda triangle?
  • Should nuclear power be banned?
  • Is scientific testing on animals necessary?
  • Do zoos help or harm animals?
  • Should scientists be allowed to clone humans?
  • Should animals in circuses be banned?
  • Should fracking be legal?
  • Should people be allowed to keep exotic animals as pets?
  • What’s the best way to reduce illegal poaching in Africa?
  • What is the best way to reduce the impact of global warming?
  • Should euthanasia be legalized?
  • Is there legitimate evidence of extraterrestrial life?
  • Should people be banned from owning aggressive dog breeds?
  • Should the United States devote more money towards space exploration?
  • Should the government subsidize renewable forms of energy?
  • Is solar energy worth the cost?
  • Should stem cells be used in medicine?
  • Is it right for the US to leave the Paris Climate Agreement?
  • Should athletes who fail a drug test receive a lifetime ban from the sport?
  • Should college athletes receive a salary?
  • Should the NFL do more to prevent concussions in players?
  • Do PE classes help students stay in shape?
  • Should horse racing be banned?
  • Should cheerleading be considered a sport?
  • Should children younger than 18 be allowed to play tackle football?
  • Are the costs of hosting an Olympic Games worth it?
  • Can online schools be as effective as traditional schools?
  • Do violent video games encourage players to be violent in real life?
  • Should facial recognition technology be banned?
  • Does excessive social media use lead to depression/anxiety?
  • Has the rise of translation technology made knowing multiple languages obsolete?
  • Was Steve Jobs a visionary or just a great marketer?
  • Should social media be banned for children younger than a certain age?
  • Which 21st-century invention has had the largest impact on society?
  • Are ride-sharing companies like Uber and Lyft good or bad for society?
  • Should Facebook have done more to protect the privacy of its users?
  • Will technology end up increasing or decreasing inequality worldwide?


Tips for Writing a Strong Persuasive Essay

After you’ve chosen the perfect topic for your persuasive essay, your work isn’t over. Follow the three tips below to create a top-notch essay.

Do Your Research

Your argument will fall apart if you don’t fully understand the issue you’re discussing or you overlook an important piece of it. Readers won’t be convinced by someone who doesn’t know the subject, and you likely won’t persuade any of them to begin supporting your viewpoint. Before you begin writing a single word of your essay, research your topic thoroughly. Study different sources, learn about the different sides of the argument, ask anyone who’s an expert on the topic what their opinion is, etc. You might be tempted to start writing right away, but by doing your research, you’ll make the writing process much easier when the time comes.

Make Your Thesis Perfect

Your thesis is the most important sentence in your persuasive essay. Just by reading that single sentence, your audience should know exactly what topic you’ll be discussing and where you stand on the issue. You want your thesis to be crystal clear and to accurately set up the rest of your essay. Asking classmates or your teacher to look it over before you begin writing the rest of your essay can be a big help if you’re not entirely confident in your thesis.

Consider the Other Side

You’ll spend most of your essay focusing on your side of the argument since that’s what you want readers to come away believing. However, don’t think that means you can ignore other sides of the issue. In your essay, be sure to discuss the other side’s argument, as well as why you believe this view is weak or untrue. Researching all the different viewpoints and including them in your essay will increase the quality of your writing by making your essay more complete and nuanced.

Summary: Persuasive Essay Ideas

Good persuasive essay topics can be difficult to come up with, but in this guide we’ve created a list of 113 excellent essay topics for you to browse. The best persuasive essay ideas will be those that you are interested in, have enough evidence to support your argument, and aren’t too complicated to be summarized in an essay.

After you’ve chosen your essay topic, keep these three tips in mind when you begin writing:

  • Do your research
  • Make your thesis perfect
  • Consider the other side

What's Next?

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Christine graduated from Michigan State University with degrees in Environmental Biology and Geography and received her Master's from Duke University. In high school she scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT and was named a National Merit Finalist. She has taught English and biology in several countries.

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Essay on Internet


  • Updated on  
  • Oct 1, 2021

Essay on Internet

With throat-cutting competition, the difficulty level of various competitive exams has increased. Apart from domain-specific knowledge, questions framed in various exams evaluate critical thinking and decision-making ability, reading and writing skills, and  Logical and Analytical Reasoning . It thus has become important to focus on all the components equally. Just like the aforementioned topics, Essay writing is another crucial element of a wide range of entrance tests like IELTS , TOEFL , UPSC exams , etc. The topics for essays can range from Digital India and Economic issues to the role of Education and Women Empowerment . In this blog, we will share some samples of essays on the internet with you!

Uses of Internet Essay

By the term internet, we can decipher that it is a global wide-area network where innumerable computer systems are connected to a single network. From running a business to making financial transactions, the internet, which is one of the most powerful tools has made modern lives absolutely easier and simpler. 

It is because of easy accessibility and global reach, we are able to communicate with people across the world through various platforms in a cost-effective and time-saving way. Not only restricted to news, one can easily send important updates, pursue online courses, watch live broadcasts, attend business meetings, and purchase and sell goods online with a simple click. 

However, with good, comes bad. Despite revolutionizing industries, the internet also has risks associated with it. Cyber frauds, malware attacks, disorganised and unverified materials, identity thefts, unscrupulous businesses, etc are some of the major issues concerned with the internet. Furthermore, excessive use of the internet can affect both mental and physical health. 

Taking precautions like not saving your bank details, installing antivirus software, regularly updating passwords, purchasing goods from verified websites, etc while using the internet can help you stay safe. Hence, despite being a double-edged sword, the internet is like a vast ocean, the pros of which outweigh the cons!

Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet

In the late 1960s, a global wide-area network was created which is now referred to as the Internet. With its roots spread across industries, it has become a quintessential necessity for mankind to live with. Not restricted to only establishing communication, but one can perform financial transactions, watch movies, listen to music, pursue courses, and go shopping with the help of the internet. 

There are more advantages to the internet rather than disadvantages. From online shopping to online learning, the internet has helped mankind thick and thin. Similarly, from business units to schools, healthcare, and government departments, the internet has become a need of the hour. Connectivity, communication, and information dissemination from satellites and space stations have also become possible due to the emergence of the internet. Furthermore, the entertainment industry has gained a massive impetus with the help of the internet. Now people can skip the long queues for the movie ticket and watch any movie in the comfort of their homes. 

Though there are numerous advantages, the Internet is also a double-edged sword which has disadvantages too. The emergence and popularity of the internet have given space for bullying and online stalking and trolling. Furthermore, easy access to violent and vulgar images on the internet has also given rise to crimes. Seen as a major addiction and cause of distraction, especially among teenagers, it not only causes mental distress but also leads to physical illnesses as well. Apart from this, the Internet has given major room for hackers to steal valuable information and intrude into other’s privacy. Identity theft, hacking, viruses, and cheating are also the main disadvantages of the internet. 

There are advantages and disadvantages to every new invention, however, with proper precautions like practicing safe browsing, staying vigilant with the data you share, changing passwords frequently, updating privacy settings, and not sharing your credentials with others can help you use the internet with utmost ease and without any worry!

Tips to Write an Essay on the Internet 

Here are some of the tips which you can follow in order to write an impressive essay on the internet. 

  • Your essay on the internet should be clear and concise with appropriate information. 
  • Research meticulously before you start writing an essay on the internet.
  • Add both, advantages and disadvantages of using it.  
  • Write the content in paragraphs. 
  • Avoid the use of jargons and slangs. 
  • Keep the tone formal. 
  • You can also add statistical data.

The internet is a worldwide network of computer networks that connects millions of people in over 150 countries. Using the internet, you can send emails, chat with people, and obtain information on different variety of subjects. 

Internet can be used for multiple purposes including finding information, communicate with people, shop online, manage your finances, etc.

The first workable prototype of internet came in the late 1960s with creation of ARPANET or the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network. ARPANET used packet switching to allow multiple computers to communicate on a single network.

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800 Words Essay On Internet in English for Students

The internet has transformed the world in ways that were unimaginable just a few decades ago. It has revolutionized how we communicate, access information, conduct business, and even how we entertain ourselves. The internet has become an integral part of our daily lives, and it’s hard to imagine a world without it.

At its core, the Internet is a vast network of interconnected computers and servers that allows for the exchange of information and data across the globe. It was originally conceived as a way for researchers and scientists to share information and collaborate on projects, but it has since evolved into a ubiquitous platform that has permeated every aspect of modern life.

One of the most significant impacts of the internet has been on communication. Before the internet, communication was limited by geography and time zones. People had to rely on physical mail, telephone calls, or face-to-face meetings to communicate with one another. The internet has made communication instantaneous and borderless. With the rise of email, instant messaging, video conferencing, and social media platforms, people can communicate with each other from anywhere in the world, at any time.

The internet has also revolutionized the way we access information. In the past, people had to rely on physical libraries, books, and other printed materials to access information. Today, with the internet, a wealth of information is available at our fingertips. From online encyclopedias to news websites, academic journals, and online databases, the internet has made it possible to access information on virtually any topic imaginable.

Another significant impact of the internet has been on the economy and the way we conduct business. The rise of e-commerce has made it possible for businesses to reach a global market and sell their products and services online. Online shopping has become increasingly popular, and many traditional brick-and-mortar stores have had to adapt to this new reality by establishing an online presence.

Furthermore, the internet has enabled the rise of the gig economy, where people can work as freelancers or contractors for multiple clients and projects simultaneously. This has created new opportunities for individuals to earn a living and has allowed businesses to access a global talent pool.

The internet has also had a profound impact on education. Online learning platforms and distance education programs have made it possible for students to access educational resources and attend classes from anywhere in the world. This has opened up new opportunities for people who may not have had access to traditional educational institutions due to geographical or financial constraints.

However, the internet has also brought with it a number of challenges and concerns. One of the biggest concerns is privacy and security. With so much personal information being shared online, there is a risk of data breaches and cyber attacks. Companies and individuals need to be vigilant about protecting their personal information and implementing strong cybersecurity measures.

Another concern is the spread of misinformation and fake news. The internet has made it easier for anyone to publish and share information, regardless of its accuracy or credibility. This has led to the proliferation of fake news and conspiracy theories, which can have serious consequences for individuals and society as a whole.

There is also concern about the impact of the internet on mental health and well-being. The constant exposure to social media and the pressure to curate a perfect online persona can lead to feelings of anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. Additionally, the addictive nature of the internet and the constant stream of information can contribute to decreased attention spans and difficulty focusing on tasks.

Despite these challenges, the internet has proven to be an invaluable tool that has transformed the way we live, work, and interact with the world around us. It has opened up new opportunities for communication, education, and economic growth, and has made it possible for people to connect and collaborate in ways that were previously unimaginable.

As we move forward, it is important to address the challenges and concerns surrounding the internet while also embracing its potential for innovation and progress. This may involve implementing stronger cybersecurity measures, promoting digital literacy and critical thinking skills, and encouraging responsible and ethical use of the internet.

In conclusion, the internet has had a profound impact on virtually every aspect of modern life. It has revolutionized communication, education, business, and access to information. While it has brought with it a number of challenges and concerns, the internet has proven to be an invaluable tool that has transformed the way we live and interact with the world around us. As we continue to navigate the digital age, it is important to embrace the opportunities that the internet provides while also addressing its challenges and promoting responsible and ethical use.

Uses of Internet

In the 21st century, the internet has become an indispensable part of our daily lives, revolutionizing the way we connect, learn, work, and entertain ourselves. Its multifaceted uses have permeated every aspect of society, bringing about unprecedented convenience and opportunities.

Communication stands out as one of the internet’s most significant uses. Instant messaging, video calls, and social media platforms have transcended geographical barriers, allowing people to stay connected with friends and family across the globe. The internet has turned the world into a global village, fostering a sense of unity and understanding among diverse cultures.

Education has undergone a remarkable transformation due to the internet. Online courses, tutorials, and educational resources have made learning accessible to anyone with an internet connection. Students can pursue degrees, acquire new skills, and access a wealth of information at their fingertips, democratizing education and breaking down traditional barriers to learning.

The internet has also redefined the way we work. Remote collaboration tools, cloud computing, and virtual offices have become essential components of the modern workplace. This shift has not only increased efficiency but has also opened up new opportunities for freelancers and remote workers, contributing to the rise of the gig economy.

In the realm of information, the internet has become an unparalleled resource. Search engines allow us to access vast amounts of information on any topic imaginable. This democratization of information has empowered individuals, encouraging critical thinking and facilitating informed decision-making.

Entertainment has undergone a digital revolution, with streaming services, online gaming, and social media platforms providing endless avenues for amusement. The internet has not only transformed how we consume content but has also given rise to new forms of artistic expression and creativity.

In conclusion, the internet’s uses are multifaceted and far-reaching, impacting every facet of our lives. From connecting people across the globe to revolutionizing education, work, and entertainment, the internet continues to be a transformative force, shaping the present and influencing the future. As we navigate the digital landscape, it is essential to harness the potential of the internet responsibly, ensuring that it remains a force for positive change in the years to come.

Convenience Due to Internet

The advent of the internet has ushered in an era of unprecedented convenience, transforming the way we live, work, and interact with the world. In our fast-paced lives, the internet has become a cornerstone of efficiency and ease, offering a multitude of conveniences that have reshaped our daily routines.

Communication is perhaps the most obvious and impactful convenience brought about by the internet. Instant messaging, email, and social media platforms have revolutionized the way we connect with others. Whether it’s staying in touch with loved ones, collaborating with colleagues, or reaching out to friends across the globe, the internet has made communication instantaneous and seamless.

The convenience of online shopping has fundamentally altered the retail landscape. With just a few clicks, consumers can browse, compare prices, and purchase a vast array of products from the comfort of their homes. The rise of e-commerce platforms has not only made shopping more convenient but has also introduced the concept of doorstep delivery, saving time and eliminating the need for physical store visits.

Information retrieval has been transformed by the internet’s vast repository of knowledge. Search engines provide instant access to information on any conceivable topic, enabling users to quickly find answers, conduct research, and stay informed. This ease of information retrieval has empowered individuals, making knowledge more accessible than ever before.

The workplace has undergone a paradigm shift with the internet, enabling remote work and flexible schedules. Online collaboration tools, cloud computing, and virtual communication platforms have made it possible for individuals to work from virtually anywhere, reducing the constraints of traditional office settings and commuting.

Entertainment has also become infinitely more convenient through streaming services, online gaming, and digital media platforms. The ability to access a diverse range of content on-demand has given consumers unprecedented control over their entertainment choices, eliminating the need to adhere to fixed schedules or physical media.

In conclusion, the internet has woven a tapestry of convenience into the fabric of our lives. From streamlined communication and effortless online shopping to boundless information access and flexible work arrangements, the conveniences offered by the internet have become integral to our modern existence. As we navigate this digital landscape, the ongoing evolution of internet technologies continues to enhance and redefine the meaning of convenience in our interconnected world.

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Essay On Internet- FAQs

What is internet short essay.

In the modern time, internet has become is one of the most powerful and interesting tools all across the world. The Internet is a network of networks and collection of many services and resources which benefits us in various ways. Using internet we can access World Wide Web from any place.

What is Internet in 150 words?

The internet is the most recent man-made creation that connects the world. The world has narrowed down after the invention of the internet. It has demolished all boundaries, which were the barriers between people and has made everything accessible. The internet is helpful to us in different ways.

What is internet 100 words?

A. The internet, a recent man-made marvel, has brought the world closer. It has shattered all barriers and made everything accessible. The internet serves us in countless ways, from sharing information with people across the world to staying connected with our loved ones.

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Essay Writing Guide

Essay Topics

Last updated on: Jun 28, 2024

Essay Topics: 100+ Best Essay Topics for your Guidance

By: Nova A.

13 min read

Reviewed By: Rylee W.

Published on: Jan 29, 2019

Essay Topics

Let’s face it, essay writing can be tedious and boring. Spending hours to write a good essay is difficult, and brainstorming essay topic ideas can be even more confusing.

This is what makes writing essays difficult and time-consuming. Luckily, you can learn  essay writing  with practice and by following some good examples. But before that, you should know how to choose a good and engaging topic for your essay.

To help you get started, we have categorized a list of a number of different types of essay topic lists.

Essay Topics

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Argumentative Essay Topics

An argumentative essay investigates a topic in great detail, forms an argument over it, and defends it using supporting data.

Below are some good argumentative essay topic ideas to help you draft winning essays.

  • School students should be allowed to curate their high school curriculum.
  • The role of physical education in the school system.
  • Should the death sentence be implemented globally?
  • It should be illegal to use certain types of animals for experiments and other research purposes.
  • Should the government do more to improve accessibility for people with physical disabilities?
  • Do people learn the art of becoming a politician, or are they born with it?
  • Social media platform owners should monitor and block comments containing hateful language.
  • Does technology play a role in making people feel more isolated?
  • Will there ever be a time when there will be no further technological advancements?
  • It should be illegal to produce and sell tobacco.
  • Girls should be motivated to take part in sports.
  • Rape victims should abort their unborn children.
  • Fathers should get equal paternity leave.
  • Do teenagers get into trouble because they are bored?
  • Individuals who have failed at parenting should be punished.
  • Vaping is less harmful than smoking cigarettes.
  • Covid-19 vaccination has more cons than pros.
  • Social media is the real cause of teenage depression.
  • Is the American education system perfect for society?
  • Recycling should be made compulsory.

Choosing a strong topic is key to writing a great essay. Have a look at our blog to select good  argumentative essay topics  to impress the audience.

Persuasive Essay Topics

A persuasive essay is similar to an argumentative paper. However, in it, the writer wants to convince the readers of their point of view. Simple essay topics would make better essays as they help the students stay focused.

Below is a list of some good persuasive essay topics for you:

  • Energy drinks should be banned in schools and colleges.
  • Gambling should be banned in the United States.
  • Should abortions be banned worldwide?
  • Hunting is an immoral act.
  • Is it okay to use animals in a circus?
  • Harmful dogs should be euthanized.
  • Cell phones should not be allowed in schools.
  • Teachers should pass a professional exam, just like students.
  • Schools should reduce the workload on students.
  • Sex education should be mandatory in high schools.
  • Vlogging isn’t an actual profession.
  • Is LinkedIn helpful for finding a job?
  • Social media has played a big role in increasing business opportunities.
  • Is Java becoming obsolete?
  • Should employers go through the candidate’s social media profiles?
  • Animal testing should be banned.
  • Violent video games should be banned.
  • Parents with mental disabilities should not be allowed to adopt children.
  • Alcohol consumption should be legalized in Muslim countries.
  • Every person should get Covid-19 vaccination.

For your help, we have gathered a wide range of  persuasive essay topics . Give it a read.

Descriptive Essay Topics

A descriptive essay describes a specific thing by using sensory data. It is done to engage the reader’s five senses (taste, touch, smell, hearing, sight).

The following is a list of descriptive essay topic ideas for the students.

  • The person who is responsible for making a difference in my life.
  • Describe a smartphone and its benefits to someone from the ‘60s.
  • The most interesting piece of art I have ever seen.
  • Describe the experience of falling in love.
  • What does a place that only exists in your imagination look like?
  • Describe meeting a famous person.
  • Describe yourself and your personality to a stranger.
  • What will life be like in 2050?
  • An experience that changed my life forever.
  • Your idea of the perfect day.
  • My first trip abroad.
  • The most significant event in American History.
  • A popular book series that disappointed you.
  • A look into my daily life.
  • A day in the life of an ER doctor.
  • A trip to the museum.
  • The most interesting movie I watched during my summer vacation.
  • My favorite childhood memory.
  • An incident that changed my life.
  • An incident that restored my faith in humanity.

Here are some more  descriptive essay topics  to help you find a good idea for your essay.

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Narrative Essay Topics

In a narrative essay, your goal is to share a personal experience by telling a story. This creative form of writing depends on how strong and exciting the theme is. The article topics for students given here are carefully curated and would help the students do good in their essays.

Some examples and topics of narrative topic ideas are presented below.

  • The experience that taught me how looks could be deceiving.
  • A week without internet and technology.
  • The impact your first love had on your life.
  • How much did your teachers contribute to making you the person you are today?
  • An experience that made you realize your parents were or weren’t always right.
  • A moment when someone you didn’t like surprised you with kindness.
  • The influence technology has had on your hobbies and life.
  • An achievement outside of academic life?
  • Which school lesson had the biggest influence on your life?
  • A day when you fought procrastination.
  • The time you faced rejection.
  • The time when you stood against your parents.
  • An experience that left you helpless.
  • The time you prayed to be an only child.
  • An act of kindness you can never forget.
  • Death of a loved one.
  • Your biggest pet peeve.
  • Your definition of a perfect weekend.
  • The things you regret most in life.
  • Your first experience of an air trip.

Choosing interesting  narrative essay topics  is essential to make the content compelling for the readers.

Research Essay Topics

While writing a research essay, the most crucial step is choosing a topic for your essay. Select a topic that is broad enough to compose an entire research essay on it.

Below are some of the best topics for your research essay.

  • Effects of violent cartoons on children.
  • Should universities provide accommodations to disabled students?
  • Events and experiences I agree are causing the increase in terrorism.
  • How do technology and gadgets affect the studies of children?
  • Do children who attend preschool do better in school?
  • Universities are becoming business-driven.
  • Does college debt affect the future lives of students?
  • Why has the divorce rate changed in the past decade?
  • Schools should allow the use of smartphones in school.
  • Effective ways to decrease depression among our youth.
  • Analyze the relationship between the United States of America and North Korea.
  • Why did the UK decide to leave the EU?
  • Is it true that students learn better in a same-sex school?
  • How does giving kids different gadgets affect their studies?
  • Compare the immigration policies of two different countries.
  • Events that lead to World War I.
  • Pros and cons of studying abroad.
  • How has Covid-19 influenced the education system of the world?
  • Individual acts that lead to Global Warming.
  • Effectiveness of the policies made to control Covid-19.

Looking for more? We have an extensive range of  research essay topics  to make the audience fall in love with your work.

Expository Essay Topics

While writing an expository essay, you have to explain and clarify your topic clearly to the readers.

Below is a list of expository essay topics:

  • Why do teenagers commit suicide?
  • What is the impact of music on our youth?
  • What are the consequences of skipping school?
  • Why do teenagers use drugs?
  • How can pets make you happy and improve your life?
  • Consequences of having alcoholic drinks within a school campus.
  • How does drug use affect relationships?
  • Is global warming a cause of skin cancer?
  • Is sodium bad for your health?
  • What is the line between being overweight and being obese?
  • Why do you want to pursue your desired career?
  • Explain how advancements in science improve the quality of life for humans.
  • What are some unconventional ways of relieving stress?
  • If you could swap your lives with someone, who would it be and why?
  • What are some major stress factors in a teenager’s life?
  • Why is getting a degree important for job life?
  • Pros and cons of getting financial aid.
  • How emotional support animals help in treating mental conditions.
  • How does prostitution influence society?
  • The environmental causes of smoking.

5StarEssays.com has gathered an additional and extensive list of  expository essay topics .

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Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

In a compare and contrast essay, you evaluate and analyze the similarities and differences between the two subjects. Your reader must be able to form an opinion after weighing the pros and cons you have set forth.

Below are some topics for you to choose for your compare and contrast paper:

  • Extroverts and introverts.
  • Generation Y Vs. Generation Z.
  • Traditional Helicopters Vs. Lifesize Drones.
  • Unemployed students Vs. students with a part-time job.
  • SAT and TOEFL.
  • Persuasive and argumentative essays - How are they similar?
  • How were the causes of World War I different from the causes of World War II?
  • Education vs. professional career: what is more difficult?
  • Real-life or spending your time daydreaming.
  • Consequences of earthquake and tsunami: what’s worse?
  • Being popular in high school or alone?
  • Part-time work or studying for a higher degree?
  • Getting married at an old age or a young age?
  • Fashion today Vs. twenty years ago.
  • Donald Trump Vs. Hillary Clinton.
  • Democracy Vs. Dictatorship
  • Vietnam War Vs. War on Terror.
  • Benefits of drinking tea Vs. coffee.
  • Greek and Roman methodologies - Similarities and differences.
  • Traditional Vs. distant learning.

Get more interesting  compare and contrast essay topics  at 5StarEssays.com to impress your instructors.

Cause and Effect Essay Topics

The cause and effect essay explains why something happens and what happens as a result of those happenings. A cause and effect essay is a type of expository essay.

Here are a few topics for your cause and effect essay:

  • What are the causes of eating disorders?
  • Effects of climate change and global warming.
  • The effects of the Feminism movement.
  • What are the causes of increasing depression among teenagers?
  • What are the causes of suicidal thoughts?
  • Is keeping a pet effective in calming your mind?
  • How does divorce affects children?
  • Why are men afraid of commitment?
  • Effects of social media on youth.
  • Has social media affected relationships among families?
  • Discuss the effects of homeschooling on children.
  • Causes of heart diseases.
  • Causes of sibling rivalry.
  • Cramming doesn't help improve test scores.
  • Cause and effect of depression in the workplace.
  • How do abusive parents influence the mental stability of a child?
  • Causes and effects of bullying.
  • Causes of obesity in teenagers.
  • Effects of taking a balanced diet on health?
  • Causes and effects of insomnia.

To get more ideas, visit our  cause and effect essay topics  that are remarkable and well-suited for a great essay.

Controversial Argumentative Essay Topics

Argumentative essay topics are quite popular assignments in universities. If you are a student searching for a captivating argumentative essay topic, here is a list of ideas you can consider.

  • Third world war should be prevented by the Russian and US governments.
  • Political policies and practices affecting students.
  • Is gun control effective in reducing crime?
  • Same-sex marriage and constitutional law.
  • Is society over-regulated?
  • Are leaders born or made?
  • No one should be above the law.
  • Monarchy: pros and cons.
  • Rules on Political Activities by Federal Employees.
  • The most corrupt countries in the world.
  • Mercy killing should be legalized in all countries of the world.
  • Death penalties should be abolished.
  • Third-world countries should be provided with education plans by the developed countries.
  • Muslims should not be labeled as terrorists.
  • Illegal immigrants should be given equal rights.
  • Abortions should be legalized.
  • Live-in relationships should be encouraged.
  • Professional athletes should be allowed to consume steroids.
  • Should physical punishments be given to children?
  • Smoking in public should be an offensive crime.

Funny Argumentative Essay Topics

Are you looking for some funny argumentative essay topics for your essay? If so, choose a topic from the following list.

  • Why do people like watching funny videos?
  • What your cat is really thinking.
  • Why spam emails should be your favorite type of email.
  • Why wearing braces is fun.
  • School dropouts are the best in our society.
  • Why I don't like country music.
  • Types of dates.
  • A better way to get things done.
  • What organic food really is.
  • Things guys do that girls hate.
  • How to annoy your friend.
  • Why do women pretend that they enjoy sports?
  • Things preventing you from completing your homework in time.
  • Funny things we see in wedding ceremonies.
  • Why are spam emails more interesting?
  • Why does Starbucks coffee taste better?
  • Why are backbenchers smarter than other students?
  • Clowns are scarier than funny.
  • Should we be maintaining social distancing even after Covid-19?
  • Why is watching movies better than reading books?

Informative Essay Topics for Students

Essay writing requires depth. However, you don’t have to choose a complex topic in middle school, high school, or college.

Here is a list of interesting essay topics for middle school, high school, and college students.

Essay Topics for College Students

  • Virtual classes cannot replace the traditional class system.
  • Advantages and disadvantages of online classes.
  • Is there a need to reform the college education system?
  • Assault weapons should not be legal.
  • People with a history of mental illness should not be allowed to purchase firearms.
  • The taxation system needs to be changed around the globe.
  • Kids should not be the target audience in advertising.
  • The number of calories should be mentioned with every meal.
  • Feminists have effectively improved the workforce for women.
  • Is the death penalty effective?
  • How to identify fake news?
  • How to maintain a healthy life?
  • How to treat PTSD naturally?
  • Should people be judged on their appearance?
  • How is technology influencing the work performance of people?
  • Private Vs. public schools
  • How to choose majors in high school?
  • Impact of legalizing drugs on society.
  • Significance of learning social values.
  • How to prevent bullying on campus?

Essay Topics for High School

  • The choice to join the armed forces should be an individual decision.
  • Listening to music can increase work efficiency.
  • Being honest has more cons than pros.
  • People who have been in an accident value life more than others.
  • Embarrassing moments help boost your confidence.
  • Kindness is the most valuable personal trait.
  • Spontaneity can improve your life.
  • Can hobbies help improve the richness of one’s life?
  • Dressing properly in the office improves work efficiency
  • Being organized can help in school as well as the office.
  • Impact of homosexuality on society.
  • What is feminism?
  • How to overcome fears and phobias?
  • Significance of having leadership skills in job life?
  • Causes and treatments for bipolar disorder.
  • Side effects of consuming antidepressants.
  • How important is mental health in succeeding professionally?
  • How do teaching methods influence learning abilities?
  • Should specially-abled people be allowed to work in offices?
  • Discrimination and racism in the US.

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Essay Topics for Middle School

  • Every child should have chores at home.
  • There should not be any summer classes.
  • Should students continue studying during summer vacation?
  • Parents should pay attention to the amount of time their children spend watching television.
  • Favorite family summer vacation.
  • Sports should be mandatory in every school.
  • Processed foods should not be part of private and public school lunch.
  • Do students still use newspapers for research?
  • Every individual should spend a year doing community service.
  • The weekend should be 3 days long.

Still need help choosing an essay topic? 5StarEssays is a professional  essay writing service  that helps you get a high quality essay. We have a team of essay writers who are professionals and can do your essay . 

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Nova A.

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101 Great Essay Writing Topics for Students

Before you sit down to write, you need a topic, and these essay writing topics can help you get started.

Writing an essay is an important skill for high school and college students. Essays show a writer’s ability to think through a topic, explore their point of view and persuade or inform others of that. Yet, finding essay writing topics can feel vague. 

This list will help students find the right topic for a descriptive essay or argumentative essay. It outlines a number of hot topics that students can delve into in order to express their opinions and showcase their writing skills. You can use these to practice your essay writing skills or as prompts for you or students.


1. Is Climate Change Real?

2. the benefits (or drawbacks) of homework , 3. a funny childhood memory, 4. video game addiction, 5. the role of pets in our lives, 6. my summer vacation, 7. a personal victory or success, 8. what will life be like in 2050, 9. a trip to the museum, 10. describe meeting a famous person, 11. the impact of social media on tweens, 12. importance of school uniforms, 13. extracurricular activities: essential or optional, 14. favorite book and its impact, 15. the influence of celebrities on youth, 16. the significance of recreational activities, 17. if i were the principal of my school, 18. why the sale and production of tobacco should get banned, 19. should every country have the death sentence, 20. is homeschooling better or worse than public school, 21. is the us election process fair, 22. how can we reduce climate change, 23. your responsibility in climate change, 24. are you politically influenced by media, 25. feminism then and now, 26. the impact of immigration on host countries, 27. are environmentalist groups doing the wrong protests, 28. should we cancel cancel culture, 29. is artificial intelligence a boon or bane to society, 30. is genetic engineering ethical, 31. the role of social movements in social change, 32. censorship in media: necessary or suppressive, 33. is technology making education lazy, 34. are we supposed to share culture, 35. why soda should not be on fast food kids meals, 36. illegal immigrants should not be jailed, 37. breastfeeding in public should be considered normal, 38. why gun control is needed, 39. a turning point in your life, 40. should religion be taught in schools, 41. recycling should be compulsory, 42. colleges are becoming business driven, 43. the necessity of art in education, 44. the importance of space exploration, 45. the future of renewable energy, 46. fast fashion’s environmental impact, 47. social media and its influence on body image, 48. the role of social media in interpersonal relationships, 49. the consequences of cyberbullying, 50. the relevance of standardized testing today, 51. the influence of video games on youth behavior, 52. homework vs. class assignments, 53. social media vs. in-person interaction, 54. physical education vs. nutritional education, 55. life before and after the internet, 56. right side vs left side of the brian thinkers, 57. tea vs coffee, 58. fashion today vs 20 years ago, 59. ebooks vs. physical books, 60. urban vs. rural living, 61. traditional vs. digital art, 62. freelance vs. full-time employment, 63. western vs. eastern philosophies, 64. democracy vs. dictatorship, 65. introverts vs. extroverts, 66. working in your country vs. working abroad, 67. science fiction vs. fantasy, 68. public vs. private healthcare, 69. first day of school memories, 70. a memorable act of kindness, 71. your best or worst holiday, 72. an experience with peer pressure, 73. a surprising event or change of fortune., 74. your first teacher, 75. your idea of the perfect day, 76. imagine a week without the internet or technology, 77. a day you overcame rejection, 78. overcoming my fear, 79. the day i lost my first pet, 80. that someone who influenced me, 81. the most embarrassing moment, 82. the time i stood up for what i believe, 83. the invention i wish i had thought of, 84. an unexpected friendship, 85. the day that defined my future, 86. how is global warming changing the environment, 87. the causes of world war ii, 88. what is racism, and how are people sometimes unaware of it, 89. does free will exist, 90. what reading means to me, 91. the role of journalists and the media, 92. animal testing should be banned, 93. why do teenagers commit suicide, 94. the role of the united nations, 95. the history and impact of the internet, 96. why is financial literacy crucial today, 97. the importance of technology in healthcare, 98. the rise of electric vehicles, 99. an analysis of a popular tv show, 100. the value of learning a second language, 101. the stigma around mental health, a final word on the best essay writing topics, what are some topics for a persuasive essay, what are some good topics for an essay, best essay writing topics for middle school students.

Great essay writing topics

If you are picking an essay for a 7th or 8th-grade student, the topic needs to be something that students in that age range are interested in. This will help them want to do the research and explore their ideas. This age range will often write expository essays or narrative essays, rather than persuasive ones.

Here are some essay topics to consider:

Climate change is a hot topic with middle schoolers, and this essay topic idea lets them explore it. This essay topic can work well for a persuasive, informative, or cause-and-effect essay.

Few middle school students enjoy homework, but this can be a great way to get them to dig into why the education system relies on homework. Students can give their opinions about the need for homework or why homework should be eliminated.

Middle school students who are not ready to write on argumentative essay topics can practice their English essay writing skills by writing about a funny thing that happened as a child. This topic should focus on entertaining, engaging storytelling. 

Video game addiction

Many young students spend a lot of time playing video games, and this can translate into an essay topic. Exploring the mental health effects of too much video gameplay is a good option. Ask them to write about games they live or spend too much time playing.

Do you have a pet at home that you can’t imagine not being there when you return? How do you treat it, and do you think of your pet as a best friend? Opt for a cause-and-effect essay on the role of pets in our lives to showcase this bond. Then, include the positive effects of owning a pet. Don’t forget to talk about the responsibilities that come with it.

This is a staple choice of teachers everywhere, particularly after the summer break. All younger students can write essays easily enough about how they spent a few weeks off school and where they went. Perhaps it was time with a family member or a best friend? There is a good reason that many elementary and middle school teachers assign this as a writing assignment at the start of school.

A student could start writing this essay by writing about when they felt like all was lost. Then, they could describe how they picked themselves up off the dirt and achieved a victory.

Will we find solutions to the problems we face today, like poverty and homelessness? Will technology enrich our lives further or be the cause of new issues?

Many young students often think about the future, and this topic allows them to let their imaginations run loose.

This way, they can express their ideas on how the world will look like in a few decades. It also gives you insight into the child’s personality. Do they see the positives in everything, or are they a bit more realistic?

As children, we loved going to the museum. Even today, it’s interesting to look at historical art, sculptures, and old vehicles. 

This essay topic works exceptionally well right after a school holiday. Maybe the young student just witnessed some of the best historical pieces. Writing about this topic allows them to reconnect with the emotions they felt.

In this essay, ask students what they liked most about visiting the museum, what important lessons they learned, and how they felt in the moment.

We all have favorite celebrities that we’d love to meet. This could be an actor, musician, or athlete.

In this essay topic, ask students to describe what it’s like to meet a famous person. How would they feel, what questions would the student ask them, and what activities would they do together?

By asking your student to write the essay as descriptively as possible, they’ll experience the positive emotions associated with meeting their idol.

For this prompt, your goal is to explore the balance between the good, the bad, and the unknown in social media platforms. As a middle schooler, you know better than anyone how integral social media is in your daily life. Think about it – how many people your age don’t have a phone connected to the internet?

A cause-and-effect essay on this subject will allow you to investigate how social networking systems influence people. Self-reflect and analyze how social media sites affect your feelings, friendships, and even schoolwork.

Have you ever wondered why some schools insist on their students having uniforms? This is despite other schools being more lenient and letting their students wear whatever they want. If you are, then satiate your curiosity via this prompt.

An argumentative essay will help you understand both sides of the debate. You can discuss why schools make uniforms mandatory or optional and investigate how uniforms affect students’ behavior, academic performance, and school pride.

Are you a part of your school’s sports team or another club, or do you prefer to focus your time on academics only? If you have ever wondered what extracurricular activities are for, use this prompt to write an informative essay on the importance of extracurricular activities.

Write about the exact details of the role of extracurricular activities in a student’s overall development. Explore and add the benefits and drawbacks of these activities as well. Through your essay, other students can make informed choices about how they spend their time at school.

Books are all about exploration. When you use books for school, they aim to make you more knowledgeable. But they are also doors to fantasy lands and help you learn more about yourself.

Do you have a favorite book that left a mark on you? For this prompt, write a personal narrative essay sharing that experience. Analyze why the book matters, then add how it has changed or defined you. Your essay might sway others to read your favorite book.

Celebrities and influences are everywhere – so much so that you can’t avoid them no matter how hard you try. They’re in the music you listen to, the streets you drive through, and even the boxes of your favorite cereals. For this prompt, write an argumentative essay about these celebrities and their critical influence on younger people.

Focus on celebrities’ sway on youth’s behavior, values, and aspirations. Argue whether they are positive role models or if they set unrealistic expectations. It’s best to choose celebrities everyone knows, like the Kardashians or the Bangtan Boys.

What do you do when you have time off from school? Aside from the instances you attend family events, do you like swimming, biking, or drawing? This prompt is perfect for a descriptive essay where you can detail your favored recreational activity.

Start with how you discovered the activity and why you got hooked on it. Include its significance to your life. Does it help you relax, meet new people, etc.? You can also talk about the skills you gained by doing this recreational activity regularly.

Have you ever dreamt of calling the shots at school? What about imagining being the principal? In this essay, share ideas on what parts of your school you want to keep or change. Analyze each critically and propose the improvements the school needs. Via this prompt, you can showcase your leadership skills. Remember to express your thoughts respectfully and constructively, and don’t forget to offer rational explanations for each proposed change. 

Controversial Essay Writing Topics for Older Students

As they enter high school and college, students should start transitioning from informative essays to persuasive ones. Controversial essay topics are a good way to do this. They help students develop their critical thinking skills and learn how to reason an argument. The below topics the bill well:

Few people would argue about the health benefits of tobacco, yet it remains a top-selling product. This essay will explore the benefits of banning the sale of the product altogether.

The death sentence is a controversial ethical and social issue. This essay will explore whether or not it is a suitable method of punishment and deterrent for serious crimes and the benefits or drawbacks of adding it to every country across the globe.

Homeschooling is growing in popularity, and this school essay topic will explore the benefits or drawbacks of this particular school choice. It may be pulled from personal experience if the student is homeschooled. 

Elections are an essential part of our lives. It gives us the power to determine who will govern our country. However, is the election process fair?

In the essay, your student will get an opportunity to voice their ideas, describe what changes they’d like to see, and how those changes will positively impact the nation.

This essay topic requires more research, and students walk away with knowledge that can help them in the long term.

Climate change is a serious topic that impacts everyone’s life. Sea levels are rising, which makes it difficult for animals like polar bears to survive.

When writing about this essay topic, students will have to research the effect of climate change, what causes it, and how to reduce its impact.

This requires logical thinking and creativity. It’ll encourage students to come up with a plan of action. Maybe they’ll limit the number of carbon emissions released by companies, promote solar power, or decrease the price of energy-efficient appliances.

Climate change has always been a controversial topic. There are many protests about it, but despite the protests, there are still no proper solutions. For this prompt, focus on what you, as a student, can do to help stop or slow down climate change. Identify your personal role in this phenomenon. Examine both your positive and negative contributions. As you write this essay, you can also discover sustainable life changes to add to your life. You can even encourage your future readers to follow your example.

Keeping up to date with world news is easy because we’re connected to the media 24/7. With this in mind, create a cause-and-effect essay and inspect the power of media in shaping your political views.

For instance, have you sided with a viewpoint because of a convincing social media post? For sure, many have experienced this once or twice. Dig deeper via your essay, analyze the media’s role and motivations, and present your findings.

If you plan to create a compare-and-contrast essay, go for this prompt. Analyze the evolution of feminist movements. Then, examine their origins, goals, and the changes they’ve brought about.

Have you ever wondered how the feminism of your grandma’s era differed from today’s? By researching this topic, you’ll not only increase your knowledge – you’ll also be able to educate others.

Are you looking at writing about globally relevant issues? If so, immigration is a complex subject you can explore—research immigration in the news, books, or even movies. You can even ask your teacher for help if you need to. For this prompt, connect your findings to the issues of the countries receiving immigrants. Make sure to differentiate the legal from illegal immigrants to relay your points better.

The environment is a sacred and essential part of our lives. And so it’s easy to understand the movements and the organizations that want to protect it. But do you think their actions will make others appreciate their cause in the long run?

This is why this controversial prompt is perfect for a persuasive essay. Talk about the recent protests. It can be the protestor’s destruction of paintings of legendary artists, glueing their hands on airport runways, or stopping people on the streets. Critique the strategies of environmental activist groups. Are they properly raising awareness? Or are their methods causing more harm than good?

Cancel culture is often based on limited evidence and incites blind hate. As an older student, you’re likely familiar with the term and its implications. In your essay, list cancel culture’s pros and cons and analyze each in depth.

Is cancel culture helpful? Is it only spreading misinformation? Is the hive mentality it encourages good? Share your thoughts on this recent societal development. Then, offer ways on how to better interact with cancel culture. For instance, you can recommend holding off judgment and thoroughly researching the issue first to make up your own mind.

Artificial intelligence is here to stay, but how helpful is it? For this prompt, create an expository essay that analyzes how AI is both a boon and a bane. For example, AI can make companies’ systems more efficient. But at the same time, it takes jobs away from writers, artists, and even tech devs.

Cite recent happenings, like the Texas A&M Commerce professor who failed his entire class to show the issue’s relevancy. As a student, you’re pretty familiar with AI developments. You might even have experienced it first-hand. Stop and think about AI’s broader implications via your essay.

Genetic engineering has always been a controversial subject. Since you’re an older student, you’ve probably had debates about this in class or with friends. To better understand the issue, construct a well-researched, argumentative essay on genetic engineering and the ethics that surround it.

As a student and a general public member, you are not just an observer of what happens in society. You are an active participant in social dynamics. So, for this prompt, opt for a cause-and-effect essay where you analyze how collective actions and thinking shape societies. Support your thoughts with evidence and share your realizations.

For this prompt, start by defining freedom of expression and comparing it with censorship. Then, present cases (preferably recent ones) to explain why censorship is necessary or repressive. This will help you create an informative essay that educates your readers.

In your essay, answer the question: “Is technology helpful or detrimental to education?” As a student, you’re at the center of this revolution. For instance, online classes are more prevalent now than some years ago. Submitting soft copies of papers online wasn’t even a thing then. Write an expository essay about whether technology aids or hampers your learning process.

If you want to write a thought-provoking descriptive essay, consider this prompt: There are unique cultures. But should these cultures remain exclusive? Think about your own culture and what it means to you. Would you like to share your culture? It’s time to share your thoughts and experiences.

In the same essay, you can also mention cultural appreciation versus cultural appropriation. Talk about these ideas’ differences and similarities.

Persuasive Essay Topics for Older Students

Persuasive essays work to convince a reader of the writer’s point of view. These topics lend themselves well to a great essay that focuses on persuasion.

Fast food kids meals target young consumers, and soda is often included. Making junk food a way of life contributes to childhood obesity, and this topic could explore alternatives to soda for these kid-centered meals.

When people enter a country illegally, putting them in jail does not solve the problem. Instead, alternative punishments or even help with attaining legal immigrant status can reduce the strain on an overloaded system while also helping these individuals become part of society. 

Babies need breast milk to survive, yet many places in society frown on women feeding their babies in public. This essay  will  explore why this is an outdated and unhealthy idea.

The best topics for persuasive essays are ones that are a little controversial. Gun control fits the bill well, and it can be a good topic for an essay. Other topics include alcohol, drugs and, in some cases, religion. That said, it depends on the nature of your students and school.

All the students can typically point to an occasion or life event when their worldview or concept changed. Ask them to write about a defining life experience.

This essay topic is for older students and adult learners who can take a thoughtful but critical stance on the role of religion in schools today. Should it be taught or removed from schools, and why?

The average American produces 1,704 pounds of garbage per year. Most of this is thrown in landfills, which can be equally as damaging to the environment as littering. Oceans are also filled with plastic that negatively affects the lives of marine life.

However, if we can recycle all that waste, we won’t damage the environment. This essay topic encourages older students to research recycling and the pros and cons of making it mandatory. 

Getting a tertiary education is essential. It allows you to learn a marketable skill that other people pay you for. 

However, private colleges are becoming more common, leading people to think that these institutions are more focused on making money.

When writing about this topic, students need to research the cost of college tuition, how this high price negatively impacts their adult lives, and how the government can fix it.

Through this prompt, explore and express the value of creativity and aesthetics in one’s learning. Explain why art is essential. How does it influence your learning and perception of the world? Consider this: art is a medium of expression and critical thinking. To write this essay effectively, identify, describe, and reflect on different art forms. You can also focus on art forms that you’ve experienced.

Have you ever looked at the night sky and wondered what’s out there? Space exploration is all about the curiosity to discover the unknown. In your essay, go beyond rockets or astronauts and highlight man’s thirst for knowledge.

Start with the historical record of space exploration. Mention how it started and how it became possible. You can even include its milestone achievements. Then, move on to experts’ predictions on the future of space exploration. Discuss its benefits to humans, common challenges, and implications for our future.

Let’s now jump to another vital global discourse. Are you aware of the environmental and economic connotations of renewable energy? You may be young now, but you’re not a stranger to the problems of this planet. Through this prompt, you can become a part of the solution. In your essay, define and discuss different types of renewable energy. Underscore their potential, pros, and cons versus traditional energy sources.

Have you ever wondered where your clothes come from and where they end up? Sadly, most of us consume fast fashion. But have you considered fast fashion’s environmental consequences?

In your essay, identify facts about fast fashion. Credible sources should support these facts so readers can realize how detrimental it is to the environment. Review the lifecycle of a typical fast fashion item. Include the environmental cost at each stage. Then, look for ways to promote sustainable fashion choices.

Today, social media dominates our lives. But have you thought about how it affects how you view your body image? This is a sensitive issue, but timely nonetheless.

For this prompt, voice your experiences and insights about social media and the unrealistic body standards it presents. By doing so, you can help others navigate through the maze of internet likes and shares. Talk about how social networking services impact how people view themselves, including their self-esteem. Then, offer ways on how to circumvent these problems.

It’s a fact today that most of our relationships start and are maintained online. But does this virtual connection hamper real-life relationships?

Through your essay, explore the link between social media and interpersonal relationships. You can tell it from your perspective. How have your relationships evolved in the age of social media? Review the dynamics of online friendships, mentioning the blurred lines between the virtual and real world. It would be useful to talk to someone you know who remembers a time before mobile phones and social media, which only became prevalent in recent decades.

Sadly, the rise of social networks also gives bullies more channels to hurt others. Now, they can also hide behind screens. In your essay, define cyberbullying and its effects on the victim’s mental health. You can even include real-life cases for illustration. End your paper by presenting measures to prevent cyberbullying.

The education system needs some updating. If you want to delve into this issue, use a prompt that critiques its current methods. One of the most timely is standardized testing. What’s your take on it? Does it measure intelligence, or is it merely rote learning? List the pros and cons of standardized testing from your perspective as a student. Write as if you want to spark a conversation about educational reform.

At your age, you’ve probably experienced the evolution of video games first-hand. If you’re a gamer, have you ever questioned how it influenced your behavior? What about your peers?

For this prompt, focus on the psychological aspects of gaming. Mention the impact of different gaming genres on mental health and behavior. Don’t just talk about the adverse effects. It’s best to also consider the potential benefits of gaming as a learning tool.

Compare and Contrast Essays for Older Students

This type of essay compares two like or unlike things, drawing ways they are the same or different. It’s useful as it provides a structure for aspiring essayists that they can use to outline a longer work. Some ideas include:

Which has more value, homework or assignments completed in class? This essay topic will explore the contrast between these two types of school assignments. For fun, give it to students to complete in class… and then ask them to revise it at home.

Social media can keep people connected, but the increased push for social media connection can detract from in-person communication. This essay will explore the contrast between the two types of communication.

Both exercise and diet play a role in health. This essay  will  explore the impact of both through the education system.

Older students and adult learners can remember a time before we spend so much time. Is life any better now that we spend so much time connected to the Internet? This essay explores what it means to be constantly connected.

Right side of the brain thinkers are typically more creative and artistic. The left side of the brain thinkers are analytical and mathematical. What’s more valuable in today’s society? What can each type learn from its counterpart? And are you truly one type exclusively?

Caffeine is a staple for many students and workers. It gives you a boost of energy in the morning, which allows you to get more done. It also helps if you have a test coming up and need to study hard.

However, larger amounts of caffeine are known to cause heart palpitations, anxiety, and increased stress.

In this essay, students look at the benefits and drawbacks of tea and coffee. It empowers them with knowledge on when to limit their consumption.

Fashion is constantly changing. What looked cool 20 years ago might look weird today. Older students will also notice how their fashion choices changed from middle school to high school and from high school to college.

In this essay, students talk about what causes this change and how long it takes for the public to accept a specific style.

You’ve likely used ebooks and physical books for your studies and hobbies. In your essay, use your experience to analyze these different reading mediums. Are you an avid Kindle user? Or do you thrive on the feel of a physical book? Write about relevant aspects like convenience, feel, accessibility, and cost. Always support your arguments with personal anecdotes and factual data.

Do you live in the city or the outskirts? Both have pros and cons. If you’ve always been a city student, maybe you’ve wondered what life is like on the other side. If so, then this prompt lets you delve into these contrasting lifestyles.

Feel free to discuss factors such as access to amenities, social interactions, and lifestyle choices. Try to visualize and put yourself in both scenarios to offer an authentic perspective.

There’s been a divide between traditional and digital art for a long time. In this prompt, uncover the why . Consider aspects like skill set, accessibility, impact, and audience reach. Then, add your thoughts on the issue. Are you drawn to the authenticity of traditional art? Or do you admire the versatility of digital art? Bring in your observations and experiences to make your essay stand out.

You might still be a student, but you’ve thought about what your job will be like in the future, right? Then, have you ever wondered about the benefits of being your boss versus the security of a full-time job? Explore these contrasting work styles. By the end of your essay, you will also better understand what awaits you after graduation.

Talk about job stability, work-life balance, income potential, and personal growth. You can draw on real-life examples from people you know.

For a more intriguing essay, explore different philosophical frameworks. Are you drawn to Western philosophy’s empirical approach? Or do you prefer Eastern thought’s spiritual aspects? Explore themes such as the self, ethics, knowledge, and reality. Then, compare how these philosophies approach these ideas differently. This is your chance to show off your critical thinking skills.

Another complicated but interesting prompt is analyzing two contrasting political systems, democracy and dictatorship. Inspect how each system impacts citizens’ rights, economic development, social equality, and international relations. Don’t shy away from using historical and current examples to solidify your arguments.

Are you an introvert, extrovert, or something in between? Picking this topic will not only give you an exciting essay. You will also learn more about yourself. This encourages you to delve into the psychological aspects of these personality types.

In your essay, analyze how these traits affect one’s social interactions, career choices, and personal well-being. Be critical of stereotypes and delve into the potential benefits and challenges of both.

Have you ever dreamed of living and working abroad? Or do you want to stay where you are now, close to home? Here, you can explore the pros and cons of working or leaving your home country. Mention cultural exposure, career opportunities, and personal growth. Contrast it with the challenges of adapting to a new environment.

Science fiction and fantasy are both popular, even today. Why not when it opens doors to various imaginations? For your essay, dive into why these genres are favored and highlight their unique characteristics. Include their societal implications and why they appeal to certain readers.

Debate has been raging on the implications of public and private healthcare systems. These debates often concern a country’s economy and its citizens’ lives. When writing this essay, you can use your personal experience or rely on secondary research. Discuss aspects like accessibility, cost, quality of care, and efficiency. For this prompt, add real-world examples and facts to strengthen your arguments.

Narrative Essay Topics for Older Students

Sometimes, an everyday life experience can make great essay material, and writing about your own life means less risk of plagiarism. Here are some ideas:

The first day of school in a new school can be the fodder for a number of personal stories about school life and the social aspects of it. Writers can capture those emotions in this type of essay. It’s also a suitable type of essay to write as it can serve as a gateway into other types of writing, like a memoir.

If someone did something for you once that really stood out, transform that into an essay topic. You will enjoy remembering the action while creating your essay.

What you did or didn’t do on your summer vacation as a child can be a great starting point for a narrative essay. Older students can use this essay prompt to write about past experiences and reflect on them beyond simply reporting.

Peer pressure can be positive or negative, but everyone has experienced it. This essay will explore a time when peer pressure made you do something or not do something and what the effect of that decision was.

Was this change in your life for the best or the worst, and how did you respond? Describe in detail.

When you first met your mentor, teacher or guide. How did you respond to them, and what did they have to show you? Similarly, a student could also write an essay about a teacher they shunned or turned away from.

When waking up in the morning, we all strive to have the perfect day. Ask students what their perfect day will look like, what activities they’d do, and with whom.

By being as descriptive as possible, students picture the perfect day in their minds. This improves students’ storytelling skills and helps them structure events in chronological order.

This fun experiment gives students insight into how reliant they are on technology and how their lives will look without it.

By imagining this week in their heads, it’ll give them an idea of what other activities they’ll engage in. This could be working out, socializing, or learning a new skill.

Rejection is something everyone must face at some point. Few things are scarier than rejection. But when you overcome it, you get a feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction.

For example, this could be asking that cute guy or girl out on a date or applying for a job at your dream company.

Are you interested in writing an essay while also self-reflecting? When you use this prompt, you also demonstrate your tenacity to overcome obstacles. Think back to any fear you have had. It doesn’t matter if they’re big or small as long as they shape your character.

Begin your essay by describing the fear you had and why. Then, narrate what you did to overcome it. Remember to discuss the aftermath and the personal growth you experienced.

Losing a pet is a personal experience. How you handled your emotions at that time shows your nature. When you write your essay, paint a vivid picture of your pet by describing quirks and traits. Explain how losing a pet changed you; don’t avoid the pain. Then, talk about your grieving process and eventual acceptance.

Did someone come to mind when you read the prompt? It’s unsurprising if they did, considering that every person has that one person who left a significant impact on their life. 

For your essay, choose and write about that individual who helps you appreciate life. Give specific details, such as when they made you realize something, and then connect them to how their teachings shaped you. This prompt also allows students to reflect on their character description and development. 

For a fun narrative essay, share the moment you felt the most embarrassed. You don’t have to be specific about it; you can instead focus on what you felt then and how you cope during that awkward situation. You can also mention what you think of the memory now that you’re looking back at it. Is it as embarrassing as you’ve thought back then?

Here is a medium to exhibit your ethics and the strength of your convictions. For this prompt, narrate the situation and explain why you must stand up. What were your thoughts during that moment? Talk about your emotions then and the consequences you’ve faced, if any. Mention how the experience shaped your approach to similar situations.

Is there any invention that made you go, “Ah, I wish I thought of that before!” It can be because of the fame that came with it, the profit, or just the sheer genius of its inventor. Select an invention that fascinates you and explain why it interests you. Think of why you wish you’d come up with it. Talk about its impact on the world and how it aligns with your interests or passions.

Friendships often form in the most unexpected places and situations. For this prompt, highlight your openness to diverse experiences and people.

In your essay, describe the circumstances that led to this unexpected friendship. Add why you found it so surprising. Speak about the qualities you appreciate in your friend and include how this relationship has affected your life. Your objective is to encourage others to broaden their social circles.

For this prompt, share a turning point in your life that set your future course. Present a comprehensive account of the event or decision that significantly impacted your future by mentioning factors that influenced it. Add your thoughts and feelings then and how things have unfolded since then.

Informative Essay Topics for Older Students

Sometimes, the goal of an essay is not to persuade but to inform. Informative or expository essay topics need to have a lot of information behind them so students have something to write about. These topics lend themselves well to that:

Global warming has many effects, and this essay  will  explore those thoroughly. The goal is to inform, not persuade or create change.

Exploring the causes behind a global war, like World War II, can create a long essay. You can spin this essay topic easily enough by picking other historical events.

Racism is a hot topic today, and this essay will explore how it can often hide in someone’s way of thinking. 

A popular essay topic in many philosophy and art classes, this is an open-ended subject. A student can use it to explore their personal philosophy and develop their critical thinking skills.

Check out this list for other philosophy questions .

Becoming a better writer means spending a lot of time reading great books. One of the best ways to encourage reading is asking readers and students to reflect on why they love reading what they learned from previous books. It’s good subject matter for an essay too.

Many people are skeptical and or don’t trust news produced by journalists. But are they right? Surely there is a bar between trustworthy and untrustworthy sources? In this essay, explore how to tell good journalism apart from bad journalism.

When testing products to see if it’s safe for humans, scientists will run tests on animals. However, this testing isn’t only cruel but ineffective. Animals don’t get certain diseases that humans do. This includes HIV, Parkinson’s disease, schizophrenia, and certain types of cancers.

In this essay, students must conduct research and present a case for why animal testing is unethical.

Suicide is the second leading cause of death for those between the ages of 10 to 24. This is a complex topic since there could be several different factors at play. Some of these include bullying, abuse, and traumatic stress.

When writing this essay, students will be encouraged to dig deeper into the main reasons why teenagers commit suicide and how we can help them as a community. This spreads awareness and gets people to take positive action.

How much do you know about the United Nations? This prompt will test your knowledge of international relations and politics as you have to pen a paper that’s easy to understand. Include the intricacies of global leadership and peacekeeping by explaining the critical functions of the UN. Then, add how it helps society and how its efforts benefit you as a student.

Where did the internet come from? How did it develop to be what it is today? In your essay, recall the history of the World Wide Web and its profound impact on our daily lives. As an older student, you’ve lived through some of the internet’s transformative phases. How has that shaped the way you live, work, or study? Answer all of these in your paper.

Many people still get confused about handling their incomes, budgets, and expenses. In your essay, explain why many fumble their finances. Include how understanding one’s finances matters now more than ever.

For a more relatable paper, you can narrate your personal journey towards financial literacy. You can also analyze current financial trends and their implications for the average person.

Technology has revolutionized healthcare, so it’ll always be a timely topic. For this prompt, delve into the impact of technological advancements on health and medicine. It’s a brilliant way to explore subjects like telemedicine or electronic health records. You can even include the role of AI in disease diagnosis.

Have you noticed more electric vehicles on the road recently? In your essay, analyze the surge in popularity of electric vehicles. Add their environmental impact and the technological advances that have made them viable. Don’t forget to include your thoughts on a future dominated by electric vehicles.

If you have a TV show you’re fond of, then you can talk about it in your essay. Explore the show’s central themes, character developments, and narrative techniques. It might even give you an excuse to rewatch your favorite series!

Parlez-vous Français? If you have a second language or are interested in learning one someday, this prompt is for you. Remember to focus your essay on the benefits of bilingualism or multilingualism. If you have any, include your memories of learning a new language. You can also ask others who speak more than one language about their experiences. Add the challenges, triumphs, and doors it has opened for you.

Today, there is the question of whether we’re doing enough to address mental health. In your paper, be open and talk about the stigma around mental health issues. You can opt to share your personal experiences or observations. Then, don’t forget to add the consequences of ignoring mental health. It’s a powerful way to raise awareness and promote empathy.

Whether you are a high school student writing an essay for homework or you are sitting down to write a college essay as you apply for school, procrastination often occurs because you do not know what to write about. Having a list of topics  handy will help. 

To choose a topic, first, decide what type of essay you need to write. Then, browse this list of writing topics to find one that is interesting to you, or use the list to think of a different, similar topic. Soon, you will have an essay that is engaging and informative and can showcase your writing abilities well. 

If you need more inspiration, check out our guide to the 101+ best writing prompts .

FAQs About the Best Essay Writing Topics

Persuasive essays require a controversial topic in order to give the writer the freedom to write in a persuasive manner. Some good topics for these essays include: Soda in fast food meals Breastfeeding in public Using jail to deter illegal immigrants Banning cell phones for young children

Some good topics for an essay include: Gun control Social media Personal experiences Health Social issues A life event

Are you seeking one-on-one college counseling and/or essay support? Limited spots are now available. Click here to learn more.

160 Good Argumentative Essay Topics for Students in 2024

April 3, 2024

The skill of writing an excellent argumentative essay is a crucial one for every high school or college student to master. In sum, argumentative essays teach students how to organize their thoughts logically and present them in a convincing way. This skill is helpful not only for those pursuing degrees in law , international relations , or public policy , but for any student who wishes to develop their critical thinking faculties. In this article, we’ll cover what makes a good argument essay and offer several argumentative essay topics for high school and college students. Let’s begin!

What is an Argumentative Essay?

An argumentative essay is an essay that uses research to present a reasoned argument on a particular subject . As with the persuasive essay , the purpose of an argumentative essay is to sway the reader to the writer’s position. However, a strong persuasive essay makes its point through diligent research and emotion while a strong argumentative essay should be based solely on facts, not feelings.

Moreover, each fact should be supported by clear evidence from credible sources . Furthermore, a good argumentative essay will have an easy-to-follow structure. When organizing your argumentative essay, use this format as a guide:

  • Introduction
  • Supporting body paragraphs
  • Paragraph(s) addressing common counterarguments

Argumentative Essay Format

In the introduction , the writer presents their position and thesis statement —a sentence that summarizes the paper’s main points. The body paragraphs then draw upon supporting evidence to back up this initial statement, with each paragraph focusing on its own point. The length of your paper will determine the amount of examples you need. In general, you’ll likely need at least two to three. Additionally, your examples should be as detailed as possible, citing specific research, case studies, statistics, or anecdotes.

In the counterargument paragraph , the writer acknowledges and refutes opposing viewpoints. Finally, in the conclusion , the writer restates the main argument made in the thesis statement and summarizes the points of the essay. Additionally, the conclusion may offer a final proposal to persuade the reader of the essay’s position.

How to Write an Effective Argumentative Essay, Step by Step

  • Choose your topic. Use the list below to help you pick a topic. Ideally, a good argumentative essay topic will be meaningful to you—writing is always stronger when you are interested in the subject matter. In addition, the topic should be complex with plenty of “pro” and “con” arguments. Avoid choosing a topic that is either widely accepted as fact or too narrow. For example, “Is the earth round?” would not be a solid choice.
  • Research. Use the library, the web, and any other resources to gather information about your argumentative essay topic. Research widely but smartly. As you go, take organized notes, marking the source of every quote and where it may fit in the scheme of your larger essay. Moreover, remember to look for (and research) possible counterarguments.
  • Outline . Using the argument essay format above, create an outline for your essay. Then, brainstorm a thesis statement covering your argument’s main points, and begin to put your examples in order, focusing on logical flow. It’s often best to place your strongest example last.
  • Write . Draw on your research and outline to create a first draft. Remember, your first draft doesn’t need to be perfect. (As Voltaire says, “Perfect is the enemy of good.”) Accordingly, just focus on getting the words down on paper.
  • Does my thesis statement need to be adjusted?
  • Which examples feel strongest? Weakest?
  • Do the transitions flow smoothly?
  • Do I have a strong opening paragraph?
  • Does the conclusion reinforce my argument?

Tips for Revising an Argument Essay

Evaluating your own work can be difficult, so you might consider the following strategies:

  • Read your work aloud to yourself.
  • Record yourself reading your paper, and listen to the recording.
  • Reverse outline your paper. Firstly, next to each paragraph, write a short summary of that paragraph’s main points/idea. Then, read through your reverse outline. Does it have a logical flow? If not, where should you adjust?
  • Print out your paper and cut it into paragraphs. What happens when you rearrange the paragraphs?

Good Argumentative Essay Topics for Middle School, High School, and College Students

Family argumentative essay topics.

  • Should the government provide financial incentives for families to have children to address the declining birth rate?
  • Should we require parents to provide their children with a certain level of nutrition and physical activity to prevent childhood obesity?
  • Should parents implement limits on how much time their children spend playing video games?
  • Should cell phones be banned from family/holiday gatherings?
  • Should we hold parents legally responsible for their children’s actions?
  • Should children have the right to sue their parents for neglect?
  • Should parents have the right to choose their child’s religion?
  • Are spanking and other forms of physical punishment an effective method of discipline?
  • Should courts allow children to choose where they live in cases of divorce?
  • Should parents have the right to monitor teens’ activity on social media?
  • Should parents control their child’s medical treatment, even if it goes against the child’s wishes?
  • Should parents be allowed to post pictures of their children on social media without their consent?
  • Should fathers have a legal say in whether their partners do or do not receive an abortion?
  • Can television have positive developmental benefits on children?
  • Should the driving age be raised to prevent teen car accidents?
  • Should adult children be legally required to care for their aging parents?

Education Argument Essay Topics

  • Should schools ban the use of technology like ChatGPT?
  • Are zoos unethical, or necessary for conservation and education?
  • To what degree should we hold parents responsible in the event of a school shooting?
  • Should schools offer students a set number of mental health days?
  • Should school science curriculums offer a course on combating climate change?
  • Should public libraries be allowed to ban certain books? If so, what types?
  • What role, if any, should prayer play in public schools?
  • Should schools push to abolish homework?
  • Are gifted and talented programs in schools more harmful than beneficial due to their exclusionary nature?
  • Should universities do away with Greek life?
  • Should schools remove artwork, such as murals, that some perceive as offensive?
  • Should the government grant parents the right to choose alternative education options for their children and use taxpayer funds to support these options?
  • Is homeschooling better than traditional schooling for children’s academic and social development?
  • Should we require schools to teach sex education to reduce teen pregnancy rates?
  • Should we require schools to provide sex education that includes information about both homosexual and heterosexual relationships?
  • Should colleges use affirmative action and other race-conscious policies to address diversity on campus?
  • Should public schools remove the line “under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance?
  • Should college admissions officers be allowed to look at students’ social media accounts?
  • Should schools abolish their dress codes, many of which unfairly target girls, LGBTQ students, and students of color?
  • Should schools be required to stock free period products in bathrooms?
  • Should legacy students receive preferential treatment during the college admissions process?
  • Are school “voluntourism” trips ethical?

Government Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Should the U.S. decriminalize prostitution?
  • Should the U.S. issue migration visas to all eligible applicants?
  • Should the federal government cancel all student loan debt?
  • Should we lower the minimum voting age? If so, to what?
  • Should the federal government abolish all laws penalizing drug production and use?
  • Should the U.S. use its military power to deter a Chinese invasion of Taiwan?
  • Should the U.S. supply Ukraine with further military intelligence and supplies?
  • Should the North and South of the U.S. split up into two regions?
  • Should Americans hold up nationalism as a critical value?
  • Should we permit Supreme Court justices to hold their positions indefinitely?
  • Should Supreme Court justices be democratically elected?
  • Is the Electoral College still a productive approach to electing the U.S. president?
  • Should the U.S. implement a national firearm registry?
  • Is it ethical for countries like China and Israel to mandate compulsory military service for all citizens?
  • Should the U.S. government implement a ranked-choice voting system?
  • Should institutions that benefited from slavery be required to provide reparations?
  • Based on the 1619 project, should history classes change how they teach about the founding of the U.S.?
  • Should term limits be imposed on Senators and Representatives? If so, how long?
  • Should women be allowed into special forces units?
  • Should the federal government implement stronger, universal firearm licensing laws?
  • Do public sex offender registries help prevent future sex crimes?
  • Should the government be allowed to regulate family size?
  • Should all adults legally be considered mandated reporters?
  • Should the government fund public universities to make higher education more accessible to low-income students?
  • Should the government fund universal preschool to improve children’s readiness for kindergarten?

Health/Bioethics Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Should the U.S. government offer its own healthcare plan?
  • In the case of highly infectious pandemics, should we focus on individual freedoms or public safety when implementing policies to control the spread?
  • Should we legally require parents to vaccinate their children to protect public health?
  • Is it ethical for parents to use genetic engineering to create “designer babies” with specific physical and intellectual traits?
  • Should the government fund research on embryonic stem cells for medical treatments?
  • Should the government legalize assisted suicide for terminally ill patients?
  • Should organ donation be mandatory?
  • Is cloning animals ethical?
  • Should cancer screenings start earlier? If so, what age?
  • Is surrogacy ethical?
  • Should birth control require a prescription?
  • Should minors have access to emergency contraception?
  • Should hospitals be for-profit or nonprofit institutions?

Good Argumentative Essay Topics — Continued

Social media argumentative essay topics.

  • Should the federal government increase its efforts to minimize the negative impact of social media?
  • Do social media and smartphones strengthen one’s relationships?
  • Should antitrust regulators take action to limit the size of big tech companies?
  • Should social media platforms ban political advertisements?
  • Should the federal government hold social media companies accountable for instances of hate speech discovered on their platforms?
  • Do apps such as TikTok and Instagram ultimately worsen the mental well-being of teenagers?
  • Should governments oversee how social media platforms manage their users’ data?
  • Should social media platforms like Facebook enforce a minimum age requirement for users?
  • Should social media companies be held responsible for cases of cyberbullying?
  • Should the United States ban TikTok?
  • Is social media harmful to children?
  • Should employers screen applicants’ social media accounts during the hiring process?

Religion Argument Essay Topics

  • Should religious institutions be tax-exempt?
  • Should religious symbols such as the hijab or crucifix be allowed in public spaces?
  • Should religious freedoms be protected, even when they conflict with secular laws?
  • Should the government regulate religious practices?
  • Should we allow churches to engage in political activities?
  • Religion: a force for good or evil in the world?
  • Should the government provide funding for religious schools?
  • Is it ethical for healthcare providers to deny abortions based on religious beliefs?
  • Should religious organizations be allowed to discriminate in their hiring practices?
  • Should we allow people to opt out of medical treatments based on their religious beliefs?
  • Should the U.S. government hold religious organizations accountable for cases of sexual abuse within their community?
  • Should religious beliefs be exempt from anti-discrimination laws?
  • Should religious individuals be allowed to refuse services to others based on their beliefs or lifestyles? (As in this famous case .)
  • Should the US ban religion-based federal holidays?
  • Should public schools be allowed to teach children about religious holidays?

Science Argument Essay Topics

  • Would the world be safer if we eliminated nuclear weapons?
  • Should scientists bring back extinct animals? If so, which ones?
  • Should we hold companies fiscally responsible for their carbon footprint?
  • Should we ban pesticides in favor of organic farming methods?
  • Should the federal government ban all fossil fuels, despite the potential economic impact on specific industries and communities?
  • What renewable energy source should the U.S. invest more money in?
  • Should the FDA outlaw GMOs?
  • Should we worry about artificial intelligence surpassing human intelligence?
  • Should the alternative medicine industry be more stringently regulated?
  • Is colonizing Mars a viable option?
  • Is the animal testing worth the potential to save human lives?

Sports Argument Essay Topics

  • Should colleges compensate student-athletes?
  • How should sports teams and leagues address the gender pay gap?
  • Should youth sports teams do away with scorekeeping?
  • Should we ban aggressive contact sports like boxing and MMA?
  • Should professional sports associations mandate that athletes stand during the national anthem?
  • Should high schools require their student-athletes to maintain a certain GPA?
  • Should transgender athletes compete in sports according to their gender identity?
  • Should schools ban football due to the inherent danger it poses to players?
  • Should performance-enhancing drugs be allowed in sports?
  • Do participation trophies foster entitlement and unrealistic expectations?
  • Should sports teams be divided by gender?
  • Should professional athletes be allowed to compete in the Olympics?
  • Should women be allowed on NFL teams?

Technology Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Should sites like DALL-E compensate the artists whose work it was trained on?
  • Should the federal government make human exploration of space a more significant priority?
  • Is it ethical for the government to use surveillance technology to monitor citizens?
  • Should websites require proof of age from their users? If so, what age?
  • Should we consider A.I.-generated images and text pieces of art?
  • Does the use of facial recognition technology violate individuals’ privacy?
  • Is online learning as effective as in-person learning?
  • Does computing harm the environment?
  • Should buying, sharing, and selling collected personal data be illegal?
  • Are electric cars really better for the environment?
  • Should car companies be held responsible for self-driving car accidents?
  • Should private jets be banned?
  • Do violent video games contribute to real-life violence?

Business Argument Essay Topics

  • Should the U.S. government phase out the use of paper money in favor of a fully digital currency system?
  • Should the federal government abolish its patent and copyright laws?
  • Should we replace the Federal Reserve with free-market institutions?
  • Is free-market ideology responsible for the U.S. economy’s poor performance over the past decade?
  • Will cryptocurrencies overtake natural resources like gold and silver?
  • Is capitalism the best economic system? What system would be better?
  • Should the U.S. government enact a universal basic income?
  • Should we require companies to provide paid parental leave to their employees?
  • Should the government raise the minimum wage? If so, to what?
  • Should antitrust regulators break up large companies to promote competition?
  • Is it ethical for companies to prioritize profits over social responsibility?
  • Should gig-economy workers like Uber and Lyft drivers be considered employees or independent contractors?
  • Should the federal government regulate the gig economy to ensure fair treatment of workers?
  • Should the government require companies to disclose the environmental impact of their products?
  • Should companies be allowed to fire employees based on political views or activities?
  • Should tipping practices be phased out?
  • Should employees who choose not to have children be given the same amount of paid leave as parents?
  • Should MLMs (multi-level marketing companies) be illegal?
  • Should employers be allowed to factor tattoos and personal appearance into hiring decisions?

In Conclusion – Argument Essay Topics

Using the tips above, you can effectively structure and pen a compelling argumentative essay that will wow your instructor and classmates. Remember to craft a thesis statement that offers readers a roadmap through your essay, draw on your sources wisely to back up any claims, and read through your paper several times before it’s due to catch any last-minute proofreading errors. With time, diligence, and patience, your essay will be the most outstanding assignment you’ve ever turned in…until the next one rolls around.

Looking for more fresh and engaging topics for use in the classroom? You might consider checking out the following:

  • 125 Good Debate Topics for High School Students
  • 150 Good Persuasive Speech Topics
  • 7 Best Places to Study
  • Guide to the IB Extended Essay
  • How to Write the AP Lang Rhetorical Analysis Essay
  • AP Lit Reading List
  • How to Write the AP Lang Synthesis Essay
  • 49 Most Interesting Biology Research Topics
  • High School Success

Lauren Green

With a Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing from Columbia University and an MFA in Fiction from the Michener Center for Writers at the University of Texas at Austin, Lauren has been a professional writer for over a decade. She is the author of the chapbook  A Great Dark House  (Poetry Society of America, 2023) and a forthcoming novel (Viking/Penguin).

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  • Best Colleges by Major
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Essay on Importance of Internet

Students are often asked to write an essay on Importance of Internet in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Importance of Internet


The Internet is a powerful tool that has transformed our lives. It is a network of computers that allows us to access information, communicate, and perform various tasks.

Access to Information

The Internet provides a vast amount of information on every subject imaginable. It helps students in their studies and keeps us updated with the world.


The Internet has made communication easier and faster. We can chat, video call, and email anyone, anywhere, anytime.

Online Services

From shopping to banking, the Internet offers numerous services. It saves time and makes our lives convenient.

Also check:

250 Words Essay on Importance of Internet

The lifeline of modern society: the internet.

The internet, often referred to as the “network of networks,” has become an integral part of our lives. Its significance cannot be overstated as it has revolutionized communication, education, business, and entertainment.

Communication and Information Access

The internet has transformed the way we communicate. Emails, social media, and video conferencing have made it possible to connect with anyone, anywhere, at any time. It has also made information access easier than ever. The vast ocean of data available online has made the internet a primary source of information, research, and news.

Education and Learning

The internet has significantly impacted education. With the advent of online courses, learning has become more accessible. It has broken the barriers of geography, allowing students to learn from the best educators worldwide. Moreover, the internet acts as an enormous library, offering countless resources for academic research and knowledge expansion.

Business and Commerce

The internet has also revolutionized business operations. It has facilitated global trade, enabling businesses to expand their reach beyond geographical boundaries. E-commerce platforms have made buying and selling goods globally a simple process. Furthermore, digital marketing strategies have allowed businesses to target their audience more effectively.

Entertainment and Leisure

In conclusion, the internet has significantly shaped our world, influencing various aspects of our lives. Its importance is undeniable, and its potential for future advancements is limitless.

500 Words Essay on Importance of Internet

The advent of the internet.

The internet, a global network connecting millions of computers, has revolutionized the world, transforming every facet of our lives. It’s not just a technology; it’s a phenomenon that has reshaped our societies, economies, and cultures.

The Internet as a Source of Knowledge

Facilitating communication and collaboration.

The internet has also transformed the way we communicate. Email, social media, and instant messaging have made communication faster and more efficient. The internet has made it possible to connect with people across the globe instantaneously, breaking down geographical barriers. This has also fostered global collaboration, allowing people from different parts of the world to work together on projects or ideas.

Impact on Economy and Commerce

The internet has had a profound impact on the economy. It has given rise to a new form of commerce – e-commerce, enabling businesses to reach a global audience. Companies like Amazon and Alibaba have revolutionized retail, while platforms like Airbnb and Uber have disrupted traditional industries. The internet has also created new job opportunities, from digital marketing to web development.

Entertainment and Media

The internet and social change.

The internet has also been a catalyst for social change. It has given a voice to those who were previously unheard, enabling them to share their stories and mobilize for change. Social media platforms have played a key role in movements like the Arab Spring and Black Lives Matter, demonstrating the power of the internet to drive social change.

The importance of the internet cannot be overstated. It has transformed our world, reshaping the way we learn, communicate, do business, and engage with our society. As we move further into the digital age, the internet will continue to play a pivotal role in shaping our future. However, as with any powerful tool, it is important that we use the internet responsibly, ensuring it is a force for good in our world.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

Happy studying!

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internet topics for essays

Debate Topics

Need to write an argumentative essay? Preparing for an upcoming debate? ProCon.org has over 100 topics complete with pro and con arguments, quotes and statistics from experts, historical information, and other pertinent research.

Abortion – Should abortion be legal?

Alternative Energy – Can alternative energy effectively replace fossil fuels?

American Socialism – Should the U.S. become socialist?

Animal Dissection – Should K-12 students dissect animals in science classrooms?

Animal Testing – Should animals be used for scientific or commercial testing?

Artificial Intelligence – Is artificial intelligence good for society?

Banned Books – Should parents or other adults be able to ban books from schools and libraries?

Binge-Watching – Is binge-watching good for you?

Bottled Water Ban – Should bottled water be banned?

Cancel Culture – Is cancel culture (or callout culture) good for society?

CBD for Pets – Is CBD good for pets?

Cell Phone Radiation – Is cell phone radiation safe?

Cheerleading – Is cheerleading a sport?

Churches & Taxes – Should churches (including mosques, synagogues, etc.) remain tax-exempt?

College Education – Is a college education worth it?

Congressional Term Limits  – Should term limits be imposed on U.S. Senators and Representatives?

Constitutional Carry of Handguns – Should permitless, “constitutional carry” of guns be legal?

Corporal Punishment – Should corporal punishment be used in K-12 schools?

Corporate Tax Rate – Should the federal corporate income tax rate be raised?

Cuba Embargo – Should the United States maintain its embargo against Cuba?

DACA & Dreamers – Are DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) and the DREAM Act good for America?

Daylight Saving Time – Should the United States keep daylight saving time?

DC AND Puerto Rico Statehood – Should Washington, DC, and Puerto Rico be granted U.S. statehood?

Death Penalty – Should the death penalty be legal?

Defund the Police – Should police departments be defunded, if not abolished?

Dress Codes – Should dress codes be implemented and enforced?

Drinking Age – Should the drinking age be lowered from 21 to a younger age?

Drone Strikes – Should the United States continue its use of drone strikes abroad?

Drug Use in Sports – Should performance-enhancing drugs be accepted in sports?

Election Day National Holiday – Should the election day be made a national holiday?

Electoral College – Should the United States use the electoral college in presidential elections?

Employer Vaccine Mandates – Should employers be able to mandate vaccinations?

Felon Voting – Should people who have completed felony sentences be allowed to vote?

Fighting in Hockey – Should fighting be allowed in hockey?

Filibuster – Should the U.S. Senate keep the filibuster?

Fracking – Should the United States continue fracking

Free College – Should public college be tuition-free?

Fur Clothing Bans – Should fur clothing be banned?

GMOS – Should genetically modified organisms (GMOs) be grown?

Gold Standard – Should the United States return to a gold standard?

Golf – Is golf a sport and are golfers athletes?

Gun Control – Should more gun control laws be enacted?

Historic Statue Removal – Should historic statues be taken down?

Homework – Is homework beneficial?

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66 Internet of Things Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best internet of things topic ideas & essay examples, ⭐ good research topics about internet of things, 🎓 simple & easy internet of things essay titles.

  • Internet of Things for Home: Benefits and Challenges The IoT can be characterized as the unification of the virtual and real worlds with the help of many devices and sensors connected to the same network and providing interaction between machines and people.
  • The Internet of Things: Revolutionizing Connectivity, Privacy, and Security The information that the devices may collect is first stored in the internal memory of a device and then sent into the gateway of IoT.
  • The Internet of Things (IoT) Security The security of iOS devices is ensured primarily by maintaining the integrity of the code, verifying the authenticity of users and devices, and assigning ownership rights to users.
  • Aspects of the Internet of Things Thus, it is essential to explore the implications for people and companies caused by the convergence of IoT, cloud computing, mobile computing, and electronic business.
  • Internet of Things Solution of Petco Moreover, the authorization of each of the employees and a clear automated distribution of powers for them is conveniently supported with the help of IoT.
  • Internet of Things and Key Security Requirements The authentication component involves the IoT system’s ability to verify users’ and devices’ identities before guaranteeing access to information from individual devices or the right to operate such devices remotely in group tasks.
  • Security Attacks on the Internet of Things As such, a network layer attack is a process that aims to disrupt these network components within the IoT space. A code injection attack is defined as a process that aims to deposit malicious executable […]
  • Machine Learning for Internet of Things Devices Hussain et al.justify the use of ML for IoT by pointing out the vast amount of data that IoT gathers. Other recent papers, such as the one by Diedrichs et al, focus on the more […]
  • Internet of Things Security Issues The creation of intelligent devices provoked further development in this area, which led to the emergence of the Internet of things.
  • Application of the Internet of Things (IoT) in the Healthcare Industry The Internet of Things is one of the most innovative concepts implemented in diverse spheres of production, technology, sales, communication, and medicine.
  • Discussion of Internet of Things Internet of Things implies connecting devices into a chain and allowing them to collect and analyze information. IoT systems operate in real-time and usually consist of some “smart” devices and cloud platforms.
  • Warehouse Logistics: The Use of Internet of Things The goal of this review is to analyze various methods of warehouse logistics optimization in the context of IoT implementation. One example of this is the use of sensors to monitor the activities in the […]
  • BOK Matrix Summary of Internet of Things The objective of this paper is to discuss and understand how the internet of things has its application in transportation and logistics management.
  • Food4all Firm’s Smart Sensors and the Internet of Things This report analyses how Food4all can integrate IoT and smart sensor technology in the preparation, storage, packaging, and delivery of food parcels to ensure the safety and quality of their products.
  • Security Measures for Internet of Things Devices A federated architecture can also enhance security by overcoming the security risk posed by the heterogeneity of IoT devices and protocols.
  • The Internet of Things in the Clinical Segment On the other hand, the reduction in the cost of internet access and the increase in available bandwidth has made the mass adoption of the tiny-networked computers that make up the IoT possible.
  • Application Specific Internet of Things by Ang & Seng The purpose of this work is to prepare the summary of the article devoted to discussing the phenomenon of the IoT.
  • Internet of Things in a Work of an Urban Planning Specialist Due to the fact that urban planning ultimately targets the experiences of urban dwellers, the internet of things and is vital to consider for a city designer.
  • The Internet of Things: A Brief Research One of the best real-life examples of a company that successfully adopted the IoT and made the best use of it is DHL.
  • The Internet of Things: Technical Description Arguably, the best example that would help to acquire the understanding of the IoT’s practical importance is that the technology of “smart houses” is based upon the use of the Internet of Things.
  • Internet of Things Security: Denial-Of-Service Attacks Further, since the general notion of IoT was discussed, it is possible to move on to the discussion of the structure of IoT.
  • The Internet of Things: Securing Embedded Code The purpose of this paper is to review some of the concerns presented in an article dedicated to embedded coding security, titled “The Internet of Things Is Wildly Insecure And Often Unpatchable,” and provide potential […]
  • Internet of Things Security in Smart Cities Among the goals of hackers in attacks on the critical IoT of smart cities, there is the intentional organization of accidents or power outages, theft of personal information of users, interception of control of devices […]
  • Railway IT Systems: Internet of Things As a result of the above-mentioned cohesion between the actions of the railway operators, the inspection of the existing assets can be carried out continuously as opposed to the intermittent approach adopted previously2 In addition […]
  • Principles for Building an Internet of Things Business
  • Internet of Things in Smart Retail: GPS and RFID Technologies
  • The Smart Grid as the Internet of Things Application for Energy Management
  • Economic and Policy Implications of the Internet of Things as a Market for Services
  • Cloud Internet of Things: Optimizing Energy Consumption
  • Semantics for the Internet of Things: Early Progress and Back to the Future
  • Benefits of the Internet of Things for the Construction Industry: Cost-Saving, Time Reduction, and Increase in Productivity
  • Healthcare and Consumer Electronics Industries as the Next Phase of Growth in the Internet of Things Market
  • Customer Satisfaction in the Era of the Internet of Things: A Chinese E-retailers’ Perspective
  • Configuring the Smart IOT Network Within Packet Tracer
  • Ethical Social and Legal Issues of Internet of Things: Privacy, Physical Safety, and Informed Consent
  • Connected and Smart Cars and Internet of Things
  • Government Regulation on Internet of Things: The US Privacy Act of 1974
  • The Importance of the Internet of Things in Smart Schools
  • Augmented Reality and Internet of Things: The Hottest Topics of Our Era
  • Internet of Things and Intentional Obsolescence of Devices
  • The Industrial Internet Of Things Changes Business Models In Different Manufacturing Industries
  • Fourth Industrial Revolution: How the Internet of Things Influences Industrial Business Relationships
  • A Comparative Study of LTE Based M M Communication Technologies for Internet of Things
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  • Teleoperated Robot Controlling Interface: an Internet Of Things Based Approach
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  • Solutions to “Basket of Remotes” for Internet of Things: Problems With Protocols
  • Toward the G System the Dynamic Context-Aware Internet of Things for Advanced Society
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IvyPanda. (2024, February 28). 66 Internet of Things Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/internet-of-things-essay-topics/

"66 Internet of Things Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 28 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/internet-of-things-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '66 Internet of Things Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 28 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "66 Internet of Things Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 28, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/internet-of-things-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "66 Internet of Things Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 28, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/internet-of-things-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "66 Internet of Things Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 28, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/internet-of-things-essay-topics/.

The Myth of the Tree Octopus: Fact or Fiction?

This essay is about the myth of the tree octopus, a fictional creature purported to live in the temperate rainforests of the Pacific Northwest. Created as a hoax by Lyle Zapato in 1998, the tree octopus was intended to demonstrate the gullibility of internet users and the spread of misinformation online. The essay explains how the convincing presentation of the tree octopus myth, using scientific terminology and plausible contexts, highlights the importance of critical thinking and skepticism. It also discusses the cultural fascination with mythical creatures and the necessity of verifying information in the digital age to distinguish fact from fiction.

How it works

In the vast expanse of the internet, where information flows freely and rumors spread like wildfire, it is easy to come across bizarre and seemingly impossible creatures. One such entity that has captured the imagination of many is the elusive “tree octopus.” At first glance, the notion of an octopus living in trees sounds utterly preposterous. After all, octopuses are marine creatures, renowned for their intelligence and their ability to blend into oceanic environments. Yet, the tree octopus has gained a significant following, leading many to wonder: is the tree octopus real?

The tree octopus was first brought to public attention through a website that claimed to document its existence.

According to the site, the tree octopus, scientifically named Octopus paxarbolis , is a rare and endangered species that resides in the temperate rainforests of the Pacific Northwest. The website provides detailed descriptions of the octopus’s habitat, diet, and behaviors, and even includes photographs of the supposed creature. It claims that the tree octopus is an amphibious animal that spends most of its time in the forest canopy but returns to water bodies to breed.

Despite the convincing presentation, the tree octopus is, in fact, a hoax. Created by Lyle Zapato in 1998, the tree octopus website was designed as a satire to highlight the gullibility of internet users and the ease with which misinformation can be spread online. The site is an excellent example of a “Poe’s law” scenario, where the content is so absurd that it is difficult to distinguish between parody and genuine belief without explicit indicators. This phenomenon underscores a critical issue in the digital age: the necessity for critical thinking and the ability to discern credible information from cleverly crafted fiction.

The myth of the tree octopus serves as a fascinating case study in the field of digital literacy. It highlights how easily people can be duped by seemingly authoritative sources. The website uses scientific terminology, plausible ecological contexts, and sophisticated web design to lend an air of legitimacy to its claims. This veneer of credibility can be highly persuasive, especially to those who may not have the scientific background to immediately recognize the absurdity of a terrestrial octopus.

Moreover, the tree octopus hoax provides an important lesson about the importance of skepticism and verification in the age of information. The internet is a vast repository of knowledge, but not all of it is accurate or truthful. Users must be vigilant, cross-referencing information with trusted sources and looking out for red flags that may indicate falsehoods. In the case of the tree octopus, a quick search through reputable biological databases or a consultation with a marine biologist would reveal the impossibility of such a creature existing.

Interestingly, the tree octopus myth also taps into a broader cultural fascination with cryptids and mythical creatures. Humans have always been drawn to tales of elusive, mysterious beings that lurk just beyond the edge of known reality. From Bigfoot to the Loch Ness Monster, these stories captivate the imagination and offer a sense of wonder and possibility. The tree octopus fits neatly into this tradition, providing a modern twist on age-old legends.

In conclusion, the tree octopus is a masterful example of internet folklore, a fictional creation that has nonetheless sparked genuine curiosity and debate. Its existence as a hoax underscores the vital importance of critical thinking and digital literacy in our increasingly connected world. While the idea of a tree-dwelling octopus may be enchanting, it is ultimately a reminder to approach extraordinary claims with a healthy dose of skepticism. As we navigate the vast sea of information online, it is essential to anchor ourselves in the principles of evidence and reason, ensuring that we can distinguish fact from fiction in the digital age.


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The Myth of the Tree Octopus: Fact or Fiction?. (2024, Jun 28). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/the-myth-of-the-tree-octopus-fact-or-fiction/

"The Myth of the Tree Octopus: Fact or Fiction?." PapersOwl.com , 28 Jun 2024, https://papersowl.com/examples/the-myth-of-the-tree-octopus-fact-or-fiction/

PapersOwl.com. (2024). The Myth of the Tree Octopus: Fact or Fiction? . [Online]. Available at: https://papersowl.com/examples/the-myth-of-the-tree-octopus-fact-or-fiction/ [Accessed: 2 Jul. 2024]

"The Myth of the Tree Octopus: Fact or Fiction?." PapersOwl.com, Jun 28, 2024. Accessed July 2, 2024. https://papersowl.com/examples/the-myth-of-the-tree-octopus-fact-or-fiction/

"The Myth of the Tree Octopus: Fact or Fiction?," PapersOwl.com , 28-Jun-2024. [Online]. Available: https://papersowl.com/examples/the-myth-of-the-tree-octopus-fact-or-fiction/. [Accessed: 2-Jul-2024]

PapersOwl.com. (2024). The Myth of the Tree Octopus: Fact or Fiction? . [Online]. Available at: https://papersowl.com/examples/the-myth-of-the-tree-octopus-fact-or-fiction/ [Accessed: 2-Jul-2024]

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Victoria Beckham Posted A Seriously “Horny” Instagram Caption About Her 1997 Trip With David Beckham, And The Internet’s Obsessed

Responding to Victoria’s eyebrow-raising Instagram caption, one person joked: “She had flashbacks while writing.”

Stephanie Soteriou

BuzzFeed Staff

One thing you should know about Victoria Beckham is that she is well aware of just how hot her husband, David Beckham , is — and will generously share him with the world at any opportunity.

David Beckham and Victoria Beckham at a Netflix event, David in a suit and tie, Victoria in a tailored pantsuit with a clutch

In recent years, Victoria has made a habit out of posting thirst traps of David to her social media pages as he completes workouts or chores around their home.

View this photo on Instagram

For example, in December, Victoria shared a photo of David wearing just a pair of tight white underpants as he sprawled across the floor to fix a television. She added in the caption: “Electrician came to fix the TV…..You’re welcome!”

Prior to that, victoria had famously shared a picture of a laughing david using his arm to preserve his modesty after his white underwear turned see-through while he relaxed in an ice bath., while these posts have always been gratefully received by victoria’s followers, some were still caught off-guard by just how "horny" the caption on one of her most recent posts was..

Victoria Beckham, in a dark blazer, gazes at the camera with a subtle smile. Her long, wavy hair is styled loosely over one shoulder

Over the weekend, the former Spice Girl took to her Instagram page to share two throwback photos of herself and David in Portofino, Italy, as she promoted her Portofino ’97 fragrance.

Victoria and David Beckham embrace and kiss outdoors in 1998. Both are wearing dark coats

Feeling nostalgic in the post’s caption, Victoria wrote: “Portofino in 1997 was a very, very romantic trip. I remember how excited I was there to be there with David for the first time. The intensity of the two of us being together that 48 hours really was amazing… Kisses @DavidBeckham.”

Instagram post by victoria beckham reminiscing about a romantic 1997 trip to Portofino with David Beckham, mentioning their excitement and intensity together

Notably, this trip would have taken place very soon after she and David first started dating — and the emphasis on just how romantic, exciting, and intense the trip was caused a stir among followers, with many taking to X to share their response to what Victoria had written.

David Beckham and Victoria Beckham seated at an event, with Victoria wearing a sleeveless black dress and David in a black suit

In a tweet that has now gone viral with almost 3 million views and tens of thousands of likes and retweets, somebody shared a screenshot of Victoria’s caption and wrote : “This horny caption I’m uncomfortable.”

“she had flashbacks while writing,” somebody else joked in the quote-tweets. One more quipped : “thought it was a very tastefully horny caption, myself.”

Others couldn’t help but find the whole thing pretty inspiring, with one popular response reading : “I actually live for it.”

“This level of horniness after being married to someone for decades is actually goals tbh,” another added . One more agreed : “Remebering [sic] the freak fest you had with your spouse, 27 years pre marriage, is goals like a mf.”

While somebody else concluded : “I love a rich, famous, hot couple who’s still horny for each other after decades of marriage.”

Victoria and David first started dating in 1997, when she was a world-famous Spice Girl, and he was a globally renowned soccer star.

David Beckham and Victoria Beckham sitting at a table, dressed elegantly for an event. David is in a suit, and Victoria is wearing a strapless dress with a statement necklace

They got married in 1999 and share four children together: 25-year-old Brooklyn, 21-year-old Romeo, 19-year-old Cruz, and 12-year-old Harper.

Neither victoria nor david have reacted to the stir that her instagram caption has caused, but we will definitely let you know if they do, topics in this article.

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Guest Essay

The Imperial Supreme Court

The facade of the Supreme Court building.

By Kate Shaw

Contributing Opinion Writer

The court’s decision in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, which overruled the 40-year-old Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council, won’t affect Americans’ lives in as stark and immediate a way as the 2022 decision overruling Roe v. Wade.

But like Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, Loper Bright has the potential to fundamentally transform major aspects of the health, safety and well-being of most Americans. That’s especially true when it is viewed alongside some of the other major cases about agency power the court has handed down in recent terms — and indeed in recent days — that have stripped agencies of power and shifted that power directly to federal courts.

Just this week, the court eliminated a key mechanism used by the Securities and Exchange Commission to enforce securities laws and enjoined an important Environmental Protection Agency emissions standard based on, in the words of Justice Amy Coney Barrett in dissent, an “underdeveloped theory that is unlikely to succeed on the merits.”

Out of the 1984 Chevron decision came the doctrine of Chevron deference. In essence, Chevron deference allowed agencies to use their expertise to determine how to carry out laws passed by Congress — laws intended to keep our air and water clean, our drugs safe and effective and our securities markets protected from fraud and deception.

The Supreme Court has now decreed that it, rather than agencies staffed by individuals with deep subject matter expertise and answerable to presidential appointees, will be the final arbiter of the meaning of every statute passed by Congress.

What does it mean to require agencies to take the “best” or “appropriate” or “feasible” steps to reduce air and water pollution or to keep workplaces safe? While Chevron directed courts to defer to agencies when they brought their expertise to bear on such questions and produced reasonable answers, the court will now decide for itself.

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    10 Writing Prompts on Essays About The Internet. 1. The Internet's Benefits to Students. Compare the perks against the difficulties students and researchers had to endure before the birth of the internet. Share your insights and experience on how the internet has expanded your knowledge in a subject matter and helped you complete your ...

  9. ≡Essays on Internet. Free Examples of Research Paper Topics, Titles

    Recommended Internet Essay Topics. To provide inspiration for students seeking internet essay topics, we have compiled a list of recommended topics divided by category. Whether you are interested in technology, social media, online culture, or digital innovation, there is something for everyone in the following list: Technology

  10. 100 Persuasive Essay Topics

    Learn how to write a persuasive essay using this list of 100 topics, organized by degree of difficulty. Find the best topic for your persuasive essay. ... High-speed internet access should be regulated like a public utility. Yearly driving tests should be mandatory for the first five years after getting a license.

  11. 113 Perfect Persuasive Essay Topics for Any Assignment

    List of 113 Good Persuasive Essay Topics. Below are over 100 persuasive essay ideas, organized into ten categories. When you find an idea that piques your interest, you'll choose one side of it to argue for in your essay. For example, if you choose the topic, "should fracking be legal?" you'd decide whether you believe fracking should ...

  12. Essay on Internet: Advantages and Disadvantages

    Just like the aforementioned topics, Essay writing is another crucial element of a wide range of entrance tests like IELTS, TOEFL, UPSC exams, etc. The topics for essays can range from Digital India and Economic issues to the role of Education and Women Empowerment. In this blog, we will share some samples of essays on the internet with you!

  13. 800 Words Essay On Internet in English for Students

    We live in the age of the internet. And, it has become an important part of our life. Besides, internet is an invention of high-end science and modern technology. Apart from that, we are connected to internet 24x7. In this essay on Internet, we are going to discuss various things related to the internet.

  14. 100+ Essay Topics for an Outstanding Essay (2024)

    The following is a list of descriptive essay topic ideas for the students. The person who is responsible for making a difference in my life. Describe a smartphone and its benefits to someone from the '60s. The most interesting piece of art I have ever seen. Describe the experience of falling in love.

  15. 101 Great Essay Writing Topics for Students

    4. Video Game Addiction. Ask young students to write about games they live or spend too much time playing. Many young students spend a lot of time playing video games, and this can translate into an essay topic. Exploring the mental health effects of too much video gameplay is a good option.

  16. 160 Good Argumentative Essay Topics for Students in 2024

    April 3, 2024. The skill of writing an excellent argumentative essay is a crucial one for every high school or college student to master. In sum, argumentative essays teach students how to organize their thoughts logically and present them in a convincing way. This skill is helpful not only for those pursuing degrees in law, international ...

  17. Essay on Importance of Internet

    And if you're also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic. ... 250 Words Essay on Importance of Internet The Lifeline of Modern Society: The Internet. The internet, often referred to as the "network of networks," has become an integral part of our lives. Its significance cannot be ...

  18. 61 Internet Privacy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    The user should have knowledge of how his or her information is being collected, the purpose of collection and how the party is going to use the information.

  19. 100+ Topics for Argumentative Essays and Debates

    Need to write an argumentative essay? Preparing for an upcoming debate? ProCon.org has over 100 topics complete with pro and con arguments, quotes and statistics from experts, historical information, and other pertinent research. Abortion - Should abortion be legal? Alternative Energy - Can alternative energy effectively replace fossil fuels?

  20. 50 Latest Internet IELTS Topics

    50 Latest Internet IELTS Topics. Get a band score and detailed report instantly. Check your IELTS essays right now! Some people believe that the media, such as the press, TV and Internet should be more strictly controlled. Others feel that controls should be loosened to give people freer access to information.

  21. Essay Topics

    List of 500+ Essay Writing Topics and Ideas. Essay topics in English can be difficult to come up with. While writing essays, many college and high school students face writer's block and have a hard time to think about topics and ideas for an essay. In this article, we will list out many good essay topics from different categories like ...

  22. 66 Internet of Things Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    Discussion of Internet of Things. Internet of Things implies connecting devices into a chain and allowing them to collect and analyze information. IoT systems operate in real-time and usually consist of some "smart" devices and cloud platforms. Warehouse Logistics: The Use of Internet of Things.

  23. The Myth of the Tree Octopus: Fact or Fiction?

    Essay Example: In the vast expanse of the internet, where information flows freely and rumors spread like wildfire, it is easy to come across bizarre and seemingly impossible creatures. One such entity that has captured the imagination of many is the elusive "tree octopus." At first glance,

  24. Internet-famous stingray Charlotte dies of rare reproductive disease

    This new development sent the internet in a tizzy once again as experts and those avidly following Charlotte's pregnancy debated whether the news of her pregnancy was a hoax or if the stingray had ...

  25. Verizon: New home, wireless internet deals include streaming bargains

    Verizon MyHome goal: Simplify home internet. Verizon hopes to make it easier for customers to get the desired home internet and entertainment options with its new MyHome internet plans starting at ...

  26. Digital Knowledge Quiz (2023)

    Test your knowledge of digital topics and terms by taking our nine-question quiz. When you finish, you will be able to compare your score with knowledge measured among the American public. Our nationally representative survey of 5,101 randomly selected U.S. adults was conducted between May 15 and 21, 2023, using Pew Research Center's American ...

  27. David Murdock on junk drawers and why nostalgia is overrated

    As I've said a few times over the years, I have a writing "junk drawer" — a notebook where I jot down ideas for columns. Some of those ideas come to fruition here, but most don't. So, I ...

  28. Victoria Beckham's "Horny" Instagram Caption Goes Viral

    In a tweet that has now gone viral with almost 3 million views and tens of thousands of likes and retweets, somebody shared a screenshot of Victoria's caption and wrote: "This horny caption I'm uncomfortable." "she had flashbacks while writing," somebody else joked in the quote-tweets. One more quipped: "thought it was a very tastefully horny caption, myself."

  29. Learning to write or writing to resist? A primary school child's

    This article examines a primary-school child's response to a writing initiative arranged by his academic parents to address his writing deficiency in a context of "crisis" discourses about children's writing. While the child protested the intervention, he wrote reluctantly for 18 months and produced 205 texts of over 25,000 words. Analyses of the texts using children's "agency" and ...

  30. Opinion

    This reasoning echoes Justice Neil Gorsuch in an earlier case invalidating a Covid-era test-or-vaccine mandate from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration for large employers.