Changes to the Small Business Subcontracting Plan Reporting Requirements

A company that receives a federal contract valued at $700,000 (or $1.5 million for the construction of a public facility) is required by FAR § 52.219-9 to develop a small business subcontracting plan. This requirement applies not only to the prime contractor, but also to any large subcontractor whose subcontract will exceed the $700,000/$1.5 million threshold and intends to further subcontract out its work. The purpose of the subcontracting plan is to maximize the participation of small businesses in subcontracting opportunities under those contracts.

Among other things, a subcontracting plan generally describes the types of small businesses the contractor will utilize (e.g., VOSB, WOSB, HubZone), the supplies and services the contractor intends to purchase from those small business subcontractors, a description of how the contractor intends to find eligible small businesses and ensure they have an opportunity to compete for the work, and an explanation detailing how the contractor formulated its subcontracting goals. A contractor can prepare an individual subcontracting plan or a commercial subcontracting plan (the preferred type of subcontracting plan for contractors furnishing commercial items).

A contractor is required to submit a Summary Subcontract Report (SSR) using the Electronic Subcontracting Reporting System at . The SSR provides information on subcontract awards made to small businesses by the contractor. If a contractor is performing work for more than one federal agency, a separate report is submitted to each federal agency covering only subcontracting accomplishments for that agency’s contracts.

Under a deviation issued by the Department of Defense (DoD) on Aug. 15, 2016, contractors will now be allowed to submit their SSRs annually rather than the current biannual requirement. The deviation also changes the reporting requirements for DoD contracts. Instead of the current requirement to submit a separate report for each DoD component for construction and related maintenance and repair contracts, a consolidated SSR will be submitted for all contracts awarded by military departments/agencies and/or all subcontracts awarded by DoD prime contractors.

The deviation is effective immediately.

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How to Write a Business Plan in 2023 [Examples Included]

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Peter Caputa

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So you have come up with a business idea that will turn your company into a Forbes 500 enterprise? Sounds great!

However, you are going to need much more than an idea. You will need to do some comprehensive research, create operational standpoints, describe your product, define your goals, and pave out a road map for future growth.

In other words, you are going to need a business plan.

A business plan is a document that precisely explains how you are going to make your startup a success. Without it, your chances of attracting funding and investments significantly decrease.

Do you want to learn how to create a winning business plan that will take your company to the next level? We created a guide that will help you do just that.

Let’s dive in.

What Is a Business Plan?

Why and when do you need a business plan, types of business plans (what to include in each).

  • How Do You Write a Business Plan?

Best Practices for Writing a Winning Business Plan

Business plan examples.

  • Monitor the Performance of Your Business with Databox


A business plan is a comprehensive document that defines how a business will achieve its goals. It is essentially a road map for growth that includes operational standpoints from all the key departments such as marketing, financial, HR, and others.

Startups use business plans to describe who they are, what they plan to do, and how they plan to achieve it. This is an extremely valuable document for attracting investors.

However, they are valuable for the company members as well. A good business plan keeps executive teams on the same page regarding the strategies they should implement to achieve their set objectives.

Related : Reporting to Investors: 6 Best Practices to Help Increase Funding

While business plans are especially useful for startups, each business should include them. In the best-case scenario, this plan will be updated from time to time and reviewed whether the goals of the company have been met.

The main things that investors want to check out in the business plan are:

  • Product-market fit – Have you researched the market demand for your products and services?
  • Team efficiency – Does your startup have devoted professionals that will work on achieving your goals?
  • Scalability – How probable is growth in sales volumes without proportional growth or fixed costs?

An organized business plan is essentially a blueprint of your goals and it showcases your abilities as an entrepreneur.

Related : Business Report: What is it & How to Write a Great One? (With Examples)

If you want to persuade venture capitalists and banking institutions to invest in your startup, you won’t be able to do it without a solid business plan. Following a clear business plan format is crucial, as it structures your plan in a way that is easily understandable and demonstrates your business’s potential. 

A business plan is helpful in two ways – it allows you to focus on the specific goals you set for the future and it provides external parties with evidence that you have done your research in advance.

But don’t just take our word for it – here are some of the things that researchers from Bplans found out when they were analyzing the benefits of business plans with the University of Oregon.

  • Companies that use business plans have recorded a 30% faster growth compared to those that didn’t use them.
  • Getting investments and loans is twice as likely to happen with the help of business plans.
  • There is a 129% increased chance for entrepreneurs to go past the ‘startup’ phase through business plans.

You should create a business plan before you decide to quit your regular job. It can help you realize whether you are ready or not.

Also, creating a business plan is helpful when:

  • You want to attract investments or funding from external parties
  • You want to find a new partner or co-founder
  • You want to attract talented professionals to join your startup
  • You need to change things up due to the slow growth

While creating a business plan is an important step, you first have to know how to differentiate all the different types. This will help you choose the one that is most suitable for your business.

Here are the most common types of business plans and what you should include in each.

One-Pager Business Plan

Startup business plan, internal business plan, strategic business plan, feasibility business plan.

The one-pager is a business plan that only includes the most important aspects of your business. It is essentially a simplified version of a traditional business plan.

When creating the one-pager business plan, your primary focus should be on making it easily understandable.

Since this business plan is rather short, you should avoid using lengthy paragraphs. Each section should be around 1-2 sentences long.

The things you should include in a one-pager business plan are:

  • The problem – Describe a certain problem your customers have and support the claim with relevant data.
  • The solution – How your products/services can solve the issue.
  • Business model – Your plan on how to make money. Include production costs, selling costs, and the price of the product.
  • Target market – Describe your ideal customer persona. Start with a broad audience and narrow it down by using TAM, SAM, and SOM models. This lets investors in on your thought process. To understand these models better, check out, for example, the importance of proper TAM evaluation for B2B startups .
  • Competitive advantage – How are you different from your competitors?
  • Management team – Include your business’s management structure.
  • Financial summary – This part should revolve around the most significant financial metrics (profit, loss, cash flow, balance sheet, and sales forecast).
  • Required funding – Define how much money you need to make your project a success.

PRO TIP: How Well Are Your Marketing KPIs Performing?

Like most marketers and marketing managers, you want to know how well your efforts are translating into results each month. How much traffic and new contact conversions do you get? How many new contacts do you get from organic sessions? How are your email campaigns performing? How well are your landing pages converting? You might have to scramble to put all of this together in a single report, but now you can have it all at your fingertips in a single Databox dashboard.

Our Marketing Overview Dashboard includes data from Google Analytics 4 and HubSpot Marketing with key performance metrics like:

  • Sessions . The number of sessions can tell you how many times people are returning to your website. Obviously, the higher the better.
  • New Contacts from Sessions . How well is your campaign driving new contacts and customers?
  • Marketing Performance KPIs . Tracking the number of MQLs, SQLs, New Contacts and similar will help you identify how your marketing efforts contribute to sales.
  • Email Performance . Measure the success of your email campaigns from HubSpot. Keep an eye on your most important email marketing metrics such as number of sent emails, number of opened emails, open rate, email click-through rate, and more.
  • Blog Posts and Landing Pages . How many people have viewed your blog recently? How well are your landing pages performing?

Now you can benefit from the experience of our Google Analytics and HubSpot Marketing experts, who have put together a plug-and-play Databox template that contains all the essential metrics for monitoring your leads. It’s simple to implement and start using as a standalone dashboard or in marketing reports, and best of all, it’s free!


You can easily set it up in just a few clicks – no coding required.

To set up the dashboard, follow these 3 simple steps:

Step 1: Get the template 

Step 2: Connect your HubSpot and Google Analytics 4 accounts with Databox. 

Step 3: Watch your dashboard populate in seconds.

Related : Check out our comprehensive guide on writing a marketing plan report .

New businesses use startup business plans to outline their launching ideas and strategies to attract funding and investment opportunities. When creating startup business plans, you should primarily focus on the financial aspect and provide evidence that supports it (e.g. market research).

These are some of the main things that should be included:

  • Vision statement – Explain your vision for the company and include the overall business goals you will try to achieve.
  • Executive summary – A quick overview of what your company is about and what will make it successful. Make sure to include your products/services, basic leadership information, employees, and location.
  • Company description – A detailed overview of your company. Talk about the problems you will solve and be specific about customers, organizations, and growth plans. This is the place where you should state your business’s main advantages.
  • Market Analysis – Show investors that you have a good understanding of your industry and target market by providing a detailed market analysis. Try to point out certain trends, themes, or patterns that support your objective.
  • Organization and management – This section explains the structure and the management hierarchy. Also, describe the legal structure of your business.
  • Service or product line – Go into detail about the products and services you are going to sell. Explain the benefits they bring and share your intellectual property plans.
  • Marketing and sales – Talk about your marketing strategy and describe how you plan to attract new customers.
  • Financial projections – This section should be about convincing your readers why the business will be a financial success. Create a prospective financial outlook for the next few years and it includes forecasts.

An internal business plan is a document that specifically focuses on the activities within your company. While external business plans focus on attracting investors, internal business plans keep your team aligned on achieving goals.

Related : Internal vs. External Reporting: What Are the Differences?

This business plan can differentiate based on how specific you want it to be. For example, you can focus on a specific part of the business (e.g. financial department) or on the overall goals of the whole company.

Nonetheless, here are some things that should universally be included in all internal business plans:

  • Mission statement – Focus on the practical, day-to-day activities that your employees can undertake to achieve overall objectives.
  • Objectives – Provide specific goals that you want your company to achieve. Make the objectives clear and explain in which way they can be reached. Focus more on short-term objectives and set reasonable deadlines.
  • Strategies – Talk about the general activities that will help your team reach the set objectives. Provide research that will describe how these strategies will be useful in the long term.
  • Action plans – These plans revolve around particular activities from your strategy. For example, you could include a new product that you want to create or a more efficient marketing plan.
  • Sustainability – This refers to the general probability of achieving the goals you set in the internal report. Sometimes, plans may seem overly ambitious and you are going to have to make amends with certain things.

A strategic business plan is the best way to gain a comprehensive outlook of your business. In this document, forecasts are examined even further and growth goals tend to be higher.

By creating a strategic business plan, you will have an easier time aligning your key stakeholders around the company’s priorities.

Here is a quick overview of what a strategic business plan should include:

  • Executive summary – Since strategic business plans are generally lengthy, not all executives will have time to go through it. This is why you should include a quick overview of the plan through an executive summary, you can also create an executive summary template to make the step easily repeatable.
  • Vision statement – Describe what you wish to achieve in the long term.
  • Company overview – This refers to past achievements, current products/services, recent sales performances, and important KPIs.
  • Core values – This section should provide an explanation of what drives the business to do what it does.
  • Strategic analysis of internal and external environments – Talk about the current organizational structure, mission statements, and department challenges.
  • Strategic objectives – Go into detail about the short-term objectives your team should reach in a specific period. Make sure the objectives are clear and understandable.
  • Overall goals – This section should include operational goals, marketing goals, and financial goals.

A feasibility business plan is also known as a feasibility study. It essentially provides a foundation for what would be a full and comprehensive business plan. The primary focus of a feasibility plan is research.

The things you should include in a feasibility plan are:

  • Product demand – Is there a high demand for your product? Would customers be interested in buying it?
  • Market conditions – Determine the customer persona that would be interested in buying your products. Include demographic factors.
  • Pricing – Compare your desired price with the current pricing of similar products. Which price would make your service profitable?
  • Risks – Determine the risks of launching this new business.
  • Success profitability – Is there a good way to overcome the risks and make your company profitable?

How Do You Write a Business Plan Report?

As we explained in the previous heading, there are a few different types of business plan. Depending on the audience you are referring to, the language you use in the plan should be adjusted accordingly.

Nonetheless, there are certain key elements that should be included in all business plans, the only thing that will vary is how detailed the sections will be.

Include these elements in your business plan.

Executive summary

Company description, market opportunity and analysis, competitive landscape, target audience, describe your product or service, develop a marketing and sales strategy, develop a logistics and operations plan, financial projections, explain your funding request, compile an appendix for official documents.

An executive summary is a quick overview of the document as a whole that allows investors and key stakeholders to quickly understand all the pain points from the report.

It is the best way to layout all the vital information about your business to bank officials and key stakeholders who don’t have the time to go through the whole business plan.

If you summarize the sections well, the potential investors will jump into the sections they are most interested in to acquire more details.

You should write the executive summary last since you will then have a better idea of what should be included.

A good executive summary answers these questions:

  • Who are you?
  • What do you sell?
  • How profitable is it?
  • How much money do you need?

This section of the business plan aims to introduce your company as a whole. The things you include in the company description can vary depending on if you are only starting a business or you already have a developed company.

The elements included in this section are:

  • Structure and ownership – Talk about who the key shareholders in your company are and provide a full list of names. Also, mention details such as where the company is registered and what the legal structure looks like. In most countries, this is a legal requirement for AML regulations.
  • History – This segment is if you already have an existing company. Use this section to show your credibility. Include company milestones, past difficulties, and a precise date for how long your company has been operating.
  • Objectives – Describe the overall objectives of your company and how you plan to reach them.

Market analysis refers to creating your ideal customer persona and explaining why they would be interested in buying your products.

Market opportunities are the gaps that you found in the current industries and creating a way for your product to fill those gaps.

The most important step in this section is to create a target market (persona) through demographic factors such as location, income, gender, education, age, profession, and hobbies.

Make sure that your target market isn’t too broad since it can put off potential investors.

A good idea is to also include a detailed analysis of your competitors – talk about their products, strengths, and weaknesses.

Related : 12 Best Tools Marketers Use for Market Research

Although you may include a competitive analysis in the market analysis section, this segment should provide a more detailed overview.

Identify other companies that sell similar products to yours and create a list of their advantages and disadvantages. Learning about your competitors may seem overwhelming, but it’s an indispensable part of a good business plan.

Include a comparison landscape as well that defines the things that set you apart from the competitors. Describe the strengths of your product and show which problems it could solve.

Related : How to Do an SEO Competitive Analysis: A Step-by-Step Guide

Use the target audience section to fully describe the details of your ideal customer persona. Include both demographic and psychographic factors.

Ask yourself:

  • What are the demographic characteristics of the people who will buy my product?
  • What are their desires?
  • What makes my product valuable to them?

Make sure to answer all of these questions to get in the mindset of your customers.

If you need more details on how to identify your target audience , check our full expert guide.

When talking about your products and services, be as precise as possible. Mention your target audience and the marketing channels you use for targeting this audience.

This section should reveal the benefits, life cycle, and production process of your products/services. Also, it is a good idea to include some pictures of your products if possible.

When describing your products, you should highlight:

  • Unique features
  • Intellectual property rights
  • What makes the product beneficial

Marketing is the blood flow to your business’s body. Without a good marketing and sales strategy, the chances of your product succeeding are very slim.

It’s always best to already have a marketing plan in place before launching your business. By identifying the best marketing channels, you will show your investors that you researched this topic in detail.

Some of the things you should include are:

  • Reach – Explain why a specific channel will be able to reach your target market
  • Cost – Is the marketing strategy going to be cost-effective? How much money do you plan on spending on the strategy?
  • Competition – Are your competitors already using this channel? If so, what will make your product stand out?
  • Implementation – Who will be taking care of the implementation process? Is it a marketing expert? Which suppliers did you reach out to?

Related : 14 Reasons Sales And Marketing Alignment Is Crucial for Skyrocketing Company Growth

This section should explain the details of how exactly your company is going to operate.

These are the things you should include:

  • Personnel plan – Define how many people you plan to employ and their roles. Also, if you plan on increasing your staff, you should explain what would be the cause of that.
  • Key assets – This refers to assets that will be crucial for your company’s operation.
  • Suppliers – Mention who your suppliers will be and what kind of relationship you have with them. Your investors will be interested in this part of the section since they want to be reassured that you are cooperating with respectable counterparties.

The financial projections section is one of the most important parts of your business plan. It includes a detailed overview of expected sales, revenue, profit, expenses, and all the other important financial metrics .

You should show your investors that your business will be profitable, stable, and that it has huge potential for cash generation.

Monthly numbers for the first year are crucial since this will be the most critical year of your company.

At the very least, you should provide:

  • Funding needs
  • Profit-and-loss statement forecast
  • Balance sheet forecast
  • Cash-flow statement forecast

Related : How to Write a Great Financial Report? Tips and Best Practices

When providing the funding request, be realistic. Explain why you need that exact amount of money and where it will be allocated.

Also, create both a best-case and worst-case scenario. New companies don’t have a history of generating profits which is why you will probably have to sell equity in the early years to raise enough capital.

This will be the final section of your business plan. Include any material or piece of information that investors can use to analyze the data in your report. 

Things that could be helpful are:

  • Local permits
  • Legal documents
  • Certifications that boost credibility
  • Intellectual properties or patents
  • Purchase orders and customer contracts

After reading the previous heading, you should have a clear idea of how to write a compelling business plan.

But, just to be sure, we prepared some additional information that can be very helpful.

Here are some of the best practices you should implement in your business plan according to the most successful companies.

Keep it brief

Make it understandable, be meticulous about money, design is important.

Generally, business plans will be around 10-20 pages long. Your main focus should be to cover the essentials that we talked about, but you don’t want to overdo it by including unnecessary and overwhelming information.

In business plan, less is more.

Create a good organizational outline of your sections. This will allow investors to easily navigate to the parts they are most interested in reading.

Avoid using jargon – everyone should be able to easily understand your business plan without having to Google certain terms. 

Make a list of all the expenses your business incurs. Financial information should be maximally precise since it will directly impact the investor’s decision to fund your business idea.

After you wrap up your business plan, take a day off and read it again. Fix any typos or grammatical errors that you overlooked the first time.

Make sure to use a professional layout, printing, and branding of your business plan. This is an important first impression for the readers of the document.

Now you know what a business plan is, how you can write it, and some of the best practices you can use to make it even better.

But, if you are still having certain difficulties coming up with a great business plan, here are a few examples that may be helpful.

HubSpot’s One-Page Business Plan

Bplan’s free business plan template, small business administration free business plan template.

This One-Page Business Plan was created by HubSpot and it can be a great way to start off your business plan journey on the right foot.

You already have fields such as Implementation Timeline, Required Funding, and Company Description created so you will just need to provide your specific information.

HubSpot's One-Page Business Plan

This free business plan template highlights the financial points of the startup. If your primary focus will be your business’ financial plan and financial statements, you can use this template to save up some time.

It can also be useful for making sure everyone in your company understands the current financial health and what they can do to improve it.

BPlan’s Free Business Plan Template

If you need additional inspiration to kick start your own business plan, you can check out this free template by small business administration .

You just have to decide which type of plan you want to create and then review the format of how it should look like.

Small Business Administration Free Business Plan Template

Monitor and Report on the Performance of Your Business with Databox

Tracking your company’s performance is an indispensable part of quality decision-making. It is crucial that you know how your business strategy is performing and whether it needs to be optimized in certain areas.

However, doing this manually will undoubtedly take a hefty amount of your valuable time. You will have to log into all of the different tools, copy-paste the data into your reports, and then analyze it. And this isn’t a one-time thing – you have to do it at least once a month.

Luckily, Databox can lend a helping hand.

By using customizable dashboards from Databox, you will be able to connect data from all your different tools into one comprehensive report. Not only that, but you can also visualize the most important metrics to make your presentation to shareholders immensely more impactful.

Did you spend a lot of time cutting and pasting? Say ‘no more’ to that. You will be able to use that time to better analyze your business performances and monitor any significant changes that occur.

Leave the grueling business reporting process in the past and sign up for a free trial with Databox.

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Filip Stojanovic is a content writer who studies Business and Political Sciences. Also, I am a huge tennis enthusiast. Although my dream is to win a Grand Slam, working as a content writer is also interesting.

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Top Inspiring workplaces 2024 winner

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  • Large Categories, SINs, and NAICS Codes
  • GSA MAS Contractor Heat Maps
  • Having Your Own GSA Schedule vs. Partnering with a Reseller
  • Requirements
  • Acquisition Process & Timeline

Contract Modifications & Reporting

Reporting & compliance, marketing your gsa schedule.

  • How to Buy from a GSA Schedule
  • Authorized GSA Schedule Buyers
  • State and Local Government Purchasing
  • GSA Schedule Solutions
  • GSA Schedule Contractor Directory
  • Resource Library
  • GSA Event Calendar

Small Business Subcontracting Plan

Small business subcontracting.

Small businesses play a critical role in the U.S. economy by encouraging innovation, making markets more competitive, and providing about half of all private sector U.S. jobs. As a major consumer of U.S. goods and services, the U.S. government recognizes the importance of leveraging its tremendous purchasing power to benefit small businesses.

A small business subcontracting plan is a material part of a GSA Schedule contract that explains how an “Other Than Small Business” contractor will provide small businesses (SB), Veteran-Owned Small Businesses (VOSB), Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Businesses (SDVOSB), Small Disadvantaged Businesses (SDB), Women-Owned Small Businesses (WOSB), and Historically Underutilized Business Zone (HUBZone) small business concerns with the maximum practicable opportunity to participate in the performance of a federal contract or subcontract. “Other Than Small Business” (OTSB) includes large businesses, state and local governments, non-profit organizations, public utilities, educational institutions, and foreign-owned firms that receive Federal contracts, if any portion of the contract is to be performed in the United States.

GSA Schedule contractors are offered the choice of an Individual Subcontracting Plan or a Commercial Subcontracting Plan:

Commercial Plan:

  • The preferred type of plan for GSA Schedule contractors offering products
  • Based on company-wide spend / subcontracting activity (both commercial and government-related)
  • Negotiated annually based upon the company’s fiscal year and satisfies requirements for all government contracts—only one plan is required regardless of the number of federal contracts held
  • Requires one SSR annually

Here’s a template example for a Commercial Small Business Subcontracting Plan .

Individual Plan:

  • The preferred type of plan for GSA Schedule contractors offering services
  • Based on subcontracting activity under a specific GSA Schedule contract and can include either Direct or Indirect spend
  • Negotiated at the time of award for the entire contract period of performance (may or may not include option periods)
  • Requires two ISR and one SSR annually

Here’s a template example for an Individual Small Business Subcontracting Plan . 

Progress Reporting

All progress reports must be submitted via the Electronic Subcontracting Reporting System at .

Summary Subcontracting Report (SSR):

  • Submitted annually following the end of the government fiscal year by October 30th
  • Shows subcontracting awards (subcontracting costs incurred by the contractor) during the fiscal year involved

Individual Subcontracting Report (ISR):

  • Submitted semi-annually by April 30th and October 30th
  • Shows subcontracting costs incurred under the specific GSA Schedule contract and is a cumulative report, showing all costs incurred since inception of the contract

small business plan reporting

An official website of the United States government

Here’s how you know

Official websites use .gov A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States.

Secure .gov websites use HTTPS A lock ( ) or https:// means you’ve safely connected to the .gov website. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites.

GSA Logo

  • Explore sell to government
  • Ways you can sell to government
  • How to access contract opportunities
  • Conduct market research
  • Register your business
  • Certify as a small business
  • Become a schedule holder
  • Market your business
  • Research active solicitations
  • Respond to a solicitation
  • What to expect during the award process
  • Comply with contractual requirements
  • Handle contract modifications
  • Monitor past performance evaluations
  • Explore real estate
  • 3D-4D building information modeling
  • Art in architecture | Fine arts
  • Computer-aided design standards
  • Commissioning
  • Design excellence
  • Engineering
  • Project management information system
  • Spatial data management
  • Facilities operations
  • Smart buildings
  • Tenant services
  • Utility services
  • Water quality management
  • Explore historic buildings
  • Heritage tourism
  • Historic preservation policy, tools and resources
  • Historic building stewardship
  • Videos, pictures, posters and more
  • NEPA implementation
  • Courthouse program
  • Land ports of entry
  • Prospectus library
  • Regional buildings
  • Renting property
  • Visiting public buildings
  • Real property disposal
  • Reimbursable services (RWA)
  • Rental policy and procedures
  • Site selection and relocation
  • For businesses seeking opportunities
  • For federal customers
  • For workers in federal buildings
  • Explore policy and regulations
  • Acquisition management policy
  • Aviation management policy
  • Information technology policy
  • Real property management policy
  • Relocation management policy
  • Travel management policy
  • Vehicle management policy
  • Federal acquisition regulations
  • Federal management regulations
  • Federal travel regulations
  • GSA acquisition manual
  • Managing the federal rulemaking process
  • Explore small business
  • Explore business models
  • Research the federal market
  • Forecast of contracting opportunities
  • Events and contacts
  • Explore travel
  • Per diem rates
  • Transportation (airfare rates, POV rates, etc.)
  • State tax exemption
  • Travel charge card
  • Conferences and meetings
  • E-gov travel service (ETS)
  • Travel category schedule
  • Federal travel regulation
  • Travel policy
  • Explore technology
  • Cloud computing services
  • Cybersecurity products and services
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Reports Required by the Small Business Act

Federal procurement data system report.

This report provides data on all prime contract procurements made during a given fiscal year, not excluding any contract awarded, as required by Section 15(h)(3)(A)(ii) of the Small Business Act. The information in this report was derived from the Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS) and includes procurements made for the Federal Government, including each of the 24 funded Chief Financial Officers (CFO) Act agencies. 

FY 2023 Report  

  • Executive Summary: FY 2022 Federal Procurement Data System GSA Report [DOCX - 21 KB]
  • Final Data Report: FY 2022 Federal Procurement Data System GSA Report [DOCX - 203 KB]

Subcontracting report by North American Industry Classification System

This report provides the dollar amount and the distribution of subcontracts awarded during a given fiscal year with respect to the North American Industry Classification System, as required by Section 15(h)(3)(A)(ii) of the Small Business Act.

Final Data Report: FY 2023 Subcontracting Report by North American Industry Classification System [PDF - 894 KB]

Reports from prior fiscal years

  • Executive Summary: FY 2022 Federal Procurement Data System GSA Report [PDF - 148 KB]
  • Final Data Report: FY 2022 Federal Procurement Data System GSA Report [DOCX - 439 KB]
  • Final Data Report: FY 2022 Subcontracting Report by North American Industry Classification System [PDF - 1 MB]
  • Executive Summary: FY 2021 Federal Procurement Data System GSA Report [PDF - 113 KB]
  • Final Data Report: FY 2021 Federal Procurement Data System GSA Report [DOCX - 572 KB]
  • Final Data Report: FY 2021 Subcontracting Report by North American Industry Classification System [DOCX - 108 KB]
  • Executive Summary: FY 2020 Federal Procurement Data System GSA Report [PDF - 80 KB]
  • Final Data Report: FY 2020 Federal Procurement Data System GSA Report [DOCX - 202 KB]
  • Final Data Report: FY 2020 Subcontracting Report by North American Industry Classification System [DOCX - 54 KB]
  • Executive Summary: FY 2019 Federal Procurement Data System GSA Report [PDF - 142 KB]
  • Final Data Report: FY 2019 Federal Procurement Data System GSA Report [DOCX - 570 KB]
  • Final Data Report: FY 2019 Subcontracting Report by North American Industry Classification System [DOCX - 54 KB]
  • Executive Summary: FY 2018 Federal Procurement Data System GSA Report [PDF - 140 KB]
  • Final Data Report: FY 2018 Federal Procurement Data System GSA Report [DOCX - 377 KB]
  • Final Data Report: FY 2018 Subcontracting Report by North American Industry Classification System [DOCX - 146 KB]

*Note: The FY 2020 Subcontracting Report by North American Industry Classification System was revised on November 18, 2022. The report was revised in order to correct errors that were discovered in the original version.


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Legal news and notes for small government contractors

Published by koprince mccall pottroff llc  |  edited by shane j. mccall, sba clarifies subcontracting plan rules.

The SBA recently issued a final rule concerning numerous aspects of small business contracting. In previous posts, we wrote about a few parts of the rule, including changes to the limitations on subcontracting.

The new rule also clarifies some important facets of the rules governing subcontracting plans.

These rules are intended to make it easier to hold large business prime contractors accountable for meeting the goals of their small business subcontracting plans. By the same token, the rules should help small business subcontractors by ensuring small businesses are doing more of the subcontracting.

In line with the 2017 NDAA , SBA is updating its rules found at 13 C.F.R. § 125.3(d) so that it will be a material breach of a contract or subcontract if a contractor with a subcontracting plan fails to comply in good faith with the requirement to submit reports and cooperate with agencies to determine subcontracting plan compliance. In addition, agencies can consider a breach of these subcontracting plan reporting duties in their past performance evaluation.

The rule also changes one item that caused confusion in the proposed rule. While prime contractors must “must provide contracting officers with a written explanation of why they are changing a small business subcontractor” they do not have to get prior approval.

The rule provides examples of actions that could be considered “failure to make a good faith effort to comply with a subcontracting plan” at 13 C.F.R.  125.3(d)(3)(ii). Contractors should take a close look at these examples. But here are some highlights:

  • Turning in subcontracting plan reports late.
  • Not paying small business subcontractors on time.
  • Not having a designated employee to monitor the subcontracting plan.
  • Failure to maintain records or procedures to show compliance with subcontracting plan requirements.
  • Not doing market research (such as outreach, industry days, and database searches) to identify small business subcontractors.

Based on this list, prime contractors should ensure they have robust subcontracting plan policies in place. That way, if questioned, the prime contractor can point to the contemporaneous records of how it is meeting its subcontracting plan requirements.

But contractors also have some additional rights under the rules. As part of the rule, contractors will have the opportunity to correct findings of subcontracting compliance reviews. Plus, contractors retain the right to challenge a bad past performance evaluation as they did in the past. Contractors accused of acting in bad faith on their subcontracting plans will be able to tell their side of the story.

The rule became effective December 30. Hopefully, it can make subcontracting plans a little easier to enforce, so that more subcontracting dollars go to small business subcontractors.

Questions about this post? Email us or give us a call at 785-200-8919 .

Looking for the latest government contracting legal news? Sign up for our free monthly newsletter , and follow us on LinkedIn , Twitter and Facebook .

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Did You Know?… Threshold Changes for Small Business Sub Plans

small business plan reporting

Government policy says that a portion of each federal spending dollar should be used to help small businesses. Federal agencies put this into practice by requiring that large prime contractors submit a plan along with their proposals demonstrating how they will utilize small businesses in the performance of each federal contract. Historically, these plans were required on contracts with large prime contractors if the contract value exceeded $700,000 ($1.5 million for construction.)

Now, that number is changing.

In October, the Federal Register published a final rule from the DoD, GSA, and NASA to amend the Federal Acquisition Regulation on the small business subcontract plan dollar threshold. This rule, titled Inflation Adjustment of Acquisition-Related Thresholds, will increase the dollar threshold for prime contractor subcontracting plans from $700,000 to $750,000 in all industries besides construction. Where the $1.5 million threshold will go unchanged. (Check here for additional details.)

Large primes that meet this criteria must develop a subcontracting plan with specific dollar and percent goals for subcontracting to small businesses, HUBZone small, small disadvantaged, small women-owned, Veteran-owned small, and service-disabled, Veteran-owned small business firms.  Keep in mind that each agency has different goals and each subcontracting plan is unique to the contract.

This change is something that will impact both large and small government contractors.

  • Large businesses must realize that the threshold has increased $700,000 to $750,000.
  • Small business should take this opportunity to update their research on large prime contractors. Make a point of knowing which ones have small business subcontracting goals and where your business potentially could support them with their government contracts.

Subcontracting plans are instrumental in our small business community and have a significant footprint within our small business economy.

If you’re interested in learning more about subcontracting plans and how you can identify businesses with small business subcontracting plans, please reach out to your area government contracting specialist with the CIRAS Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC). We are happy to assist.

For more, contact Julie Fagle at [email protected] .

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U.S. Government Accountability Office

Small Business Contracting: Actions Needed to Implement and Monitor DOD's Small Business Strategy

In 2019, Congress directed DOD to develop a strategy to better engage with small businesses and coordinate small business programs across the department.

We analyzed trends in DOD contracting. From FY 2011 to 2020, DOD spending on contracts with small businesses increased. However, the number of small businesses contracting with DOD declined. These trends were also true for larger businesses.

While DOD engages in many efforts to do business with small businesses, it could better coordinate its efforts. It could also better implement and monitor the progress of its small business strategy. Our recommendations address these issues.

Measuring tape atop blueprints

What GAO Found

The Department of Defense's (DOD) contract obligations to small businesses increased from fiscal years 2011 to 2020, while the number of small businesses contracting with DOD declined. The trend of higher obligations to a lower number of businesses applied to both small businesses and larger businesses.

Department of Defense Small Business Contract Obligations and Vendors, Fiscal Years 2011–2020

Department of Defense Small Business Contract Obligations and Vendors, Fiscal Years 2011–2020

DOD engages in many efforts across the department to leverage small businesses to meet its acquisition needs and leverage technological innovation. Such efforts are carried out by many different offices in the department and include a variety of outreach initiatives, such as vendor events, trainings, and other activities to contact and educate small businesses on working with DOD. Its 2019 Small Business Strategy describes these efforts and other initiatives to improve the effectiveness of DOD's small business programs. However, GAO found that DOD lacked key mechanisms to implement the strategy and better monitor and coordinate its small business contracting efforts.

  • DOD has not developed the strategy's implementation plan, which is required by law. Such a plan would help ensure the initiatives described in the strategy are carried out and coordinated across DOD.
  • DOD has not created a policy to guide the implementation of a unified management structure, as called for in the strategy. Doing so could improve communication and coordination among DOD staff who engage in small business efforts across the agency.
  • DOD does not have a formal process for monitoring and reporting on the implementation of its Small Business Strategy. Establishing such a process would better position DOD to assess and communicate department-wide progress in implementing the strategy.

Why GAO Did This Study

In fiscal year 2020, DOD recorded more than $80 billion in contract obligations to small businesses for goods and services. In October 2019, DOD published its Small Business Strategy, as directed in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2019, to facilitate contracting opportunities for small businesses.

A Senate Report relating to the NDAA for Fiscal Year 2021 includes a provision for GAO to review DOD's small business contracting efforts. This report examines defense small business contracting trends and the steps DOD has taken to monitor the implementation of its 2019 Small Business Strategy.

GAO analyzed data from the Federal Procurement Data System and reviewed DOD's 2019 Small Business Strategy, other small business documentation, and relevant studies and reports. GAO also interviewed DOD officials, academics, researchers, and representatives of small businesses and industry associations.


DOD should (1) develop an implementation plan for its Small Business Strategy; (2) develop a policy to guide the implementation of a unified management structure; and (3) establish a formal process by which DOD can monitor and report on its progress in implementing the Small Business Strategy. DOD agreed with all three recommendations.

Recommendations for Executive Action

DOD Office of Small Business Programs The Director of DOD's Office of Small Business Programs should develop and submit an implementation plan for DOD's Small Business Strategy, as required by Section 861 of the William M. (Mac) Thornberry National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021. (Recommendation 1)
DOD Office of Small Business Programs The Director of DOD's Office of Small Business Programs should develop a policy to guide the implementation of a unified management structure as part of the Small Business Strategy. (Recommendation 2)
DOD Office of Small Business Programs The Director of DOD's Office of Small Business Programs should establish a formal process for monitoring and reporting on DOD's progress in implementing its Small Business Strategy. (Recommendation 3)

Full Report

Gao contacts.

William B. Shear Director [email protected] (202) 512-8678

Office of Public Affairs

Sarah Kaczmarek Acting Managing Director [email protected] (202) 512-4800

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How To Start A Business Plan: A Step-By-Step Guide

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Creating a business plan is a critical first step for any entrepreneur. Knowing how to start a business plan will help you create a roadmap, guiding your business from startup to growth and beyond. Whether you're looking for investment, trying to set clear goals, or simply organizing your thoughts, a solid business plan can make all the difference.

Here is a guide to help you get started on your business plan:

1. executive summary.

What It Is: This section summarizes your business plan as a whole and outlines your company profile and goals.

What to Include:

  • Business name and location
  • Products or services offered
  • Mission statement
  • The purpose of the plan (e.g., seeking funding, guiding the startup process)

Tip: Keep it concise. Although it's the first section, it's often best to write it last, after you’ve detailed everything else.

2. Company Description

What It Is: This section provides detailed information about your company, including who you are, what you do, and what markets you serve.

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  • Your business structure (e.g., sole proprietorship, LLC, corporation)
  • The industry and marketplace needs your business meets
  • Your business’s objectives and how you stand out from competitors

Tip: Use this section to highlight your company’s strengths and what makes you unique.

3. Market Research

What It Is: Market research demonstrates your understanding of the industry and target market.

  • Market size and growth potential
  • Target customer demographics
  • Market trends and outlook
  • Competitive analysis, including strengths and weaknesses of competitors

Tip: Include data and statistics to back up your findings and show that you’ve done your homework.

4. Organization and Management

What It Is: This section outlines your business’s organizational structure and management team.

  • Organizational chart
  • Information about the ownership of the company
  • Backgrounds and qualifications of the management team
  • Roles and responsibilities within the company

Tip: Highlight the skills and experiences of your team that will help the business succeed.

5. Products or Services Line

What It Is: Here, you detail the products or services you offer or plan to offer.

  • A description of each product or service
  • The lifecycle of products or services
  • Research and development activities, if applicable
  • Intellectual property, such as patents or trademarks

Tip: Focus on the benefits your products or services bring to your customers.

6. Marketing and Sales Strategy

What It Is: This section explains how you will attract and retain customers.

  • Marketing strategies, including advertising, promotions, and public relations
  • Sales strategies, including sales processes, channels, and tactics
  • Pricing strategy and how it compares to competitors

Tip: Ensure your marketing and sales strategies are aligned with your market research findings.

7. Funding Request

What It Is: If you’re seeking funding , this section outlines your requirements.

  • Your current funding needs
  • Future funding requirements over the next five years
  • How you intend to use the funds
  • Potential future financial plans (e.g., selling the business, repaying debt)

Tip: Be specific and realistic about how much funding you need and how it will be used.

8. Financial Projections

What It Is: Financial projections provide a forecast of your business’s financial future.

  • Income statements
  • Cash flow statements
  • Balance sheets
  • Break-even analysis

Tip: Use realistic and conservative estimates. Consider hiring a financial professional to help with this section if needed.

9. Appendix

What It Is: The appendix includes any additional information that supports your business plan.

  • Resumes of key management team members
  • Permits and leases
  • Legal documents
  • Detailed market research data
  • Product photos

Tip: Only include essential information that adds value to your business plan.

Final Tips for Creating a Business Plan

Creating a business plan requires clarity and precision. First and foremost, keep your business plan clear and concise. Avoid using jargon or complex language that could make the plan difficult to read or understand. Your aim should be to communicate your ideas effectively and efficiently.

Next, be realistic in your approach. Ensure that your goals and financial projections are attainable based on your research and understanding of the market. Overly ambitious projections can undermine your credibility and potentially lead to unrealistic expectations.

It's also essential to remember that a business plan is a dynamic document. As your business grows and market conditions change, you should revisit and revise your plan regularly. This helps you stay aligned with your goals and adapt to new challenges and opportunities.

Finally, seek feedback from experienced business professionals. Having someone with business experience review your plan can provide valuable insights and help identify any potential issues or areas for improvement. Their feedback can enhance the overall quality and effectiveness of your business plan.

By following these tips, you'll be better equipped to create a robust and effective business plan that can guide your business towards success.

The bottom line is that starting a business plan may seem challenging, but with careful planning and attention to detail, you can create a comprehensive guide to steer your business toward success. Use this step-by-step guide to ensure that all essential components are covered, giving your business the best possible start.

Melissa Houston, CPA is the author of Cash Confident: An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Creating a Profitable Business and the founder of She Means Profit . As a Business Strategist for small business owners, Melissa helps women making mid-career shifts, to launch their dream businesses, and I also guide established business owners to grow their businesses to more profitably.

The opinions expressed in this article are not intended to replace any professional or expert accounting and/or tax advice whatsoever.

Melissa Houston

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New York's viral new trash cans unveiled nearly 2 years after a $1.6 million contract with consultancy giant McKinsey

  • New York's viral new trash bins were unveiled following a $1.6 million contract with McKinsey.
  • Mayor Eric Adams revealed the new bins as part of his "Trash Revolution," launched Monday.
  • New York is embracing containerization — putting your garbage bag in a bin, not just on the street.

Insider Today

New York's much-discussed new trash cans have been shown off nearly two years after the city spent $1.6 million to contract with consulting giant McKinsey in 2022.

On Monday, NYC Mayor Eric Adams revealed the wheeled bin alongside NYC Department of Sanitation Commissioner Jessica Tisch , who symbolically put a black bag from his official residence, Gracie Mansion, into the container.

Video of the launch, which saw Adams wheeling a bin onto the street while Jay-Z and Alicia Keys' "Empire State of Mind" played, quickly went viral, drawing memes and ridicule from citizens of cities that have had similar bins for decades.

Time to Get (EVEN MORE) Stuff Clean! Join us right now in Manhattan as we kick off the next phase in our trash revolution: — NYC Mayor's Office (@NYCMayorsOffice) July 8, 2024

Under the new rules, which come into force on November 12, 2024, all properties with one to nine residential units will be required by law to use one of the latch-lidded waste collectors, now available to purchase online from $46.

The newly introduced requirement seeks to minimize the number of sidewalk rats . It isn't known exactly how many rats are in NYC, but a 2014 study suggested there were around two million, and a pest control firm in 2023 estimated there were close to three million rats in NYC.

Adams said the program was part of his administration's "Trash Revolution," which aims to clean up the city's streets. Officials estimate New Yorkers produce around 14 billion pounds of trash each year. But with the new rule directed at removing about 70% of this, curbside garbage piles are hoped to become a problem of the past.

Plans for the new bins follow the city's work with consulting giant McKinsey & Company, which was drafted in to help the city assess how to contain its waste. A Sanitation Department official told New York Streetsblog at the time that the project was worth around $4 million, but a spokesperson for the department told Business Insider $1.6 million was paid out to McKinsey for the contract.

According to an October 2022 New York Times article, McKinsey was scheduled to spend 20 weeks working with the Sanitation Department to determine what sort of bins would suit different streetscapes, what they should look like, and which vendors to use. The department told Business Insider that work on the contract concluded in April 2023.

The goal was to design a program capable of combating New York's decadeslong garbage problem, looking at waste collection methods used in urban areas around the world and focusing on containerization — or, in simple terms, putting trash bags in bins rather than on the street.

A New York City Sanitation Department spokesperson told Business Insider, "DSNY's limited work with McKinsey a couple of years ago is not directly related to this week's wheelie bin announcement."

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"McKinsey did not determine or recommend policy — they did math around the fact that the City was interested in waste containerization, a strategy the Adams Administration is now aggressively pursuing," the spokesperson added. The bin design was the result of work conducted by city employees, another DSNY spokesperson told BI.

The solution decided upon is similar to systems already used in cities like Barcelona, where fleets of colored, uniform bins are often found on residential blocks.

The bin project is far from the firm's first consultation in New York. The Office of the New York State Comptroller shows that McKinsey has worked on at least 10 other projects with the state.

McKinsey declined to comment when contacted by Business Insider.

Correction: July 11, 2024 — An earlier version of this story misstated McKinsey's role in working with the New York City Sanitation Department. The department said that it hired McKinsey to help inform its efforts at waste management but that the decision to pursue the wheeled bins unveiled Monday was the city's and not a McKinsey recommendation. The story was also updated with a statement from a New York City Sanitation Department spokesperson and with new information from the department that the contract with McKinsey, originally said to be as high as $4 million, was ultimately worth $1.6 million.

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Beloved Gusto Bread bakery sees success after small business program at Long Beach City College

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LONG BEACH, Calif. (KABC) -- While it can be very rewarding, creating a business from scratch can be full of hardships. Long Beach offers many resources to help aid the process of starting up a new business.

Thanks to business programs offered by Long Beach City College , small business owners receive the knowledge and skills in negotiation, marketing and employee management that can immediately be put into action.

Arturo Enciso, a first-time business owner, found the help he needed to start up his artisanal bakery Gusto Bread through the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Business Program , administered through LBCC.

"There were like 10 of us, and we met for like a month once a week. We were able to share our business, our stories, and essentially come up with our plans for growth," Enciso said.

With a passion for creativity and a love for his city, Enciso and his wife, Ana Belén Salatino, are open five days a week at Gusto Bread on Fourth Street serving up an array of breads and drinks to the Long Beach community.

Enciso, 33, a Bakersfield native, grew up visiting family in Long Beach and found the city worthy of being called his forever home.

In 2013, Enciso and his wife decided to make a permanent move to Long Beach, moving all their belongings into a home with a small woodfire oven tucked into the corner of their backyard.

A musician and creator at heart, Enciso took interest in the oven offering him new possibilities and hobbies. This woodfire oven led to the creation of Gusto Bread, one of the many Latinx owned small businesses lining the streets of Long Beach.

"I kind of stumbled upon bread by accident," said Enciso. "I just attempted to learn to use [ the oven ] , and I just really didn't stop, it got me hooked."

The family-owned business was a finalist for the 2024 James Beard Award for outstanding bakery. The award "honors those who are creating exceptional food, food media content and better food systems while demonstrating a commitment to racial and gender equity, community, sustainability, and a culture where all can thrive," said the organization's website .

The Goldman Sachs Program maintains a 99% completion rate, and receives reports claiming to have succeeded in increasing 63% of revenues, 47% of students starting new businesses and 76% of people going into business with one another after the completion of the program.

"I think the courses are an amazing tool for people starting off a business," said Denise Maldenado, owner of the Latinx coffee shop Confidential Coffee, located on Sixth Street, who applied to the program in 2023. "There are so many moving parts when starting off that a proper guide will make the process easier to handle. I'd highly recommend the program to anyone starting a business."

Those that have been catering to their community already can also apply to LBCC small business programs to get help and grow their business.

"One of my clients actually referred me to LBCC for their small business development," said Marie Rolla, owner of the Latinx and LGBTQ-run salon, Black Sheep Salon on Willow Street. "I'm definitely looking forward to finding some organized help with my business."

For small business owners of all races, genders, and sexual orientations, the city of Long Beach tries to offer support through their City Small Business Loan Programs , which can help get your small business off the ground and take it to the next level.

This article was written by Elizabeth Carroll, a CSU Long Beach journalism student, with the aid of ABC7, and is a collaboration with ENYE, a CSULB journalism school news outlet.

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Reporting by Kate Abnett; editing by Miral Fahmy

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Thomson Reuters

Kate Abnett covers EU climate and energy policy in Brussels, reporting on Europe’s green transition and how climate change is affecting people and ecosystems across the EU. Other areas of coverage include international climate diplomacy. Before joining Reuters, Kate covered emissions and energy markets for Argus Media in London. She is part of the teams whose reporting on Europe’s energy crisis won two Reuters journalist of the year awards in 2022.

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Fifth Third Bancorp reported a fall in second-quarter profit on Friday, as costlier deposits eroded the regional lender's interest income.

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Economist explains how Salesforce's return-to-office policy could benefit San Francisco as a whole

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SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- Head to the Salesforce Tower in downtown San Francisco on any day during the week, and you'll notice the foot traffic in and out of the building is still much lower than before COVID-19.

That could soon be changing though.

Salesforce recently announced it will require most of its employees to return to the office for at least 3-5 days a week.

Welcome news to Yolanda Olguin who runs El Faro Mexican restaurant just half a block away.

"Friday was our best day before the pandemic. Now, you know, it's one of the... it's not the same," said Yolanda Olguin.

MORE: What doom loop? Downtown San Francisco showing signs of economic rebound, experts say

Olguin's restaurant has been in business for nearly 45 years.

She tells us after booming in the time prior to the pandemic, the recovery since then has been difficult and she hopes Salesforce's new policy will boost business once again.

Down the road at Japanese House, it was a similar story.

Owner David Chuen says he just opened a few weeks ago, but chose this location specifically because he was hoping an increasing number of office workers would help the restaurant's bottom line.

"I think maybe after half a year, maybe it'll go up and we'll have customers coming more," Chuen said.

But Salesforce's new policy will likely have a much bigger impact than just small businesses, according to San Francisco city economist Ted Egan.

MORE: SF Union Square on path to economic recovery: Here are the signs and roadblocks

"Office workers working from home is really the single biggest reason why downtown has remained relatively depressed since the end of the pandemic," Egan said.

Egan says more employees in the city means more economic output and higher tax revenues.

He also tells me San Francisco officials are hoping other companies will soon follow Salesforce's lead.

"I think the important thing to watch is what is the employees' response to that. Downtown San Francisco is quite a bit different than it was three years ago when people were first starting to say I don't want to come back to the office," Egan said.

And as for the employees, some tell us while the new policy will likely be popular among some, it may not be among others.

"It's 50/50 because obviously, some people live like in Sacramento or further out like in SoCal or something like that. And they obviously can't make it to San Francisco every day," said Omar Agha.

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Politics latest: COBRA meetings held over widespread IT outages; Zelenskyy makes historic visit to No 10

Urgent COBRA meetings have been held over IT outages, Sky News understands. Ukraine's president has made an historic visit to No 10.

Friday 19 July 2024 12:59, UK

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We've been hearing a bit more about President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's historic meeting with the UK cabinet.

He used it to ask the UK government and Sir Keir Starmer to "show your leadership" and allow Ukraine to target sites in Russia.

"We are still missing the main answer to this question," Mr Zelensky told the meeting.

"I ask you to show your leadership in this and please convince other partners to remove the limits."

Ukraine has said lifting restrictions on Western weapons – including British Storm Shadow missiles – to strike deep into Russian territory is key to its efforts in the war.

The UK has avoided backing such a move, saying it is a matter for Kyiv how it chooses to deploy its resources, as long as international law is upheld.

Speaking after the visit, Downing Street said there was "no change to our position" on weapons.

By Deborah Haynes , security and defence editor

A multibillion-pound programme to build the UK's future flagship fighter jet in partnership with Japan and Italy could be at risk in a sweeping review of defence.

Luke Pollard, the armed forces minister, called the project "really important" but said it would not be right for him to prejudice the outcome of the Strategic Defence Review (SDR) by setting out in a speech which pieces of military kit are required to fight future wars.

It left open the possibility that the Global Combat Air Programme (GCAP) - a vital piece of work for British defence industry giant BAE Systems - could be vulnerable should the review decide that committing limited funds to a project that will only deliver new aircraft in the next decade is not the best way to deter a more immediate threat of war with Russia.

At the same time, though, the architects of the review will need to balance countering current threats against the importance of investing in sovereign aircraft manufacturing skills as well as the economic benefits of the GCAP programme, which already supports thousands of jobs.

The lack of a guarantee by the minister that the future of the UK-Japan-Italy warplane venture is secure came despite the project being strongly endorsed in the previous government's "refreshed" defence review, which was published only last year.

The UK's planned GCAP fast jet - known as Tempest - is set to be a sixth-generation stealth aircraft, equipped with advanced weapons and radars, with the ability to fly at supersonic speeds in a step up from the F-35 warplane.

As we reported earlier, there was an emergency COBRA meeting this morning about the tech outages around the world.

We now know the meeting included civil servants, but not ministers.

And a Downing Street spokesperson said they were not aware of any plans for democratically elected representatives to have a meeting at COBRA on the subject.

Asked why the prime minister did not attend the meeting, they said: "The prime minister had bilaterals with President Zelenskyy and cabinet this morning, but all ministers including the prime minister are being kept informed with the latest."

By Jennifer Scott , political reporter

The number of people arriving in the UK via small boat Channel crossings this year has now passed 15,000, the government has confirmed.

A total of 317 people made the dangerous journey across six boats on Thursday, bringing 2024's total so far to 15,076.

The number is higher than the figure for the same date in 2023, where the total had reached 14,071.

But it is still lower than the record-breaking year of 2022, where it had reached 15,314 by this date.

It comes after another person died overnight when their boat, crowded with 86 people, got into trouble in the Channel.

And it also follows fresh commitments from the new government on how it plans to tackle illegal migration.

Read the full story here: 

Earlier, the Liberal Democrats were calling for a COBRA meeting.

This stands for Cabinet Office Briefing Room A - a set of rooms where government meets during emergencies.

Sky News understands such meetings have taken place - but only insofar as them being in one of the COBRA rooms.

Meetings were at an official level - it is not clear if ministers were present.

Following the huge amount of disruption due to the ongoing global IT outages, the UK government has issued a statement through X.

Sky News has contacted government departments to ask whether systems like the NHS and Universal Credit are working, but has not received a response outside posts on social media.

Pat McFadden, the chief secretary to the Treasury, said: "Many people are being affected by today's IT outages impacting services across the country and globally.

"Ministers are working with their sectors and respective industries on the issue.

"I am in close contact with teams coordinating our response through the COBRA response system."

COBRA refers to Cabinet Office Briefing Rooms - and refers to the meeting rooms used to manage crises.

Transport Secretary Louise Haigh said on social media: "We are aware of IT failures impacting several transport operators and terminals today, and we're working at pace with industry and across government on the issue.

"There are no known security issues at present.

"If you're planning to travel today, please follow operator advice and check ahead before leaving.

"Manual check-in may be required at airports and there may be train cancellations and delays."

David Lammy, the foreign secretary, has been speaking in the House of Commons in the past few moments.

Making a statement on the situation in Gaza, he announces that the UK will restore funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East - also known as UNRWA.

The money was cut off in January, following allegations staff members were involved in the 7 October attacks.

A number of staff members were sacked.

An ongoing UN investigation in the allegations has not concluded.

Mr Lammy said: "I can confirm to the House that we are overturning the suspension of UNRWA funding."

He added that £21m in new funds will be provided.  

Ukraine's president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, has now left Downing Street.

He gave a thumbs up after departing Number 10.

There is a lot of talk about the Houses of Parliament needing to be modernised.

And today the Palace of Westminster has taken another step backwards as it has reverted to being cash only.

This is due to the ongoing IT issues that are impacting businesses around the globe.

As such, the tills inside parliament are currently not able to process card transactions.

A UK parliament spokesperson said: "Due to technical issues, tills in all outlets across the estate are not accepting card payments. Customers are able to pay using cash.

"Engineers are currently assessing any wider impacts following the global IT outages, but parliamentary business remains unaffected at this time."

The Liberal Democrats are calling for the government to hold a COBRA meeting about the current global technology outages.

COBRA stands for Cabinet Office Briefing Room A, and refers to a government meeting room where serious matters get discussed - like floods or terror attacks.

Christine Jardine, the Lib Dem's Cabinet Office spokesperson, said: "The government must call an urgent COBRA meeting to address the chaos being caused by these IT outages across the country.

"The public needs to be reassured that the disruption to their travel or their desperately needed GP appointments will be minimised.

"Getting critical infrastructure up and running again must be priority number one. The National Cyber Security Centre should also be working with small businesses and other organisations to help them deal with the outage.

"This once again lays bare the need to improve our digital infrastructure and truly modernise our economy in order to prevent the incidents from happening again."

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  1. IAE: ESRS (Electronic Subcontracting Reporting System)

    Reporting Deadline - Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Small Business Administration extended the time for filing ISRs and SSRs by 15 days for FY 2021 reports. View the official ... When a contractor enters an SSR, the eSRS will prompt the user to specify whether or not the report is for a commercial plan. If the contractor indicates ...

  2. 52.219-9 Small Business Subcontracting Plan.

    The subcontracting plan shall be negotiated within the time specified by the Contracting Officer. Failure to submit and negotiate the subcontracting plan shall make the Offeror ineligible for award of a contract. (2) (i) The Contractor may accept a subcontractor's written representations of its size and socioeconomic status as a small business ...

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    subcontracting plan • Section 15(g) Small Business Act - 15 USC ... • Specifies government -wide goals for contracts and subcontracts awarded to small business concerns • Includes reporting on subcontracting . Regulations: • FAR 19.7 / DFARS 219.7 • FAR 52.219- 9, Small Business SubcontractingPlan • DFARS 219.706 Class Deviation ...

  5. PDF eSRS Quick Reference

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  6. Part 19

    19.202-5 Data collection and reporting requirements. 19.202-6 Determination of fair market price. 19.203 Relationship among small business programs. ... Small Business Subcontracting Plan, if a prime contractor's size status changes from small to other than small as a result of a size rerepresentation ...

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    The subcontracting report submission system is web-based. Woman at a computer. Skip to Highlights. ... (SBA) encourages agency compliance with small business subcontracting plan requirements by providing training to contracting officers and contractors, and by conducting reviews. For instance, SBA Commercial Market Representatives conduct ...

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    She is part of the teams whose reporting on Europe's energy crisis won two Reuters journalist of the year awards in 2022. ... Reuters provides business, financial, national and international ...

  27. Subpart 19.7

    (a) Each subcontracting plan required under 19.301-2(e) and 19.702(a)(1)(i), (ii), and (iii) shall include- (1) Separate percentage goals for using small business (including ANCs and Indian tribes), veteran-owned small business, service-disabled veteran-owned small business, HUBZone small business, small disadvantaged business (including ANCs and Indian tribes) and women-owned small business ...

  28. Salesforce's return-to-office policy could benefit San Francisco as a

    "I think maybe after half a year, maybe it'll go up and we'll have customers coming more," Chuen said. But Salesforce's new policy will likely have a much bigger impact than just small businesses ...

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  30. NJSBDC at William Paterson University: GETTING IT RIGHT

    U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR invites you to GETTING IT RIGHT - KNOW YOUR FIDUCIARY RESPONSIBILITIES A RETIREMENT PLAN COMPLIANCE ASSISTANCE SEMINAR FOR SMALL BUSINESS Strong fiduciary oversight and protecting workers' benefits is one of the highest priorities of the U.S. Department of Labor. The best way to protect workers' benefits is by preventing problems before they start.