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Dentistry Personal Statement Examples

Last updated: 05/10/2022

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Writing a dentistry personal statement that youā€™re proud of is hard.

Many students struggle to boil down their skills and experiences to just 4,000 characters and it is tricky to know where to focus.Ā 

Example statements are a great way to gain this insight.

In this article, we cover the following:

  • Strong and weak dentistry personal statementsĀ 
  • A breakdown of other peoplesā€™ successes and mistakes
  • Ideas for what to include in your own personal statementĀ 

Once you've read this, check out dental interview questions to build on what you've learnt.

For an overview of personal statement writing, read our Personal Statement Guide for Medical and Dental Schools . This is essential reading and goes further than just examples!

Strong personal statement example

ā€œI first became interested in studying dentistry between the ages of 12 and 15, when I visited my local dentist frequently to get my braces checked and tightened.Ā 

I talked with her at length about the nature of her job and was struck by the huge impact she could have on the people she met daily.Ā 

She actively improved the quality of life of every patient she encountered, and had to astutely apply scientific principles in a social setting in order to make patients feel at ease and achieve the best results. I was truly inspired by this experience and decided to investigate dentistry as a career.

In order to deepen my insight into the profession I carried out a weekā€™s work experience in a local dental hospital. I saw how dentists of every stage were keen to learn, constantly assessing their performance and striving to improve.Ā 

This drove home the importance of self-awareness and constant reflection, but also introduced me to the idea of lifelong learning which is something I find particularly attractive.Ā 

During this placement I also took my first look inside a patientā€™s mouth and observed dentists constructing bridges, veneers and crowns. This exposed me to the aesthetic side of dentistry - a dentist not only aims to alleviate pain but can engage with the more cosmetic aspect of healthcare, something that most medical specialties cannot match.Ā 

I organised a number of work experience placements in local dental surgeries, and throughout my shadowing was struck by the bonds dentists formed with their patients. They often had to utilise great communication skills and empathy to calm down or reassure anxious patients, and they worked hard to build up a rapport with everyone who entered the surgery. This encouraged patients to attend checkups more frequently and be more open about their worries, thereby improving the quality of care they received.Ā 

As a result of my reflection on these experiences, I took up weekly volunteering in a local care home and reading to children in the dental hospital. These opportunities helped me become a far better communicator, as many of the residents of the care home were elderly or suffered from dementia meaning I had to adopt different visual or verbal strategies to get my message across. Many of the young patients in the dental hospital felt lonely and nervous, and by empathising with them I was able to help them relax and focus on the positives.

Outside academia, I play water polo and run in my schoolā€™s athletic team. Both of these sports have helped me become a better team player and Iā€™ve learned that you can always achieve the best results by working efficiently in a team rather than going it alone.Ā 

I am a particularly ambitious sportsperson and Iā€™ve received the Most Valuable Player award in my waterpolo league for three years running, and have been a captain for four.Ā 

As a captain, I am a decisive leader; In the heat of a match itā€™s important for me to make snap decisions and for my teammates to trust me. However, out of the pool I take every view into account and try to make sure that everyone has been heard and feels involved.Ā 

I also try to identify the strengths and weaknesses of everyone in the team - myself included - so that we can play to our strengths in matches and work on our weaknesses in training.Ā Ā 

I think that the ambition, teamwork and leadership Iā€™ve demonstrated through my sports will serve me well as a dentist, allowing me to work efficiently with others while constantly striving to improve personally. My participation in these sports has also allowed me to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Becoming a dentist would allow me to have a truly positive effect on the people I work with, while also challenging me and ensuring Iā€™m always learning and improving. I believe that my work experience, volunteering and extracurricular activities have provided me with the skills and insight necessary to become an empathetic and effective dentist.ā€

Strong personal statement analysis

This example displays many characteristics of a good personal statement.Ā 

  • Well structured.
  • The candidate comes across as well-rounded and motivated, without appearing arrogant.
  • There are some minor areas that could be improved, but overall we think that this personal statement would impress university assessors.


  • The introduction uses an anecdote to illustrate the candidateā€™s interest in dentistry. This is a good way to show how your interest in dentistry might have started, but it wouldnā€™t be suitable to write that you decided to apply to dentistry simply because you liked seeing your dentist as a child. The candidate doesnā€™t fall into this trap, and makes sure to highlight that this experience only inspired them to do further investigation into the career.
  • The candidate goes on to describe how they deepened their insight in the main body paragraph, adding cohesiveness.
  • The candidate also demonstrates some good insight into dentistry by discussing the unique blend of social skills and scientific knowhow required by dentists.

Main body paragraphsĀ 

  • Variety - the candidateā€™s three main body paragraphs discuss some of their work experience placements, volunteering roles and extracurricular interests.Ā 
  • Quality over quantity - they focus far more on individual experiences while going into more detail, and avoiding lists (although they witnessed a huge number of things during a week of work experience, they choose to focus on a couple of key experiences).
  • Insight - the statement demonstrates insight into the profession on multiple occasions. They talk about the prominence of lifelong learning, the aesthetic/cosmetic side of dentistry, and how building a rapport with patients can lead to better outcomes.

Re-read the example, consider how the candidate:Ā 

  • Reflects on their experiencesĀ 
  • Built on their experience
  • Demonstrates relevant skills
  • Demonstrates that they are ready for the challenges inherent in dentistry


  • Short, brief, and succinct. It doesnā€™t introduce any new information.
  • The candidate doesnā€™t really speak enough about why they chose to study dentistry over medicine. They mention the dual focus on health and cosmetics, but could mention some other factors as well - for example, the fact that dentistry is more specialised from the start of the degree than medicine.
  • They could show some more awareness of current news in the dental world.
  • The candidate could also speak a little more about the challenges dentists face in the workplace and how they would cope.
  • Discussion of paid employment would also have been beneficial.
Find more in-depth advice, tips and examples in our Personal Statement Course .

Weak personal statement example

ā€œDentistry has fascinated me from a very early age, as to me it seems like the perfect combination of practical and mental challenges. This has become even stronger since my brother found work as a dentist, having recently graduated from manchester University.

For the past 4 years, Iā€™ve been looking after a local elderly lady who sometimes struggles to go shopping or carry out her daily tasks. This has helped me appreciate the satisfaction one can gain from helping others, and inspired me to pursue a career which will allow me to improve the lives of those around me - like dentistry!

As a result of my interest in medicine, I studied biology, physics and maths at A-Level.Ā 

Iā€™ve also carried out a variety of work experience placements over the years. During my GCSEs, I spent a week volunteering in a local NHS surgery, which exposed me to some of the challenges dentists face; they were often overworked, and had to deal with frustrated and anxious patients on a daily basis.Ā 

I really enjoyed this experience, so I decided to take on another two week block at a dental hospital . While I was there, I shadowed receptionists, helping them to book appointments and organise the dentistsā€™ timetables. I also managed to see dentists make diagnoses and watch a huge range of different dental procedures, from regular checkups to fillings and root canals. I spent time in the in-house dental laboratory, and was taken through the construction of veneers, crowns and bridges. I was also able to shadow dentists over a whole day in their life, seeing the admin and meetings they had to trudge through on top of the more exciting clinical work.

In my free time I enjoy playing the violin and listening to music. I am also a dedicated member of a number of sports teams, including basketball, tennis and hockey. I am proficient at both individual and team sports, showing that I can work well with others, but also self-motivate and set my own targets.Ā 

I also enjoy watching films and socialising with my friends. More recently, Iā€™ve really enjoyed keeping up with current dental news by reading the Journal of Dental Research and my brotherā€™s old copies of the British Dental Journal.

Looking to the future, my great ambition is to work within the dentistry profession, where I believe I could have a really positive impact on the lives of the patients I work with.Ā 

My work experience has set me up well to succeed, and I feel I have the desire and commitment to stick the course and become a successful yet empathetic dentistā€

Weak personal statement example analysis

  • Likely not to score well
  • It isnā€™t nearly long enough (2520 characters)Ā 
  • It hasnā€™t been proofread and contains errors
  • Did the candidate genuinely want to study dentistry from a young age? If it is true, it implies that they made this important decision based on an emotional impulse as a child.
  • Being inspired to go into dentistry just because your sibling did is also not recommended. Just because it was right for them doesnā€™t make it right for you.Ā 
  • The mention of helping an elderly neighbour is good, but too brief. This is a great experience to reflect on and use to demonstrate both your motivations to study dentistry and your suitability for a caring role.
  • At no point in the statement does the candidate explain why another caring profession wouldnā€™t be just as suitable for them.Ā 
  • Thereā€™s no mention of anything particularly specific to dentistry.

Main body paragraphs

  • The first paragraph follows a list, with the candidate demonstrating that they have a real range of work experience placements (which is good) but without going into sufficient detail.
  • There is very little reflection throughout these paragraphs. The candidate clearly has a good breadth of experience but canā€™t really explain anything they learned from it.
  • They demonstrate very few relevant skills throughout the statement. They should talk more about how each experience theyā€™ve had has improved them, either by helping them develop or demonstrate key skills that dentists need. Then, they should explain why dentists need these skills in the first place.Ā 
  • Describing the dentistā€™s admin and meetings as a ā€˜trudgeā€™ and clinics as ā€˜excitingā€™ isnā€™t wise. This may be the case, but the reality is that dentists do spend a lot of their time writing notes, filling out paperwork and liaising with other healthcare professionals. If you find this particularly boring you either wonā€™t be able to handle the job in the first place, or youā€™ll cut corners and thereby put patients at risk.
  • Thereā€™s no mention of the importance of a work-life balance when talking about how they relax.
  • It is crucial not to lie in your personal statement. It is possible that they do 'really enjoy' reading dental journals, but it is likely that your interviewers will latch onto this and quiz you repeatedly on it.Ā 

However, it is worth mentioning the things these main body paragraphs do well:

  • There is some reflection on the challenges faced by dentists, which will reassure the assessors that the candidate does have some insight and can reflect on their experiences.
  • The candidate discusses the skills they demonstrated through their sports which is exactly the right thing to do. The only thing theyā€™re missing is a linking of this to dentistry.
The Ultimate Guide to Studying Dentistry in the UK
  • Remains brief and concise while summarising the rest of the statement and finishing with a strong, confident claim.Ā 
  • It is better to show ā€œdesire and commitmentā€ to the profession earlier in the statement before introducing it in the conclusion.Ā 
  • Saying that work experience will set you up well for a career in dentistry is simply not true. Watching a couple of weeksā€™ worth of dental procedures will not make you a better dentist later in life. It is the reflection on those experiences that assessors are looking for.

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How To Write A Dentistry Personal Statement

How To Write A Dentistry Personal Statement

A dentistry personal statement is an essential part of the university application process for dental schools . It is your opportunity to show the admissions committee who you are and why you want to become a dentist. 

In your personal statement for dental school , you should discuss your experiences, goals, and motivations that have led you to pursue a career in dentistry. 

Read our full guide: How To Apply To Dentistry In The UK

What is a dentistry personal statement?

A dentistry personal statement is a written UCAS application document that outlines an individual’s qualifications, experiences, and goals related to pursuing a career in dentistry.

It should provide insight into the applicant’s motivations for wanting to become a dentist or to apply to dental school , as well as their commitment to the profession.

Additionally, it should highlight any unique skills or qualities that make them an ideal candidate for a university course in the UK.

How To Write A Personal Statement For Dentistry

Before you start, itā€™s important to understand how to write a personal statement for dentistry . We will guide you through some tips and steps to help you write a strong personal statement for dental school.

Start by brainstorming ideas . Before you begin writing, take some time to think about your experiences, goals, and motivations. Make a list of key points that you want to include in your personal statement.

Choose a compelling topic . Focus on a specific topic that is relevant to your experiences and goals. For example, you might choose to write about a specific experience that sparked your interest in dentistry, or your goals for the future and how dental school will help you achieve them.

Use specific examples . Instead of making general statements, use specific examples to illustrate your points. For example, if you want to discuss your passion for dentistry, you might talk about a specific patient you helped or a challenging case that you were able to successfully treat.

Be honest and genuine . Your dentistry personal statement should reflect who you are as a person, so it’s important, to be honest, and genuine in your writing. Avoid using cliches or trying to impress the admissions committee with over-the-top language. Instead, focus on telling your unique story and explaining why you are a good fit for dental school and course.

Edit and proofread carefully . Once you have finished writing, take the time to carefully edit and proofread it. Ask a friend or family member to read it over and provide feedback, and consider working with a professional editor to ensure that your document is error-free and polished – ready for application.

In conclusion , a good personal statement for dental school can make a big difference in the admissions process. By brainstorming ideas, choosing a compelling topic, using specific examples, being honest, and proofreading carefully, you can write a statement that will help you stand out from the competition and show the admissions why you are the right fit for the dentistry course.

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  • Writing a Winning Medical Personal Statement
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How Long Should My Dental Personal Statement Be?

A dental personal statement should be around 4000 characters in length or a maximum of 47 lines. It’s important to be concise and to the point, as the admissions staff will likely have many applications to read. With a limited word count, you’ll need to carefully consider what to write in a personal statement and what to leave out.

How To Structure A Dentistry Personal Statement In 2023?

The structure of a dentistry personal statement in 2023 will likely be similar to that of a statement for other medical fields. In general, the document should be well-written, concise, and focused on your specific goals and experiences.

Read our tips for structuring your dentistry personal statement in 2023:

  • Start with an introduction that briefly explains your motivation for pursuing a career in dentistry and why you are a good fit for the school programme.
  • In the main body, describe your relevant experiences , such as any clinical experience you have had, any research you have done, and any other activities that have prepared you for a career in dentistry.
  • Discuss any challenges you have faced and how you have overcome them, as well as any unique perspectives or qualities you bring to the programme.
  • In the conclusion , summarise your key points and restate your motivation for pursuing a career in dentistry.

You can also use the 80/20 rule . Where you can write 80% of a document about points 1. and 2, and for points 3. and 4 you can plan around 20% of the document.

What Makes A Good Dentistry Personal Statement?

A good dentistry personal statement should be well-written, straightforward, and interesting. It should highlight the applicant’s strengths , experiences , and goals in a way that makes them stand out from the competition . The statement should also demonstrate the applicant’s passion for dentistry and explain why they want to pursue a career in the field. Additionally, a good personal statement should be free of spelling and grammar errors and should be tailored to the specific programme or university to which the applicant is applying.

Skills And Attributes Of An Ideal Candidate For Dentistry

An ideal candidate for dentistry should have strong communication skills, as dentists need to be able to explain complex dental procedures to patients and listen to their concerns. They should also be detail-oriented, as dentistry requires precise and careful work. 

In addition, an ideal candidate should have good problem-solving skills, as dentists often need to troubleshoot and find solutions to dental problems. They should also be compassionate and patient, as dentistry involves working with people who may be anxious or in pain. Finally, if the candidate is good at teamwork itā€™s a plus, as dentistry often involves collaborating with other dental professionals.

Skills that an ideal candidate for dentistry should have:

  • Strong communication skills
  • Detail-oriented
  • Good problem-solving skills
  • Compassionate and patient
  • Ability to work well in a team
  • Knowledge of dental procedures and techniques
  • Knowledge of dental terminology and anatomy
  • Knowledge of dental equipment and instruments
  • Knowledge of infection control and sterilization procedures
  • Knowledge of dental materials and their properties

Opening Sentences For A Dentistry Personal Statement

Use our examples of opening sentences for a dentistry personal statement as inspiration and guide. A strong introduction is essential , as you will have little time to catch the reader’s attention. Keep in mind that admission staff is dealing with thousands of documents in a short period. Itā€™s important to stand out from the crowd to be accepted at the chosen course. 

Opening Sentence 1

“As a child, I was fascinated by the intricate workings of the human mouth and the amazing transformations that dentistry could achieve. I remember watching in awe as my dentist repaired a chipped tooth and restored my smile, and I knew then that I wanted to pursue a career in dentistry.”

Opening Sentence 2

“From a young age, I have been drawn to the field of dentistry. Watching my parents struggle with dental issues taught me the importance of good oral health, and I have always been fascinated by how dentistry can improve people’s lives.”

Opening Sentence 3

“I have always been passionate about healthcare, and dentistry offers the perfect blend of science and art for me. The idea of helping people maintain their oral health and improve their smiles is incredibly rewarding, and I am excited about the opportunity to pursue a career in this field.”

Opening Sentence 4

“As a volunteer at a local clinic, I had the opportunity to assist with dental procedures and see firsthand the positive impact that dentistry can have on people’s lives. Watching the dentists work, I was struck by the precision and skill required, and I knew then that I wanted to pursue a career in this field.”

Dentistry Personal Statement Conclusion

Writing a personal statement without examples is not an easy task. So, we prepared a few examples of strong conclusions for a dentistry personal statement . Use it to inspire yourself to write a better document.

Conclusion example 1

“I am confident that my passion for dentistry, combined with my skills and experiences, make me a strong candidate for your program. I am excited about the opportunity to learn and grow as a dental professional at your institution, and I am committed to working hard to achieve my goals. Thank you for considering my application.”

Conclusion example 2

“I believe that dentistry is the perfect career for me, and I am eager to begin the next chapter of my education and training. I am confident that I have the skills, experiences, and drive to succeed in your program, and I am excited about the opportunity to learn from your distinguished faculty and work with your talented students. I look forward to the opportunity to contribute to your program and the field of dentistry.”

Conclusion example 3

“I am grateful for the opportunity to apply to your dentistry program, and I am excited about the possibility of joining your institution. I believe that my passion for dentistry, combined with my dedication to hard work and my commitment to excellence, make me a strong candidate for your program. I look forward to the opportunity to learn and grow as a dental professional, and I am committed to making the most of this incredible opportunity.”

Things To Avoid In A Personal Statement For Dental School

In addition to all the advice, we have told you, make sure to avoid some things. When writing a statement for dental school , it is vital to avoid the following:

  • Using clichĆ©s or overly general sentences
  • Making exaggerated claims or promises
  • Focusing too much on your academic achievements and not enough on your personal qualities
  • Making negative comments about other dentists or dental schools
  • Using overly technical language or jargon that the reader may not understand
  • Donā€™t copy any other work, UCAS have an automatic plagiarism tool that can detect authenticity
  • Donā€™t summarise your CV or resume

Dentistry Personal Statement Examples

Writing itā€™s much easier if you have in front yourself successful examples to use as a guide. Check our section for personal statement examples , especially for dentistry personal statement examples . 

Read Books About Dentistry 

You can read books as inspiration for writing a dentistry personal statement . Reading books can help you gain insight into the field of dentistry and provide you with ideas for your statement. Additionally, reading books can help you develop your writing skills and give you a better understanding of how to structure and format your statement.

The UK dental courses are highly competitive, and it can be difficult to gain an offer with low grades or qualifications. Those who are considering studying Dentistry should be aware that low GCSE / A Level grades or UCAT / BMAT scores may prevent them from being accepted. It is important to ensure that you have the necessary qualifications and scores in order to stand a chance of gaining an offer.

Before the interview, research the school and its programmes to demonstrate your knowledge and enthusiasm. Additionally, practice answering common questions so that you feel confident and prepared. During the interview, be sure to express your passion for dentistry and highlight any unique experiences or skills that set you apart from other applicants.

Recommended reading:

  • Personal Statement Examples
  • How to Write a Personal Statement for a Masters
  • How to Write a Personal Statement for a PhD
  • UCAS Personal Statement: A Writing Guide And Tips For Success
  • How to Write a Personal Statement That Stands Out
  • Tips for Writing a Personal Statement for the University
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Successful Personal Statement For Dentistry At King’s College London

Last Updated: 8th April 2020

Author: Adi Sen

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Table of Contents

Welcome to our popular Personal Statement series where we present a successful Personal Statement, and our Oxbridge Tutors provide their feedback on it. 

Today, we are looking through a Dentistry applicant’s Personal Statement that helped secure a place at King’s College London, Birmingham and Aston University. The Dentistry Course at KCL combines the latest thinking in dental education with early clinical experience.

Read on to see how this candidate wrote a Personal Statement that demonstrates the qualities to work in a clinical environment. 

Here’s a breakdown of the Personal Statement:


The universities this candidate applied to were the following:


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Dentistry Personal Statement

Everyone has the right to a good smile. A smile can have a major effect on a personā€™s self-esteem, confidence and happiness. It would give me great satisfaction being able to have a positive effect on a patientā€™s quality of life by being able to influence these and many more factors. Dentistry as a prospective career path has always been a very appealing profession because I am interested in caring for people and also enjoy the creativity involved with the profession.

My work experience has further fuelled my desire to study dentistry, because it has shown me how rapidly expanding the dental sector which allows continuous learning. I have worked at Smiledent Dental Practice where I shadowed the dentists and the dental nurses. This experience has highlighted the importance between the balance of leadership and teamwork required to achieve the best treatment for the patients and the efficient running of a dental practice. Furthermore, I witnessed the need to gain the trust of the patient and build a patient-dentist relationship, to allow for a smooth successful treatment.

Apart from a dental practice, I have also volunteered at Haselbury Junior School organising activities for young children at an afterschool club for three months. Working with young children taught me to adapt my communication skills, using simple vocabulary and body language. During this time, it also gave me a sense of care and responsibility towards the children. This motivated me to work with people at the opposite end of the age spectrum. I therefore volunteered at The Haven Day Centre which was a humbling yet valuable experience. I enjoyed being a pillar of support to the elderly trying to entertain them and it was a warming experience to witness their joy.

Moreover, I have regularly attended St John Ambulance Cadets for the past three years. I am now a senior member in the division teaching younger peers first aid thoroughly enjoying the additional responsibility involved in nurturing others.

In addition, I have a keen academic interest. The transmission of diseases, prevention and immunology in Biology, has emphasised to me the significance of hygiene and how rapidly diseases can spread which is vital in the field of dentistry. In Chemistry, I have particularly enjoyed learning about molecular bonding enabling me to understand why particular materials have properties that make them suitable for their job. I have thoroughly enjoyed and flourished in the practical aspects of both subjects. The experiments have allowed me to put into practice/apply the knowledge I have acquired in lessons. Studying mathematics has improved my problem-solving ability acquiring practice to reach answers with a methodical yet flexible approach. In years 9 and 12, I was invited to attend lectures at the London Metropolitan University and the Royal Institution of Mathematics over a series of weekends. As a result, I had the opportunity to study branches of mathematics outside the syllabus which thoroughly challenged me. Additionally, geography has helped develop a creative aspect of academic life. In the human sector, I enjoyed the topic about smoking because it taught me the history and origins of smoking and the widespread effect it has on the body including the gums and teeth.

As part of my research, I have expanded my dental knowledge using several websites to gain extra information. I have been fascinated by crowns and root canal treatments because I am fond of the creativity involved such as choosing tooth colours, shape and material to ensure practicality for the patient and simultaneously rectify tooth damage.

Finally, from my work experience in a dental practice and I believe would thrive in such an environment.

For more inspiration, take a look through our other successful Personal Statement a nalysis articles:

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Good Points Of The Personal Statement

Clear structure and the student gives good insight into his/her motivation for the study of dentistry as well as providing evidence for his/her personal, professional, and academic development. It becomes very clear that the student is dedicated to the subject and disciplined in the pursuit of his/her goals. Having a good experience from work attachments is a further strong point, demonstrating the studentā€™s enthusiasm for the subject. The student also shows a good range of other achievements and activities that contribute to the overall, very positive, impression of a dedicated and well-rounded individual.

Bad Points Of The Personal Statement

At times, the style of the statement is somewhat unclear. Particularly towards the end, one gets the impression that the student ran either out of space or out of ideas as the different aspects raised in the text are not discussed to their full effect, making them significantly less relevant for the overall quality of the statement. This is particularly a problem with the conclusion which makes little to no sense.

UniAdmissions Overall Score:

An average statement that demonstrates some good and relevant work experience and patient exposure. Unfortunately, the statement is let down by some stylistic weaknesses that reduce the overall strength of the content, at least in some parts.

And there we have it – a King’s College London Dentistry Personal Statement with feedback from our expert tutors. 

Remember, at KCL, the Admissions Tutors are often the people who will be teaching you for the next few years, so you need to appeal directly to them.

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BeMo Academic Consulting Inc.

BeMo's Ultimate Guide to Dental School Personal Statements & Supplemental Essays: How to Write Captivating Statements and Essays Even If You Are Not a Natural Writer Kindle Edition

BeMoā€™s Ultimate Guide to Dental School Personal Statements & Supplemental Essays is the most comprehensive resource to use when preparing for your dental school applications. Written by former admissions committee members and award-winning scientists, this guide is a must-read for all dental school applicants. The guide includes effective strategies, 10 sample personal statements, and 10 sample supplemental essays, all of which were analyzed and reviewed by our admissions experts, so you are better able to understand the strategies.

  • Top 5 reasons that get most applicants rejected,
  • 7 common personal statement errors,
  • 10 outstanding personal statement examples sent in by our students,
  • 10 outstanding supplemental essay examples sent in by our students,
  • A guideline of how to brainstorm for your personal statements and supplemental essays,
  • Key components for your outline,
  • An interactive step-by-step guide, which lets you write your own personal statement from scratch,
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  • Bonus resources that help you understand the application process and what you need to write your own personal statement,
  • Over 300 pages of tips, strategies, and advice from admission experts, including former admissions committee members and award-winning scientists

BeMo Academic Consulting Inc. (ā€œBeMoĀ®ā€) is a global leader in dental school admissions. BeMoā€™s expertise is sought after by media and official university career centers. BeMoā€™s core value is to help reduce the social gap at professional schools by teaching students the essential qualities required by such programs. BeMoā€™s team members believe everyone deserves access to higher education, and they want to make sure every student gets a fair chance at admission to these very competitive programs regardless of their socioeconomic, racial, or cultural background.

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  • Print length ‏ : ‎ 403 pages
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Bemo academic consulting inc..

BeMo Academic Consulting Inc. (ā€œBeMoā€) is one of the most sought after admissions consulting firms in the world famous for helping students get into highly competitive programs.

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We believe your education is your most valuable asset and learning how to become a great future professional or scholar doesnā€™t need to be complicated. We also believe that every student deserves access to higher education, regardless of his or her social status or cultural background. However, in our opinion, most of the current admissions practices, tools and procedures are not necessarily fair and for the most part out-dated and more importantly, remain scientifically unproven.

Our goal is to create ridiculously useful (and scientifically sound) programs and tools that work and provide more than just some trivial information like the other "admissions consulting companies" out there! We want to make sure everyone has a fair chance of admissions to highly competitive professional programs despite the current admissions practices.

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Dentistry Personal Statement Examples – KCL (Emmy)

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Welcome to our collection of Dentistry Personal Statement Examples! Weā€™ve searched far and wide to find personal statements from successful applicants all around the UK and asked them to analyse the strengths and weaknesses of their work for your own inspiration. Todayā€™s subject is from Emmy, who studies Dentistry at King’s College London.

Emmy applied to study Dentistry back in 2021 at four amazing UK Dental Schools, KCL, Queens University Belfast and University of Birmingham and Newcastle University. She received offers from all of them and even received a scholarship from KCL!

UniversityKingā€™s College LondonQueens University BelfastUniversity of Birmingham Newcastle University
Offer? Yes – with ScholarshipYesYesYes

Letā€™s read the personal statement that got her a place at KCL, or skip straight to her feedback to learn what made her personal statement a success!

Please be aware that these examples are meant purely for the sake of inspiration, and should absolutely NOT be used as a model around which to base your own personal statement. UCAS have a rather strict system that detects plagiarism .

KCL Dentistry Personal Statement Example

Whole personal statement.

There is a certain delight in being naturally curious. Yet this got me in trouble as a child, from asking too many questions to fidgeting to keep my hands busy. In an attempt to nurture my inquisitive character while suppressing my desire to dismantle furniture, I was often encouraged to visit the local museum where my fascination with the osteology of an ancient carnivore led to my discovery of the gargantuan carnassial teeth, fuelling my primitive interests in the morphology and function of teeth. As I grew older, reading texts like ‘The Health Gap’ fired a passion to engage in the ordeals of social justice and the issue of poor oral health within the NHS, developing my first taste of what would become a fascination with dentistry.

Witnessing the inner workings of NHS practices in areas of high dental need over a week was eye-opening. The sheer variety of cases piqued my interest; allowing me to realise that dentistry is both a stimulating and demanding vocation that is in turn, highly rewarding. The attention to detail taken while placing a filling highlighted that dentistry requires a substantial level of manual dexterity as well as precision and flair. Heading the Dental Society hones these skills, practising needlework to develop dexterity and discussing pertinent dental cases to increase exposure to the field. The fitting of a CEREC crown during a one week placement at a cosmetic practice opened my eyes to technological advancements in the field, prompting further research into possible future innovations.

Completing a Discover Dentistry course placed what I had learnt in dental practice into the wider context of public dental health issues. A culmination of these valuable experiences highlighted that both the beauty and triviality of dentistry lie in the nature of a simple smile; an often overlooked hallmark of social interaction. Shadowing dentists over two weeks during the Goodwill Ambassador Programme offered a striking contrast to previous placements, broadening the parameters of dentistry as a profession that is not only restorative or aesthetic but potentially life saving. While observing the care of a trigeminal neuralgia patient, I was truly able to value the importance of patient autonomy and trust; further affirming that dentistry truly touches lives on a massive scale.

Working as part of a multidisciplinary team in a dental hospital highlighted the level of effective communication required in the profession, urging me to draw parallels while managing the Debate Society at college. The methodical nature of the surgical team under the oral surgeon’s guidance while treating a motor vehicle trauma patient was provoking. Besides the need for efficient communication, it was clear to me that leadership and management skills were vital; skills that I too, have developed through the Silver DofE Award and leading my team through Young Enterprise. Being a scholarship recipient constantly pushes the horizons of my academic abilities, nurturing my thirst for knowledge and fuelling rigorous self-motivation.

Beyond academia, I lead a local charity tutoring disadvantaged children which has given me a deep grounding in community work; stressing the significance of continued community care as well as the values of patience and trust when working with children. Being awarded Best Speaker at the Welsh Debating Championships and being invited to speak at the MDA Awards has fostered an articulate character with the ability to think quickly; making critical decisions under tremendous pressure.

Looking back, it was my curious nature towards the world around me that drove me to explore a career in such a complex and multifaceted field. Grasping every experience extended to me with the same open-minded perspective has encouraged me to constantly broaden the frontiers of my perception of dentistry; a vocation that is highly challenging yet calls to me as one that will fulfil my desire to truly make a difference in society.

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KCL Dentistry Personal Statement Example Analysis

Now, letā€™s go section by section and see what Emmy has to say about what she wrote:  



I have made sure to be really personal in the introduction, something I felt is really key to the opening of your personal statement – it may seem obvious but it isn’t easy to do. I have drawn on my own experiences and related them to the curiosity and fascination I developed with teeth. My use of humour in the opening sentences, is something I really wanted to convey as I wanted to show the universities I was applying to the type of person I am. 

For an introduction, it is likely on the longer sider and there might have been ways to shorten it so that I had more characters to use later in my personal statement but I wasn’t able to cut it down. 

Paragraph 1

Work experience is an essential part of a Dentistry application, so mentioning that I have done some was something I wanted to get into my personal statement. As well, I have mentioned some hobbies and extracurriculars that I do that directly relate to the skills required to be a dentist – e.g., doing needlework to help with manual dexterity.  

It reads a little disjointed. I mentioned my work experience, then being part of the Dental Society, then doing needlework, before going back to talking about my work experience. With a restructure, this would’ve flown better than it currently does and not seem so disjointed. I also should have spoken more about the overall value I gained from my work experience rather than mentioning somethings that I saw. 

Paragraph 2

The intention of this paragraph was to showcase my active interest in Dentistry and that I am taking steps to nurture this by completing courses and programmes. I have talked about the value and importance of patient autonomy and trust which are key concepts in Dentistry, so I wanted to get across that I am aware of this and have been considering them. 

When talking about the Discover Dentistry course, I mention “a culmination of these valuable experiences,” but I don’t actually discuss what these experiences were and why they had such a profound effect on me. Looking back, it would have been far more beneficial to have done so. 

Paragraph 3

I have managed to relate what I witnessed during my work experience to my own experiences. The way I saw the dental team working together and communicating together showed me just how vital a skill it is, and used it to mention my Duke of Edinburgh Award and how it has developed my communication skills. 

Perhaps the final sentence about being a scholarship recipient isn’t entirely relevant here, or at all, and would have been better to have removed it to allow me some additional characters to use elsewhere. 

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Paragraph 4

Understanding and being a part of your community is a big part of being a dentist; knowing this, I have related it to charity work I have done to show that it is a value important to me. As well, having taken part in a debating championship means that I am very articulate, which is so important when working as a dentist.

Again, as I have in previous paragraphs I possibly have focussed too much on mentioning an experience I have had without going into any real depth about what it meant to me and how it has impacted me. 

What I feel is important with a conclusion, and is what I have done, is linked it back to the introduction. By tying in that thread about my curious nature it makes the whole thing come full circle and makes it feel cohesive. 

My final sentence is very cliched, which would’ve been better to avoid as the admissions teams would have heard it all before. At sometimes it does read as though I have swallowed a thesaurus to try and make myself sound more sophisticated – this really wasn’t needed.  

Final Thoughts

Well, I must’ve done something right to get four offers and a scholarship! What I really wanted to make sure of was that I got across my own experiences, and they have fostered my dream to pursue Dentistry. As well, I feel I have been personal which is a skill people often struggle with, and friends of mine found difficult when we were writing our statements. Overall I am overwhelmingly happy with my personal statement. 

I definitely could’ve been a lot more concise in places which would have allowed me to go into more depth about my work experience and the value I gained from it. The only thing I think I would probably change looking back might be seeing if could shorten my introduction as it is a bit longer than is necessary. 

So there you have it! This personal statement helped Emmy get 4/4 offers in her application!

Everyone has different experiences and abilities, so you may not be able to relate to everything that was said in this personal statement. However, the information and advice provided by Emmy is universal and will help any applicant write a better personal statement!  

Be sure to check out more Medicine Personal Statement Analyses to see advice from all different kinds of applicants, including Ali Abdaal himself! Or if you want to get started on your own statement, check out 6med’s Medicine Mastery Bundle for all the support and resources you’ll ever need for your whole application.

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Dentistry Personal Statement Examples – KCL (Saif)

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Dentistry Personal Statement Examples

books to read for dentistry personal statement

What is a dentistry personal statement?

Your dentistry UCAS personal statement gives the university admissions tutors an idea of who you are and why you want to study dentistry.

It should explain why your skills, knowledge and experience make you a great candidate for dentistry, and why you should be offered a place on their course.

Read through our dentistry personal statement examples above for inspiration on how to write your own unique statement for your UCAS application.

Remember that the deadline for dentistry applicants is earlier than many other course, on 15 October .

What should a dentistry personal statement include?

To write a successful dentistry personal statement, you shoud include:

  • Why you want to study dentistry - try to pick one or two aspects of the subject that interest you and explain why
  • Work experience - what skills did you learn that will be useful in a dentistry degree?
  • Volunteering - have you completed any unpaid or voluntary work that is relevant to your dentistry course?
  • Wider reading and study - how has this influenced and/or motivated you to study dentistry?
  • Extracurricular activities - what do you do outside of school or college and how might this help with your degree?
  • Conclusion - mention your ambitions for the future. How will your dentistry degree move you forward on your career path?

For more help and advice on what to write in your dentistry personal statement, please see:

  • Personal Statement Editing Services
  • Personal Statement Tips From A Teacher
  • Analysis Of A Personal Statement
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How do I write a good dentistry personal statement?

Your dentistry personal statement should be structured so that all the paragraphs flow well together and make a coherent statement overall.

We recommend starting with why you want to study dentistry. Most students choose to focus on one aspect of the subject they are enthusiastic about and explain why they find it fascinating or why they enjoyed learning about.

For the main body of your statement, you should think about the course content and explain how you can demonstrate the skills to meet them.

To be a dentist, you need good skills in:

  • communication
  • organisation
  • physical stamina
  • problem solving.

For your conclusion, we suggest you summarise your goals and ambitions, and explain how your dentistry degree will help further your career.

Remember to give your dentistry personal statement to teachers, friends and family members for feedback before submitting a final version on your UCAS statement.

What does a dentist do?

Dentists diagnose and treat dental issues and help patients develop better oral hygiene regimens.

They also clean teeth, correct bite issues, perform surgeries and extractions, and perform other duties to ensure that the teeth and mouth are healthy.

What can I do with a dentistry degree?

Apart from becoming a dentist, there are many other career options available to those wishing to study dentistry. These include:

  • Dental hygienist
  • Dental technician
  • Health service manager
  • Science writer
  • Medical sales representative
  • Laboratory technican.

For more information on careers with a dentistry degree, please see Prospects and The National Careers Service .

What are the best UK universities for dentistry?

Currently, the best UK universities for studying dentistry are:

1. Ā 
2. Ā 
3. Ā 
4. Ā 
5. Ā 
6. Ā 
7. Ā 
8. Ā 
9. Ā 
10. Ā 

For more information about UK university rankings for dentistry, please see The Complete University Guide and The Guardian .

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You'll need great grades and a spot-on personal statement to catch the eye of a dental school and nab an interview for a place on one of these demanding courses. The good news is the schools themselves are pretty open about what they're looking for from a dentistry personal statement. For more advice about studying dentistry, see our dentistry subject guide .

Motivation and commitment

As the University of Liverpool's dental school says: 'applicants must demonstrate motivation and commitment to a career in dentistry'. So how can you achieve this?

One way is to explain what first attracted you to dentistry, and what, as the University of Manchester puts it, 'has sustained or confirmed this choice'.

The University of Sheffield's dental school wants you to demonstrate your knowledge of the profession, what attracts you to it, and that youā€™ve researched the possible career opportunities. Be honest about what's fuelling your ambitions (ideally that you're driven by the impact you can have on society at large, rather than the earning potential).

As well as evidence of your commitment to the profession, Kingā€™s wants you to demonstrate a 'realistic appreciation of the academic, physical, and emotional demands of a dental degree programme and career', bringing us nicely on toā€¦

Dental experience

Before you apply, you need to have made efforts to gain an insight into the profession through work experience or observation, especially in general dental practice. As for where and how much, hereā€™s how some dental schools view it:

  • Dundee and Cardiff donā€™t specify how much, but both expect you to take every opportunity to gain as much as you can.
  • Sheffield expects it to be in a general dental practice.
  • Liverpool says it should preferably be in a dental practice or hospital 'and preferably in more than one establishment'.
  • Bristol ideally wants you to have experienced various fields of dentistry, such as general practice, hospital, community or laboratory.
  • Manchester wants you to have had at least two weeks' experience or observation in general practice, and to state how much in your statement. If you also have additional experience in a specialist area of dentistry, all the better.
  • Kingā€™s adds that if youā€™ve been unable to observe in a dental establishment then, at the very least, they want you to reflect on any work experience youā€™ve had in a caring environment or in another setting where youā€™ve interacted with the general public. But clearly, they would also then expect you to demonstrate your knowledge of dentistry in other ways in your statement.

Of course, it wonā€™t be enough just to say youā€™ve had the experience. What matters is that you write about it in a way that demonstrates the insight youā€™ve gained into the role of a dentist and, as Cardiff describes it, 'an understanding of the demands of dental training and practice'.

So, within your 47 lines, outline the breadth and duration of the experience youā€™ve had but, even more importantly, describe what youā€™ve learned from it. To do this, it might be best to focus on the highlights and the key things you gained ā€“ tutors would rather read about what you learned from observing one filling than a list of all the procedures you saw. What counts is the quality of your observations and how theyā€™ve influenced your understanding.

Note that both Kingā€™s and Cardiff mention an awareness of the demands of the degree as well as the career ā€“ research dentistry courses in our search tool  and get to an open day .

Leadership and non-academic achievements

Most dental schools also want to read something about you as a person and your extracurricular interests. Be selective and prioritise what you think is paramount.

  • Reflect on anything that genuinely shows strong teamwork and leadership qualities, like your part-time job, sport, drama, Duke of Edinburgh Award, positions of responsibility, or whatever you do that showcases them.
  • Demonstrate self-motivation through significant ongoing commitment to school, college or community activities, volunteering, charity work, sports teams, mentoring, and so on.
  • Show you have a range of hobbies and interests too, you can manage your time well alongside your studies, youā€™re well-read, well-rounded, and know how to relax when you take a break from studying.
  • Show your caring attitude, a sense of social responsibility, courtesy, an interest in people and their welfare, or the ability to reassure people and put them at ease.
  • Demonstrate effective communication and that you can explain complex information simply and coherently.
  • Demonstrate logic, independent thought, goal-setting, problem-solving, organisation, reliability, conscientiousness, and that youā€™re up for a challenge.

Give them a glimpse of you as a person, what you enjoy doing, and what you feel passionate about or excel at.

Manual dexterity

Dentistry admissions tutors also need to feel confident that you have the necessary fine motor skills to perform intricate tasks.

There are some subtle ways to convince them about this in your personal statement ā€“ mentioning your active involvement in arts and crafts, playing an instrument, model-making, maintaining your car or bike, or whatever else you do that requires good coordination and attention to detail.

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Dentistry Personal Statement: 5 Tips

Writing an essay about yourself and your experience can seem like a daunting task. Itā€™s difficult to put into words why dentistry admission teams should pick you over other candidates. This guide will help you prepare to write your personal statement and make sure that you put your time to good use. You can also read more about Dentistry Personal Statements on our guide.

1. Make a list of the five things you are most proud of achieving

What makes you stand out from other applicants? Think back to the things you are most proud of achieving and which of these demonstrate the qualities needed to study dentistry. For example, perhaps you completed your Duke of Edinburgh gold award, showing long-term commitment and teamwork. Ā Ā 

2. Look back at your work experience diary

During your work experience, you should have kept a diary of your experiences, so read back through this. Are there any scenarios that you could include in your personal statement? What qualities did the dentist have?

Writing about these in your personal statement will show that you have reflected on your work experience and have a true understanding of what a career in dentistry involves. Ā Ā 

3. Speak to others about why you want to study dentistry

Practise saying out loud why you want to be a dentist. Not only will this give you practice for the interview stage of applications, your answer will also develop into a personal account of your motivations. This way you will avoid the clichƩs that admission tutors are used to reading.

4. List how you have shown the qualities required to be a dentist

Admission teams want to read clear examples of how you have displayed the qualities required to be a dentist. Making a list of the qualities you have and how you have shown them will help you to shortlist the traits you want to include in your personal statement.

5. Read books that relate to the course

Thinking about your personal statement early means that you have the time to read any last minute books that could support your application. Thankfully, The Medic Portal have put together a dentistry reading list to help with your preparation.

Following these tips will take the stress out of writing the first draft of your personal statement. Create a mind map and, with each step, add another section to it with your individual notes. This way, when it comes to writing the statement you will already have all the information you will need. Good luck!

Words: Joelle Booth

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Personal Statement

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The dentistry personal statement is an important component of the application process for dental schools in the UK. It provides an opportunity for applicants to showcase their qualifications, experiences, and skills, and to demonstrate their passion for the field of dentistry.

The personal statement should accomplish several objectives, including:

Highlighting academic achievements: The personal statement should highlight the applicant’s academic achievements, including grades and coursework, to demonstrate their readiness for dental school.

Showcasing extracurricular activities: The personal statement should showcase the applicant’s extracurricular activities, such as volunteering, research, or leadership positions, to demonstrate their commitment to the field of dentistry and their ability to balance multiple responsibilities.

Demonstrating work experience: The personal statement should demonstrate the applicant’s work experience, such as shadowing or internships, to show their understanding of the field and their ability to apply their skills and knowledge.

Displaying skills and qualities: The personal statement should display the applicant’s skills and qualities, such as communication, problem-solving, and teamwork, to demonstrate their potential for success in dental school and in their future career as a dentist.

Overall, the dentistry personal statement is an opportunity for applicants to stand out and demonstrate their qualifications and passion for the field of dentistry to dental schools in the UK.

Researching the dental school and their specific requirements is important to create a personal statement that is tailored to their program. Dental schools in the UK may have specific criteria that they are looking for in applicants, and by researching and understanding these requirements, applicants can create a personal statement that highlights their qualifications and experiences in line with the school’s expectations. This can increase the likelihood of being accepted into the program.

Tips on researching the dental school and their values:

Visit the dental school’s website: The dental school’s website is a great place to start when researching the school’s values, mission, and requirements. Look for information on the program’s curriculum, faculty, research, and student life.

Attend open houses and information sessions: Attending open houses and information sessions can provide an opportunity to learn more about the program and meet faculty and current students.

Connect with current students or alumni: Connect with current students or alumni of the program to gain insight into the program and their experiences. This can provide valuable information on the school’s values and expectations.

Review the program’s admissions requirements: Review the program’s admissions requirements, including academic qualifications, test scores, and prerequisites. This can help you to tailor your personal statement to highlight your qualifications in line with the school’s requirements.

Research the school’s affiliations: Research the school’s affiliations, such as professional organizations or hospitals, to gain insight into their connections and opportunities in the field of dentistry.

By researching the dental school and their values, applicants can create a personal statement that speaks to the specific values and expectations of the school. This can increase the likelihood of being accepted into the program and ultimately pursuing a career in dentistry.

Planning and organizing the personal statement is important to ensure that the statement is clear, concise, and effective in showcasing the applicant’s qualifications and experiences. By organizing the statement in a logical and coherent manner, the applicant can effectively communicate their passion for the field of dentistry and their potential as a dental school candidate.

Tips on creating an outline and brainstorming:

Identify key themes and experiences: Identify the key themes and experiences that you want to highlight in the personal statement, such as academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and work experience.

Create an outline: Create an outline for the personal statement that includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. This will help you to organize your thoughts and ensure that the statement flows logically.

Use the STAR method: Use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to structure your responses and ensure that you provide specific examples of your skills and experiences.

Brainstorm ideas: Brainstorm ideas for the personal statement by creating a list of achievements, experiences, and qualities that you want to highlight. This can help you to identify key themes and experiences to include in the statement.

Prioritise your ideas: Prioritise your ideas and select the most important experiences and achievements to include in the personal statement. This will help you to create a focused and effective statement.

By creating an outline and brainstorming ideas for the personal statement, applicants can ensure that the statement is clear, organised, and effective in showcasing their qualifications and experiences. This can increase the likelihood of being accepted into the dental school program.


The personal statement for dentistry should showcase the applicant’s qualifications, experiences, and skills, and demonstrate their passion for the field of dentistry. Some key elements to include in the personal statement are:

Academic achievements : Highlight academic achievements, including grades, coursework, and academic honors.

Extracurricular activities: Showcase extracurricular activities, such as volunteering, research, or leadership positions, to demonstrate commitment to the field of dentistry and ability to balance multiple responsibilities.

Work experience: Demonstrate work experience, such as shadowing or internships, to show understanding of the field and ability to apply skills and knowledge.

Skills: Display skills and qualities, such as communication, problem-solving, and teamwork, to demonstrate potential for success in dental school and future career as a dentist.

Tips on highlighting academic achievements, extracurricular activities, work experience, and skills:

Be specific: Provide specific examples of achievements, activities, and experiences to demonstrate your qualifications and skills.

Quantify accomplishments: Use numbers and data to quantify accomplishments and demonstrate impact.

Show passion: Demonstrate passion for dentistry and commitment to the field through personal anecdotes and experiences.

Tailor to the program: Tailor the personal statement to the specific program by highlighting experiences and skills that align with the school’s values and expectations.

Use the STAR method: Use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to structure your responses and provide specific examples of skills and experiences.

By including academic achievements, extracurricular activities, work experience, and skills in the personal statement, applicants can demonstrate their qualifications and passion for the field of dentistry to dental schools in the UK.

A clear and concise structure is important for a dentistry personal statement to ensure that the statement is easy to read and effectively showcases the applicant’s qualifications and experiences. By organizing the statement in a logical and coherent manner, the applicant can effectively communicate their passion for the field of dentistry and their potential as a dental school candidate.

Tips on structuring the personal statement with an introduction, body, and conclusion:

Introduction/ Outline your spark : The introduction should grab the attention of the dental admissions team and should discuss what your initial spark was that lead you considering a career in dentistry.Ā 

Body: The body of the personal statement should highlight the applicant’s academic achievements, extracurricular activities, work experience, and skills. Use the STAR method to structure responses and provide specific examples of skills and experiences.

Conclusion: The conclusion should summarise the key themes and experiences discussed in the statement and reiterate the applicant’s passion for the field of dentistry.

Keep it concise: Keep the personal statement concise and focused on the most important experiences and achievements.

By structuring the personal statement with an introduction, body, and conclusion, applicants can ensure that the statement is clear, organised, and effective in showcasing their qualifications and experiences. This can increase the likelihood of being accepted into the dental school program.

Editing your personal statementā€‹


Editing and proofreading are important steps in the personal statement writing process to ensure that the statement is free from errors and effectively communicates the applicant’s qualifications and experiences. By editing and proofreading the statement, the applicant can ensure that the statement is clear, concise, and effectively showcases their passion for the field of dentistry.Ā 

Here at Dentistry Admissions we have expert coaches can guide you through the process and help you edit your dentistry personal statement in the right way. This level of support is useful for applicants who want guidance throughout the personal statement writing and editing process. Our coaches can provide feedback on the statement, offer tips and strategies for improvement, and ensure that the statement effectively communicates the applicant’s qualifications and experiences. With the help of a coach, applicants can create a strong and effective personal statement that increases their chances of being accepted into a dental school program.

Tips on reviewing the personal statement for errors and making revisions:

  • Talk to one of our expert coaches at Dentistry Admissions
  • Take a break: Take a break from the personal statement and return to it with fresh eyes to identify errors and areas for improvement.
  • Review for clarity and concision: Review the statement for clarity and concision, and eliminate any unnecessary words or sentences.
  • Check for grammar and spelling errors: Check the statement for grammar and spelling errors, and use a spell checker to identify any mistakes.
  • Get feedback: Get feedback from friends, family, or a coach at Dentistry Admissions to get an outside perspective and identify areas for improvement.
  • Make revisions: Make revisions to the personal statement based on feedback and review, and ensure that it effectively communicates the applicant’s qualifications and experiences.

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books to read for dentistry personal statement

  • Ishtiaq Ali
  • May 30, 2020

Getting Into Dental School: Reading List

Throughout your dentistry application, you will be thinking of ways to "stand out" and "beat" the so-called competition. Pre-reading for Dental School is an often confused topic. Not many students know what to read or if they have to read anything at all. The following blog will highlight some of the texts that you may find useful in helping develop your understanding of dentistry as well as your appreciation of healthcare. But first, let me answer a question I have received throughout the years by aspiring dentists:

What dentistry textbooks should I read and include in my personal statement and interview?

The common misconception amongst dentistry applicants is needing to have an in-depth knowledge of dentistry to stand out and be successful during interviews. This is not the case. Dentistry is a complex science that is taught over many years at university; admission tutors therefore do not expect nor require you to know the ins and outs of dentistry before beginning the course. Reading dental textbooks is difficult enough for dental students let alone anyone who hasn't yet been exposed to dental terminology and treatment methods. Instead, divert your attention to focus on aspects of dentistry which admissions tutors may expect you to have knowledge on. Current affairs within dentistry and the NHS have been a topic used by Dental Schools to see how aware students are of ongoing issues in the profession. Given the COVID-19 pandemic and continuous Brexit negotiations, there is a greater chance of admission tutors asking you questions on how these key historical moments have affected the profession and more broadly the NHS. So don't stress too much about learning the science of dentistry but rather focus on the topics outlined below.

1) Dentistry Articles/Current Affairs:

i) The British Dental Journal

The BDJ is a go-to resource for anyone looking to find articles about key issues within dentistry; both clinical and scientific. A key topic within healthcare at the moment is the global shortage of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). This raises an ethical dilemma for dentists on the appropriate use of PPE to ensure patient safety whilst ensuring the dental practice as a business can continue. Such issues are discussed in detail in the following article

ii) covers the full spectrum of current affairs within dentistry today. It is a particularly useful resource due to its Young Dentists segment. Articles within this range from advice for undergraduate dentists to the impact which young dentists are having on the profession. For dentistry applicants, a question which may arise during the 2020/21 interview process is the role dentists played in fighting COVID-19. This article is a particular favourite, exploring the impact foundation dentists are having after being redeployed to intensive care units.

2) Medical Ethics:

Knowing how to approach ethical scenarios is paramount to success in this aspect of dentistry interviews. Many Dental Schools now adopt an MMI selection process, including an ethical scenario station. Whilst ethical scenarios can be presented in a number of formats, your fundamental approach to answering them should not change.

Medical Ethics: A Very Short Introduction

- As titled, this book is a short, concise overview of the basis of medical ethics and the key concepts you should consider before answering a question.

- Priced at a modest Ā£5.99, I would definitely recommend this for anyone struggling to understand the concept of medical ethics and how to approach ethical dilemmas.

3) GDC Guidelines:

The General Dental Council (GDC), is the governing body for all dental professionals, aimed at protecting both patients and practitioners. Whilst you are not required to know all the GDC guidelines prior to entering Dental School, you may be required to be familiar with the 9 GDC Principles . Students have been asked in the past what they feel the roles and responsibilities of a dentist are; citing some of the GDC principles is a great way to show that you have researched about what is expected of you within the profession. Remember, you don't need to know this word for word, but having a general idea of what the minimum requirements of a dentist are will stand you in good stead if questioned about it!

4) Medical Stories:

Now the books I will recommend in this section are by no means books that you have to read or are expected to read. Instead, they are medical stories, often patient related, which highlight the intricacies of the human body and demands of being a medical practitioner.

1) When Breath Becomes Air

A personal favourite of mine, this book in a unbelievable memoir of a practitioner turned patient. Paul Kalanithi explains his inspiring transformation from a neurosurgeon saving lives, to a lung cancer patient fighting for his own life. This book is a truly remarkable indicator of the fine margins between life and death and the journey that can take a person through.

2) The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat

Another personal account by a neurologist explaining stories of patients suffering from neurological disorders. It highlights the harsh realities which many people in society face today and the daily struggle to overcome the incredible adversities which life throws at us. This is a fantastic reminder of the need to empathise with the struggles of our patients and that the simplest forms of memory are often taken for granted.

3) This Is Going To Hurt: Secret Diaries of A Junior Doctor

A must read for any future NHS practitioner. Adam Kay, a former gynaecologist, gives a diary account of his experiences working within the NHS; from the good, the bad and the downright ugly! Unlike the above two books, this is a much lighter, funnier memoir of life within the confines of a NHS hospital whilst still highlighting the incredibly important truths which exist within our NHS today.

I hope the above "reading list" can provide a greater direction towards texts that may be useful during your dentistry application. As mentioned previously, these are not texts that you are required to know and learn but rather examples which could boost your personal statement and interview answers whilst reminding you of what the profession entails. Feel free to check out The Dental Portal dentistry personal statement and dentistry interview course for further support in your Dental School application!

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Dentistry Personal Statement: Talking about Motivation for Dentistry

When writing your dentistry personal statement it is crucial to explain your motivation to study dentistry. This is one of the most important parts of your dentistry personal statement as you need to show the admissions team that you are driven and committed to studying dentistry and will be motivated to succeed throughout the degree. Keep reading to hear our top suggestions on how to write about your motivation for dentistry in your dentistry personal statement, and how to make yourself stand out! 

books to read for dentistry personal statement

Why do I need to include this?

It is really important in your dentistry personal statement that you talk about the reasons why you want to study dentistry and why you think you would enjoy this career. The person reading your dentistry personal statement will be looking for applicants with a true passion for the subject and who are genuinely driven to pursue a career in dentistry. 

Some universities will even state in their application requirements that students must demonstrate their motivation to study dentistry. 

It is a challenging degree, which requires the university to invest a lot of time and money in their students and therefore the university will only want to accept students who are willing to put in the dedication and effort throughout their time as a dental student. 

Why dentistry?

One idea of what to include in your dentistry personal statement is to explain what initially attracted you to a career in dentistry. Maybe you have always been interested in the human body and when looking into careers relating to this subject you read about dentistry and thought you would enjoy working with your hands every day and getting to see patients from the start to the end of their treatment, whilst still having a human biology focus to your career. 

Maybe you did your work experience with a dental practitioner and were inspired by the work you saw there and could see yourself enjoying a career in that field. Remember, if you mention work experience be specific about what it was that inspired you (and check out our Dentistry Personal Statement ā€“ Talking about Work Experience guide for more tips!). Maybe you want a career where you can help other people whilst still being very practically involved, and you enjoy carrying out intricate work. 

If this is the case, maybe talk about an example of where you have helped people such as volunteering in a care home and an example of where you have demonstrated your ability to do intricate work with your hands, such as a model making hobby. Maybe you want a degree and a career that will challenge you throughout and that will push you to always improve and develop yourself as an individual. 

Whatever your motivation to study dentistry is, try and back it up with an example of how you think this is specifically relevant to you, and how you have shown that you are the right person for this career. The more specific and personal to you it is, the better, as this makes you stand out from all of the other applicants. 

The rewards of dentistry:

Another thing you could include as a motivation to study dentistry is the rewards you get from a career as a dentist and why this has attracted you to the career. By this weā€™re not talking about monetary rewards, weā€™re talking about the rewards from making a difference to patientsā€™ lives. 

You will get to treat patients from the start to the end of their treatment plan, and will get the reward of seeing what a huge change this treatment has had on the patientā€™s life and their confidence and happiness, which is a massive reward of the career. 

Be aware of the difficulties:

When writing about why you are motivated to study dentistry it is important to acknowledge the difficulties of the degree and career as well. Dentistry can be a very challenging career to have, and by talking about this it will show to the admissions teams that you have considered both the pros and cons of dentistry and why you still think you would be suitable for this career. 

Whenever you mention one of the challenges of dentistry, make sure to then talk about how you would cope with this challenge and how you think you are the right person to deal with the difficulties that the career brings. For example, you will get difficult patients who hate the dentist and are very uncooperative with treatment and are rude to you. 

Maybe talk about how youā€™ve dealt with difficult people before, for example if you volunteered in a care home and had to work with some uncooperative residents there, how did you overcome this challenge? This will prove that you are up to the demands of the job. 

You can make a difference:

As a dentist you will have the ability to make a difference to society. You may be motivated by the potential you have in this career to make a big difference to a large number of people. Good dentists will help to promote good oral care to all of their patients who will then pass this on to their children and family, and ultimately help to improve oral care in the community. You can also make a difference to peopleā€™s perspective of the dentist. 

A lot of people are scared of the dentist from previous bad experiences that theyā€™ve had, or purely from stereotypes of the dentist, but if you can give patients a good experience and help to change these stereotypes it will help to encourage even more people to visit the dentist and look after their teeth. 

Donā€™t talk about money:

Never talk about the monetary rewards of the career. Whilst you may have the opportunity to earn a decent salary as a dentist this should never be your motivation to study it. The university is looking for a person who is passionate about the subject and will enjoy the day-to-day work of a dentist, not somebody driven by money as you can get this from lots of other careers. 

Donā€™t say youā€™re motivated by the lifestyle:

As a dentist you may be able to work part time and you will normally have good working hours (e.g. 9am-5pm) but this shouldnā€™t be a motivating factor for you wanting to study it. Many careers can also offer these benefits and it wonā€™t show to the person reading your dentistry personal statement that you are committed and motivated by a career in dentistry specifically. 

Do not talk about social status:

Another thing you should not mention as a motivation to study dentistry is the social status that comes with being a dentist. Whilst being a dentist is a very respected job, you shouldnā€™t mention is as a reason for wanting to become a dentist as this sounds very egotistical and is not a valid reason for pursuing a career in dentistry. You should want to study dentistry because you will enjoy the work you will be doing, not because you think other people will be impressed by it. 

Explain and remember:

When writing about your motivation to study dentistry make sure that whatever you say, you explain it. Donā€™t just make a list of reasons, say why these reasons motivate you personally. 

Remember what youā€™ve written as your motivation to study dentistry, as it is not uncommon to be asked a question about this at your interviews (and the interviewer may have your dentistry personal statement in front of them), so it is important to be able to explain to those interviewing you exactly why you are driven to become a dentist. 

Hopefully this article has given you lots of ideas and guidance on how best to describe your motivation to become a dentist, and you are now ready to include this in your dentistry dentistry personal statement! 

Frequently Asked Question

ā†’what is a dentistry personal statement.

A dentistry personal statement is a written statement that is submitted as part of the application process for dentistry programmes. It is an opportunity for applicants to demonstrate their motivation, passion, and suitability for a career in dentistry.

ā†’What should I include when talking about my motivation for dentistry in my personal statement?

When talking about your motivation for dentistry in your personal statement, you should focus on your passion for the field, any relevant experiences you have had, and your understanding of the challenges and rewards of a career in dentistry. You should also demonstrate your commitment to the profession, your strong work ethic, and your ability to work well in a team.

ā†’Can I talk about personal experiences in my dentistry personal statement?

Yes, you can talk about personal experiences in your dentistry personal statement, as long as they are relevant to your motivation for dentistry and demonstrate your suitability for the programme. For example, you may want to discuss any volunteering or work experience you have had in a dental setting, or how personal experiences have shaped your interest in the field.

ā†’Should I include any challenges or setbacks I have faced in my dentistry personal statement?

Including challenges or setbacks you have faced in your dentistry personal statement can be a good way to demonstrate resilience and determination, but it is important to focus on how you overcame these challenges and what you learned from them. You should also avoid dwelling on negative experiences or sounding overly negative in your personal statement.

ā†’How long should my dentistry personal statement be?

The length of your dentistry personal statement may vary depending on the specific requirements of the programme you are applying for. However, most dentistry personal statements are typically around 500-700 words in length.

ā†’Why is it important to talk about motivation for dentistry in my personal statement?

It is important to talk about motivation for dentistry in your personal statement because admissions committees want to know why you have chosen dentistry as a career and what makes you a suitable candidate for the programme. By highlighting your motivation and passion for dentistry, you can show that you are committed to the profession and have a genuine interest in the field.

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Books to Read for Dentistry Personal Statement

Dentistry personal statement books are very useful, but choosing the right book is not easy. To help me with my personal statement, I used any book I could get my hands on. I included the full list of books I read to write my personal statement in this article.

Coming up with a great college essay can be incredibly hard. The essay for dentistry personal statement test is your first chance to impress the admission office, so you want it to be the best introduction to who you are as a student. Getting started on your college essay can be tough. To give yourself the best possible chance for success, check out these resources to help you write the perfect college essay.

In this post, Iā€™ll try to give you a list of the best books to read for dentistry students. These books will help you a lot in dentistry studies and I really wish I’ve had a chance of reading these before going to the university.

Check out Books To Read For Dentistry Personal Statement

We all want to master the art of personal statements. Thatā€™s why weā€™re all here. We’ve come to learn. If you want to learn how to write a great dental school personal statement, whether you’re in high school, college, or grad school ā€” we’ve got you covered.

Fancy Nancy and the Too-Loose Tooth (I Can Read Level 1)

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Smile PDF – Free Download



Paw elementary pdf – free download.

Little monsters, it's time to go to bed!: How to put little monsters to sleep with a toothbrush and dental floss (Bedtime Story Children's Picture Book, Ages 3-7)

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BeMoā€™s Ultimate Guide to Medical School Personal Statements & Secondary Essays PDF Free Download

BeMoā€™s Ultimate Guide to Medical School Personal Statements & Secondary Essays PDF Free Download

It Never Goes Away: Gender Transition at a Mature Age

It Never Goes Away PDF – Free Download

The Complete Pre-Dental Guide to Modern Dentistry

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Heal Your Oral Microbiome: Balance and Repair your Mouth Microbes to Improve Gut Health, Reduce Inflammation and Fight Disease

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Books for Dentistry

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    Magnanimity. 14. Oxford Handbook of Clinical Dentistry. David Mitchell, Laura Mitchell. Excellent wee book. If you get in you'll use it for your whole degree too. However, I'd recommend getting most of your knowledge and experience from work exp. Reply 3. 15 years ago.