
Secondary Classrooms 7 Memorable Memoirs for High School Studies

Dorothy Hodges

Dorothy Hodges

Helping high schoolers look up from their feeds and put themselves in the shoes of someone else can seem impossible! A good memoir or autobiography offers students a window into another person’s interior world. That’s why we’ve created a roundup of 7 memoir examples for students from our digital literacy program that are sure to complement any reading curriculum.

Each of these rich memoirs from CommonLit’s digital library feature unique voices and powerful perspectives on life. These texts create an opportunity for your students to deepen their reading comprehension and pique their thirst to engage around topics such as complicated relationships, growing up, leaving for the unknown and more!

“ Endless Summer Job ” by Carolyn Ferrell (9th grade)

Carolyn Ferrell’s memoir describes her college summer job: working on an estate in the Hamptons. Ferrell shares vivid details of her experience, recollecting the disdain she felt from her employers. Years later, Ferrell has become a successful author and travels to the Hamptons as a guest for the first time. During her trip out to the Hamptons, she bumps into her former employer. During this final exchange, Carolyn is asked to come on as hired help, ending the memoir with intense feelings of shock, shame, and resilience.

A screenshot of the related media tab for Endless Summer Job, which is one of the best memoirs for high school students to read.

Couple this text with the Related Media video “Implicit Bias Matters: Thinking Under the Influence.” Invite students to discuss the following questions: “According to the video’s narrator, what is ‘thinking under the influence,’ and how does it impact decisions at both a personal and system level?” Encourage them to connect their reflections to evidence from Ferrell's text.

“ What Slaves are Taught to Think of the North ” by Harriet Ann Jacobs (9th grade)

In this short memoir, Jacobs provides a true account of her experiences as a slave. Students will be drawn in by Jacobs’s direct and scathing language as she describes the hypocrisies of both Southern slave owners and Northerners who visited the South. Jacobs shares the ways in which slaves were manipulated by people in the North and South in order to keep them enslaved.

After reading this text, have students reflect on Discussion Question 3, “How can fear be used to manipulate? Use evidence from this text, your own experience, and other art or literature in your answer.”

The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: Excerpts from Chapters 1 and 7 by Frederick Douglass (9th grade)

This excerpt from The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass shares details from Chapter 1 and 7. In the excerpt from Chapter 1, Douglass describes his first overseer, Plummer, and the impact of witnessing so much violence from such a cruel individual. The Chapter 7 excerpt describes his time with Master Hugh’s family, where Douglass shares his experiences learning to read and write.

Screenshot of one of the best memoirs for highschool students.  It is about Frederick Douglass. On the right side there is a discussion question, designed to encourage high school students to delve deeper into the text.

Students will be awed by Douglass’s hunger for knowledge and the elegance of his diction. Use his journey as an opportunity to engage your students around Discussion Question 3, “In the context of this passage, what is the goal of education? City evidence from this text, your own experience, and other literature, art, or history in your answer.”

Excerpt from “You Don’t have to Say you Love Me” by Sherman Alexie (10th grade)

This memoir excerpt shares Alexie’s decision to leave the school on his Reservation to make a better life for himself. Shortly after enrolling at his new school, Alexie experiences the loss of his grandmother, sister, and brother-in-law. As a result, he worries his choice to leave has “jinxed” the family. Students are sure to relate to Alexie’s journey, tracing his experience of growing up and choosing his own path.

Looking for more short memoir examples? After reading this text, have students read and analyze the Paired Text “Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night” by Dylan Thomas. Ask students: “How is the narrator in Sherman Alexie’s memoir ‘rag[ing] against the dying of the light’? Is the narrator’s experience  watching his mother grieve in ‘Excerpt from ‘You Don’t Have to Say You Love Me’ similar to the speaker’s experience watching his father die in ‘Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night’? Why or why not?”

“ A Frontline Nurse for the Vietcong ” As told to Tong Thi Xuyen (10th grade)

At only 17 years old, Nguyen Thi Do was recruited by the Vietcong and spent over a decade serving as a nurse during the Vietnam War. This memoir serves a window into Nyguyen’s experience during the war, detailing how she was impacted by the horrible endeavors she describes. Nyguyen shared her larger fear, “that when my friends, my comrades and I are all dead, our history and stories will die with us.”

After reading this text, have students discuss Discussion Question 1, “Nguyen Thi Do expresses concerns about her history dying with her. Do you think it is important for future generations to know about Do’s experiences? Why or why not? What are some ways her experiences could be kept alive?”

“ Serving in Florida: Excerpt from Nickel and Dimed ” by Barbara Ehrenreich (11th grade)

In this text, Barbara Enrenreich details her year-long social experiment of living on minimum wage in Key West, Florida. While this text is easy for students to digest with light-hearted language and a humorous tone, students may be shocked when they dig into the depth of Enrenreich’s struggles to survive throughout the year.

Screenshot of a memoir example for students from the CommonLit library called “Serving in Florida: Excerpt from ‘Nickel and Dimed.’” On the right side there is an assessment question, which is designed to improve high schoolers' reading comprehension.

As students read, encourage them to take note of the argument Enrenreich is developing and what evidence she uses to support that argument. These annotations will prepare students for Assessment Question 1, “Which statement best describes how the style of the texts contributes to its persuasiveness?” Assigning assessment questions will also prepare students for grade-level reading assessments!

“ Excerpt from Notes from a Native Son ” by James Baldwin (11th grade)

In this text, James Baldwin, famed American essayist, novelist, and playwright, unpacks key experiences and reflects on his complicated relationship with his father, ultimately leading him to a better understanding of who he was.

After reading this text, invite students to discuss Discussion Question 2, “This father and son shared a complicated relationship. What does it mean to have a complicated relationship with someone? What makes a relationship complicated?”

Are you a teacher looking for more memoir examples for students? Browse the CommonLit Library .

Want more autobiographical texts to engage your students? Check out our book pairings for amazing autobiographies like I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings , The Autobiography of Malcolm X , and more or come to one of our webinars!

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20+ Student Biography Examples

Welcome to the world of students! We have created an amazing collection of 30 student biography examples to help you write your own.

As a student, you are likely to be writing a variety of biographical pieces. Whether you are writing a personal profile for your CV, a biography for an awards application or a biography for a college admissions essay, it’s important that you construct an interesting and engaging narrative of who you are.

Student Biography Examples

1. Growing up I was always interested in the sciences and technology. In high school, I excelled in math and science classes, which led me to pursue a degree in engineering. I went on to earn my Bachelor’s degree in Engineering and am currently working on my Master’s in Civil Engineering. After I finish my degree, I plan to use my knowledge to help improve infrastructure in developing countries.

2. Since a young age, I have been passionate about helping people in need. During college, I decided to focus my studies on sociology and political science. I used my knowledge to take action and participated in several non-profit organizations to promote social justice. With the help of internships, I have also gained experience in policy development and public relations. I’m currently working on a graduate degree in Social Work and aim to eventually work for the United Nations .

4. I never thought that I had the ability to become a professional photographer, but my high school photography teacher pushed me to pursue my dreams. I learned how to use a variety of cameras, develop photographs, and post-process my images. I continued my photography studies at college, where I gained additional knowledge in studio lighting and digital editing. I was even able to gain experience in the fashion industry, interning for a well-known photographer . Today, I am working as an event photographer, documenting weddings, reunions, and corporate events.

5. When I was younger I was passionate about art, which prompted me to pursue a bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts. During college, I was able to gain experience as a studio assistant and also learn various digital and traditional art techniques. With the help of a scholarship, I was able to travel to various countries and learn even more about different art styles. After graduation, I started working as a freelance artist and have been able to produce several commissioned artworks and pieces.

7. I have been involved in theater since I was a young child. During my high school years, I focused on honing my abilities through various extracurricular activities. I was able to gain valuable experience by participating in multiple productions and I even gained a scholarship for theater. I attended college to study Musical Theater and continued to foster my talent. With help from internships and workshops, I was able to build additional experience and formed a touring theater company with some of my colleagues.

8. From an early age, I was interested in the environment and the outdoors. I spent a lot of time reading environmental books and researching environmental issues. This passion inspired me to major in Environmental Science in college. I’ve gained valuable experience through various internships and part-time jobs. With the help of my degree, I’ve been able to work on several conservation projects and hope to soon work for a non-profit organization focused on sustainability.

9. When I graduated high school I wanted to focus my career on the medical field. After much research, I decided to major in Biomedical Engineering. During my time in college, I was able to gain a valuable experience by interning as a research assistant. I have been able to learn more about medical technology and have been able to contribute to various projects. I’m currently pursuing a master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering and plan to continue my research in the field and eventually work for a healthcare company.

10. I have always had an interest in fashion and design, so when the time came to decide my career path it made sense to pursue design. During college, I was able to study many aspects of fashion and gain experience through various internships. I was also able to travel to other countries to observe trends and learn about different cultures. With my degree, I am currently working as a fashion designer and I plan to continue to use my creative eye to come up with innovative and stylish designs.

Autobiography Writing Guide

Autobiography Examples

Last updated on: Nov 20, 2023

Autobiography Examples – Detailed Outline and Samples

By: Barbara P.

Reviewed By: Melisa C.

Published on: Mar 22, 2023

Autobiography Examples

We all have stories to tell. And, for some of us, the only way we feel like we can get our story out there is by writing it down. Some people may believe that an autobiography is something only famous people write about themselves but that is not true. 

In fact, anyone who has a story worth telling can write an autobiography. 

If you are assigned to write an autobiography in your high school or college and you are confused about where to start, don’t panic. 

You are at the right place.

Explore this detailed guide to understand the concept of writing an autobiography. It will also provide you with some great autobiography examples for a better understanding.

Autobiography Examples

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What is an Autobiography?

An autobiography is a kind of the self-written story of a person's life. This type of narration has various aims and objectives that depend on the kind of writing that you decide to go with.

Moreover, it has different types. A writer can choose any of them on the basis of what he wants to include in his story.



Struggling to understand the basics of autobiography? Check out this how to write an autobiography to understand the key prerequisite of autobiographies. 

Autobiography Types

Below-mentioned is the four main types of autobiography. These include:

1. Traditional Autobiography –  It is a complete story that covers all life experiences including birth, childhood, and adulthood. You can write it for personal use. However, if you feel that your life can be inspiring for others, you can also write it for the wider public.

2. Memoir –  It focuses on describing a specific event, relationship, time period, or place that has an effect on your personality and life. For example, it may include your hometown or an important relationship.

3. Personal Essay –  It is the idea of sharing your life story with the audience in a way that they feel as if they were a part of it. Similarly, it also describes two aspects including the event and how it affected the beliefs.

4. Confessional –  Some people find comfort in writing about their mistakes and sins. Thus, they write this type of autobiography so that people will learn from their mistakes and avoid them.

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Examples are an essential way to learn something in less time. Therefore, we have stated some examples for you to write your autobiographies. These will also help to learn about a proper autobiography template and structure.

Have a look at these autobiography examples to get a better understanding.

Cultural Autobiography Examples


Educational Autobiography Examples for Students 


Autobiography Examples For Class 6

Autobiography Examples For Grade 7

Autobiography Examples For College Students

Autobiography Examples About Yourself

Autobiography Examples Ks2

Famous Personality Autobiography

The autobiography of benjamin franklin is one example of a famous personality autobiography. Similarly, these famous autobiography examples will provide you with everything to get started with your famous personality autobiography.


Funny Autobiography


High School Autobiography


Literary Autobiography Example

Literary Autobiography

Personal Autobiography


Professional Autobiography


Struggling to understand the difference between memoir and autobiography? Check this guide with memoir vs autobiography examples to differentiate between the two terms.

Scientific Autobiography


Short Autobiography Examples for Students


Autobiography Examples Books

Autobiography example books provide a detailed insight into the life of an individual. Through these real-life stories, readers get to know more about a person's experiences and how they overcame challenges. 

Book Autobiography Sample

Spiritual Autobiography Examples

Spiritual autobiographies are a great way to reflect on one's spiritual journey and the lessons learned along the way. Here is an example to help you out.

Spiritual Autobiography Sample

The Dos and Don'ts of an Autobiography

A successful autobiography indicates the author’s ability to present a worthwhile story. There are a wide variety of things that you can talk about while writing your personal narratives.

However, the following are some dos and don'ts of writing an autobiography that will help in refining your writing skills.

Some dos of writing an autobiography are:

  • Understanding the Intended Audience

There is a huge difference when you are writing an autobiography for your friends or a group of strangers. Because it requires extensive details about life events and experiences. Thus, make sure to include facts that you consider significant.

  • Developing A Core Concept

It is essential to identify the central theme of your autobiography. Moreover, a well-structured outline is also a proper way of associating one event with another. It will also set the interest of the readers by keeping the story consistent from the beginning to the end.

  • Do Tell the Truth

Do not portray yourself as the hero or villain of the story. Instead, tell the truth and acknowledge your mistakes by exposing your strengths and weaknesses.

  • Revising and Editing

Read aloud what you have written and do some editing. Check if your ideas flow logically and look out for interrupting thoughts.

  • Do Seek Feedback

Ask your friends and family to read your work and provide you with feedback. Understand the difference between fair criticism and forced judgment.

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Don’ts of Writing an Autobiography

Below mentioned are some don'ts of writing an autobiography.

  • Do Not Mention Unnecessary Details

Include relevant details and struggles when narrating your life story. Avoid adding unnecessary details. Instead, share the information that is directly related to your story.

  • Stop Worrying About Others

Your story may contain some details that can have a negative effect on others. Do not worry about them and rearrange all the details.

Moreover, remember that you are not here to please everyone. Thus, avoid writing for a broader audience and make your story too generic and specific for the readers.

  • Discuss Why Your Story Is Inspiring

If your main goal is to inspire people with your story, show them how you felt instead of telling them directly. Allow the audience to come to the conclusion through your writing style.

  • Avoid Copying Someone's Story

It is a big mistake to copy someone's work to make your story compelling. Find the hook and unique points that are marketable. Also, think of all these details before you begin writing.

Autobiographies aim to educate and inform others in some ways. This blog has provided all the essential details to write an autobiography. You can generate even more samples of autobiography through our FREE AI-based paper writer . 

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Barbara P.

Literature, Marketing

Dr. Barbara is a highly experienced writer and author who holds a Ph.D. degree in public health from an Ivy League school. She has worked in the medical field for many years, conducting extensive research on various health topics. Her writing has been featured in several top-tier publications.

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Keep reading.

  • How to Write an Autobiography - A Complete Guide

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  • Autobiography Format for Students - A Detailed Guide

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Autobiography Examples

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How To Write An Autobiography

Autobiography Examples

Nova A.

Top Autobiography Examples & Samples For Your Help

Published on: Sep 10, 2021

Last updated on: Feb 12, 2024

Autobiography Examples

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An  autobiography  is a story of a person's life written down or told. They are interesting to read, but they can be even more interesting to write.

An autobiography is different from a biography. A biography is someone else's story about a person's life. But, an autobiography is the person's own story about their life.

This may make autobiographies more interesting to read than biographies. Also, they give the thoughts and feelings of the person rather than someone else's interpretation.

There are many different stories in the world. Uniquely telling your story is not easy. You need to describe what is happening to make the reader feel like they are right there with you.

In this blog, you will learn about some amazing examples of autobiographies. So, start reading now.

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Autobiography Examples For Students

An autobiography is the story of someone's life written by them. They might write about their hardships or success. Here are some examples of autobiographies that might inspire you to write your own.

Short Autobiography Examples

This is a good example of a creative and interesting autobiography to read. It will teach you how to write your own great autobiography.

Autobiography Examples For Class 6

Autobiography essays are not easy to write. They are different from other essays because they tell the story of a person's life experiences. Every person has a lot of interesting experiences, so it can be hard to choose which ones to write about.

For your help, we compiled an example that you can use for your help and make your writing process easy.

Autobiography Examples For Grade 7

Only you know yourself best. Writing an autobiography is a great way to share your life with others. Everyone has a story to tell, and writing an autobiography is one way to leave your mark on history.

Here is an example that gives you a better idea of sharing your life story with others.

Autobiography Examples For College Students

An autobiography is a text that tells your life story. It can be in the form of a  memoir , which is more informal or more formal. Autobiographies can be written for different reasons:

  • To introduce yourself to the world.
  • To get into a program at school, for a job, volunteering, etc.

You can find more ideas for an autobiography from this example.

Note: As a college student, you might encounter confusion distinguishing between an autobiography and a statement of purpose . While both involve personal narratives, autobiographies provide a comprehensive life story, while statements of purpose focus on specific goals and qualifications for academic or professional opportunities. Understanding their distinct purposes and structures can help streamline your application processes effectively.

Autobiography Examples For High School Students

An autobiography is a self-written biography that someone writes about themselves. They might write about all of their life or just some parts. They do this to share their experiences, put them in a larger cultural or historical context, and entertain the reader.

Take a look at the below example and create a well-written one without any mistakes.

Spiritual Autobiography Examples

A spiritual autobiography is your life story. In it, you write about how God has been present in your life. This includes your journey in and out of organized religion and everything spiritual.

Writing your spiritual autobiography is a chance for you to identify specific experiences with God. You will then reflect on how those experiences have impacted you.

Below is an example for your ease.

Autobiography Examples in Literature

An autobiography is a book written by somebody about their own life. It tells the story of the author’s life, accomplishments, things they have done, etc.

The following is an example that can help you better understand how to write an autobiography.

Cultural Autobiography Examples

A cultural autobiography is more than just telling your life story. Your cultural identity reveals your beliefs and ideas about culture. It also shows how culture affects different cultural groups that make up who you are.

You may want to write a cultural autobiography better to understand yourself and your culture's role in your life. It is important to be aware of your own cultural identity in a multicultural world and be open to other cultures.

An example of a perfect cultural autobiography is below for your help.

Educational Autobiography Examples

The educational autobiography is a way to tell your life story. This type of autobiography includes what you did in school and how it affected other parts of your life.

Take a look at this example to see how to write a good educational autobiography.

Social Class Autobiography Examples

In most sociology classes, students are assigned to write a socio-autobiography. This assignment helps them understand that the subject is relevant to their daily lives. Your interactions with society have a big impact on who you become as a person.

Writing your social class autobiography is a great way to show people how you fit into society. The following example will show what kind of social autobiography looks like.

Autobiography Examples For Kids

Children are often encouraged to write an autobiography, but few people recognize the importance of this task. Everyone has something special from their childhood that they should remember and reflect on. Writing about your life is a good way to do this.

There are many different ways to write an autobiography. If you are writing about yourself, it is best to start by writing about your early life and work experience.

You can also mention your school experiences. After that, you can write about other topics that may be of interest to readers, like your hobbies or interests.

Here is an example that will help in starting an autobiography.

We all have the opportunity to write our own story, but it doesn't always come easy. If writing about yourself seems difficult, then follow the examples mentioned above.

However, if you want a professional writer to write it for you, just say ' write an essay for me ' and consult a professional at .

We have expert writers who will help you write an autobiography, personal narrative, college essay, and any academic assignment.

AI essay writing tools are also readily available to provide you with additional assistance and support.

Nova A. (Literature, Marketing)

As a Digital Content Strategist, Nova Allison has eight years of experience in writing both technical and scientific content. With a focus on developing online content plans that engage audiences, Nova strives to write pieces that are not only informative but captivating as well.

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Autobiography Examples

40 autobiography examples (autobiographical essay templates).

Writing an autobiography template isn’t an easy undertaking. When written, there will be as many life stories as there are people. What will make an autobiographical essay stand out are the essential topics.

Those which will make it unique among the rest, sorting out the most significant events in one’s life and writing about them are difficult. There is an abundance of experiences to choose from.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Autobiography Examples
  • 2 Formats for autobiography examples
  • 3 Autobiography Samples
  • 4.1 Map out your whole life
  • 4.2 Creating your narrative
  • 5 Autobiographical Essay Templates
  • 6.1 Edit your information first
  • 6.2 Publishing your autobiography

Fortunately, there are plenty of innovative and well-thought-out autobiography samples that are available. They can assist you in organizing your thoughts to come up with a great autobiography. These samples can save you valuable time, especially on how to start an autobiography. Check out our extra 40 biography templates

Free Autobiography Template 01

Formats for autobiography examples

As mentioned earlier, there could be as many life stories out there as there people. Each life story is unique; no two can be the same. It will be up to the writer to make his autobiography stand out.

The presentation of ideas will be an integral factor. Using the right strategies and format to make the writer more creative are necessary. As we all know, an autobiography is an account of a person’s life and it’s written by that person. Find out a suitable autobiography example to take reference from.

The reasons for writing an autobiographical essay differ from person to person. The main point of the writer’s exercise is to convey his life events using words. Autobiography samples will make it easy for the writer to organize thoughts.

To get you started, learn first the following types of written works:

  • Dramas or scripts Usually presented on stage or screen as the venue, this type is in script formats.
  • Graphic novels This new genre of novels is unique in the sense that they use drawn panels to convey a true story. Simply said, it’s a novel in comic-strip format. They tell stories through pictures and words.
  • Memoirs This type limits the information you will present. It’s an account written from personal knowledge or special sources. Its main focus is on specific moments in one’s life. Those which could either are historical, religious, philosophical, adversity, coming-of-age, and more.
  • Personal narratives or essays This type is shorter than a memoir. Its narratives focus on a single event in time. It expands that moment’s experience through conversations and imagery. These types are usually seen in classrooms, magazines or written by internet bloggers.
  • Traditional autobiographies This type usually covers the events of the writer’s life from birth to the present moment.
  • Vignettes This type covers just one particular occurrence at a time. It’s a brief evocative description, account or episode. You can even call it a lone chapter in a compilation of vignettes. You can have it published as a complete piece of work. Bear in mind, though, that each chapter in the collection is not directly related to the others.

Autobiography Samples

Free Autobiography Template 10

How to start an autobiography

Interesting lives make for good autobiographies. When we say interesting, it means the person lived a life full of fascinating experiences. Those he can and should share with others.

A good trick when writing your autobiography example is to think of it just like any other story, a good one at that. There’s always the protagonist, a central plot, and a number of compelling characters. All these will keep the reader’s attention.

Before venturing for an autobiography sample, think of an important event in your life and build your story on that. There is a writing craft or a technique that can make your story come to life. Read on and make your writing sing!

Map out your whole life

It wouldn’t be so hard to map out your timeline; after all, you have lived it. Before anything else, conduct a study on your life. Make a timeline to ensure you will include the important details, both events, and dates.

This will provide you a basis to work on. Don’t inhibit yourself from writing down all you can recall. Don’t underestimate the importance of each event.

  • Autobiographies needn’t always start with your birth Include a brief history of your ancestors if relevant. Introducing your family’s history can make readers relate. They can understand how you evolved into who you are at this moment.
  • Identify your main characters Make them interesting and compelling, either he/she be friend or foe. Be sure they help in moving the story along. Obviously, an autobiography sample will mention your parents. Also, include your spouse, friends, and relatives. But think past your family and friends. Search for those characters that have directly influenced your life. They should play their roles in your life story.
  • Include the best stories Your life is a collection of short stories and anecdotes. Each day, each struggle could be in itself a chapter. But there would be too many of them to contain in a book. Choose the best stories you can remember that have influenced you. Begin your manuscript with these chosen stories. Weave them together to create a picture of your life.
  • Write using your own voice Most people like reading autobiographies to experience what it’s like to be the writer. Being yourself when writing your story is a great way to maintain the reader’s attention. Remember, you are writing about yourself and your life experiences. Stiff and formal writing is for college essays . It won’t and can’t totally engage your readers.
  • Reveal things about your life You can reveal the truth about yourself without having to be too explicit. Write down the good as well as the bad experiences. This will make the reader feel the human side of you. You can write about your accomplishments but you also need to write the flaws that have made you what you are. Readers should empathize with you and may even cheer for you as the story progresses.
  • Show your weaknesses too You may have pitfalls in life but will still remain a protagonist. Write about your mistakes and the times that you have failed in some struggles. Writing too much about your positive side may even turn off some of your readers.

Creating your narrative

One, or perhaps the most important element of an autobiographical essay, is the plot. Not just a plot but a great one that could hold your readers spellbound. When you’ve gathered the material to work with, it’s time to create a fascinating story that would end with a climax as well as final resolutions.

Autobiographical Essay Templates

Free Autobiography Template 20

Craft your story by organizing your memoirs and anecdotes in an autobiography example. Keep in mind that these are coherent to your plot and should flow logically together. There should be a central conflict in your narrative.

It can involve an eventful experience in your life that took you years to conquer.

  • Build the suspense and tension to make it interesting Organize your plot in such as a way that every story would veer towards the conflict’s climax. Make it your goal to include anecdotes on your initial successes and failures. Readers love underdogs. Build on that.
  • Think about your climax Every story will have to end as the protagonist will deal with the conflict. You have read novels and seen movies. You should know what a climax is. You should also know that it’s very important.
  • Also, think about the resolution Autobiographies usually end with happy endings. If for some reason your story’s ending isn’t happy, just make sure that it’s profoundly satisfying. You might have lost the race but the wisdom you gain from the experience will be compensation enough.
  • Determine where to start your story Most autobiographies start with birth and end with the present. But many successful writers have resorted to mixing up their chronology. This makes the narration more interesting. If you’re bold enough, try doing this.
  • Weave in your themes Try to remember major themes in your life. Use them to link stories together by connecting the past with the now. Apart from a central conflict, there are themes that have followed us all through life. Use these themes as often as you can to form a consistent depiction of your story.
  • Reflect on the content of your autobiography template You surely have learned many lessons during the course of your life. It would be nice to relay your desires, intentions, feelings of joy and loss, and more you’ve gained in your life. You can include these lessons intermittently throughout the story. Reflect on these important experiences and what they have meant to you. This is a great way you can add profundity to your life story.
  • Add structure to your book by using chapters The use of chapters will permit you transition from talking about specific times in your life. We’ve all heard the expressions, “closed a chapter” and “opening a new chapter” in life. These are very applicable to autobiography samples and autobiography examples.

Free Autobiography Template 30

Creating and publishing your autobiography

After you’ve written everything, subject your work to several processes. Do this to make sure that its contents are true and accurate. Be sure to comply with all the rules of writing to avoid any problems that may arise later.

First, does a substance check. Second, do forms check? Here are some tips for you:

Edit your information first

  • Your facts should be completely accurate Double check or even triple if you have the time. Check the names, event descriptions, dates, and other things. Everything in your story should be accurate. Wrong facts will certainly get noticed at one time or another by people acquainted with you.
  • Ask permission from those you mention in your book You may name names or quote quotes from sources. In this case, make certain they’ve granted permission. Many don’t appreciate the thought of appearing in an autobiography. Respect that. If the character is central to the plot, describe them differently or change their names.
  • Go through your draft and edit if needed After you’ve finished the initial draft, go through your life story again. Comb through it by double checking your data. Reorganize the paragraphs, passages, and characters if necessary. Check your vocabulary and replace tedious words. Make your phrases more clear and compelling. And lastly, check your grammar and spelling.
  • Let other people read your work An outside or second opinion will be necessary to make sure that your work would appeal to all. You may find passages in your book that are funny or serious but would be mundane or even offensive to others. Present your work to as many close acquaintances and listen to their feedback. This will make sure that your thoughts will come across clearly with other people.
  • Hire a copy editor The job of a copy editor is to clean up your work and make those boring parts shine. Almost all writers seek the services of copy editors. Being a beginner, take a hint by seeking their help as well. Hire a seasoned copy editor to make sure that your book will have that professional polish.
  • Think of your title Think of a title that is intriguing and attention-grabbing. A simple and short title for your autobiography can be “My Autobiography”. If you find it too direct and common, choose something more unique.

Publishing your autobiography

Some people try self-publishing their books. That means they will have their finished work printed but only for themselves. It would also be appropriate to present your work to persons you mentioned in your book.

There are companies that can handle your book design, printing, and even shipping services. But if you want to go public on publishing your autobiography, the sensible thing to do is hire a literary agent.

He will send a query letter to research agents who work frequently with autobiographies. The query will contain information about your autobiography. It will also contain information about the author and how you want to market the book.

You can also send the query letter yourself directly to the publisher and wait. Depending on your query letter, he might get interested. Don’t send them your manuscript all at once. Send it when you get a request for your manuscript.

You can also try publishing your work online. This new alternative method is increasingly getting popular. It doesn’t involve expenses for printing and shipping. Search for online publishers and send them a query letter.

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12 Inspiring Memoirs and Biographies for Teens

Looking for biographies and memoirs for teens? We got you.

Best Memoirs and Biographies for Teens

We love handing over an excellent biography or memoir to the young adult readers we know. There’s no better way to help them connect with history and take a walk in someone else’s shoes. Here are some of our favorite recent memoirs and biographies for teens.

Just a heads up, WeAreTeachers may collect a share of sales from the links on this page. We only recommend items our team loves!

1. Vincent and Theo: The Van Gogh Brothers by Deborah Heiligman

short autobiography examples for highschool students pdf

Heiligman chronicles the amazing and eccentric lives of the Van Gogh brothers, their relationship with each other, and their work.

2. Ten Days a Madwoman: The Daring Life and Turbulent Times of the Original Girl Reporter by Deborah Noyes

short autobiography examples for highschool students pdf

Known for her groundbreaking work exposing the mistreatment of patients in an asylum, Nellie Bly did not let the traditional expectations of female reporters stop her from becoming a pioneering journalist.

3. Enchanted Air: Two Cultures, Two Wings: A Memoir by Margarita Engle

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Written in verse, Engle shares the tension of living between two worlds, Cuba and Los Angeles.

4. Turning 15 on the Road to Freedom: My Story of the 1965 Selma Voting Rights March by Lynda Blackmon Lowery

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Lowery shares her experience as the youngest marcher fighting for civil rights alongside Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

5. Courage to Soar: A Body in Motion, a Life in Balance  by Simone Biles

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Gymnast Simone Biles shares her personal journey from foster care to Olympic gold medalist.

6. How Dare the Sun Rise: Memoirs of a War Child by Sandra Uwiringiyimana

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After witnessing the murders of her mother and younger sister, Sandra Uwiringiyimana escaped a refugee camp in the Congo and immigrated to America. She survived and healed through art and activism.

 7.  Becoming Kareem: Growing up on and off the Court  by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

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Abdul-Jabbar shares how he overcame setbacks and difficulties to become a leader on and off the court.

8. The Boys Who Challenged Hitler: Knud Pedersen and the Churchill Club by Phillip Hoose

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The Boys Who Challenged Hitler chronicles the life of Knud Pedersen and his classmates whose efforts to sabotage Hitler lead to the Danish resistance.

9. Lion: A Long Way Home Young Readers’ Edition by Saroo Brierley

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Lost on a train at age five, homeless, and then placed in an orphanage, Brierley shares the story of how he spent years wondering about his life, searching for his home, and finally finding it.

10. The Keeper: The Unguarded Story of Tim Howard Young Readers’ Edition by Tim Howard

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Diagnosed with Tourette’s Syndrome, Tim Howard shares the encouraging story of his childhood, long soccer career, and sudden success.

11. Americanized: Rebel Without a Green Card by Sara Saedi

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Saedi recounts her childhood as an undocumented Iranian living in America.

12. The 57 Bus: A True Story of Two Teenagers and the Crime that Changed Their Lives by Dashka Slater

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The lives of two teens from very different neighborhoods are forever changed and bound together by a horrific crime.

What are your favorite biographies for teens? Come and share in our  WeAreTeachers Helpline group on Facebook.

Plus, some of our favorite high school reading lists .

12 Inspiring Memoirs and Biographies for Teens

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Autobiography Examples For Students (with 10 Writing Tips)

Last Updated on July 20, 2022 by Dr Sharon Baisil MD


So you’re probably asking, “What could I possibly write in my memoir if I’m not Mahatma Gandhi or Steve Jobs?” Even if I knew how to start an autobiography, I couldn’t complete it.

Every person is different, with a tale to tell. Whether famous or not, everyone has a story. All you have to do now is scroll down the page to get this fantastic student example autobiography and some valuable practical tips.

Such an assignment is a typical kind of academic task given at schools, colleges, and universities, so if you are a student, the odds are that you will face it.

While it may appear tough to write an excellent autobiography, it’s only hard when you don’t know where to begin.

Key steps, rules, examples, and advice have been provided in this article to assist you throughout the writing process. You’ll create a flawless piece on yourself by the end of this blog. Let’s get started!

What are Autobiographies?

It is necessary to describe an autobiography and identify the various kinds before going on to our writing tips. An autobiography is a self-written narrative that chronicles an author’s life. Depending on the composition, such compositions are written in the narrative style and may have various uses.

The autobiography examples for high school students listed above exemplify how to write a memoir. Some high school students may find it difficult to pursue their interest in writing; however, with assistance from the experts at customessay4u, you can be more focused and motivated towards your goal, and this has been proven various times over that we provide writers who will work efficiently under tight deadlines.

Is an autobiographical essay similar to an autobiography?

The autobiography essay has a long history in academia, and it holds several important benefits. It allows readers an insight into someone’s life, allowing them to understand that the writer is more than just ‘just another person. The autobiography essay itself can be used as part of many essays to help present different aspects of one individual or group.

Top 5 Autobiography Examples for Students in 2022

I am malala by malala yousafzai.

In 2012, a Taliban fighter shot Malala Yousafzai, and she was on the verge of death. Her activism, which sought to ensure that all girls received a decent education, made her a target. I Am Malala is the story of her life. The Malala Fund was co-founded by a Pakistani lawyer, who also received the Nobel Peace Prize at 17.

Pour Your Heart Into It by Howard Schultz

The concept of a premium coffee experience in America was incomprehensible when Starbucks originally opened its doors in Seattle in the early 1970s. Starbucks now operates in almost 80 countries and territories across the globe, with over 25,000 locations. Howard Schultz, the company’s former CEO, talks about his time building the market and creating what it is now in Pour Your Heart Into It.

Not Yet by Wayson Choy

Unlike Wayson Choy’s previous work, Not Yet is a narrative about the uncertainties surrounding death. Choy shares two near-death experiences and how they taught him to find meaning in life by teaching him. “Not Yet” is about appreciating life and family while acknowledging that it’s not yet your time.

This Is Happy by Camilla Gibb

Life is seldom that easy, and it seldom happens that everything is terrible or wonderful. Camilla Gibb captures this concept brilliantly in her film. This Is Happy. Her marriage ended abruptly before she gave birth, causing her emotions to jumble. Ultimately, it’s a hopeful story that encourages us to concentrate on the bright things, find the support we need, and go onwards.

M Train by Patti Smith

An accomplished American singer-songwriter and poet, Patti Smith tells stories about her life in New York City in M Train. She previously detailed her childhood and career in Just Kids, making it her second memoir. We follow Smith as she struggles through adversity and despair, only with hope and promise.

Top 10 Writing Tips to Write Autobiographies for Students in 2022!

It cannot be easy to write a narrative about your own life, and it isn’t easy to look at oneself from a new perspective. These hints, on the other hand, will help you through the procedure if you’re up for it:

1 – Study a Few Examples

Before you rush to start writing , study one or a few examples of famous people’s autobiographies. This is the first of many stages in which you will learn the basic tone, structure, and format for this kind of writing and get inspired.

2 – List Down Your Unique Experiences

Remembering everything that matters to you is the next step. Consider the individuals, unique experiences, pivotal events, and other aspects of your life that have had the greatest impact. Make a list of all the valuable details you remember.

3 – Focus on a Single Event

In an autobiographical piece, you’ll be asked to detail a specific occurrence, person, memory, location, or another item. As a result, you should choose one of your options from the list. It may be tough to choose what to write about, so take your time pique the readers’ interest.

4 – Look for Different Categories of Person’s Life

A person’s life is the most important subject of an autobiography as it gives us a lot of information about a person’s life. A person’s life can be divided into four categories: professional life, personal and intimate life, including religious beliefs, family affairs, culture, etc. Education also plays a crucial role in one’s career, so we must always follow our own goals for self-growth.

5 – Narrate Life Stories

A life story is a memoir that tells the stories of the writer’s life. The autobiographer will tell stories from their own life through memories and feelings, using words or drawings to express what happened. Life stories can be written as books by themselves, or they may also appear variously on online websites, for example, blogs (blogs about writing), forums such as social networking sites (e.g., Facebook), wikis, podcasts) etc.

6 – Make a Detailed Outline

Above all, writing an outline helps you keep track of important facts and structure while ensuring that you don’t miss anything. An ideal outline consists of an intro, body, and conclusion.

The intro must include the basic background information to attract readers or a thesis statement that consists of key points or main ideas of an autobiography writing process.

The body includes the thesis statement and supporting ideas consisting of details, reasons, facts, and a smooth transition between the ideas.

There are various variations of a good job. It is good to work; a good job is done.

The merits and demerits of autobiography essays depend on the writer’s reason, tone, design, and other such factors. Generally speaking, an autobiography essay should be written loosely through personal experience or experiences that the author has gone through in life; thus, his overall personality developed and those who happen to have influenced them along with certain events that had shaped their character into what they became.

7 – Write First Draft

You can start creating your first draft once you’ve established a specific plan. To avoid missing anything crucial, stick to your plan and don’t rush.

8 – Take a Break

Take a few days off after finishing your first draft . Removing yourself from the process for a few days can help you read your work from possible perspectives.

9 – Proofread

Proofreading is the key to success, even though many people overlook it. If the writing is riddled with errors, it makes little difference how interesting your tale is. As a result, make sure to schedule enough time for proofreading and carefully check your work for spelling, punctuation, grammar, style, and other errors.

10 – Ask for a Feedback

There is always the risk of overlooking something important when proofreading your text carefully. As a result, it’s always a good idea to have someone else read and comment on your essay. Friends and family members might help you if you ask. Your autobiography should offer a new perspective on things, and you should be able to spot things you haven’t.

Final Words

The autobiography can be a real struggle for many students, and they find it difficult to come up with ideas and have difficulty writing their own lives on paper. The autobiographies of Nelson Mandela, Ben Franklin, and others are inspiring, which makes the task interesting and easy if you follow our above-mentioned tips and best autobiography examples thoroughly.

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Sharon Baisil

Hi, I am a doctor by profession, but I love writing and publishing ebooks. I have self-published 3 ebooks which have sold over 100,000 copies. I am featured in Healthline, Entrepreneur, and in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology blog.

Whether you’re a busy professional or an aspiring author with a day job, there’s no time like now to start publishing your ebook! If you are new to this world or if you are seeking help because your book isn’t selling as well as it should be – don’t worry! You can find here resources, tips, and tricks on what works best and what doesn’t work at all.

In this blog, I will help you to pick up the right tools and resources to make your ebook a best seller.

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It's My Life: Multimodal Autobiography Project

It's My Life: Multimodal Autobiography Project

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  • Instructional Plan
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In this unit, students write autobiographies, illustrate them, and set them to music. Music is a powerful tool to evoke emotion, and students will carefully select songs to accompany the stories from their lives. Students brainstorm lists of important events in their lives, along with images and music that represent those events. They then create storyboards in preparation for the final PowerPoint project. After making revisions, they present their final projects to their peers in class. If PowerPoint is unavailable, students might create posters and play soundtracks using cassette or CD players.

Featured Resources

Stapleless Book : Students use this online tool to plan each slide of an autobiographical PowerPoint presentation.

From Theory to Practice

According to William Kist, "students should be able to both read critically and write functionally, no matter what the medium." We have "broadened the concept of literacy" (cf. Kist) to include multimodal projects so that no student will feel isolated, and every student will gain knowledge and understanding from the sharing of ideas. As the NCTE Statement on Multimodal Literacies states, "The use of different modes of expression in student work should be integrated into the overall literacy goals of the curriculum and appropriate for time and resources invested." This lesson plan encourages such integration by asking students to create multimodal presentations. Further Reading

Common Core Standards

This resource has been aligned to the Common Core State Standards for states in which they have been adopted. If a state does not appear in the drop-down, CCSS alignments are forthcoming.

State Standards

This lesson has been aligned to standards in the following states. If a state does not appear in the drop-down, standard alignments are not currently available for that state.

NCTE/IRA National Standards for the English Language Arts

  • 4. Students adjust their use of spoken, written, and visual language (e.g., conventions, style, vocabulary) to communicate effectively with a variety of audiences and for different purposes.
  • 5. Students employ a wide range of strategies as they write and use different writing process elements appropriately to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes.
  • 6. Students apply knowledge of language structure, language conventions (e.g., spelling and punctuation), media techniques, figurative language, and genre to create, critique, and discuss print and nonprint texts.
  • 8. Students use a variety of technological and information resources (e.g., libraries, databases, computer networks, video) to gather and synthesize information and to create and communicate knowledge.
  • 12. Students use spoken, written, and visual language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for learning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of information).
  • It’s My Life Assignment
  • Presentation Music and Image Planner
  • It’s My Life Project Rubric
  • Sample Multimodal Autobiography
  • It’s My Life Self-Assessment


  • Arrange for the use of a computer lab, projector, and CD player.
  • Familiarize yourself with PowerPoint. Visit the PowerPoint in the Classroom Website and the PowerPoint tutorials on adding sound and adding music for helpful information and guides. You may also choose to share these Web resources with your students.
  • Create a model autobiography presentation for students to view (optional).
  • Review fair use and copyright guidelines before having students use copyrighted music and images in their projects.
  • Make copies of the Copyright and Fair Use Guidelines for School Projects , It’s My Life Assignment , Presentation Music and Image Planner , Sample Multimodal Autobiography , It’s My Life Self-Assessment , and It’s My Life Project Rubric sheets for your students.
  • Test the Stapleless Book on your computers to familiarize yourself with the tool and ensure that you have the Flash plug-in installed. You can download the plug-in from the technical support page .

Student Objectives

Students will

  • examine the lyrics to songs and describe how the music and words relate to their life stories.
  • organize their thoughts and express their stories by using PowerPoint presentations.
  • improve technical skills by familiarizing themselves with PowerPoint.
  • evaluate their own work.

Session One

  • Present the PowerPoint autobiography assignment to students and explain the required elements. If you have created a model presentation, you can use it to present the concept to students.
  • Students will select five important events in their lives. Using written summaries of these events, they will create PowerPoint multimodal autobiographies.
  • Students may use recordings from the radio or their personal music collections.
  • Students will follow guidelines for fair use of copyrighted images and music. (Explain that this topic will be discussed in detail in the next session.)
  • Student will present their slideshows in class. Slideshows are limited to 5–10 minutes in length.
  • Students will respond to their peers’ presentations in writing.
  • First day of school (e.g., preschool, kindergarten, first grade, middle school, high school)
  • A special family trip or vacation
  • A family event or milestone
  • A personal achievement (e.g., first place in a competition)
  • A personal loss
  • Explain that in this stage of the writing process, students should write down all of their ideas. If they are working in groups or with the whole class, lay ground rules that encourage all students to share their ideas with the group and that discourage students from critiquing their peers’ responses during this brainstorming stage. Explain that students will have the opportunity to evaluate their lists and select the events that they want to include in their autobiographies in later sessions.
  • Have students view the PowerPoint presentation Finding Your Focus: The Writing Process . Discuss the stages of the writing process—including drafting, revising, and editing—and explain that students will go through each of these stages as they work on their autobiographies. The final stage will be the actual publishing of their autobiographies in the form of PowerPoint presentations.
  • Ask students to select 8–10 events from their lists and write a brief paragraph summary for each one. Students may also include events that were not included on the lists they created during their brainstorming sessions.
  • Have students set aside these summaries to use in a later session. If necessary, have students complete this activity for homework.

Session Two

  • Initiate a class discussion by describing a significant event from your own life (i.e., birth of a sibling, parents’ divorce, first car). You can refer to the Sample Multimodal Autobiography for an example.
  • Ask a few students to share an event from their own lists, and record each event on the board.
  • Have students think about the events described and to connect songs to these events. For example, a student might associate a love song with a family member’s wedding ceremony.
  • How does the song make you feel?
  • What images come to mind when you think of this event?
  • What images come to mind when you think of this song?
  • Next play a song or two that you associate with the event from your own life that you’ve described. It doesn’t matter if the songs are not “current” hits; students will understand the feelings behind the music.
  • Ask students to discuss how the song fits the event and to suggest other songs they might associate with the same event.
  • Have students review the summaries they wrote in Session One.
  • From the list of events they described, ask students to select five to include in their autobiographical presentations.
  • Pass out the Presentation Music and Image Planner and have students list each of the five events they’ll include.
  • Have students use the Presentation Music and Image Planner to write the title of a song and describe an image for each event they will include in their presentations. Students can work with a classmate or in small groups if they are having trouble generating ideas. You may wish to have students begin this activity in class and then complete their planners for homework.
  • Be sure to discuss lyrics with students to assure that song selections are classroom-appropriate as determined by teacher and school policy.
  • Emphasize that students should avoid using music that involves profanity or derogatory remarks towards any race, gender, and/or religious affiliation. Encourage students to discuss any questionable lyrics with you in advance. Point out you will either approve students’ choice of songs and images or provide suggestions for revision on their planning sheets.
  • Have you ever downloaded music or other content from the Internet? What other Internet resources have you used?
  • You will need to use music for your presentations. What are some ways you can get the songs you’ll need? From what sources can you download music? Are all of these ways legal?
  • Is it OK to use other people’s music in something you are creating?
  • Students can use 1–5 images from the same photographer or illustrator without permission.
  • Up to 10% of a song can be used in a presentation. That translates to about 30 seconds from one song.
  • Students must include a bibliography of any work used in their presentations.
  • Before beginning Session Three, review students’ planners to ensure that they understand the assignment and have selected appropriate images and songs. Approve each plan, providing feedback, or make suggestions for revision.
  • Meet with students individually to discuss any necessary changes.

Session Three

  • Tape sheets of plain paper together along the short edges.
  • Divide a large piece of blank paper into equal rectangles.
  • Use a blank index card for each PowerPoint slide.
  • Use the ReadWriteThink Stapleless Book interactive to plan each slide of their presentation. This tool provides space for students to write the text that will appear on the slide and information about the song they will include, along with space for a simple illustration.
  • Before beginning their PowerPoint presentations, students should use the storyboards to lay out their text and images, and to write the titles of the songs and specific lyrics they will use for each slide.
  • Have students add the text of the paragraphs they wrote in Session One to their storyboards in this drafting session.
  • Remind students of the writing process and explain that they will have the opportunity to revise their text and other elements when they reach the revising stage.
  • Allow more than one session of class time to complete this work if required. You can choose to extend this activity to the next class period or have students complete their drafts for homework. Students should also have any CDs or music they want to use available for the next session.
  • Provide access to a scanner for students who wish to scan photographs or other images for use in their projects.
  • Before moving to the next session, review students’ drafts and provide feedback.

Sessions Four through Six

  • PowerPoint in the Classroom
  • PowerPoint Tutorial—Adding sound
  • Demo: Add music to a presentation
  • Once students are comfortable with PowerPoint and have practiced with the software, have them begin creating slides using their drafts/storyboards.
  • Remind students of the guidelines for using copyrighted music in their projects.
  • Share this adding sounds page from PowerPoint in the Classroom with students, which details how to add portions of a song from a CD to a PowerPoint slide.
  • Review students’ progress as they work and provide assistance to students who are having difficulty using PowerPoint.
  • Allow additional time as needed for students to work on their projects in or out of class.

Session Seven

  • Are slides arranged in an effective way? How are the events in my autobiography arranged? Sequentially? Thematically?
  • Can I do a better job of describing each event? Will the reader/viewer understand what I’m trying to communicate?
  • Do the images I’ve selected adequately represent the events?
  • Does the song reflect my feelings about each event?
  • Guide students in working through this stage of the writing process and encourage them to make revisions that will help them more effectively communicate the information included in their autobiographies.

Sessions Eight and Nine

  • When students have finished making revisions, have them take turns presenting their PowerPoint autobiographies to the class. Use a projector if you have access to one.
  • After all students have completed their presentations, have them respond in writing by completing the It’s My Life Self-Assessment .
  • Teach the ReadWriteThink lesson Copyright Infringement or Not? The Debate over Downloading Music to reinforce the concepts of fair use and copyright infringement explored in this lesson.
  • Teach the ReadWriteThink lesson The Year I Was Born: An Autobiographical Research Project to have students further explore the autobiography writing genre.
  • In place of or in addition to PowerPoint presentations, have students write a typed autobiography, a narrated audio autobiography (set to music) on CD, cassette, or MP3, or a videotaped biography. Students can use the CD/DVD Cover Creator to design and print their covers for their finished presentations.
  • Have students use the Profile Publisher to enhance their autobiographies by creating one or more profiles to represent themselves at different times in their lives, with a special focus on the connection between experiences and music.

Student Assessment / Reflections

  • Have students reflect on their projects by completing the It’s My Life Self-Assessment .
  • Assess students’ PowerPoint projects using the It’s My Life Project Rubric .
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The Stapleless Book can be used for taking notes while reading, making picture books, collecting facts, or creating vocabulary booklets . . . the possibilities are endless!

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Table of Content

1. Biography Examples for Students for Famous Historical Figures

2. biography examples for students for sports personalities, 3. biography examples for students for influential scientists, 4. biography examples for students for inspirational writers, 5. biography examples for students for political figures, 6. biography examples for students for artists and musicians, 7. biography examples for students for entrepreneurs, 8. biography examples for students for inventors, 9. biography examples for students for social activists, 10. biography examples for students for classmates and friends, 100+ biography examples for students: inspire writing.

Are you a student in need of inspiration for your biography? Look no further! This article contains over 100 biography examples for students, divided into 10 different categories, each with 10 unique examples. Whether you're looking for examples of famous individuals or searching for ideas to write about your classmates, this comprehensive list has got you covered!

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Read also: 100+ Bio About Yourself Example: Craft Compelling Personal Bios

Read also: 100+ Christian Bio Ideas : Stand Out with Inspiring Personal Bios

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Read also: 100+ Short Bios: Uncover Personal Stories

Read also: 100+ Book Bios: Uncover Intriguing Life Stories

Biographies are a wonderful tool for learning about the lives and accomplishments of extraordinary individuals. Whether you're researching for a school project or simply seeking inspiration, these 100+ biography examples for students offer a wide range of interesting and diverse personalities to explore. Remember, each individual has a unique story that can motivate and teach us valuable lessons. So, dive into the world of biographies and discover the incredible journeys of these inspiring individuals!

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How to write an Autobiography

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A Complete Guide to Writing an Autobiography

A quick scan of the bestseller lists will quickly reveal that we are obsessed with the lives of other people.

Books by and about actors, politicians, and sports stars regularly top the charts as we seek to catch a glimpse into the lives of remarkable people.

While many of these books are written by professional writers after meticulous research ( biographies ), just as many are written by the person themselves (autobiographies) – albeit often with a ghostwriter’s help.

Today we are going to show you how to write an autobiography that tells a great life story.

Visual Writing


how to write an autobiography | DO you have an amazing tale to share 1 | How to write an Autobiography |

Autobiography is a subcategory of the biography genre and, strictly speaking, it’s a life story written by the subject themselves.

Autobiographies are sometimes confused with memoirs and it’s no surprise as the two share many features in common. For example, both are written in the first person and contain details of the subject’s life.

However, some clear distinctions can be made between the two.

For example, a memoir usually explores a specific period of a person’s life, whereas an autobiography tends to make an account of the person’s life from their earliest years right up to the time of writing.

Autobiographies aren’t just the preserve of the celebrities among us though, each of our lives is a story in and of itself. Whether or not it’s a good story will depend largely on the telling, which is what this article is all about.


how to write an autobiography | biography and autobiography writing unit 1 | How to write an Autobiography |


  • Understand the purpose of both forms of biography.
  • Explore the language and perspective of both.
  • Prompts and Challenges to engage students in writing a biography.
  • Dedicated lessons for both forms of biography.
  • Biographical Projects can expand students’ understanding of reading and writing a biography.


Once students have a good grasp of what an autobiography is, we need to ensure they are familiar with the main features of the genre before they begin writing.

Let’s take a look at some of the main technical elements of an autobiography:

Purpose of an Autobiography:

To give an account of the person’s life so far

Tense: Mostly written in the past tense, but usually ends in the present tense and sometimes shifts into the future tense at the very end.

how to write an autobiography | memoir vs autobiography 768x1920 1 | How to write an Autobiography |

Structure of an Autobiography:

●     Usually written in chronological order

●     Uses time connectives such as before, then, after that, finally, etc

●     Uses the names of real people and events

●     Is specific about times, dates, places, etc

●     Includes personal memories and specific details and descriptions

●     Reflects on how positive and negative experiences shaped the author

●     Gives an insight into the thoughts, feelings, and hopes of the author

●     May include some relevant photographs

●     Usually ends with a commentary on life, reflections on significant large events, and hopes and plans for the future.

When teaching these specific features, you may wish to compile a checklist with the students that they can subsequently use to assist them when writing their autobiography.


One great way to help your students to internalize the main features of the genre is to encourage them to read lots of autobiographies. Instruct the students to be conscious of the different features discussed above and to identify them in the autobiography as they read.

If you have compiled a checklist together, students can check off the features they come across as they read.

When they have finished reading, students should consider which features were well done in the book and which were missing or had room for improvement.


As we know, there is more to a genre of writing than just ticking off the main features from a checklist.

To write well takes time and practice, as well as familiarity with the features of the genre. Each genre of writing makes different demands on our skills as a writer and autobiography are no different.

Below, we will look at a step-by-step process for how students can best approach the task of writing their autobiography, along with some helpful hints and tips to polish things up.

Let’s get started!


Tip #1: brainstorm your autobiography.

The structure of an autobiography is somewhat obvious; it starts at the beginning of the subject’s life, works its way through the middle, and ends in the present day.

However, there’s a lot in a life. Some of it will be fascinating from a reader’s point of view and some of it not so much. Students will need to select which events, anecdotes, and incidents to include and which to leave out.

Before they begin this selection process in earnest, they need to dump out the possibilities onto the page through the process of brainstorming. Students should write down any ideas and sketches of memories that might be suitable onto the page.

While they needn’t write trivial memories that they know definitely won’t make the cut, they should not set the bar so high that they induce writer’s block.

They can remove the least interesting episodes when making the final selection later in the writing process. The main thing at this stage is the generation and accumulation of ideas.

how to write an autobiography | autobiography writing skills 1 | How to write an Autobiography |


After students have selected the most compelling episodes from their brainstorming session, they’ll need to organize them into the form of an outline.

One good way to do this is to lay them out chronologically on a simple timeline. Looking at the episodes in such a visual way can help the students to construct a narrative that leads from the student’s earliest childhood right through to the present day.

Students need to note that an autobiography isn’t just the relating of a series of life events in chronological order. They’ll need to identify themes that link the events in their autobiography together.

Themes are the threads that we weave between the cause and effect of events to bring shape and meaning to a life. They touch on the motivation behind the actions the author takes and fuel the development growth of the person.

Some themes that might be identified in an outline for an autobiography might include:

●     Overcoming adversity

●     Adjusting to a new life

●     Dealing with loss

●     The importance of friendship

●     The futility of revenge

●     The redemptive power of forgiveness.

These themes are the big ideas of a person’s life story. They represent how the events shape the person who is now sitting writing their story. For students to gain these insights will require the necessary time and space for some reflection.

For this reason, autobiography writing works well as a project undertaken over a longer period such as several weeks.


Even though no one knows more about the topic of an autobiography than the author, research is still a necessary part of the writing process for autobiographies.

Using the outline they have created, students will need to flesh out some of the details of key events by speaking to others, especially when writing about their earliest experiences.

The most obvious resources will be parents and other family members who were privy to the joys of babyhood and their earliest childhood.

However, friends and ex-teachers make excellent sources of information too. They will enable the student to get a different perspective on something they remember, helping to create a more rounded view of past events.

For older and more advanced students, they may even wish to do some research regarding historical and cultural happenings in the wider society during the period they’re writing about. This will help to give depth and poignancy to their writing as they move up and down the ladder of abstraction from the personal to the universal and back again.

When students make the effort to draw parallels between their personal experiences and the world around them, they help to bridge the gap between author and reader creating a more intimate connection that enhances the experience for the reader.


Students need to be clear that autobiography is not mere personal history written dispassionately and subjectively.

For their autobiography to work, they’ll need to inject something of themselves into their writing. Readers of autobiography especially are interested in getting to know the inner workings of the writer.

There is a danger, however. Given that autobiographers are so close to their material, they must be careful not to allow their writing to denigrate into a sentimental vomit. To counter this danger, the student author needs to find a little perspective on their experiences, and following the previous tip regarding research will help greatly here.

A more daunting obstacle for the student can lie in the difficulties they face when trying to find their voice in their writing. This isn’t easy. It takes time and it takes lots of writing practice.

However, there are some simple, helpful strategies students can use to help them discover their authentic voice in their writing quickly.

1. Write to a close friend or family member

All writing is written to be read – with the possible exception of journals and diaries. The problem is that if the student is too conscious of the reader, they can find themselves playing to the audience and getting away from what it is they’re trying to express. Showboating can replace the honesty that is such a necessary part of good writing.

A useful trick to help students overcome this hurdle is to tell them to imagine they are writing their autobiography to an intimate friend or family member. Someone who makes them feel comfortable in their skin when they are around. Students should write like they’re writing to that person to who they can confide their deepest secrets. This will give their writing an honest and intimate tone that is very engaging for the reader.

2. Read the writing out loud

It’s no accident that we talk about the writer’s ‘voice’. We recognize the actual voice of people we know from its many qualities, from its timbre, tone, pacing, accent, word choice, etc. Writing is much the same in this regard.

One great way to help students detect whether their writing captures their authentic voice is to have them read it out loud, or listen to a recording of their work read out loud.

While we don’t necessarily write exactly as we speak – we have more time to craft what we say – we will still be able to recognize whether or not the writing sounds like us, or whether it’s filled with affectation.

As the student listens to their own words, encourage them to ask the following questions:

●     Does this sound like me?

●     Do the words sound natural in my voice?

●     Do I believe in the events related and how they were related?

Finding their real voice in their writing will help students imbue their writing with honesty and personality that readers love.


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In the first draft, the brushstrokes will be large and broad, sweeping through the key events. The main notes of the tune will be there but with sometimes too much ornamentation and, at other times, not enough. This is why redrafting is an essential part of the writing process.

Students should understand that every piece of writing needs redrafting, editing , and proofreading to be at its best. There are no masterpieces full-borne into the world in a single draft.

For many, the tightening-up of a piece will involve the merciless cutting out of dead words. But, for some, the redrafting and refining process will demand the adding of more description and detail.

For most, however, it’ll be a little from column A and a little from column B.

Often, it’s difficult for students to get the necessary perspective on their work to be able to spot structural, grammar , punctuation, and spelling errors. In these instances, it can be best to enrol the eyes of a friend or family member in the role of editor or critic.

One effective way of doing this in class is to organize the students into pairs of editing buddies who edit each other’s work in a reciprocal arrangement.

These ‘edit swaps’ can be continued through to the proofreading stage and the final, polished piece.


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FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE  is like  “SPECIAL EFFECTS FOR AUTHORS.”  It is a powerful tool to create  VIVID IMAGERY  through words. This  HUGE UNIT  guides you through completely understanding  FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE .

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A Final Thought

Employing the 5 tips above will go a long way to ensuring a well-written and engaging autobiography.

While autobiography is a nonfiction genre, it is clear that with its emphasis on narrative, it has much in common with other fictional genres. So, it’s important when teaching autobiography that students learn to recognize the important role of storytelling in this genre too.

As with all good story-telling, there are some necessary elements to include, including a plot of sorts, a cast of characters, and an exploration of some central themes. For this reason, teaching autobiography often works well after the students have completed a unit on fictional story writing.

When all is said and done, the best way a student can ensure their autobiography is worth a read is to ensure they find the story within their own life.

After all, we’re obsessed with the lives of other people.

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Student Autobiography: Examples, Outline, & Autobiography Format for Students

A student autobiography is a short paper written by a person about their life, achievements, and goals.

A student autobiography is a short paper written by a person about their life, achievements, and goals. You often need to compose one when entering a college or when applying for work. Your autobiography shows your attitude towards the chosen path. This is how you let the committee or employer know that you do want to get the position.

We’ve prepared for you a step-by-step guide that will help you write the perfect student autobiography. You will learn the difference between a biography, an autobiography, and a memoir. Then we will explain how to define a goal and outline your essay. In addition, you’ll find autobiography examples for high school and college students at the end of this article. Keep reading and write a remarkable student autobiography using our tips!

  • 🆚 Biography vs. Autobiography

📝 Autobiography Format for Students

  • 👣 Step-by-step Writing Guide

✏️ Short Autobiography of Myself as a Student: Example

  • 👀 Student Autobiography Examples

🆚 Biography vs. Autobiography: What’s the Difference?

Biography versus autobiography. What is the difference between them?

  • A biography is a story about a person written by someone else;
  • An autobiography is a narration about its author.

Of course, they have many other differences and similarities.

The table below compares these two types of texts.

Describe one’s life’s journey
Are non-fiction texts
Tell about real-life events and people
Are usually written in chronological order
Is written by someone about someone elseIs written by someone about themselves
Can be written for different purposesNeeded when one is entering a college or applying for a job
Usually aims at a wide audienceUsually aims at a small group of people
Can contain mistakes and inaccuraciesCan be too expressive and biased
Is usually longIs usually not longer than 400 words
Is written in the third personIs written in the first person

A common way to structure an autobiography is the past-present-future approach. This way, you can reflect on your past experiences and how they have shaped your present identity and future goals.

In the following table, you’ll find the autobiography’s main parts and great ideas for constructing a compelling narrative of your life.

Part of the autobiographyIdeas
The purpose of the introduction in an autobiography essay is to engage the reader and provide a glimpse into the events that will be explored.
Here are some ideas on how you can : . Begin with an intriguing statement that hints at the themes in your autobiography. . Paint a vivid picture of a significant moment from your life that captures the essence of your story. . Create a list of key experiences or people that have shaped your life, providing a snapshot of your autobiography. . Start with a reflective passage that delves into your thoughts and feelings about a pivotal moment in your life.
Talking about your past provides context and insight into the events, experiences, and influences shaping your life.
When writing about your past in the autobiography, you can include the following elements:
Including your present in your autobiography provides a snapshot of who you are at this moment and offers insight into your thoughts, feelings, and experiences as you .
Consider these questions to reflect on the present moment:
Describing your future in an autobiographical essay allows you to , goals, and dreams.
Here, you can focus on the following:
In the conclusion of an autobiography essay, it’s essential to:

👣 7 Steps to a Perfect Student Autobiography

Now let’s write a creative student autobiography! We are sure that every person has something exciting to share with others. With our guide below, you’ll be able to express your own experience.

The picture contains 7 steps to a top student autobiography.

Step 1: Determine Your Goal

The first thing you are to do before writing an autobiography is to define your goal. What are you writing your autobiography for? What is your audience? Are there any requirements? Most student autobiographies feature a similar format. However, if there are any special requirements, you should take them into account.

Below are five questions to help you set up a goal.

❓ Is it for academic, professional, or personal purposes? If your purpose is not personal, there should be some rules to follow. Do not worry, as we are here to explain them to you. If you write an autobiography for yourself, you are free to do whatever you want!
❓ It plays a crucial role if you write for a vast group of people or your potential chief or admissions office. The first situation gives you more freedom of expression. The other one is stricter.
❓ Once again, you are free to choose any size for your essay if you write it for your private purposes. If you are looking for a job or a scholarship, there are fixed rules. Your autobiography should contain about 200-400 words and consist of 5 paragraphs.
❓ It is best to keep it simple but not . Find the middle ground and stick to it. You should not use slang or jokes. Keep the essay coherent and easy to read.
❓ Most of the student autobiographies have more or less the same standards. Still, we recommend you study the requirements of your potential employee or admission committee carefully. There may be some minor but important differences – for example, a particular length of an essay.

Step 2: Outline Your Autobiography

Start working on your student autobiography by creating your life’s timeline . It will help you structure your thoughts in a logical order and see the big picture. Then look at the list of events and choose those worth describing in the text. It is also a good idea to think of the people you will mention.

Once you’ve decided which facts to include, it’s time to draft an outline of your autobiography. A typical one consists of the following parts:

  • Introduction . This section provides a general idea of who you are, what your goal is, etc. Your aim here is to grab your reader’s attention. You can do this by starting with a hook or by writing an engaging thesis statement at the end of the paragraph. It could be your goal or a childhood dream you are trying to bring to life.
  • Body. This is the base of your text that should contain a description of the events selected before you start creating the outline. You might want to briefly describe your family , childhood , and hobbies . Share something personal that not many people know about. It is also a good idea to talk about your cultural background and the things you like about it. Feel free to write about your achievements and skills. Any small victory will do . It will help if you mention some of your failures but state that you have coped with them. The next thing is to present your future goals and prospects. Where does the college or job you applying for to get fit into your plans?
  • Conclusion . The last paragraph of a student autobiography should summarize its main ideas. The conclusion should be more or less the same size as an introduction. Formulate the main idea of your text in one sentence. Repeat here why you want to enter a college or get a job.

Student Autobiography Outline Example

Below you’ll find an outline for an autobiography that could be written by a student who is applying for admission to a vocal department of a college.

  • Basic info about the author: name, age, the city they live in.
  • Thesis statement: I feel empowered to make a meaningful contribution to art as a vocalist.
  • When I was a child, I enjoyed watching talent shows with singers and wanted to be like them. My parents sent me to music school, and a path to my dream began.
  • I gave many concerts as a soloist in the choir. I took part in several singing competitions. It was not easy to get the victory, especially with such professional competitors. But I have not given up and practiced my skills, so I have managed to win some of them.
  • Now the project of my life is to go further and become a professional vocalist. I would like to go to this college because I believe that you have the best professors that help students develop excellent singing skills.
  • Since my childhood, I have done everything I could to sing professionally. The next step to my dream is to enter and graduate from college.

Step 3: Start Writing Your Autobiography

Now, after you have prepared an autobiography outline, let’s proceed to the writing itself. You have already completed the most challenging part. In the introduction, you might want to write a catchy and creative thesis statement or a hook that will draw the reader’s attention.

BTW, if you need any help with formulating a thesis statement, you can use our free thesis maker .

Here are some ideas for your introduction:

  • I wondered, how can I become a desired position ?
  • The desired position inspires many people to be better. That is why I have chosen this path.
  • I decided to enter the name of college , just like my relative/friend did.

Step 4: Write the Body

The body part is the most important one because here you write about your life in detail. You need to expand on the topics you have touched upon in the outline. Be honest and write whatever you find interesting. When you come to the difficult period of your life, do not write about yourself as a victim of circumstances. You need to prove yourself strong and committed to your goal.

Make sure your paragraphs are in a logical order and do not contradict each other in any way. Use linking words to connect the paragraphs coherently. If you do not know how to use them, look at the paragraphs’ examples later in the article!

Step 5: Conclude Your Autobiography

The conclusion is the part where you paraphrase the ideas you have stated in the introduction. Here you also need to summarize the points you have made in the body. Need help with making a summary quickly? Use our free summarizing tool !

Then you need to define the central idea of the autobiography about yourself in one or two sentences. It has to be short, simple, and memorable so that the committee would remember you.

Please do not forget to pay more attention to your goals and plans. Explain how the place you are applying for is going to help you in achieving them. Be sure to add why you think you will fit the position.

Step 6: Title Your Autobiography

We recommend that you do not choose a title for your student autobiography before writing the text itself. This must be the second last step you take because you do not know what your essay is going to be. You may consider some titles after you have composed an outline .

The purpose of the title is to attract attention and be remembered by the reader. The last thing you want to do is to create a boring heading. Write a catchy or inspiring phrase, your motto, or something that characterizes your life journey.

Here are some examples of good and bad titles:

✅ ❌
My path to a number one pianist: per Aspera ad AstraAn essay about myself
The way a childhood dream comes trueMy interesting and unusual life
A mistake that turned out as my best decisionHow I have become the best student

Step 7: Proofread & Relax

The last step you will take is to give yourself a day or at least a couple of hours break. Then read through your autobiography again and check for errors. Maybe you want to add or change something? If the final result suits you, then you have done a great job and can relax. Congratulations, you have your autobiography written!

You might need to write an autobiography when applying to college, seeking scholarships, or as a form of self-reflection. We created a short example to use as a helpful reference for crafting your autobiography. Check it out!

Ralph Emerson once wrote that every artist was first an amateur. My journey as an art student has been a colorful canvas of experiences shaped by a deep-rooted passion for creativity. From a young age, I was immersed in a world of artistic expression, surrounded by the vibrant strokes of my parents’ masterpieces. Growing up in a household where creativity flowed like a river, I was inspired to explore the boundless possibilities of artistic expression. Today, I find myself fully immersed in the world of art, navigating the rich tapestry of art history and contemporary trends. Through my studies, I have had the privilege of honing my craft under the guidance of esteemed mentors, each imparting invaluable insights that have further enriched my artistic journey. Looking towards the future, I aspire to bring my vision to life through my first solo exhibition, where I can share my art with the world. I’m excited about what’s to come and determined to leave a mark in the art world with my work.

👀 Student Autobiography: Examples

In this section, you’ll find great autobiography examples for high school and college students. Use them for inspiration and as templates. They are written as a paper to enter a college in the first case and to get a job with the second. Read them through, and you will be ready to compose your bio!

Autobiography Example for High School Students

A dream i want to share with others.

My name is Lucy Thompson, I was born on April 28, 2003, in Atlanta, but I have not grown up there. My parents and I moved to Boston when I was three years old, and I have lived there ever since. At the age of 5, I realized my life dream is to sing like a nightingale.
When I was a little girl, I watched singing shows on TV with my parents every weekend. It was my favorite part of the day. I could not stop but sing and dance, imitating that this is me who is on stage. I remember the very first time my parents brought me to Philharmonia to listen to a choir. I was so amazed by the talent of singers that my mom decided to get me to music school. It was a great pleasure studying there, though it was not always so romantic as I imagined. At first, I had to sacrifice a good sleep and connections with some people to show above-average results at school and competitions. I was stressed and under pressure, but my family and close friends have helped me get through this time. I have managed to organize my life in a peaceful and productive way. I practiced my singing, gave four solo concerts and won three competitions. Now I enjoy singing even more because I do it for people who love and support me. After that tough period, I understand that I want to share my passion with as many people as possible. I think the best way to do this is to master my skills with enthusiasts like me. I am sure that your conservatory is the perfect place for it!
All my life I have dreamed only about singing. No matter what was happening, I could not let this dream go. It has made me stronger, showed me the true nature of people around me and myself. The next step I can take to achieve my goal is to enter your conservatory. Many talented musicians, composers, and singers graduated from it, and I want to be among them.

Autobiography Example for College Students

It turned out not as i expected.

I am Peter McNeil, 21. I grew up in a small town near Denver with my parents and my older brother. He is a successful programmer, and he got me interested in computers and technologies. I wanted to go the same path my brother went, but the stars were not aligned.
As far as I remember, I always looked at my brother, who coded different programs. Apps and cites he created do help others and are profitable for him. He has taught me some basics, and I began to code on my own. I thought I was going to devote a significant part of my life to programming. When I was at school, the IT classes were far from ideal because our teacher did not care much about education. It has seriously slowed down my studies in college. I have to work much harder and spend more time than expected on some tasks. It was a surprise for me that I was not the only one with such problems. Many of my friends struggled as well. I was in shock because of this situation, and at some point, it struck me. I want to work as a teacher so the students have the opportunity to graduate from school with useful knowledge and skills. They have a right to an interesting tutor who is into modern technologies and methods. I wish more children were aware of how exciting IT technologies could be.
I spent a significant amount of time studying computers. I was sure that my purpose was to create a life-changing app or program, but I was wrong. I have to help children become better students and people. My goal is to share my experience, be an inspiring and supportive teacher, and provide educational lessons.

Congrats, now you know everything you need to write an exciting autobiography! We hope our article and student autobiography examples were useful to you. Check out the FAQ section to get rid of all the remaining questions and start writing your essay as soon as possible!

❓ Student Autobiography FAQ

How to start an autobiography.

The first sentence of your autobiography contains your name, age, and status (a high-school student, a college student, or your profession). Then you should present yourself in more detail. What your family is, where you were born and what school you went to. It is very easy and you do not have to imagine anything.

How to conclude an autobiography?

In your autobiography conclusion, you should restate a thesis if you have one and summarize the key points of your text. You don’t have to give any new information here. Make sure you have written about your goals and expectations for the college or job you want to get. Those who will read your essay have to know why you are interested in the position.

How to title an autobiography?

Remember to title your autobiography after it is written. Read your paper through and identify its main idea. What have you emphasized and paid most attention to? Point it out in the title, but do not exaggerate, be confident. It would be best if you draw attention to your person so that the committee or an employer wishes to read it.

How long should an autobiography be?

It depends on your goal. If you want to describe your life to a vast audience, you may write a book of any length you want. When you need to get a job or enter a college, the appropriate size of an autobiography is five paragraphs.

🔗 References

  • Autobiography | Definition, History, Types, Examples, & Facts
  • Autobiography | Definition of Autobiography by Merriam-Webster
  • 9 Tips For Writing Your Autobiography | Everyday Health
  • Writing My Autobiography: A Step-by-Step Lesson Plan
  • The Autobiography of a Student – JSTOR
  • Memoir | Definition of Memoir at

7 Senior Bio Examples to Help You Craft Your Own

With the right mixture of humor and sincerity, you can write a senior bio that you'll be proud of 20 years from now.

Michele is a writer who has been published both locally and internationally.

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Pinning down the best quote to put under your senior portrait is hard enough, but writing a senior bio that'll stand out can be super intimidating. It's your last opportunity to leave an impression on your teenagerdom for good. You've got many years to master writing about yourself in a dry and professional manner, so your senior bio isn't the place to start. Think about capturing exactly who you are at this very moment — silly hobbies, fashion trends, popular slang, and all. Not sure how to start? Look no further than these senior bio examples. 

7 Example Graduation Bios for Every Kind of High School Senior 

Believe it or not, your adult self will look back on these words sometime in the distant future. Do future you a favor and knock this one out of the park. But if writing isn't your forte, never fear! These senior bio examples are here to help. 

  • Examples of How to Introduce Yourself on Online Dating Sites & Apps
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Sample Senior Bio for an Athlete

Jenna Willis is a member of the varsity basketball team, track team, and is captain of the International Summer soccer team. She's been a volunteer referee for Maytown's Youth Soccer League for four years. Jenna would like to thank Coach Larsen for helping her learn the importance of teamwork and humility as these skills will carry over into her future on and off the field. Jenna plans to attend State University in the fall, on a full athletic scholarship. She is majoring in Sports Management, and her ultimate goal is to manage the nearby Waytown Wailers.

4 Personalizaiton Tips 

No two athletes are the same, and their bios shouldn't be either. Customize yours with these helpful tips.

  • Choose a quote from an athlete that inspires you.
  • Include any sports you play, as well as any elite teams you've played on or positions you've held on those teams.
  • Mention experience in working with sports agencies or local organizations.
  • Recognize a coach, player, or person who's made a significant impact on your life.

Sample Senior Bio for a Scholar

As President of the senior class, Geoffrey 'The Brain' Allen would like to thank the entire student body for entrusting him with their final year of high school. Geoffrey is not only a proud member of student government  but has also participated in Science Club, After School Book Worms, and the Robotics Club all four years of high school. Somehow, he's found time to spend five years working as an elementary math tutor . Geoffrey credits his first-grade teacher, Mrs. Miller, with inspiring his love for learning and hopes to pay it forward by also becoming a teacher. He will attend Jackson University in New York to study Elementary Education.

4 Personalization Tips

Whether you're a traditional scholar who wants to take the university route or you find the best learning is done through doing, you can knock out a solid senior bio. 

  • Include in-school and out-of-school academic societies, activities, and clubs, like internships.
  • Give credit to someone who has inspired your love of learning. 
  • Touch on any organizations or trips you've taken that have expanded your scope. 
  • Choose a quote from a famous scholar in your favorite field of study.

Unless your high school has specific rules, experiment with using both third and first person in your bios. Read them over and see which one feels the most comfortable to you.

Funny Senior Bio Example 

My talents have finally been recognized with the title of 'Class Clown.' I'll miss those bricks called 'pizza' from the cafeteria as well as getting hit in the face repeatedly during P.E. dodgeball games. As President of the Sleeps On Desks Society, I bestow my responsibilities to incoming freshman, and my baby sister, Mandy Nelson. Look out world! Melissa 'Missy, Misty, Mel, Lissa, M, Bright Eyes' Nelson is headed for a corner office in the Future Couch Potatoes of America organization.

You'll be flying out the door soon, so there's no reason not to let your funny flag fly. Show off your brand of humor with these tips. 

  • Make light of standard high school experiences.
  • Bequeath your job as the class comedian to a younger student.
  • Include any silly nicknames or school lingo. 
  • Reference embarrassing moments that have to do with the faculty and staff.

Inspirational Senior Bio Example 

The last four years have shaped me into an optimist armed with empathy. I'll always remember morning meditation and philosophy debates in Mrs. Rain's class. I would like to thank my parents, friends, and school staff for helping me become the best version of myself. I can't wait to use my gifts and the talents I've honed to help others in life. I'm looking forward to studying psychology at St. Francis College in preparation for a future career in Counseling.

“Drink your tea slowly and reverently, as if it is the axis on which the whole earth revolves — slowly, evenly, without rushing toward the future. Live the actual moment. Only this moment is life.” — Thich Nhat Hanh

5 Personalization Tips 

An inspirational bio can be faith-based or philosophical — it's all about being mindful. Spread your special brand of kindness with these useful tips. 

  • Include quotes that are inspirational to you.
  • Choose memories that have deep emotional connections.
  • Give credit to those who have helped guide you.
  • Offer encouraging words for future generations.
  • Touch on topics or causes that you want to help champion in the future. 

Sample Senior Bio for a Musician

First chair violinist for four years! I'm so very proud of this fact and I couldn't have done it without Mx. Donnell's training, my friends at The Strings Club, my band Crying in Velvet, and the beautiful sounds of Vivaldi's "The Four Seasons" that has been played to me since I was in the womb (thank you 'rents, I love you!). I remember the time I thought of quitting because school became too much, but my teachers and friends rallied and helped me catch up. I'm so thankful for all the support. My future plans include a summer of more music and playing locally with my band until I head off to the New England Conservatory of Music! I'm beyond thrilled to be a student where Coretta Scott King graduated and to continue her mission of music education and activism. 

5 Personalization Tips

Musicians and singers should highlight what they're most proud of and thank the folks who helped along the way. Treat your senior bio like a song or composition you're creating.

  • Include your favorite accomplishment.
  • Mention other musicians who inspire you.
  • Include song lyrics or anything that feels true to you with your music.
  • Note the folks who helped you get where you are. 
  • Boast your skills and what you plan to do over the summer.

Related: 21 Unique High School Yearbook Themes and Ideas Teens Will Love

Sample Senior Bio for an Artist

Wren Allen has been playing with colors since they were old enough to hold a crayon. They want to thank their mom for always keeping the pencils sharpened and having a sketchbook on hand. Wren has created an incredible collection of work, some of which have been featured at the Museum of Art, Youngstown Gallery, P.S. Art, and all over mom's house. Their current favorite colors are black and gold — the proof is in their latest collection crafted only with charcoal and gold leaf. They're proud to be taking a gap year and heading off to Berlin to soak in some new inspiration. They want to remind the entire graduating class to always be themselves because anything else is boring. 

Not only do you want to highlight what amazing things have happened regarding your artistic talents and where you're headed after graduation, but also the little tidbits like these that help yours stand out from the pack. 

  • Mix a bit of personal in with the professional. For example, this bio is written in the third person but does cool shout-outs to mom.
  • Showcase the events and shows that featured your work over the years. 
  • Send a message to the graduating class.
  • Mention the mediums you use to create art.

Sample Senior Bio for a Rebel

I'm so thankful that high school is over because I'm not a morning person — though Mr. Potter's first-period math class ruled big time. I just know everyone will be shocked to hear that I'm not going to college, but am taking time to further cultivate my wildly successful and highly questionable YouTube persona instead. IYKYK. When I'm not holed up behind my computer, I'll likely be outside skating past your window way too late with a GoPro and my super cracked phone making videos. Sorry about the noise in advance! I still love you all and hope you love me for me. Thank you and all love to Jackie, Marta, Jose, my truly awesome moms, and my cat Heartthrob who is the only being who sleeps more than me — you are the true inspiration. 

"It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences." — Audre Lorde

4 Personalization Tips 

Don't be afraid to speak your mind and go against the grain. Senior bios are all about being yourself and being proud of getting this far. Graduating high school is an accomplishment, and you're sure to embark on new achievements every day.

  • Tell the world exactly who you are.
  • Include your personal brand of charm and wit. 
  • Dare to be honest and open about your high school experience.
  • Share a message you'd like your peers to remember.

Guidelines to Help You Write Your Senior Bio

Before you get started penning your epic senior bio, you'll want to check the guidelines your school might have in place. Some have character count limits, while others won't let you use abbreviations — proper sentences only. There are even some schools that require you to fill out a form for the exact information they want included. 

Many ask for some or all of the following information:

  • Student's full name
  • Participation in school clubs and sports
  • Extra-curricular activities outside of school
  • Favorite memories from high school
  • Favorite teachers
  • Favorite subjects
  • 'Thank you' to family and friends
  • Advice for future students
  • College and career plans for the future

Some see a senior bio as a place to sum up accomplishments, which makes the tone more professional than funny. However, infusing your personality into your bio is always the way to go. Ask your friends and family to read it over if you're not sure how well you threaded the needle. 

Record Your Greatest Hits for the World to Enjoy 

No matter what kind of student or writer you are, remember that your high school senior bio is an indelible mark in the yearbook. It's the place to be unabashedly proud of all that you've accomplished and all the things you hope to nail in the future. Being exactly who you are down to the very last sentence is what makes you 2 good + 2 be = 4 gotten.


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  1. PDF Short Autobiography Example for Students

    They are only Evan Cary of Lebanon, New Hampshire. To contact Evan Cary for his next concert date, to book a Flamenco guitar performance or for Flamenco guitar lessons: Nichole Hastings [email protected] (802)332-6615 or (941)268-0257 or mail to: Style My Life PO Box 1143 Norwich, VT 05055.

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    Famous Autobiography Examples. Autobiographical essays are usually about famous people or historical figures. Just as a renowned autobiography of Benjamin Franklin tells us about his life, his unfinished records, his accomplishments, etc. Below are some examples of famous autobiographies for your better understanding:

  3. 7 Memorable Memoirs for High School Studies

    Carolyn Ferrell's memoir describes her college summer job: working on an estate in the Hamptons. Ferrell shares vivid details of her experience, recollecting the disdain she felt from her employers. Years later, Ferrell has become a successful author and travels to the Hamptons as a guest for the first time. During her trip out to the ...

  4. 20+ Student Biography Examples • Eat, Sleep, Wander

    As a student, you are likely to be writing a variety of biographical pieces. Whether you are writing a personal profile for your CV, a biography for an awards application or a biography for a college admissions essay, it's important that you construct an interesting and engaging narrative of who you are. Student Biography Examples. 1.

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  7. 11 Autobiography Examples For All Academic Levels

    Autobiography Examples For Students. An autobiography is the story of someone's life written by them. They might write about their hardships or success. Here are some examples of autobiographies that might inspire you to write your own. Short Autobiography Examples. This is a good example of a creative and interesting autobiography to read.

  8. 40 Autobiography Examples (Autobiographical Essay Templates)

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    3. Enchanted Air: Two Cultures, Two Wings: A Memoir by Margarita Engle. Written in verse, Engle shares the tension of living between two worlds, Cuba and Los Angeles. 4. Turning 15 on the Road to Freedom: My Story of the 1965 Selma Voting Rights March by Lynda Blackmon Lowery.

  10. Autobiography Examples For Students (with 10 Writing Tips)

    The autobiography examples for high school students listed above exemplify how to write a memoir. Some high school students may find it difficult to pursue their interest in writing; however, with assistance from the experts at customessay4u, you can be more focused and motivated towards your goal, and this has been proven various times over ...

  11. Autobiography Format

    Writing an autobiography is an easy task if you plan ahead and have a format outline in hand. Here is a proper autobiography format for students. 1. Title. Write the title of your work at the top of your page in bold font. Remember, you can come back and change your title at any time.

  12. It's My Life: Multimodal Autobiography Project

    You can refer to the Sample Multimodal Autobiography for an example. Ask a few students to share an event from their own lists, and record each event on the board. Have students think about the events described and to connect songs to these events. For example, a student might associate a love song with a family member's wedding ceremony.

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    ter, upon finishing high school I was under the assumption that I would just stumble into. career. I had never been asked by my mother or other family members what my plan was for a career. I am even embarrassed to say that in high school. hen I heard other seniors talking about taking SAT's, I had no idea what they were talking about.

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    Structure of an Autobiography: Usually written in chronological order. Uses time connectives such as before, then, after that, finally, etc. Uses the names of real people and events. Is specific about times, dates, places, etc. Includes personal memories and specific details and descriptions.

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    👀 Student Autobiography: Examples. In this section, you'll find great autobiography examples for high school and college students. Use them for inspiration and as templates. They are written as a paper to enter a college in the first case and to get a job with the second. Read them through, and you will be ready to compose your bio!

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    three literary genres, ctions, biography, and autobiography, using the denitions and distinctions that are described in Olney's book. Most high school students can tell you that ction is made-up, imagery, or not true and can easily name novels, short stories, and movies that t into that category. Olney, using his own notions

  18. 7 Senior Bio Examples to Help You Craft Your Own

    Inspirational Senior Bio Example. The last four years have shaped me into an optimist armed with empathy. I'll always remember morning meditation and philosophy debates in Mrs. Rain's class. I would like to thank my parents, friends, and school staff for helping me become the best version of myself.

  19. Autobiography Sample

    Autobiography Sample - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Agnes M. De Guzman is a 16-year-old grade 11 STEM student at Antipolo City Senior High School. She was born in Antipolo City, Rizal. Her mother works abroad as an OFW to support the family while her father cares for Agnes and her siblings.

  20. Short Autobiography Example For Students

    short-autobiography-example-for-students - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Evan Cary is an acoustic guitarist who performs Flamenco, Classical, and original music. He grew up in New Hampshire and was first introduced to guitar in high school. Cary studied Flamenco guitar in Madrid, Spain for several years under renowned teacher Aquilino 'El Entri ...

  21. An Example of A Short Autobiography

    An Example of a Short Autobiography - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Sally Friday was born in Florida and still lives there with her mother, brother, and aunt. She attends Booker High School and has received several awards for academics and attendance throughout her education ...

  22. A Student Autobiography Example

    A Student Autobiography Example - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document provides an example student autobiography outline in 3 parts: 1. The autobiography begins with the student's childhood, describing being born in Oklahoma and developing a passion for knowledge from an early age.

  23. Autobiography example for high school students

    I have am very motivated to create the best possible future for myself, and have worked very hard to set that up. I have been on the honor roll every marking period thus far in my high school career. I received my academic and athletics varsity letters, an honors pass, the hustle. award for volleyball, and an academic achievement award.