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A step-by-step guide for creating and formatting APA Style student papers

The start of the semester is the perfect time to learn how to create and format APA Style student papers. This article walks through the formatting steps needed to create an APA Style student paper, starting with a basic setup that applies to the entire paper (margins, font, line spacing, paragraph alignment and indentation, and page headers). It then covers formatting for the major sections of a student paper: the title page, the text, tables and figures, and the reference list. Finally, it concludes by describing how to organize student papers and ways to improve their quality and presentation.

The guidelines for student paper setup are described and shown using annotated diagrams in the Student Paper Setup Guide (PDF, 3.40MB) and the A Step-by-Step Guide to APA Style Student Papers webinar . Chapter 1 of the Concise Guide to APA Style and Chapter 2 of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association describe the elements, format, and organization for student papers. Tables and figures are covered in Chapter 7 of both books. Information on paper format and tables and figures and a full sample student paper are also available on the APA Style website.

Basic setup

The guidelines for basic setup apply to the entire paper. Perform these steps when you first open your document, and then you do not have to worry about them again while writing your paper. Because these are general aspects of paper formatting, they apply to all APA Style papers, student or professional. Students should always check with their assigning instructor or institution for specific guidelines for their papers, which may be different than or in addition to APA Style guidelines.

Seventh edition APA Style was designed with modern word-processing programs in mind. Most default settings in programs such as Academic Writer, Microsoft Word, and Google Docs already comply with APA Style. This means that, for most paper elements, you do not have to make any changes to the default settings of your word-processing program. However, you may need to make a few adjustments before you begin writing.

Use 1-in. margins on all sides of the page (top, bottom, left, and right). This is usually how papers are automatically set.

Use a legible font. The default font of your word-processing program is acceptable. Many sans serif and serif fonts can be used in APA Style, including 11-point Calibri, 11-point Arial, 12-point Times New Roman, and 11-point Georgia. You can also use other fonts described on the font page of the website.

Line spacing

Double-space the entire paper including the title page, block quotations, and the reference list. This is something you usually must set using the paragraph function of your word-processing program. But once you do, you will not have to change the spacing for the entirety of your paper–just double-space everything. Do not add blank lines before or after headings. Do not add extra spacing between paragraphs. For paper sections with different line spacing, see the line spacing page.

Paragraph alignment and indentation

Align all paragraphs of text in the body of your paper to the left margin. Leave the right margin ragged. Do not use full justification. Indent the first line of every paragraph of text 0.5-in. using the tab key or the paragraph-formatting function of your word-processing program. For paper sections with different alignment and indentation, see the paragraph alignment and indentation page.

Page numbers

Put a page number in the top right of every page header , including the title page, starting with page number 1. Use the automatic page-numbering function of your word-processing program to insert the page number in the top right corner; do not type the page numbers manually. The page number is the same font and font size as the text of your paper. Student papers do not require a running head on any page, unless specifically requested by the instructor.

Title page setup

Title page elements.

APA Style has two title page formats: student and professional (for details, see title page setup ). Unless instructed otherwise, students should use the student title page format and include the following elements, in the order listed, on the title page:

  • Paper title.
  • Name of each author (also known as the byline).
  • Affiliation for each author.
  • Course number and name.
  • Instructor name.
  • Assignment due date.
  • Page number 1 in the top right corner of the page header.

The format for the byline depends on whether the paper has one author, two authors, or three or more authors.

  • When the paper has one author, write the name on its own line (e.g., Jasmine C. Hernandez).
  • When the paper has two authors, write the names on the same line and separate them with the word “and” (e.g., Upton J. Wang and Natalia Dominguez).
  • When the paper has three or more authors, separate the names with commas and include “and” before the final author’s name (e.g., Malia Mohamed, Jaylen T. Brown, and Nia L. Ball).

Students have an academic affiliation, which identities where they studied when the paper was written. Because students working together on a paper are usually in the same class, they will have one shared affiliation. The affiliation consists of the name of the department and the name of the college or university, separated by a comma (e.g., Department of Psychology, George Mason University). The department is that of the course to which the paper is being submitted, which may be different than the department of the student’s major. Do not include the location unless it is part of the institution’s name.

Write the course number and name and the instructor name as shown on institutional materials (e.g., the syllabus). The course number and name are often separated by a colon (e.g., PST-4510: History and Systems Psychology). Write the assignment due date in the month, date, and year format used in your country (e.g., Sept. 10, 2020).

Title page line spacing

Double-space the whole title page. Place the paper title three or four lines down from the top of the page. Add an extra double-spaced blank like between the paper title and the byline. Then, list the other title page elements on separate lines, without extra lines in between.

Title page alignment

Center all title page elements (except the right-aligned page number in the header).

Title page font

Write the title page using the same font and font size as the rest of your paper. Bold the paper title. Use standard font (i.e., no bold, no italics) for all other title page elements.

Text elements

Repeat the paper title at the top of the first page of text. Begin the paper with an introduction to provide background on the topic, cite related studies, and contextualize the paper. Use descriptive headings to identify other sections as needed (e.g., Method, Results, Discussion for quantitative research papers). Sections and headings vary depending on the paper type and its complexity. Text can include tables and figures, block quotations, headings, and footnotes.

Text line spacing

Double-space all text, including headings and section labels, paragraphs of text, and block quotations.

Text alignment

Center the paper title on the first line of the text. Indent the first line of all paragraphs 0.5-in.

Left-align the text. Leave the right margin ragged.

Block quotation alignment

Indent the whole block quotation 0.5-in. from the left margin. Double-space the block quotation, the same as other body text. Find more information on the quotations page.

Use the same font throughout the entire paper. Write body text in standard (nonbold, nonitalic) font. Bold only headings and section labels. Use italics sparingly, for instance, to highlight a key term on first use (for more information, see the italics page).

Headings format

For detailed guidance on formatting headings, including headings in the introduction of a paper, see the headings page and the headings in sample papers .

  • Alignment: Center Level 1 headings. Left-align Level 2 and Level 3 headings. Indent Level 4 and Level 5 headings like a regular paragraph.
  • Font: Boldface all headings. Also italicize Level 3 and Level 5 headings. Create heading styles using your word-processing program (built into AcademicWriter, available for Word via the sample papers on the APA Style website).

Tables and figures setup

Tables and figures are only included in student papers if needed for the assignment. Tables and figures share the same elements and layout. See the website for sample tables and sample figures .

Table elements

Tables include the following four elements: 

  • Body (rows and columns)
  • Note (optional if needed to explain elements in the table)

Figure elements

Figures include the following four elements: 

  • Image (chart, graph, etc.)
  • Note (optional if needed to explain elements in the figure)

Table line spacing

Double-space the table number and title. Single-, 1.5-, or double-space the table body (adjust as needed for readability). Double-space the table note.

Figure line spacing

Double-space the figure number and title. The default settings for spacing in figure images is usually acceptable (but adjust the spacing as needed for readability). Double-space the figure note.

Table alignment

Left-align the table number and title. Center column headings. Left-align the table itself and left-align the leftmost (stub) column. Center data in the table body if it is short or left-align the data if it is long. Left-align the table note.

Figure alignment

Left-align the figure number and title. Left-align the whole figure image. The default alignment of the program in which you created your figure is usually acceptable for axis titles and data labels. Left-align the figure note.

Bold the table number. Italicize the table title. Use the same font and font size in the table body as the text of your paper. Italicize the word “Note” at the start of the table note. Write the note in the same font and font size as the text of your paper.

Figure font

Bold the figure number. Italicize the figure title. Use a sans serif font (e.g., Calibri, Arial) in the figure image in a size between 8 to 14 points. Italicize the word “Note” at the start of the figure note. Write the note in the same font and font size as the text of your paper.

Placement of tables and figures

There are two options for the placement of tables and figures in an APA Style paper. The first option is to place all tables and figures on separate pages after the reference list. The second option is to embed each table and figure within the text after its first callout. This guide describes options for the placement of tables and figures embedded in the text. If your instructor requires tables and figures to be placed at the end of the paper, see the table and figure guidelines and the sample professional paper .

Call out (mention) the table or figure in the text before embedding it (e.g., write “see Figure 1” or “Table 1 presents”). You can place the table or figure after the callout either at the bottom of the page, at the top of the next page, or by itself on the next page. Avoid placing tables and figures in the middle of the page.

Embedding at the bottom of the page

Include a callout to the table or figure in the text before that table or figure. Add a blank double-spaced line between the text and the table or figure at the bottom of the page.

Embedding at the top of the page

Include a callout to the table in the text on the previous page before that table or figure. The table or figure then appears at the top of the next page. Add a blank double-spaced line between the end of the table or figure and the text that follows.

Embedding on its own page

Embed long tables or large figures on their own page if needed. The text continues on the next page.

Reference list setup

Reference list elements.

The reference list consists of the “References” section label and the alphabetical list of references. View reference examples on the APA Style website. Consult Chapter 10 in both the Concise Guide and Publication Manual for even more examples.

Reference list line spacing

Start the reference list at the top of a new page after the text. Double-space the entire reference list (both within and between entries).

Reference list alignment

Center the “References” label. Apply a hanging indent of 0.5-in. to all reference list entries. Create the hanging indent using your word-processing program; do not manually hit the enter and tab keys.

Reference list font

Bold the “References” label at the top of the first page of references. Use italics within reference list entries on either the title (e.g., webpages, books, reports) or on the source (e.g., journal articles, edited book chapters).

Final checks

Check page order.

  • Start each section on a new page.
  • Arrange pages in the following order:
  • Title page (page 1).
  • Text (starts on page 2).
  • Reference list (starts on a new page after the text).

Check headings

  • Check that headings accurately reflect the content in each section.
  • Start each main section with a Level 1 heading.
  • Use Level 2 headings for subsections of the introduction.
  • Use the same level of heading for sections of equal importance.
  • Avoid having only one subsection within a section (have two or more, or none).

Check assignment instructions

  • Remember that instructors’ guidelines supersede APA Style.
  • Students should check their assignment guidelines or rubric for specific content to include in their papers and to make sure they are meeting assignment requirements.

Tips for better writing

  • Ask for feedback on your paper from a classmate, writing center tutor, or instructor.
  • Budget time to implement suggestions.
  • Use spell-check and grammar-check to identify potential errors, and then manually check those flagged.
  • Proofread the paper by reading it slowly and carefully aloud to yourself.
  • Consult your university writing center if you need extra help.

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How do I format my assignment using APA 7th referencing style?

APA 7th guidelines: Formatting student papers.

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Answered By: Reeti Brar Last Updated: Feb 07, 2023     Views: 4503

Guidelines for essay writing style and format are governed by your School, and can usually be found in your course outline. The information provided on this page adheres to the guidance in the APA Manual of Publication 7th edition, but as different disciplines have varied preferences for format and style, you should first check with your lecturer, tutor, research supervisor or ask at your School if you wish to follow the APA formatting guidance or use the template linked below .

American Psychological Association (APA) – APA Style Manual 7 th edition provides slightly different directions for formatting student papers and professional papers from the previous 6th edition. Major changes in respect to formatting student papers as per the new manual are as follows:

General formatting rules for student papers:

  • 2.54cm margins on all four sides
  • Double spacing throughout (with a few exceptions)
  • Use a font size and style consistently throughout the paper. Font can be any of the following:

Calibiri 11pt, Arial 11pt, Lucida 10pt, Times New Roman 12pt, Georgia 11pt

  • One space after a “full-stop” throughout the paper

First level: Centred and Boldfaced in Title Case – starts on a new line

Second level: Left justified, Boldfaced in Title Case - starts on a new line

Third level: Left-justified, Bold, Italics, Title Case - starts on a new line

Title page:

  • First page of the paper
  • Page number in Header - starts with 1, upper right corner
  • Running head and author note not required in APA 7
  • Text consistently centred on the page and Boldfaced in Title Case
  • Title of the paper - in the upper half of the page (3-4 lines, below the top margin), (e.g. Medical Tourism and Postoperative Infections)
  • Name of the student – 2 lines below the title, do not mention title or degree, First name, middle initial(s), last name (e.g. Rose M. Taylor) - starts on a new line
  • Departmental and institutional affiliation (e.g. School of Education, The University of Notre Dame Australia) - starts on a new line
  • Course number and title (e.g. BUSN1200: Principles of Finance) - starts on a new line
  • Name of professor - use tutor's preferred designation (Dr. John Smith) - starts on a new line
  • Date, assignment due date (e.g. 12 December 2021) - starts on a new line

Reference list:

  • Starts on a new page, label the page “References”- centred and boldfaced
  • All lines after the first line of each entry in your reference list should be hanging indented 1.27cm from the left margin (Word default settings are acceptable).
  • Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) must include the prefix and be hyperlinked.

Anatomy of an APA Style 7 th edition student report includes:

  • Abstract (optional section for student papers, maximum 250 words)
  • Introduction
  • Table, figures, appendices, supplemental materials (optional. Tables and figures may be included individually at the relevant location in the text or grouped together after the references)

Downloadable template from the American Psychological Association available below.

For further information and examples refer to the links listed.

Links & Files

  • APA 7th: Order of pages
  • APA 7th: Title page setup
  • APA 7th: Student title page guide
  • APA 7th: Font
  • APA 7th: Page header
  • APA 7th: Line Spacing
  • APA 7th: Margins
  • APA 7th: Paragraph alignment and indentation
  • APA 7th: Headings
  • APA 7th: Student sample paper
  • Purdue University: APA sample student paper
  • APA 7th: Student paper template (download)
  • Should I use APA 6th or APA 7th referencing style?
  • How do I format my references in APA 7th in EndNote?
  • APA_7th_Student_Paper_template.docx
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APA Headings and Subheadings

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Image of daniel-elias

There are five levels of headings available to use in an APA formatted paper. These headings indicate the hierchy of the information within the paper.

For example, if your paper contains the standard main sections Method , Results , and Discussion , these should all use the first-level heading.

  • Method (level one)
  • Results (level one)
  • Discussion (level one)

If you want to include Participants and Instruments within the Method section, you would make these a level two heading.

  • Participants (level two)
  • Instruments (level two)

A subsection of Participants , like Age or Race , would be level three headings. This pattern continues down to level five headings.

  • Age (level three)
  • Race (level three)

Styling the Different Headings

Each level has specific formatting requirements to make it visibly obvious which level it is. As with all other text in an APA formatted paper, the font size should be 12pt. The differences between each level are as follows:

Level One Heading

Level one headings are centered and bolded, with all major words capitalized (articles and conjunctions are not captalized).

Level Two Heading

Level two headings are similar to level one headings, except are aligned on the left.

Level Three Heading. Level three headings are similar to levels one and two, except they're indented by 5 spaces, followed by a period, and the text following the heading does not start on a new line.

Level Four Heading. The level four heading is identical to level three, except it is also italicized.

Level Five Heading. Finally, the level five heading is identical to level four, except it is no longer bold.

Further Learning

The following video by the University of Maryland is excellent at visually explaining everything on this page.

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APA Heading Format: All 5 Levels Explained Plus Examples


Headings are tools used in documents to organize information. They group information into categories based on content and organize those categories into sections and subsections throughout a document. Organization is key to helping the reader understand what they are reading. APA heading format is ultimately designed for clarity and purpose to help writers maintain a clear flow throughout their document.

There are various types of heading styles across different industry style guides, but APA has very clear guidelines on heading styles. With documents formatted using APA style, headings are especially useful because there is a lot of information presented in those documents. From capitalization to bold type to alignment, APA heading format helps you to organize your document with an easy-to-follow structure.

Why should you use headings?

Without headings, works in the behavioral and social sciences, such as sociology, history, psychology, and business, would become cumbersome to read and understand. Separating information into sections that flow smoothly through the document ensure that the information you are presenting is clear in meaning and purpose. The APA style blog states , Headings help writers highlight the important content in their work, and they also help readers easily find the information they need.

Imagine reading a 200-page dissertation without having headings to identify specific topics and key information. Without the headings, you would have a difficult time knowing where a section started for a specific historical figure or event. With the headings, however, finding a section for those specifics would be simple.

Definitions for terms used in heading styles

Before we get into the current defined heading styles in APA 7th edition, it's important to understand the terminology used when referring to text styling.

  • Boldface: This means the text has thick, heavy lines. Using boldface type helps the text to stand out, as can be seen by the headings used in this article.
  • Flush Left: Flush means to be in line with. In the case of headings and text, flush left means that the text starts at the very left margin, no indent and no spaces before the text begins. As you may have guessed, flush right would mean that the text starts at the right margin.
  • Title Case: Title case means that the first letter of each word is capitalized, while the rest of the letters are lowercase. The exception is usually articles (e.g., "the" or "a") and words with fewer than four letters. Note that the first word is always capitalized no matter how many letters it has.
  • Italic: Google Fonts describes italic type as a type style that's almost always slanted and is designed to create emphasis in text. Originally based on semi-cursive forms, italics are a direct contrast to the upright style.
  • Indented: Indenting text means starting the text one half inch from the left margin.
  • Inline: This means that the heading is on the same line as the paragraph text that follows it, rather than the paragraph text starting on a different line.

APA 7th edition heading format

APA 7th edition defines the required heading format using five distinct levels.

4 Paragraph text continues on the same line.
5 Paragraph text continues on the same line.

Level 1 headings are designed to identify the main, high-level sections or the title of your work. They are centered, boldface, and title case. Note that the centering is based on the margins, not the page. Check the indents and margin settings to ensure that there are no indents on the Level 1 heading line.

Example: If your work was about the history of Blue Bell ice cream, the paper title would show up like this:

The Unbelievably Delicious History of Blue Bell Ice Cream

Notice that "The" at the beginning of the title is capitalized even though it's only three letters long and is an article. In addition, do not use an "Introduction" heading. The beginning of the paper is automatically assumed to be the introduction.

Level 2 headings are used for the first subsections within a Level 1 section. Remember that the topics of equal importance should use the same heading level . This means that if you have two experiments each with their own Methods and Results, you would use the same heading levels for the Methods and Results sections for both experiments.

To show what the Level 2 heading would look like in continuing with our example above, the first subsection in the history of Blue Bell ice cream would appear like this:

Early Starts in Brenham, Texas

From the early starts, you might then discuss the growth phase of Blue Bell Creameries, with another Level 2 heading of:

Business Boom in the 1980s

Because both of these subsections describe definite periods of time within the business's history, they deserve to be the same heading level.

Level 3 headings are nested as subsections of a Level 2 subsection. Not every work will require three or more heading levels, so you are not obligated to use them. If you were to describe three significant events in the early days of Blue Bell ice cream, you would use a Level 3 heading for each one, like this:

From Butter to Ice Cream

Name Change

Giving Up on Butter

You want to avoid having only one of any heading level, meaning that if you only have one Level 3 heading, you should opt instead to not use the Level 3 heading and simply keep that content in with the Level 2 subsection.

Level 4 is the first of the heading levels to be indented rather than flush left or centered. Indenting can easily be done if you are using a word processing program. This is usually accomplished by pressing the tab key. APA recommends not using spaces to create indentation. Instead, use the tab key default or manually move the indent using the ruler functions. For example:

Homemade Vanilla. This was the first flavor of ice cream made by the Brenham Creamery Company in 1910.

Dutch Chocolate. This was the next flavor made by the Brenham Creamery Company and was a natural follow up to the vanilla.

Level 5 headings are subsections of Level 4 headings and further group information to maintain organization of ideas throughout a paper. Maintain the indent, boldface type, and inline paragraph text, but italicize the heading:

Interacting With the Local Population. Take a tour of the Blue Bell Creamery to see the inner workings of the factory, shop at the Country Store, and get a taste of the best ice cream in America.

Marketing Strategy. The wide range of flavors Blue Bell has developed over the years are a testament to the success of their business model and their tenacity in the marketplace.

While Level 5 headings aren't common, they can come in handy in works that are extensive or have many facets that require good organization.

APA heading format changes

The APA style guide has undergone changes over the years, just like all other style guides. APA's goal has been to continue to make updates to improve clarity in APA-formatted documents. APA 6th edition made many improvements over APA 5th edition headings. In the 5th edition, there was more use of centered text and italics. For example, a level 5 heading was centered and all uppercase. This was often seen as confusing, because the level 1 heading was centered with uppercase and lowercase letters. Essentially, the level 5 heading stood out more than the level 1 heading.

In APA 6th edition, the APA aimed to improve the flow of heading styles from top to bottom. The level 1 headings were centered and boldface, with mixed case capitalization. Level 2 was flush left and boldface, with mixed case capitalization as well. From there, the remaining levels were indented and lowercased, with variations in italics and boldface type.

A few years later, the APA updated the heading styles once more to be even more clear. You can see that the headings have been adjusted to follow three basic rules:

  • All title case
  • All boldface
  • Italics and then indents differentiate between levels

APA defines five heading levels, but you don't have to use all five levels. It's up to you how many levels your work needs to be properly organized. The key is to maintain the order of the headings, from level 1 through to level 5.

With this information, you have the tools you need to properly organize your next document in a way that is sure to keep your reader engaged and informed. Start with an outline, and model that outline when creating your headings, sections, and subsections to create a document that flows well.

Header image by Drobot Dean .

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APA 7th Edition Style Guide: Headings in APA

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  • URLs and DOIs
  • Book with Editor(s)
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  • Book with Organization as Author
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  • Physicians' Desk Reference
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  • Unpublished Manuscripts/Informal Publications (i.e. course packets and dissertations)
  • Formatting Your Paper
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  • Headings in APA
  • APA Quick Guide
  • NEW!* Submit your Paper for APA Review

What are headings?

Headings, sections, subsections, or levels of subordination are a style of dividing your research paper into major parts, then minor subsections. Most college papers do not need headings, especially if you are only producing two to five pages. However, if your professor requests you use headings or your are writing an especially long or detailed paper, then use headings to help readers navigate your text. Follow the APA style rules for creating the correct level of heading. Always start with a level one heading and drill down to the last subsection possible (five) in order as seen below. Instructions and examples for headings are available on p. 47- 49 of the new APA 7th Edition manual.

Levels of Headings


Text begins as new paragraph.


Text begins as new paragraph.


Text begins as new paragraph.

4         Text begins on the same line.
5         Text begins on the same line.

Additional Headings Resources

  • APA Style: Headings This page of the APA Style Blog provides more details about styling paper section headings in APA style.
  • Heading Levels Template: Student Paper APA Style 7th Edition This example student paper clearly illustrates how to style section headings including the paper title and the Introduction section (which should not be labeled Introduction as APA assumes all papers begin with an introduction section).

Proper Title Case vs. lowercase paragraph heading

Proper title case is using both uppercase and lowercase letters in a title. It calls for the major words to be capitalized while any small conjunctions are made smaller, i.e., 

The Title of this Paper is Lengthy

Lowercase paragraph heading calls for the first word to be capitalized along with any proper nouns contained within the heading, i.e., 

        The title of this heading is much shorter and all lowercase except for the first word.

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APA Style Guide, 7th Edition: Headings in APA

  • Updated About In-text Citations
  • Updated In-Text Examples
  • What to Include
  • Volume/Issue
  • Bracketed Descriptions
  • URLs and DOIs
  • Book with Editor(s)
  • Book with No Author
  • Book with Organization as Author
  • Book with Personal Author(s)
  • Chapters and Parts of Books
  • Classical Works
  • Journal Article
  • Magazine Article
  • Multi-Volume Works
  • Newspaper Article
  • Patents & Laws
  • Personal Communication
  • Physicians' Desk Reference
  • Social Media
  • Unpublished Manuscripts/Informal Publications (i.e. course packets and dissertations)
  • Formatting Your Paper
  • Formatting Your References
  • Headings in APA
  • Annotated Bibliography

What are Headings?

Headings, sections, subsections, or levels of subordination are a style of dividing your research paper into major parts, then minor subsections. Most college papers do not need headings, especially if you are only producing two to five pages. However, if your professor requests you use headings or your are writing an especially long or detailed paper, then use headings to help readers navigate your text. Follow the APA style rules for creating the correct level of heading. Always start with a level one heading and drill down to the last subsection possible (five) in order as seen below.

Level of Headings


Text begins as new paragraph.


Text begins as new paragraph.


Text begins as new paragraph.

4         Text begins on the same line.
5         Text begins on the same line.

Proper Title Case vs. lowercase paragraph heading

Proper title case is using both uppercase and lowercase letters in a title. It calls for the major words to be capitalized while any small conjunctions are made smaller, i.e., 

The Title of this Paper is Lengthy

Lowercase paragraph heading calls for the first word to be capitalized along with any proper nouns contained within the heading, i.e., 

        The title of this heading is much shorter and all lowercase except for the first word.

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APA headings (6th edition) | How to use and format (example)

Published on November 7, 2020 by Raimo Streefkerk .

A paper is usually divided into chapters and subsections. Each chapter or section has its own heading, and these headings provide structure to a document. As well as many other APA format requirements , there are specific guidelines for formatting headings to ensure that all papers are uniform and easy to read.

Table of contents

Apa heading formatting, apa headings example, using heading levels, aligning word’s heading styles to apa style, setting up in google docs.

The APA formatting guidelines for each heading style are outlined in the table below. APA recommends using 12pt. Times New Roman font for both the body text as the headings.

APA heading format
Heading 1 *
Heading 2
Heading 3    ,** a final period. The body text begins immediately after the period.
Heading 4    The body text begins immediately after the period.
Heading 5    The body text begins immediately after the point.

* Capitalize the first word of the title and all major words (including words that have four or more letters). Example: The Effects of Autism on Listening Skills. ** Capitalize the first word of the title and proper nouns (just as you would capitalize a sentence). An example: Teenagers with autism in the United States.

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The example shows the different heading levels according to APA style. Hover over the different headings to see the specific APA formatting guidelines. You can also download the APA heading Template to add the correctly formatted APA heading styles to Word.

Download APA Headings Template

The Effects of Smartphones on the Attention in Classrooms

This research aims to gain insight into the relationship between smartphones and students’ attention in classrooms. This chapter further discusses the research method, the sampling method and the data analysis procedure.

Research Method

In addition to an extensive literature review, 40 interviews were conducted for this study. The goal of conducting interviews was to find out how students looked at the use of smartphones in the classroom.

Sampling Method

A non-probability sample was used to gather participants for this research. The driving factors behind this decision were cost and convenience.

Procedure. Participants were given an introductory text prior to the survey. In this introductory text, the participants were informed that all answers would be processed anonymously.

Participant recruitment. Students who participated in this study were recruited through posts on the school’s Facebook page. As an incentive, students who participated were granted an exemption for writing an essay.

Participant assessment. Participants were selected based on their age and gender to acquire a representative sample of the population. Furthermore, students had to share additional demographic information.

Data Analysis

The interviews collected for this research were transcribed and then coded. Next, the coded interviews were analysed and compared. The statistical program SPSS was used to perform the analysis.

First Hypothesis

The first hypothesis was tested using a regression analysis that used attention in classrooms as the dependent variable and the use of smartphones as the independent variable. The results of this analysis showed that the attention of the student decreases when a smartphone is used.

Using the right heading levels not only helps readers navigate your paper, but also enables you to automatically generate an APA style table of contents in Word.

Use as many heading levels as you need. Some papers only have three heading levels, whereas others use all five. It’s also possible for one section (e.g. “methods”) to have more subheadings than other sections. When writing your paper or thesis, you will often use these heading levels:

Heading 1 : Use heading 1 for the main elements of your paper, such as the “methods,” “results,” “conclusion” and “discussion” sections.

Heading 2 : Use heading 2 for the subsections underneath heading 1. For example, under “methods,” include sections describing the “participant selection,” “experiment design’ and “procedure.”

Heading 3:  The heading 2 subsections (e.g. “procedure”) can be split up further into subsections such as “data collection” and “data processing.” Use heading 3 for these subsections.

Heading 4 and 5:  Depending on your paper, you can also use heading 4 and 5 for subsections that fall underneath heading 3 and 4, respectively.

Instead of formatting every heading individually, use Word’s built-in headings feature, which you can find in the toolbar at the top of your document. This is the easiest and fastest way to format all the headings in your paper.

By default, Word’s heading styles do not follow APA style. However, you can change the default settings by right-clicking on the heading style and selecting “modify.”

You can also download the Scribbr APA Heading Word template . When attaching this template to your Word document the correctly formatted APA headings are added and the heading formatting will automatically apply on all existing headings.

To attach the APA heading template to your Word document go ‘tools’ and ‘Templates and Add-ins’. Next, attach the downloaded template to the document and check the box ‘automatically update heading styles’.

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apa homework heading

This video will demonstrate how to format different APA heading levels in Google Docs.

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Streefkerk, R. (2020, November 07). APA headings (6th edition) | How to use and format (example). Scribbr. Retrieved July 22, 2024, from

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American Psychological Association

Title Page Setup

A title page is required for all APA Style papers. There are both student and professional versions of the title page. Students should use the student version of the title page unless their instructor or institution has requested they use the professional version. APA provides a student title page guide (PDF, 199KB) to assist students in creating their title pages.

Student title page

The student title page includes the paper title, author names (the byline), author affiliation, course number and name for which the paper is being submitted, instructor name, assignment due date, and page number, as shown in this example.

diagram of a student page

Title page setup is covered in the seventh edition APA Style manuals in the Publication Manual Section 2.3 and the Concise Guide Section 1.6

apa homework heading

Related handouts

  • Student Title Page Guide (PDF, 263KB)
  • Student Paper Setup Guide (PDF, 3MB)

Student papers do not include a running head unless requested by the instructor or institution.

Follow the guidelines described next to format each element of the student title page.

Paper title

Place the title three to four lines down from the top of the title page. Center it and type it in bold font. Capitalize of the title. Place the main title and any subtitle on separate double-spaced lines if desired. There is no maximum length for titles; however, keep titles focused and include key terms.

Author names

Place one double-spaced blank line between the paper title and the author names. Center author names on their own line. If there are two authors, use the word “and” between authors; if there are three or more authors, place a comma between author names and use the word “and” before the final author name.

Cecily J. Sinclair and Adam Gonzaga

Author affiliation

For a student paper, the affiliation is the institution where the student attends school. Include both the name of any department and the name of the college, university, or other institution, separated by a comma. Center the affiliation on the next double-spaced line after the author name(s).

Department of Psychology, University of Georgia

Course number and name

Provide the course number as shown on instructional materials, followed by a colon and the course name. Center the course number and name on the next double-spaced line after the author affiliation.

PSY 201: Introduction to Psychology

Instructor name

Provide the name of the instructor for the course using the format shown on instructional materials. Center the instructor name on the next double-spaced line after the course number and name.

Dr. Rowan J. Estes

Assignment due date

Provide the due date for the assignment. Center the due date on the next double-spaced line after the instructor name. Use the date format commonly used in your country.

October 18, 2020
18 October 2020

Use the page number 1 on the title page. Use the automatic page-numbering function of your word processing program to insert page numbers in the top right corner of the page header.


Professional title page

The professional title page includes the paper title, author names (the byline), author affiliation(s), author note, running head, and page number, as shown in the following example.

diagram of a professional title page

Follow the guidelines described next to format each element of the professional title page.

Paper title

Place the title three to four lines down from the top of the title page. Center it and type it in bold font. Capitalize of the title. Place the main title and any subtitle on separate double-spaced lines if desired. There is no maximum length for titles; however, keep titles focused and include key terms.

Author names


Place one double-spaced blank line between the paper title and the author names. Center author names on their own line. If there are two authors, use the word “and” between authors; if there are three or more authors, place a comma between author names and use the word “and” before the final author name.

Francesca Humboldt

When different authors have different affiliations, use superscript numerals after author names to connect the names to the appropriate affiliation(s). If all authors have the same affiliation, superscript numerals are not used (see Section 2.3 of the for more on how to set up bylines and affiliations).

Tracy Reuter , Arielle Borovsky , and Casey Lew-Williams

Author affiliation


For a professional paper, the affiliation is the institution at which the research was conducted. Include both the name of any department and the name of the college, university, or other institution, separated by a comma. Center the affiliation on the next double-spaced line after the author names; when there are multiple affiliations, center each affiliation on its own line.


Department of Nursing, Morrigan University

When different authors have different affiliations, use superscript numerals before affiliations to connect the affiliations to the appropriate author(s). Do not use superscript numerals if all authors share the same affiliations (see Section 2.3 of the for more).

Department of Psychology, Princeton University
Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, Purdue University

Author note

Place the author note in the bottom half of the title page. Center and bold the label “Author Note.” Align the paragraphs of the author note to the left. For further information on the contents of the author note, see Section 2.7 of the .


The running head appears in all-capital letters in the page header of all pages, including the title page. Align the running head to the left margin. Do not use the label “Running head:” before the running head.

Prediction errors support children’s word learning

Use the page number 1 on the title page. Use the automatic page-numbering function of your word processing program to insert page numbers in the top right corner of the page header.


Purdue Online Writing Lab Purdue OWL® College of Liberal Arts

APA Headings and Seriation

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Note:  This page reflects APA 6, which is now out of date. It will remain online until 2021, but will not be updated. The equivalent APA 7 page can be found here .

APA Style uses a unique headings system to separate and classify paper sections. Headings are used to help guide the reader through a document. The levels are organized by levels of subordination, and each section of the paper should start with the highest level of heading. There are 5 heading levels in APA. The 6 th edition of the APA manual revises and simplifies previous heading guidelines. Regardless of the number of levels, always use the headings in order, beginning with level 1. The format of each level is illustrated below:


Thus, if the article has four sections, some of which have subsections and some of which don’t, use headings depending on the level of subordination. Section headings receive level one format. Subsections receive level two format. Subsections of subsections receive level three format. For example:

Method (Level 1)

Site of Study (Level 2)

Participant Population (Level 2)

Teachers. (Level 3)

Students. (Level 3)

Results (Level 1)

Spatial Ability (Level 2)

Test one. (Level 3)

Teachers with experience. (Level 4)

Teachers in training. (Level 4)

Test two. (Level 3)

Kinesthetic Ability (Level 2)

In APA Style, the Introduction section never gets a heading and headings are not indicated by letters or numbers. Levels of headings will depend upon the length and organization of your paper. Regardless, always begin with level one headings and proceed to level two, etc.

APA also allows for seriation in the body text to help authors organize and present key ideas. For lists where a specific order or numbered procedure is necessary, use an Arabic numeral directly proceeded by a period, such as:

  • Move the navigation bar from the right to the left side of the OWL pages.
  • Integrate branded graphics (the Writing Lab and OWL logos) into the text on the OWL homepage.
  • Add a search box to every page of the OWL.
  • Develop an OWL site map.
  • Develop a three-tiered navigation system.

For lists that do not communicate hierarchical order or chronology, use bullets:

  • "This version is easier to use."
  • "Version two seems better organized."
  • "It took me a few minutes to learn how to use this version, but after that, I felt more comfortable with it."

Authors may also use seriation for paragraph length text.

For seriation within sentences, authors may use letters:

Authors may also separate points with bullet lists:

  • the OWL site map;
  • integrating graphics with text on the OWL homepage;
  • search boxes on all OWL pages except the orange OWL resources (that is pending; we do have a search page);
  • moving the navigation bar to the left side of pages on all OWL resources except in the orange area (that is pending);
  • piloting the first phase of the three-tiered navigation system, as illustrated in the new Engagement section.

If your bulleted list is part of the sentence and is not preceded by a colon, treat the bullets like a part of the sentence, adhering to standard capitalization and punctuation.

The purpose of tables and figures in documents is to enhance your readers' understanding of the information in the document. Most word processing software available today will allow you to create your own tables and figures, and even the most basic of word processors permit the embedding of images, thus enabling you to include tables and figures in almost any document.


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  1. Headings

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  2. PDF Heading Levels Template: Student Paper, APA Style 7th Edition

    The following template demonstrates how to use heading levels in an APA Style student paper. Please note that the page numbers in this template are part of the template; that is, the text of a student paper should start on page 2, after the title page.

  3. PDF Student Paper Setup Guide, APA Style 7th Edition

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  5. APA Headings and Subheadings

    Learn how to use APA headings and subheadings in your paper with a sample and a formatting guide from Scribbr.

  6. APA Formatting and Citation (7th Ed.)

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  17. APA Style Guide, 7th Edition: Headings in APA

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  21. APA headings (6th edition)

    Learn how to format headings in APA style (6th edition) with examples and tips. This guide covers the five levels of heading styles and when to use them.

  22. Title Page Setup

    The student title page includes the paper title, author names (the byline), author affiliation, course number and name for which the paper is being submitted, instructor name, assignment due date, and page number, as shown in this example.

  23. APA Headings and Seriation

    APA Style uses a unique headings system to separate and classify paper sections. Headings are used to help guide the reader through a document. The levels are organized by levels of subordination, and each section of the paper should start with the highest level of heading. There are 5 heading levels in APA. The 6 th edition of the APA manual revises and simplifies previous heading guidelines ...