Essay on “The Role of Teachers as Nation Builders” for School, College Students, Long and Short English Essay, Speech for Class 10, Class 12, College and Competitive Exams.

The Role of Teachers as Nation Builders

A teacher plays a significant role in building the nation. He influences a child and brings him up as a talented person. There is an important role of teacher for brightening up the future of the country through the process of education. It is the teacher who puts all the youth on to the path of progress. The talented youth are the future of the nation. The good schooling with worthy teachers phenomenalizes the career of the students, that helps in rising them rise and become the true citizens of the country.

The child starts developing mentally as well as physically only after going to school. He watches the activities of his teacher and follows them. The teacher organizes many activities in the school like prayer, physical training, music, dance, debate, lectures, arts and crafts, variety show, cultural programmes, writing and other competitions, sports and so on. These activities influence the child in the real sense which helps in building up his personality. It is the teacher who shows dreams to a child for his bright future.

Military activities are very important for a youth which a teacher executes through NCC. It keeps the students mentally alert and physically fit. There are so many adventurous activities which are facilitated to the students through NCC. Horse riding, para jumping, swimming, crossing of obstacles, wall climbing, rope crawling, warfare activities and firing with modernized weapons are a few examples which make a youth capable and bold for performing the work in an enterprising manner. All the activities during military training set example of discipline, punctuality, dress, comradeship, good behaviour and so on. These influence the students and give positive impact in their minds.

The teacher treats all the students like his own children. He rewards the students for good work and at the same time he punishes for faults with an intention of improving the students.

Those who invented new things for the mankind were the students of yesterday. We are enjoying life due to their inventions. There would surely have been the role and contribution of teacher in educating, guiding and making them comfortable in research work right from beginning which would have facilitated them in emerging as renowned inventors. Similarly, a teacher develops a child and makes him capable through his teaching ability to work in other fields. It is the teacher who makes a student capable up to that extent that he can do better for the nation and mankind.

A child may be in nursery classes or he may be doing higher studies, there is an important and constructive role of a teacher towards a child. A teacher takes interest in teaching the students from their basic to higher education with the dreams that his students would do the best in their life. There are many teachers who possess extraordinary talent. They are assets of the nation. People follow them and succeed in their lives. A professor of a technical institute and an instructor of research organisation have a big role in producing capable engineers, technicians and scientists who meet the requirement of modern time, not only of the country, but of the whole world. It is a virtual effect of our good education that 40% software professionals, 15% engineers, 5% doctors, 10% management qualified persons and many good scientists are working outside the country and brightening the name of the nation.

India was ruled by the foreigners for about 300 years. They kept our society backward and illiterate. Their system of education was merely theoretical which was useful only for office work. India progressed in the field of education, science and technology only after its independence. Our country has several reputed schools, colleges, institutes, research centres, vocational and technical colleges which are giving very useful academic and technical education not only to the students of India, but to a good number of students from foreign countries including Non-Resident Indians (NRIs). Foreign students are taking admission in these institutes for better studies. Our IITs and IIMs are worldwide famous. A number of students passing out from these institutes are securing good jobs within and outside the country. These institutes are having highly qualified and renowned teachers, who are fulfilling the requirement of the country and the world. It was a matter of pride to learn that almost forty per cent of the students of IIT and IIM are being picked up directly by the reputed foreign companies and these students are getting handsome salaries and good working facilities over there.

Tremendous changes have overtaken India in the course of last 58 years since its independence. India is a vast country and its major profession is agriculture. There had been a green revolution in this field. It is because of advance education towards agricultural system which took place in our country. The application of new technology, effective performance of our agricultural and research institutions in developing the quality of seeds, chemical fertilizers and insecticides have changed the total scenario of agricultural production. We are today self-sufficient in food grain. In fact, we are exporting a good quantity and earning handsome foreign currency out of it. India has also progressed in other fields by virtue of technological advancement and modernisation. There has been impressive industrial development in the country because of improvement in the technical education that produced an adequate numbers of trained manpower for taking care of the needs of modernized industries. The area of emerging technologies such as micro-electronics, education technology, informatics, telematics, robotics, water resource management, energy studies are receiving positive result, which all is the outcome of improved educational standard in the country.

India is emerging as an economic force in the world. It has a nuclear capability which the whole world recognizes today. It is moving very fast in the fields of science, technology including information technology, foreign trades, medical research, technical education and quality control which have made India capable for accelerating global competition. A tangible portion of credit goes to our teaching professionals for their contribution. By virtue of their talented and dedicated efforts, we could bring about revolution in the field of modern education, which made India emerge in the world order.

It will be necessary to make the teaching ,profession more attractive for ensuring more competency and professionalism. Potential teachers can give better shape through their worthiness. This community always contributed and served the nation well. Their importance has increased more in this age when competition is be-coming more tough day-by-day and the world is moving towards globalization for many important things.

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Teacher As A Nation Builder (Essay Sample)

Teachers inspire their students to aspire for greater things, and as school is a socialization agent teachers play an important role in nation building. Teachers ought to be highly respected members of the society as they shape the character of their students. While everyone can be trained it is not all people who gain knowledge and are willing to learn. To facilitate knowledge acquisition the input of the teachers is required, and they are well placed to motivate the learners to work hard work, gain knowledge and be successful. Regardless of whether learners are slow or fast, teachers instill in them the importance of working hard in what they are good at and being people of high integrity.

Teachers contribute towards the creation of a prosperous nation when they help building the future of young learners.  It may be necessary to reform teaching to improve teaching to meet tomorrow’s challenges. Teaching is like a calling and it is not everyone who has the patience to mold the character of students like the teachers do. Confident young people build nations, and teachers make the conscious decisions to inspire the next generation of leaders. It is not an easy decision for the teachers to continue being in the profession, when there are budget cuts in the education sector and attempts to limit their independence. When schools fail, teachers are singled out even when detractor signore the factors outside of the teachers control that affect success in education.

Knowledge is the basis for national development as decisions are made to improve the well being of the people. People are skilled to the extent that they gain knowledge and can apply skills. The teachers affect skills acquisition and appreciating the role that teachers play fosters   knowledge acquisition and moral development. A teacher acts as a guide, but they also need to be highly committed to prepare the learners and impart useful skills on them. Teachers are entrusted with the responsibility of teaching, supporting learning and moral development. The absence of teachers stunts education and affects the development leadership skills in among the youth

Teachers are role models and act as second parents to the young learners, and young students look up to their teachers for encouragement and inspiration. The role of teachers in civic education and encouraging civic engagement cannot be ignored as civic participation is associated with willingness to get things done. Despite the benefits of having competent and motivated teachers, their efforts are not well appreciated. This should not be the case and teachers ought to be well trained and respected to have a bigger impact on students and young adults. Citizens build a nation, but there cannot be active citizens in the society if they are not properly molded from an early age, as parents and teachers or educators fulfill this role.

A good education system builds good teachers and learners, while each nation requires innovative leaders and relevant education.   Now more than ever before knowledge societies make a difference in  building a  nation teachers are not merely transmitters of knowledge, but also  supporters of innovative thinking and competence to meet today’s and future challenges. Young learners eventually encounter challenging moments as they grow older, and school is one of the places where they learn to navigate unknown territories. Teachers prepare the students to tackle the challenges that they encounter, and as they are exposed to different things they get wiser and are ready to lead from the front.  All advanced nations have invested heavily in education as the leaders understand the importance of education in nation development and improving competitiveness in the economic front.

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teachers are nation builders essay

Malala Yousafzai in her book I Am Malala: The Story of the Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban powerfully writes:

“His sisters — my aunts — did not go to school at all, just like millions of girls in my country. Education had been a great gift for him. He believed that lack of education was the root of all of Pakistan’s problems. Ignorance allowed politicians to fool people and bad administrators to be re-elected. He believed schooling should be available for all, rich and poor, boys and girls.”

Malala’s story is as heartbreaking as it is empowering. The overarching message that education should be a basic human right to everyone, regardless of gender, speaks loudly. Her quote above about her father sheds light on an important fact; poor education systems hurt a country on nearly every scale. An uneducated populace stagnates growth and innovation and affects a country from its economics to its human rights. 

Setting the Stage

The Global Partnership for Education compiled a tremendous amount of data from across the world utilizing UNICEF, the World Bank, and numerous other organizations to take a look at the impact education has on countries. All of this helps builds the case that Malala’s story is a part of that teachers are an invaluable resource to developing countries but are woefully swept the side. Consider some of the following facts:

  • According to UNESCO Institute for Statistics in their 2017 study on out-of-school children, there are 262 million (1 out of every 5) children between the ages of 6 and 17 out of school
  • 420 million people would be lifted out of poverty with a secondary education which will reduce the number of poor worldwide by more than half.
  • TheEducation Commission’s report The Learning Generation found that for every $1 invested in education creates an increase of $10 in low-income countries
  • UNESCO’s International Literacy Day paper found “a person without basic literacy lacks real opportunities to effectively engage with democratic institutions, to make choices, exercise his/her citizenship rights and act for a perceived common good. […] only then can a nation be brought closer to peace. However if literacy is to become an enabler of democracy it cannot be confined to basic skills, and thus to functional literacy.”

The Role of Teachers

While it is obvious how vital education is to radically change a country not only as a whole but on the individual level, it cannot be forgotten that to educate the students you need qualified and supported teachers. Sadly the reality of teachers, and teacher training, in developing countries leaves much to be desired. 

The EFA Global Monitoring Report found that in one-third less than 75% of teachers were professionally trained. The countries referred to are the undeveloped/developing countries that lack not only the resources to adequately train their teachers but also the infrastructure and even sometimes general desire to do so. 

In these types of countries, the teaching profession is not always viewed positively in addition to suffering from extremely low salaries (which in turn means that teachers need to attain a second job) among numerous other issues. For example, The World Development Report 2018 found astonishing levels of teacher absenteeism in sub-Saharan Africa not only within their classroom but the school itself which gives a closeup view on some of the issues going on in these types of countries and why quality education continues to be a large hurdle to overcome. 

Teachers are the nation-builders but for a country to grow and thrive from an educated and literate population, they need to be invested in, supported, and celebrated. There is no silver bullet solution for such a change to happen. It will take many years of concerted efforts on a social, political, and legislative front to make such a shift but the benefits are indescribable. 

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In Tuesday’s education-heavy state of the union address , President Obama gave repeated nods to teachers—and the critical role they’ll play in rebuilding the U.S. economy.

In perhaps the most memorable moment for educators, he urged a communal effort to honor the teaching profession.

...[A]fter parents, the biggest impact on a child's success comes from the man or woman at the front of the classroom. In South Korea, teachers are known as "nation builders." Here in America, it's time we treated the people who educate our children with the same level of respect.

The president also announced a push to prepare 100,000 new STEM educators over the next 10 years, to combat impending Baby Boomer retirements. And he put out a call for young idealists to join the teaching pool.

In fact, to every young person listening tonight who's contemplating their career choice: If you want to make a difference in the life of our nation; if you want to make a difference in the life of a child—become a teacher. Your country needs you.

In a line that been questioned , President Obama lauded the Race to the Top competition as “the most meaningful reform of our public schools in a generation,” saying it has raised teaching and learning standards. The new standards, he said, “were developed, not by Washington, but by Republican and Democratic governors throughout the country.” (While the statement was meant to highlight that the federal government is seeking a balanced role in education, I’m sure many viewers were thinking that educators themselves should have a say in creating new teaching and learning standards as well.)

The president’s comment about the need to “reward good teachers and stop making excuses for bad ones” drew applause from the intermingled parties. But for some in the trenches, it likely invoked concerns about value-added scores and merit pay.

Though he didn’t get into specifics, President Obama also said he intends to replace No Child Left Behind “with a law that is more flexible,” and to see through the DREAM Act, which would give undocumented high school graduates a path to citizenship—initiatives many teachers are already backing.

Here at Teacher, we’re curious: What were your takeaways from the speech? Did it make you proud to be an educator? Worried about the road to reform? Did the president hit the right education notes? Or did he miss the mark?

A version of this news article first appeared in the Teaching Now blog.

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'Vital Role for Teachers in Nation Building'

Posted: 2 Dec 2009

Surender Kumar Saharan

GV College of Education

Priyanka Sethi

D.R. Women's College of Education

Date Written: November 27, 2009

“Teacher is a maker of man. He is foundation of all Education, and thus of the whole civilization of mankind, present and future. No nation reconstruction is possible without the active cooperation of the teacher.” - John Adams Education is the ultimate realm of the Homosapiens. It is a process aimed at socialized and humanizing individual citizen through their life from birth till death. It is institutionalized and formal for a specific period but lifelong and suited to ones environment, ability, interest, aspiration, aptitude etc. and carried on preferably outside the institutional premises through life nonformally and informally and more significant and rewarding. Education is a process of enlightenment and empowerment of the individual for achievement of better and high quality of life. The Education Commission (1964-66) has emphatically opined that “The quality and competence and character of teachers to be the most significant factor influencing the quality of education and its contribution to National development.” A nation is built by its citizens, citizens are moulded by teachers and teachers are made by teacher-educators. Chanakya has rightly stated, “Teacher is the maker of nation” So for the development of the country, it is very important to have good teachers and good teachers can be produced only if we have a good system of teacher education and dedicated and efficient teacher-educators. The teacher can be rightly called a nation builder. Teachers through their perseverance love and sacrifices have shown us the right path in which great men have built our nation. It is our dear teachers who mould our character, our personality and show us the right direction which leads us to our final destination. Flourishing national development and a society truly prosperous with knowledge all begins from its teachers. While the role of knowledge and a skilled society with visions and aspirations in the success of a nation cannot be stressed enough, it should also be remembered that knowledge cannot be acquired if it is not sought and received through the help of the teacher. This is why everyone should put efforts into seeking as much knowledge as possible, and appreciate the teacher's importance in guiding us and the generations to come, to become knowledgeable and morally upright people .Knowledge received without a teacher's guidance can be compared to a blind man walking without his stick. Because of this, teachers need to have a high level of commitment towards their duties and responsibilities which have been entrusted to them. The teacher is a judge who gives marks and ratings. He differentiates children on the basis of their intellectual and often social skills in preparation for the social and occupational roles which they eventually play. He does this by recommending promotions and demotions within the school, nominating children to take certain examinations and counseling children and their parents with regard to appropriate school courses, and employment possibilities. The teacher is a representative of the society who inculcates moral precepts. In the development of a country, great attention has to be paid to education and learning, as well as good morals, and nobody is more suited to assist in this process than the humble teacher. Without teachers, both knowledge and morals would suffer. The role of the teacher is a multi-faceted one comprising academic, pedagogical and social roles. Academic roles comprise teaching, counseling and supervisory roles while pedagogical roles include instructional, evaluation and facilitating roles. As a facilitator of learning, the teacher is involved in motivating pupils to learn, maintaining control in the classroom and the school in general, and creating a conducive environment for learning to take place. Social roles of the teacher includes among others socializing roles which is preparing pupils to participate in the way of life of the society; others include reference roles, detective roles, parent surrogate (or substitute parent), confidants and affectionate roles. No other personality can have an influence more profound than that of a teacher. Students are deeply affected by the teacher's love and affection, his character, his competence, and his moral commitment. A popular teacher becomes a model for his students. The students try to follow their teacher in his manners, customs, etiquette, style of conversation and his get up. He is their ideal. He can lead them anywhere. During their early education, the students tend to determine their aims in life and their future plans, in consultation with their teachers. Therefore, a corrupt and decadent class of teachers can harm a nation more seriously than a class of corrupt and perverted judiciary, army, police, bureaucracy, politicians or technocrats. A corrupt and incompetent teacher is not only a bad individual, but also the harbinger of a corrupt and incompetent generation. A nation with corrupt teachers is a nation at risk; every coming day announces the advent of its approaching destruction. Teachers therefore, have to play a cardinal role in the building up of the character of the next generation. It is a fact that a civilization cannot rise out of a skeleton of mere ideas and abstract concepts. Civilization finds a concrete shape in the practical behaviour of a nation, based on these principles and concepts. Once the practical aspect is gone, the civilization also disappears and can only be studied through its remnants preserved in museums and chronicles. This necessitates the provision of a learning atmosphere throbbing with life in our educational institutions through the presence of the teacher, with a view to infuse confidence in our students and to enable them to be proud of their culture, to respect their national character and national emblems, and to ornament themselves with societal conduct and morals. They should stand firm on the centuries old foundations of their cultural tradition and at the same time should establish standards of excellence in their academic performance. The essence of the teacher as a nation builder cannot be over-emphasized. Good teachers need to be themselves constantly seeking knowledge, be of good character, have high motivation and be creative, innovative and effective in the teaching strategies. The good deeds of teachers are great; because of them, we will grow to become knowledgeable people who will be of use to society, religion and our nation and country.

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GV College of Education ( email )

Sangaria India

Priyanka Sethi (Contact Author)

D.r. women's college of education ( email ).

Sangaria, Rajasthan 335063 India

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Teacher As A Nation Builder Essay

Essay example on teachers are nation builders.

Essay On THE TEACHER AS A NATION BUILDER The importance of the instructor in national life can non be over-emphasized. It is he who influences the immature minds of the young person. He treats and attempts to model the life material into assorted signifiers. The hereafter of the state is fashioned by him through the procedure of instruction. A state seeking to process in front on the roads to come on can go forth the instruction of her boies and girl in the custodies of incompetent instructors merely at its ain hazard.

“The universe of tomorrow will be born from the schools of today” some wise adult male said. In this manner. instructors. so. is the true builder of the state. In the yesteryear. instructors were held by all in the highest regard. Even male monarchs and emperors used to look up to them for counsel and advice in hours of crisis. As a affair of fact.

instructors were the legal guardians of common public assistance. Teachers in those yearss were the true helpers of society.

History is full of illustrations which clearly show that great determinations of critical importance to the whole state were taken on the waies of the instructors. The instructor is one of the pillars of the society and the state. Without good instructors. no state can come on. The importance of instructors in the life of a state can non be overlooked. Teacher is a shaper of adult male.

teachers are nation builders essay

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He is foundation of all Education. and therefore of the whole civilisation of world. present and future.

No state Reconstruction is possible without the active cooperation of the instructor. A instructor builds a pupil who has belongingss like Discipline. Punctuality. Respect for seniors. Ambition. Faithfulness. Assurance. Responsibility. Cleanliness. Dedication. Good Mannerss. Devotion. Creativity. Sense of Competition. Patience. Knowledge. Positive Approach. Fortitude. Innovative. Self Reliance. Courage. SincerityIntelligence. Affection. Truthfulness. Obedience. Regularity. Patriotism. Self Evaluation. Honest. Hopefulness and that is what a underdeveloped state like India requires. Overall we can state that instructor is a state builder.

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Teachers are the future builders of our country, they are the providers of knowledge and wisdom. They are the basic source of education for most of the people of the country and they are the ones who build the future of the nation. The teachers can very easily decide what they want the nation to look like and educate the masses accordingly. They have the ability and the strength to fight the odds and make India a powerful and a well educated country.

Role of Teachers in Nation building

Teachers have a vital role in nation building because the future is totally in their hands. They choose to be the fortune builders of the country and if you really want to know how important teachers are for their country, try imagining a nation without them. It will only be a nation of utter chaos where nobody would step up to make sure the kids get the best education and the knowledge to sustain a good and healthy life. The nation will no longer be able to progress and the population will be sick. Here are a few characteristics of the roles that our teachers play every single day-

Making the children ready for a challenging life – it starts at a very early age, the teachers take the kids away from their parents for a few hours and teach them in a total different environment. They try and make the environment as friendly as possible, but it is still different from the environment at home. Knowingly or unknowingly, teachers prepare the kids for unknown environment which they might have to face in their lives.

Literacy and wisdom – The teachers not only make the child literate so that he/she can earn enough to have a normal lifestyle, they also provide words of wisdom every day which shape the personality of the child. Many children are influenced by their teachers more than the parents. A teacher is mostly selfless and believes in dissipating whatever information he/she can to make the kid wiser than yesterday.

A friend, philosopher and guide – Today we can see that teachers have moved on from the basic image of a strict teacher, they have become much more for their students. They provide a friendly shoulder to cry on when the kid is in a problem, they tell about the philosophies of life so that the child could take lessons and apply to his/her own life and they guide the child to follow the right path. The teachers have the courage to push the kid to do what they want to, even if it has never been done before.

Well-wishers – No other job makes a person worried if a child’s parent is divorced, a drunk or a wife abuser. Teachers are the ones who have full knowledge of the child’s life, the environment back home, his mindset and his capabilities. They always try and strike a balance between all of these things and make sure that the kid’s future doesn’t get affected in a bad way.

Nation builder – A nation comprises of the children way more than adults. The children are the future and the teachers are the ones who are getting them ready for their task. With optimum education, wisdom, exposure and resources, the teachers are building the nation for tomorrow brick by brick and the foundation is so solid that the nation will only grow upwards.

Teaching as a profession is probably the most challenging because it combines all the other professions in order to help a child grow. One has to have good communication skills, managerial skills, reading and writing skills, storytelling skills, everything. The teachers have selflessly and courageously chosen the path where they will always be working for the mankind and for its good. Not everybody has the heart to do it. The leaders of today are getting the leaders of tomorrow ready.

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Just today’s news say that CJI had a choked throat speaking about his teacher at a university’s convocation in Punjab. If a man of his credential is crediting his teacher with that a great passion, we can well imagine the role of the teachers in nation building. Doctors, engineers, lawyers, architects and many more people make India but the teachers make them! We need more of the responsible teachers with devotion towards the country.

Very good speech and thoughts

Very nicely written article. Keep sharing such inspiring articles for the youth of India.

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The Role of Teachers as Nation Builders in 21st Century – Essay

teachers are nation builders essay

The importance of the teacher in national life cannot be over-emphasized. It is he who influences the immature minds of the youth. He treats and tries to mould the living stuff into various forms. The future of the nation is fashioned by him through the process of education. A nation trying to march ahead on the roads to progress can leave the education of her sons and daughter in the hands of incompetent teachers only at its own risk. “The world of tomorrow will be born from the schools of today” says M.L Jacks. In this way, teachers, indeed, is the true builder of the nation.

In the past, teachers were held by all in the highest esteem. Even kings and emperors used to look upto them for guidance and advice in hours of crisis. As a matter of fact, teachers were the trustees of common welfare. Teachers in those days days were the true benefactors of society. History is full of examples which clearly show that great decisions of vital importance to the whole nation were taken on the directions of the teachers. Such was the importance which was enjoyed by teachers in the past.

How to Become a Teacher

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Times have now undergone, a tremendous change. teachers have lost their old glory. they are now looked down upon in society. Their economic condition is simply miserable. Even the Government peons are better off than the primary, junior, and even High School teachers. We all know that economically our country is backward and the standard of living of the masses is low. In a country of such low standards, the teacher stands at the lowest rung of the ladder.

Besides this, we live in a materialistic world. Only those command respect and position in society who have enough money. The teacher, being poor, does not enjoy any prestige in society. He suffers in many other ways also. It has become a common feeling with the people that, one who fails everywhere else and has been rejected at all other places, becomes teacher as a last resort. In this way also teaching profession has been down-graded, their services are considered non essential and thus they do not get necessary recognition fro society.

There is great dissatisfaction and frustration among them. Working conditions in schools and colleges are appalling. It is needed very sad that such persons are in charge of education as are themselves quite ignorant. They often treat teachers as their domestic servants. Teachers remain helpless in getting such shocking conditions improved.

Education is a complicated process. Not only the teacher, but so many other agencies also take part in educating the youth. We are all aware of the influence of the cinema on the minds of children. How quickly they imitate the ways of dressing, walking and talking of their favorite stars is a matter of common experience. The television has also become quite popular. This too has its influence on children. Various other public activities like elections and meetings of political parties also serve as agencies of education. Rather, he has a very limited influence.

Today, education is increasingly being regarded as the major weapon in the crusade for supremacy on the economic front. Television, telephone and computers are reshaping practically every walk of life, including education. The classrooms of tomorrow could be entirely different fro those of today. The teachers will play a very significant role. It would not only be complex but also full of challenges, because dependence on the teacher will gradually diminish for an individual leaner. The television, telephone and computer will take over and encourage self-learning. Distance education may reduce the need to devote much time within the four walls of the classroom. New techniques of assessment will be available to the realistic assessment would also provide an opportunity for self-directed improvement by the learner, which is rare in the existing system.

However, the situation is not so depressing for a teacher. The importance of the role of the teachers as an agent of change, promoting understanding and tolerance has become more obvious and is likely to become even more critical in the 21st century . This places enormous responsibilities on teachers who participate in the molding of the character and minds of the new generation.

Indeed, it will be unfortunate for our country, if conditions of the teaching profession are allowed to deteriorate further. Let all round improvement be made in the conditions of the teachers without any further delay. Then only they will be able to play their vital role as nation builders. Then alone will education become a vital source of national integration.

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The Role of The Teacher In Nation Building

Profile image of Anthony Asiyai


Nations all over the world invest hugely in teacher education because of the recognnot contributions of teachers in the production of manpower for the sustainability of the econon improvement of the society. Teachers of god quality who possess the competence and relevanrs crucial in implementing desired change and transformation and refinement of the nation. 1nis pape examined the role of teachers in nation building, Possession of new life skills like the ability to manage stress and Jrustration, will enhance students' capability of coping with growing pace ana change modern life. They also need critical thinking and cognitive skills to successfully adjust to issues of lje. With adequate lifë skills, students can successfully adapt to any environment and demonstrate positve behaviours when handling daily challenges. Teachers are saddled with the responsibility of developing appropriate skills in students. The role of the teacher in social development and socializing students were vividly articulated. The paper argued that the teacher socializes the students by carryng lnem toie trips, conferences, taking them to educational events where they participate with others through debate, quiz and other competitions. The teacher teaches students values that are very crucial for buildinga strong nation. Thro4gh the teacher, students learn their customs and cultural practices and the culture of other people. The contributions of the teacher in building students' skills for decision making communication, analytical skills and teamwork and entrepreneurial skills and the benefits of skills to students in solving everyday problem were examined. The paper further discussed teacher education in Nigeria, the challenges and concludes by preferring recommendations for the improvement of teacher education in the countryfor building aformidable and virile nation.

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The paper sought to explicate the role of teachers in transforming Nigeria. It viewed teachers as professionally trained personnel charged with the responsibility of disseminating positive knowledge, attitudes and skills to learners in the school. Transformation on the other hand involves a shift in our orientation in such a way that new actions and results become possible. The analysis established that teachers serve as role models to their learners. Through this, the character and personality of the learners are moulded in the right direction which leads them to their final destinations. Nigerian teachers are saddled with the onus of differentiating their learners on the basis of their intellectual and social sophistication in preparation for occupational and social transformation of the society. Again, for National transformation to flourish, the society must be prosperous in knowledge which is often sought and acquired through the teachers. Although teachers play a cardinal role in the transformation of the society, they are be set with bottlenecks among which are; lack of recognition in the society, miserable economic conditions and inadequate teaching and learning facilities. It was concluded that if at all there is any hope for transforming the society, the key lies in the hands of teachers. It was recommended that society members should look at teachers with additional respect in societal life and teachers from primary to tertiary institutions should come under one umbrella namely, Nigeria Association of Teachers.

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A nation's social, economic, and political emancipation is ineluctably connected with functional education systems in which people learn to create new institutions, utilise new technologies, cope with vagaries and difficulties in their environment, and positively alter their behavioural patterns. Education in a broad sense improves the capabilities of individuals and the capacity of institutions and becomes a catalyst for the closely interrelated economic, social, cultural, and political changes that are parts of the hallmarks of national development. Nevertheless, a teacher stands out as a crucial figure within any educational institution, wielding significant influence in effecting these changes and transformations. Teacher education is broad. It is based on the praxis that teachers are made in contrary to the assumption that teachers are born. Since teaching is considered an art and a science, the teacher has to acquire not only knowledge but also requisite skills needed in carrying out his or her inestimable duties or services. The efficiency and effectiveness of every educational system hinge significantly on the educational achievements of teachers. After all, no education can surpass the quality of its educators. Thus, every nation places demands and expectations on the teacher, which need to be addressed by both initial and continuing teacher education. On this note, this paper examines teacher education with respect to its praxis and professionalism, examines the nexus between teacher education and socioeconomic as well as political emancipation, analyses the challenges of teacher education in Nigeria, and in the final analysis, gives recommendations based on the identified challenges.

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This paper focuses on exploring the relationship between teacher education variables and educational requirements of students in 21st century Nigeria. The correlational research design was adopted in the study. A total of 273 senior secondary school teachers took part in the study. Random sampling technique was used to select the teachers through balloting. A validated researcher designed 47-item instrument which was used for data collection. The reliability of the instrument was established using the Cronbach alpha method to obtain an index of 0.83. Seven research questions and three hypotheses guided the study. Mean, standard deviation, and multiple linear regression analysis were used for data analysis. The findings among others established the fact that the current content of teacher education is relevant in meeting the professional training needs of teachers in the 21st century Nigeria (M=3.12, SD=0.41), the extent of the current content is relevant in meeting best practices of teacher education in 21st century Nigeria (M=2.96, SD=0.50), and the extent of the content of national policy on teacher education is relevant to 21st century Nigeria education (M=2.65, SD=0.56), which were rated above average. The educational requirements of students in 21st century Nigeria was also rated moderately satisfactory (M=2.80, SD=0.44). There were respectively positive, strong, and significant relationships between current content of teacher education (Beta=0.152, t=2.881, prob=0.004), best practices of teaching (Beta=0.146, t=2.884, prob=0.004), teacher education policy (Beta=0.377, t=8.229, prob=0.000) and the educational requirements of students in 21st century Nigeria. It was recommended, among others, that the current content of teacher training programmes should continue to link with the knowledge needed in the 21st century.

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Impulsive and Hyperactive? It Doesn’t Mean You Have A.D.H.D.

Many other conditions have similar symptoms, experts say, so avoid the pull of self-diagnosis.

An illustration of two silhouetted faces looking in opposite directions. The silhouettes are intersected by circles and overlapped with curved lines. Various parts of the circles and intersected lines are filled in with different textured colors.

By Christina Caron

The 6-year-old boy sitting across from Douglas Tynan, a child and adolescent clinical psychologist based in Delaware, clearly did not have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Dr. Tynan was sure of that. But the boy’s first-grade teacher disagreed.

He could be inattentive in class, but at home his behavior wasn’t out of the ordinary for a child his age. A voracious reader, he told Dr. Tynan that he liked to bring his own books to school because the ones in class were too easy.

What his teacher had not considered was that the child was most likely academically gifted, as his mother had been as a child, Dr. Tynan said. (Studies have shown that Black children, like the boy in his office, are less likely to be identified for gifted programs.)

Further testing revealed that Dr. Tynan was correct. The child wasn’t inattentive in school because of A.D.H.D. It was because he was bored.

A.D.H.D. is a neurodevelopmental disorder that begins in childhood and typically involves inattention, disorganization, hyperactivity and impulsivity that cause trouble in two or more settings, like at home and at school.

But those symptoms — for children and adults alike — can overlap with a multitude of other traits and disorders. In fact, difficulty concentrating is one of the most common symptoms listed in the American Psychiatric Association’s diagnostic manual, and it’s associated with 17 diagnoses, according to a study published in April.

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Kamala Harris is shaping up to be the Democratic nominee in 2024. There are lessons from her 2020 bid

ATLANTA (AP) — Kamala Harris was greeted by a massive, cheering crowd during the first rally of her newly announced presidential campaign in 2019. Speaking on a late January day outside city hall in her hometown of Oakland, California, she framed her bid as part of something bigger than simply winning an election.

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“We are here at this moment in time because we must answer a fundamental question,” Harris said, invoking Robert F. Kennedy’s 1968 call for “moral leadership.” “Who are we as Americans?”

The early days of Harris’ campaign were wrapped in historical significance. She formally launched her bid on Martin Luther King Jr. Day with references to Shirley Chisholm, the first Black person and woman to seek a major party’s presidential nod.

At the time, with Democrats in despair over Donald Trump’s presidency, the first-term California senator appeared to be an ideal cure. The daughter of an Indian mother and a Black Jamaican father, Harris evoked comparisons to Barack Obama, whose powerful biography and soaring rhetoric galvanized Democrats more than a decade earlier.

But the early promise of Harris’ campaign met a more complicated reality as she spent the next 10 months struggling to break through a crowded field of candidates and churning through staff and cash. She ultimately withdrew from the race weeks before the Iowa caucuses, a disappointment mitigated only when nominee Joe Biden selected her as his running mate.

Now, after Biden ended his reelection bid, Democrats say Harris has grown into a more savvy candidate who will avoid repeating mistakes from her first campaign.

“Look, there’s been no roadmap for Kamala Harris,” said Donna Brazile, a former Democratic National Committee chair and one of the prominent Black Democrats who urged Biden to pick Harris in 2020. “But she’s really found her voice and has been going non-stop since the 2022 midterm campaign, especially. I think she’s become a generational figure and proven she can bring … leadership to the party and the country.”

Harris began her campaign as a favorite

A former prosecutor and state attorney general, Harris launched her 2020 campaign with the slogan : “Kamala Harris: For the People.” She spoke in sweeping terms about an “inflection point” for a country riven with social fissures, economic disparities and political strife. She emphasized her biography and her “stroller’s-eye view” of her parents’ activism in the Civil Rights Movement.

An early entrant to the race, Harris’ initial media blitz and massive opening rally solidified her status as a presumed favorite.

Her aides outlined a wide path to the nomination.

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders led Democrats’ progressive wing, with Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren offering his biggest challenge. Biden, then the 76-year-old former vice president, had yet to announce but was expected to anchor the more centrist wing, and he stood strong among Black voters who figured so prominently in the first-in-the-South primary in South Carolina and many Super Tuesday states that followed.

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Harris came to the campaign having hit her stride during Senate Judiciary Committee sessions, especially when questioning Trump’s judicial nominees. She’d also signed on as a co-sponsor to Sanders’ push for a “Medicare for All” national health insurance system. She was a regular on cable news and social media.

Some younger progressives distrusted her record as a prosecutor . “Kamala is a cop” became a tag line on social media. That contingent, however vocal, was not viewed as large enough to sway a national primary contest — and its opposition actually affirmed one of Harris’ arguments: “My entire career has been focused on keeping people safe,” she told ABC News. “It is probably one of the things that motivates me more than anything else.”

At her full potential, Harris’ aides reasoned, she could appeal to nearly all branches of the party. It was, more or less, a campaign intended to chip away and eventually overtake Biden’s coalition, presuming he joined the race, bolstered with a leftward reach that Biden, the white, male veteran of the Washington establishment, could never manage.

‘That Little Girl Was Me’

There’s an art in presidential politics to enticing voters in ways that allow them to see what they want to see: “Hope and Change” from Obama, “Make America Great Again” from Trump. The risk in aiming everywhere, though, is that a candidate may not stick anywhere.

Harris’ early appearances in Iowa, first up in the nominating calendar, and South Carolina were dominated by working-age women, a key Democratic demographic. In South Carolina, far more diverse than overwhelmingly white Iowa, her audiences were racially diverse.

But as the overall field widened, Harris faded from de facto front-runner status. She became one of many candidates vying for money, media attention and votes — especially once Biden announced in the spring. She raised $12 million in the first quarter of 2019, a solid sum but not one that reflected the electricity of her opening salvo in Oakland.

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“That thing was a free-for-all,” said Boyd Brown, a former Democratic National Committee member who backed former Texas Rep. Beto O’Rourke for the nomination. “Everybody was trying to catch Biden.”

The argument for a Harris presidency never crystallized. Her “For the People” motto notwithstanding, she did not project Sanders’ or Warren’s economic populism. Entreaties about democracy were not central to her brand compared with Biden, whose “Soul of the Nation” pitch framed 2020 as a singular mission: sparing the country another Trump term.

And there was another contender Harris did not account for: Pete Buttigieg , the 37-year-old former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, built a grassroots network in Iowa, enjoyed glowing national media attention and became a generational counter to Biden in the primary’s moderate lane.

Harris managed a hit moment in the primary’s first debate in June, criticizing Biden for having opposed court-ordered busing in the 1970s as an answer to continued public school segregation. She personalized her broadside, telling of a young minority student who attended integration only because of federal action.

“That little girl was me,” she told Biden.

Harris’ campaign immediately marketed campaign merchandise with the quote, drawing some criticism that the line was canned.

A sputtering finish

The debate gave Harris her best fundraising surge since her launch. But the good news was short-lived. She clarified in succeeding days that she did not necessarily support federally mandated busing — the position Biden held as a young U.S. senator. And even with the boost, her second-quarter fundraising haul was only $12 million, well behind Biden, Sanders and Buttigieg, who doubled her mark.

In the summer, Harris unveiled her health care plan, proposing to add a Medicare-like public option to existing private health insurance exchanges. It was a shift that abandoned her single-payer position in the Senate and highlighted her difficulty finding a core message. In debates, rivals attacked her record as a prosecutor, especially her aggressiveness against drug offenders. By the fall, her speaking time on stage was middle of the pack, making it difficult to change the dynamics.

WATCH: Harris is the ‘coalition builder this country needs,’ Sen. Padilla says

Biden was faltering in Iowa and New Hampshire. But Biden’s support among Black voters remained steady, and Harris could not afford television ads. Harris’ ideal scenario — an impressive start in Iowa, then moving ahead of Biden in South Carolina and on Super Tuesday — was closed.

“Joe Biden has always been our guy,” said Antjuan Seawright, a prominent Black Democratic consultant in South Carolina, explaining that it was never a rejection of Harris.

She ended her campaign on Dec. 3, 2019 , saying, “In good faith, I can’t tell you … that I have a path forward if I don’t believe I do.”

Still enough for the No. 2 spot — and now No. 1

The harshest assessment is that Harris ran a bad campaign that reflected the principal — a warning about her 2024 prospects.

“She’s just a horrible candidate who could not communicate a rationale for her candidacy,” said Republican pollster Whit Ayres, who mused that Biden, at 81 years old, may have been quicker to set aside his own reelection ambitions if he had more confidence in his vice president.

Most Democrats are more charitable with their hindsight. Certainly, Biden was as he considered his options for second in command.

“We made the case that she could bring the right energy and help make the case. … Clearly, he saw something there, too,” Brazile said.

Biden himself ran “a lousy presidential campaign” in 2007-08, Brown noted, only to become Obama’s vice president and eventually take down Trump. Now, Harris has that chance.

“Politics,” Brown said, “is all about timing.”

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teachers are nation builders essay

Harris solidifies Democratic support and is favorite to replace Biden on ticket

Politics Jul 22


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    The essence of the teacher as a nation builder cannot be over-emphasized. Good teachers need to be themselves constantly seeking knowledge, be of good character, have high motivation and be creative, innovative and effective in the teaching strategies.


    It should be noted that, the more good teachers a nation has, the more solid citizens are created and hence more development in the country.

  12. Teacher as a Nation Builder Free Essay Example

    THE TEACHER AS A NATION BUILDER. The importance of the teacher in national life cannot be over-emphasized. It is he who influences the immature minds of the youth. He treats and tries to mold the living stuff into various forms. The future of the nation is fashioned by him through the process of education. A nation trying to march ahead on the ...

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    Thus, if the students are the future of the nation, the teachers are the builders of nation. They are sole means to save a nation and even the globe from the spirit of disillusionment, disintegration, dissatisfaction and dehumanization, which drag mankind towards destruction.

  14. Teacher As A Nation Builder Essay

    Essay Example on Teachers Are Nation Builders. The importance of the instructor in national life can non be over-emphasized. It is he who influences the immature minds of the young person. He treats and attempts to model the life material into assorted signifiers. The hereafter of the state is fashioned by him through the procedure of instruction.

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    Teachers have a vital role in nation building because the future is totally in their hands. They choose to be the fortune builders of the country and if you really want to know how important teachers are for their country, try imagining a nation without them.

  16. The Role of Teachers as Nation Builders in 21st Century

    The importance of the role of the teachers as an agent of change, promoting understanding and tolerance has become more obvious and is likely to become even more critical in the 21st century . This places enormous responsibilities on teachers who participate in the molding of the character and minds of the new generation.

  17. The Role of The Teacher In Nation Building

    The paper argued that the teacher socializes the students by carryng lnem toie trips, conferences, taking them to educational events where they participate with others through debate, quiz and other competitions. The teacher teaches students values that are very crucial for buildinga strong nation.

  18. The Role Of The Teacher In Nation Building

    The teacher teaches students values that are very crucial for buildinga strong nation. Thro4gh the teacher, students learn their customs and cultural practices and the culture of other people. The ...

  19. Free Essay: Teacher as Nation Builder

    The essence of the teacher as a nation builder cannot be over-emphasized. Good teachers need to be themselves constantly seeking knowledge, be of good character, have high motivation and be creative, innovative and effective in their teaching strategies.

  20. Free Essay: Teacher as a Nation Builder

    THE TEACHER AS A NATION BUILDER. The importance of the teacher in national life cannot be over-emphasized. It is he who influences the immature minds of the youth. He treats and tries to mold the living stuff into various forms. The future of the nation is fashioned by him through the process of education. A nation trying to march ahead on the ...

  21. Essays on teacher as a nation builder

    The Teacher as a nation builder is one of the most popular assignments among students' documents. If you are stuck with writing or missing ideas, scroll down and find inspiration in the best samples. Teacher as a nation builder is quite a rare and popular topic for writing an essay, but it certainly is in our database.

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    Many other conditions have similar symptoms, experts say, so avoid the pull of self-diagnosis.

  23. Kamala Harris is shaping up to be the Democratic nominee in 2024 ...

    Democrats argue in 2024 Harris will be able to leverage the best of her 2020 effort in a matchup against one man: Republican former President Donald Trump.