Revised July 3, 2024
For additional assistance, please contact the .

PHS Assignment Request Form

For assistance with the information required on this form, please refer to the appropriate application guide on the How to Apply page.

NOTE: The forms in these topics reflect FORMS-H, which must be used for applications with due dates on or after January 25, 2023 (see guide notice NOT-OD-22-195 . Also see the annotated form set and summary of changes for Forms-H.) For due dates on or before January 24, 2023, use FORMS-G.

Steps for Filling out the Form

The PHS Assignment Request form is used for capturing assignment requests.

This form replaces certain information from the application cover letter attachment, and should be used to:

  • request an assignment to an institute/center for funding consideration
  • request an assignment to a specific study section for initial peer review
  • identify individuals who may not be appropriate to review their application
  • identify scientific areas of expertise needed to review the application

This form is only visible to receipt and referral staff and scientific review officers, who may need to act on the information.

For guidance on completing the form in ASSIST, refer to the steps below.

Adding an Assignment Request Form

To add an Assignment Request form:

  • Select the Add Optional Form button from the Actions navigation panel.

Add Optional Form window

  • Complete the required fields and any other appropriate information. Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
  • To save the information and keep the form open for further editing, select the Save and Keep Lock options.
  • To save the information and close the form, select the Save and Release Lock button.
  • To delete the form and return to the original application, select the Remove Form button.

NOTE: Selecting the Cancel and Release Lock button - followed by the Continue button on the confirmation - returns the form to read-only and does not save any of the entered information onto the form.

Viewing and Editing the Assignment Request Form

To view and/or edit an assignment request form:

Once the Save and Release Lock button has been clicked, the details of the form are displayed as read-only.

To further modify the form, select the Edit button.

For feedback on the online help, please email the ' + 'eRA Communications Office' + ' .

PHS398 logo

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Public Health Service

Grant application phs 398 (revised 03/2020).

All notable changes made to PHS 398 instructions and form pages are listed at the bottom of this page (updated 03/16/2021).

Downloadable Instructions and Form Files

Phs 398 instructions - 3/2020 revision             pdf (454 kb), phs 398 fillable forms - 3/2020 revision.

The links below allow for the downloading of individual and combined form files in MS Word and PDF formats. Some of the files are large and may take a few minutes to download.

Fillable Individual PHS 398 Forms

(These forms are to be used only with paper submissions using the PHS 398. Do use the PDF samples provided below in an SF424 (R&R) application. These are fillable PDF forms which will cause an error in the electronic submission of an SF424 (R&R) application. See the for appropriate formats to be used for electronic submission.

Form Page 1:  Face Page (414 KB)
Form Page 1-continued:  Additional form for use if Multiple PD/PIs are proposed. Do include if submitting a single-PD/PI application. (434 KB)
Form Page 2:  Summary, Relevance, Project/Performance Sites, Senior/Key Personnel, Other Significant Contributors, and Human Embryonic Stem Cells (565 KB)
Project/Performance Site Format Page - use only if additional space is needed. (282 KB)
Form Page 3:  Research Grant Table of Contents (273 KB)
Form Page 4:  Detailed Budget for Initial Budget Period (210 KB)
Form Page 5:  Budget for Entire Proposed Project Period (342 KB)
Resources Format Page (281 KB)
Checklist Form Page (528 KB)
Continuation Format Page (224 KB)
PHS Human Subjects and Clinical Trials Information   (118 KB)
Mailing Address (27 KB)
All Personnel Report Format Page (281 KB)
Combined PHS 398 Forms File

Does NOT include the Biographical Sketch page, Continuation Page, or any of the Sample/Example pages (Biosketch Sample, Other Support Sample). See Individual Form file links above.

(659 KB)

Other Support: see

Biosketches: see

Biosketch FAQs

For Questions Related to:

  • Application Procedures/Forms Submission: contact GrantsInfo at [email protected] or 301-480-7075.

Note: Other software packages for completing these applications may be available from other sources; however, it is essential that the type size and format specifications are met. Otherwise application processing may be delayed, or the application may be returned to the applicant without review.

Disclaimer: Reference to these software packages neither constitutes nor should be inferred to be an endorsement or recommendation of any product, service, or enterprise by the National Institutes of Health, any other agency of the United States Government, or any employee of the United States Government. No warranties are stated or implied.

Notable Changes Made to PHS 398

03/2021 Form Page 4: Detailed Budget for Initial Budget Period

  • Fixed the Row 7 Total field in the Personnel section; it is an editable form field.

03/2020 Updated the OMB expiration date to 2/28/2023. PHS Human Subjects and Clinical Trials Information form

  • Changes were made to the form’s organization in the following sections:
  • Who should use the PHS Human Subjects and Clinical Trials Information form
  • Using the PHS Human Subjects and Clinical Trials Information form
  • Use of Human Specimens and/or Data
  • Clarified and updated instructions throughout. Significant changes were made for the following fields:
  • “Provide the Identifier”
  • “Section 2 – Study Population Characteristics” instructions now reflect updated exceptions for required questions.
  • Study Timeline
  • Section 3.2: "Is this a multi-site study that will use the same protocol to conduct non-exempt human subjects research at more than one domestic site?" - reflect updated instructions.
  • “Data and Safety Monitoring Plan” attachment
  • Updated instructions for delayed onset studies regarding use of single IRB.
  • Added new “Inclusion of Individuals Across the Lifespan” attachment.
  • Updated instructions for the “Inclusion of Women and Minorities” attachment to reflect separate “Inclusion of Individuals Across the Lifespan” attachment.
  • Added new “Inclusion Enrollment Report Title” field.
  • Removed the “Brief Summary” field.
  • Changed the “Narrative Study” field to “Detailed Description.”
  • Updated instructions to Section 3.2 "Is this a multi-site study that will use the same protocol to conduct non-exempt human subjects research at more than one domestic site?" and the single IRB plan attachment. Included instructions specific for AHRQ applicants.
  • Included instructions specific for AHRQ applicants to Section 3.3 "Data and Safety Monitoring Plan."
  • Added new "Is this an applicable clinical trial under FDAAA?" field.
  • Renumbered form fields.

Biographical Sketch

  • Updated biosketch instructions so that scholastic performance requires only scientific/professional graduate courses to be listed

Research Plan

  • PHS Inclusion Enrollment Report: Discontinued use (data collection moved to new PHS Human Subjects and Clinical Trials Information form)

PHS Human Subjects and Clinical Trials Information form

  • There is a new form for consolidated human subjects, inclusion enrollment report, and clinical trial information.
  • Includes attachment to comply with NIH Policy on the Use of a Single Institutional Review Board for Multi-Site Research .
  • Includes the updated appendix policy that eliminates clinical trial-related materials. See the NIH Guide Notice on Allowable Appendix Materials for more information.

Go to NIH Forms and Applications Page

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Use the Assignment Request Form in FORMS-D to Provide NIH Peer Review Referral Information

NIH applicants have the opportunity to suggest information to help NIH refer and review their grant application. When applying with the new FORMS-D application package, applicants will include their requests in the new assignment request form, rather than in the cover letter has has been done in the past.

Applicants should use the new assignment request form if they choose to:

  • request assignment to an institute/center for funding consideration
  • request assignment to a particular study section for initial peer review
  • identify individuals they do not think should review their application
  • identify scientific areas of expertise needed to review their application

Applicants should still use the cover letter attachment for information not captured on the assignment form, such as to provide information about a late application. Just like the cover letter, the assignment request form is only for internal use by receipt and referral staff and scientific review officers involved in handling the application’s review – we do not share the assignment request form or cover letter with reviewers or other NIH staff.

For more information, read these related NIH Guide notices:

  • NIH & AHRQ Announce New Form for PHS Awarding Component and Peer Review Requests
  • Reminder: NIH & AHRQ Grant Application Changes for Due Dates On or After May 25, 2016


If using Cayuse, where do you upload the PHS new assignment request form.

The assignment request form would be found with other optional forms. For additional help with applying through system-to-system software, we recommend contacting the support desk for the particular software or system you are using. Thank you!

Where do you upload the Assignment Request Form within the application?

I believe in the cover letter section. These are from the parent R01 instructions for due dates June/beyond.

The form is optional, and use of the form does not require completion of all fields in the form. For example, an applicant may wish only to request a specific awarding component or study section assignment and leave the other fields on the form blank. The PHS Assignment Request Form complements the Cover Letter Attachment on the SF 424 (R&R) form. Although NIH will no longer check the Cover Letter Attachment for requests pertinent to the assignment and review of applications, the Cover Letter Attachment still may be used to communicate a variety of other issues, as specified in application guides (e.g., reason for late submission).

The Assignment Request Form is posted with the application package included in the funding opportunity announcement to which you are applying. When you complete your application, just fill out that form as well. Its use is optional.

It is actually not uploaded. You will find on the left hand side menu, a Add Form Option. Select this and from the dropdown select the Assignment request form. You then fill it out electronically.

If using Assist, where would this form be uploaded?

I wrote a cover letter and suggested reviewers (like I used to before these changes). I was told by the SRA that I am not allowed to suggest reviewers. I won’t suggest them anymore but was wondering where to find the information stating that we are not allowed to suggest reviewers. Thanks!

If I am submitting to a specific FOA with only one Participating Organization, is an Assignment Request Form still needed, or is it a given that there will only be one study section/peer review group?

Before submitting your comment, please review our blog comment policies.

Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *

Request for Primary IC Assignment SOP

This standard operating procedure (SOP) includes the following sections:  Purpose ,  Procedure ,  Contacts , and  Links .

Some links will work for NIAID staff only.

To request the NIH  Center for Scientific Review  (CSR) refer grant applications to NIAID, including requests from either applicants or NIAID staff.

When CSR receives competing applications, it assigns them to one or more institutes (typically two) for possible funding, according to NIH referral guidelines. The institute with the most relevant program is designated primary; others are secondary. Also, investigators can request assignment to an institute in their applications on the  PHS Assignment Request Form .

Program officers may request a change in an application's primary assignment either: 1) before initial peer review to correct a CSR assignment or 2) after peer review from another institute so NIAID can fund it.

Investigators and program officers can also request a dual assignment either before or after peer review. To request dual assignment, see the  Dual Assignments SOP .

Investigators and Applicants

  • Include a  PHS Assignment Request Form  with your application requesting assignment to NIAID. For advice, read Use the PHS Assignment Request Form .
  • If you are not happy with a CSR assignment, contact CSR’s Division of Receipt and Referral at [email protected]  to request a new institute assignment and briefly state the rationale for the change.

Program Officers

  • Tell your division coordinator to initiate an Awaiting Receipt of Applications (ARA) through the IMPAC II ARA module. CSR uses ARAs to make a referral decision when a principal investigator (PI) submits an application. See the  Awaiting Receipt of Application (ARA) SOP  for more information.
  • After talking to the PI, contact the program officer from the other institute to discuss transfer.
  • If the other institute agrees to transfer the application, follow the Request for Assignment Changes Instructions and prepare an assignment change request email, get concurrence from your branch chief, and route it to your division coordinator who will initiate an Assignment Change Request (ACR, electronic 901) through the IMPAC II ACR module.
  • Ask the program officer from the other institute if it intends to fund the application.
  • Discuss with your branch chief whether NIAID will fund the application.
  • After your branch chief approves, contact the NIAID budget office for budget approval.
  • If the budget office approves, follow the Request for Assignment Changes Instructions and prepare an assignment change request email, get concurrence from your branch chief along with the budget approval, and route to your division coordinator.
  • If the other institute’s program officer does not agree to release primary assignment to NIAID, you can request a dual assignment. See the  Dual Assignments SOP .

Division Coordinators

  • Initiate an ACR (electronic 901) using the IMPAC II ACR module.
  • For assignments accepted after peer review, inform Contact for NIAID Receipt Referral that your division will take primary assignment to fund, and include the budget approval.

NIAID Receipt Referral Officer

  • Verify the information on the ACR (electronic 901) and submit it.

For assignment or review questions, contact the  Center for Scientific Review , or if the application will be reviewed at NIAID, contact the NIAID  Scientific Review Program  or the appropriate program officer. For more information, read Contacting Program Officers and Grants Management Specialists .

Contact for NIAID Receipt Referral

  • Contact for DAIDS
  • Contact for DAIT
  • Contact for DMID

Use the contacts listed above for questions about your specific situation. If you have a general question or a suggestion to improve this page, email the Office of Knowledge and Educational Resources at  [email protected] .

Negotiating the Locus of Peer Review SOP

eRA System SOP

NIAID Request for Assignment Changes From CSR SOP

Apply for a Grant

Application Assigned to a Review Group

U.S. flag

Additional Application Forms and Components

In addition to the Research Strategy and Specific Aims pages that describe your proposed research, standard NIH applications include many other components including but not limited to those listed below. Follow the instructions below to help determine which of these additional components are necessary for your application.  Some will be relevant to all or almost all grant mechanisms, while others may apply to only a subset .

The best way to determine what applies to your application is to closely review: NIH Application Instructions  referenced in the NOFO under the "Required Application Instructions" heading The intended NOFO, particularly: Section I: Related Notices Section IV: Application and Submission Information

Write a succinct summary of the project that both a scientist and a lay person can understand.

  • Use Specific Aims as a template—shorten and simplify the language.
  • In the first sentence, state the significance of your research to the field and relevance to NIND's mission: to better understand, treat, and prevent infectious, immunologic, and allergic diseases.
  • Next state the hypothesis and the innovative potential of your research.
  • Then list and briefly describe the Specific Aims and long-term objectives.
  • Include appropriate keywords, e.g., immunotherapy, genetic risk factors.
  • Do not include graphics or citations.
  • Define or omit abbreviations.
  • Be sure to omit confidential or proprietary information in these sections!

These sections may be small, but they're important.

  • When your application is funded, NIH enters your title and Abstract in the public RePORTER database. 
  • All peer reviewers read the Abstract and Narrative.
  • Staff and automated systems in NIH's Center for Scientific Review use the Abstract and Narrative to decide where to assign your application, even if you requested an institute and study section.
  • The Abstract and Narrative describe the importance and health relevance of the research to members of the public and Congress who are interested in what NIH is funding with taxpayer dollars.

What To Add and Not To Add in an Appendix NIH limits the information you may put in an Appendix (see list below of allowable materials) and will check that you did not try to bypass page limits by putting materials in the Appendix that belong in the Research Plan. Guidelines differ by grant type and notice of funding opportunity ( NOFO ), so check your NOFO carefully.

The list of allowable Appendix materials is limited to the following items:

Blank data collection forms, blank survey forms and blank questionnaire forms--or screenshots thereof

Simple lists of interview questions

Blank informed consent/assent forms

Other items  only if  they are specified in the NOFO as allowable Appendix materials

Applications that include unallowable Appendix materials will be withdrawn and not reviewed.

For additional details, see NIH 's  Frequently Asked Questions: Appendix Policy .

Submitting the Appendix Use the Appendix attachment of the PHS 398 Research Plan form. If you can't submit the materials electronically, contact the Scientific Review Officer listed in your chosen NOFO .

Assignment Request Form

Use of the PHS Assignment Request form is optional but can be helpful on a number of levels. The PHS Assignment Request Form contains four sections for receiving suggestions from applicants. This information is reviewed by the NIH ’s Center for Scientific Review (CSR)’s Division of Receipt and Referral (DRR). Note that DRR staff are not required to grant the suggestions made on this form, but often do when feasible and scientifically appropriate. Only NIH staff involved in the assignment and review process have access to this form.  Suggestion of IC Assignment  For applications to parent funding opportunities or those with multiple participating ICs (see “Components of Participating Organizations” in “Part 1. Overview Information” of the selected NOFO ), you may wish to recommend primary assignment to the IC whose mission most closely aligns with your proposed research. NIH’s Matchmaker may be helpful if you're unsure and reaching out to a NINDS Program Officer may also be helpful.   Study Section Assignment  Review “Section V,” Subcategory “2. Review and Selection Process” for information as to whether applications submitted to the NOFO you have selected will be reviewed by the Center for Scientific Review (CSR) or by an IC-convened panel.  You may also find this information in “Section VII. Agency Contacts,” under “ Peer Review Contact(s).” If your application will be reviewed by CSR, it may be helpful to use the CSR Assisted Referral Tool to get an idea for which standing study sections might be the best fit for your application. NINDS program staff can also provide some input on this topic. It can be very helpful to write an application with a specific audience (in this case, study section) in mind when possible, so making suggestions here can be helpful.   Individuals Who Should Not Review and Why  NIH review staff automatically review conflicts of interest carefully and note that a scientific competitor does not necessarily constitute a conflict of interest. Be sure to provide specific information as to why you think a person could NOT provide a fair and impartial review if you choose to suggest the exclusion of a reviewer. This should be specific details as to actions or observations that would suggest this person could not provide a fair or impartial review.  Areas of expertise needed to review your application  This section provides you the chance to help NIH facilitate the most fair and rigorous review of your application. Completing this section can be worthwhile even if you don’t utilize or complete other sections of the form. Use this section to highlight the disciplines involved in your project, and particularly if multidisciplinary. This will help CSR and the Scientific Review Officer (SRO) identify the types of expertise needed to rigorously evaluate your application and recruit and assign the most appropriate reviewers.    

Authentication of Key Biological and Chemical Resources

This section is an important part of NIH ’s Rigor and Reproducibility efforts and has been required in all applications since 2016. 

Note that reviewers are asked to comment on the suitability of this plan, and if not adequate, you will be asked to revise and submit an amended version addressing reviewer concerns via just-in-time procedures .  

In addition to the instructions for this section that can be found in the standard NIH application instructions , the below references may be useful for informing your development of this section: 

What Kind of Information Should I Include in the “Authentication of Key Biological and/or Chemical Resources” Attachment? 

Authentication Plan Examples  

NIH Policy Notices on the Authentication of Key Biological and/or Chemical Resources section.


Along with any principal investigators, include a biographical sketch with research support information for everyone you designate as senior/key personnel or other significant contributors (OSCs). This includes consultants and technical staff with senior/key personnel or OSC designations, even if they are not paid a salary from the grant. OSCs who contribute at least one person month or more effort must be designated as senior/key personnel.

Get the NIH   Biosketch Format Pages, Instructions and Samples , and learn more in the  Frequently Asked Questions on Biosketches . Use  SciENcv  to help you develop your biosketch and automatically format it according to NIH requirements. 

How Reviewers Use Biographical Sketches Reviewers check carefully to see whether the PI and others have enough experience with the techniques to execute the Research Plan. The personal statement and contributions to science can be big factors in how you rate on the Investigator review criterion.

Reviewers will check that you have asked for an appropriate number of people, amount of time, and level of expertise to conduct the research.

How To Create a Strong Biographical Sketch

  • Make Your Personal Statement specific for this application. Use this section as well to explain any gaps in productivity or other aspects that may impact how a reviewer may score you as an investigator. Your personal statement can be a big factor in how you the PI rate on the Investigator review criterion. 
  • All key personnel's biosketches have a personal statement too, which must explicitly state how their experience qualifies them for  their role on your project , including relevant education, expertise, and accomplishments.
  • Carefully choose the publications you decide to highlight in your "Contributions to Science." Highlight your team's expertise by listing publications or manuscripts in press for each member. Reviewers will consider your seniority when they evaluate the scientific contributions in your biosketch. 

NIH offers the following advice for new scientists:

  • If you have one publication, you could summarize the key finding of the paper and its importance in a short contribution.
  • If you have no publications yet, you could provide a contribution that describes your efforts on other peoples’ papers and projects. For example, perhaps you used a certain method, provided the literature review for a paper, or cared for all the research animals.
  • If you have no research or thesis experience yet, you may still be able to describe one contribution about your training to date. 

Note that you do not have to be an author on the publications you reference. It is up to you how you describe your contributions. As one way to do so, you could choose to list a key publication that builds on your work.

For further advice on biosketches, consult with your colleagues who serve as reviewers in your area of science. Learn more about NIH   Biosketch Format Pages, Instructions and Samples .

Cover Letter

Check required and optional reasons to write a cover letter for your application. Note that only the Scientific Review Officer—not peer reviewers or Program Officers—sees your cover letter.

When a Cover Letter Is Required You must have a cover letter for the following:

  • Grants requesting $500,000 or more in direct costs for any year.
  • Conference grants (R13 or U13).
  • Late applications.  Include the reason your application is late. Learn more at  Late Applications and Post-Submission Materials .
  • Continuous submission.  Indicate that you are a member of an NIH study section qualified to submit at a nonstandard time.
  • Video.  Indicate that you plan to send video files later.  

Optional Uses for the Cover Letter You may choose to use a cover letter for the following purposes:

  • Point out RFAs and PAs . State the title if you're responding to an initiative.
  • Note special areas.  Note the involvement of human subjects, select agents, or other areas with special requirements.
  • Note a subaward  that will be active for only some of the grant's years.

In the past, applicants also used the cover letter to list expertise needed to review the application and to request assignment. Use the PHS Assignment Request Form described above instead.

Creating Your Cover Letter Here's how to create and format your cover letter:

  • Start with the title and a brief description of your application.
  • Use the PHS 398 Cover Letter File in the grant application—don't confuse it with the mandatory PHS 398 Cover Page Supplement form.

Follow the format NIH gives you in the  SF 424 Form Instructions .

Data Management and Sharing Plan

See NINDS ' dedicated Data Management and Sharing Plan page

This section gives you a chance to demonstrate the equipment necessary to successfully complete the work is available to you. Follow the applicable SF424 NIH instructions

Facilities and Other Resources

Use this section to describe any additional facilities and other resources necessary for the successful completion of the work proposed in your application. Follow the applicable SF424 NIH instructions

Introduction to Application/Response to Reviewers

This section is required only if the application type is "resubmission" or "revision" or if the NOFO specifies that one is needed. Follow the applicable SF424 NIH instructions

Genomic Data Sharing

Genomic Data Sharing is now included under the following section, "Data Management and Sharing Plan." See important information on NINDS' interpretation of the NIH Genomic Data Sharing policy .

Letters of Support

Your application should include letters of support from your institution, key personnel, collaborators, and other significant contributors. Relevant letters of support will assure your peer reviewers that your collaborations and institutional commitments are on the right track.

What To Include

The letter text should demonstrate the commitment of your institution and contributors. Summarize the agreements you have in place to support your project.

Familiarize yourself with the recommendations  and instructions in the NIH SF424  Letters of Support  instructions.

In multi-component applications, you may include letters of support in the overall component, other components, or both unless stated otherwise in the notice of funding opportunity ( NOFO ). You may also be instructed to begin the Letters of Support attachment with a table of letter authors, their institutions, and the type of each letter (e.g., institutional commitment).

Specifics for Collaborator Letters

When you request a letter of support, consider providing your collaborator a summary of your agreement as a convenient starting point. Discuss with them what information you think needs to be included.

The letters of support should clearly describe what type of support your collaborators will provide (e.g., reagents, animals, human samples, technology). Make sure to indicate whether the support is available to anyone on request or if your collaborator will provide it to only you. Our staff consider the latter point as they determine who may review your application without conflict.

Note that this letter is not the same document as your formal written agreement with the collaborator. Do not include the text of the formal agreement itself with your letters of support or your application. The formal agreement is for your benefit. NIH does not request, use, or need a copy of it. 

Don’t Send Too Many Letters of Support

Include the letters as described in the NOFO ’s instructions, but don’t assume that even more letters would be better. We strongly advise against collecting letters of support solely as endorsements of your reputation, expertise, or research plans.

In some cases, applicants have provided over a thousand letters of support. Large quantities of letters pose a significant burden on peer reviewers as they try to determine which are truly relevant to the project.

Unnecessary letters can also limit the pool of experts who are allowed to review your application. Due to potential conflicts of interest, anyone who writes a letter may not review your application. You might unintentionally eliminate the scientists who could have been your best supporters on the review panel. 

Multi PD/PI Leadership Plan

This section is required for any multi-PD/PI applications. This section allows you to explain how your team is organized and how you will navigate conflicts if and when they emerge, among other topics. Follow the applicable SF424 NIH instructions .

In the Project Narrative, the limit is THREE SENTENCES to describe the project's potential to improve public health.

Plan for Enhancing Diverse Perspectives

Some NOFOs require this plan to describe how diverse perspectives will be included in the proposed work. If this plan is required, it will be indicated in the NOFO along with instructions provided in section IV of the NOFO if applicable.

References Cited

Put your research plans in scientific context for your reviewers and convince them that you know your field by citing wisely in your application, including a Bibliography. References show your breadth of knowledge of the field. If you leave out an important work, reviewers may assume you're not aware of it.

Cite publications that are current and relevant to the project or show that you or your collaborators used your proposed methods. You may also cite interim research products, such as article preprints, to demonstrate transparency as explained in NIH 's  Frequently Asked Questions on Interim Research Products . Do not include a copy of publications in the application.

If a publication is public, always link to it, or include its  NIH PubMed Central  identification number in the text. You will list all citations in your Other Project Information Form: Bibliography and References Cited form. Follow the applicable SF424 NIH instructions

Resource Sharing Plans

With the launch of the Data Sharing and Management Policy for applications submitted on or after January 25th, 2023, it is important to note that existing resource sharing requirements REMAIN in effect. 

Resource sharing can be thought of broadly as falling into two main categories: 

Model Organism Sharing Policy  

All NIH applications and proposals that will produce unique model organism research resources are expected to include a sharing plan for distributing these research resources in the application or proposal, or provide a justification for why such sharing is restricted or not possible. 

This policy statement applies to extramural investigators funded by NIH grants, cooperative agreements, and contracts, including Small Business Innovation Research ( SBIR ) and Small Business Technology Transfer ( STTR ) mechanisms. All investigators are expected to develop a model organism sharing plan. There is no cost threshold for this policy 

Research Tools Policy  

To determine whether a resource is a research tool in the context of the NIH Research Tools Policy, funding recipients should consider whether: 

The resource is primarily a tool for discovery rather than an FDA-approved product or an integral component of such a product; 

The resource is a broad, enabling invention that will be useful to many other users, rather than a project or product-specific resource; and 

The resource is readily useable or distributable as a tool, as opposed to an instance where private sector involvement is either a necessary means or the most expedient means for developing or distributing the resource. 

The NIH uses a broad definition of “research tool” which can the encompass full range of tools that scientists use in the laboratory, including: cell lines, monoclonal antibodies, reagents, animal models, growth factors, combinatorial chemistry and DNA libraries, clones and cloning tools (such as PCR), methods, laboratory equipment and machines 

If through the work of a proposed application, a unique resource you are generating could meet at least one of the numbered criteria above, you should include a resource sharing plan in your application for how the unique resource will be shared or why it cannot be. 

For details on what should be considered and included in the resource sharing plan, review the guidance provided in the NIH Research Tools Policy .

Team Management Plan

Some types of applications require Team Management Plans to provide further details on how teams will be managed. Follow instructions provided in section IV of the NOFO if applicable. 

comments Want to contact NINDS staff? Please visit our Find Your NINDS Program Officer page to learn more about contacting Program Officers, Grants Management Specialists, Scientific Review Officers, and Health Program Specialists.
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  • Contact CSR
  • For Applicants

CSR’s primary role is to handle the receipt and review of ~ 75% of the grant applications that NIH receives. NIH separates the review process from funding decisions.

For Reviewers

Reviewers are critical to our mission to see that NIH grant applications receive, fair, independent, expert, and timely scientific reviews. We appreciate the generosity with which reviewers give their time.

News & Policy

The latest news and policy updates from CSR. Read about our outreach programs and publications.

Study Sections

Applications are reviewed in study sections (Scientific Review Group, SRG). Review Branches (RBs) are clusters of study sections based on scientific discipline.

Review Panels & Dates

  • Submission & Assignment

Request a Scientific Review Group

NIH encourages you to submit an Assignment Request Form with your application. The form allows you to:

  • Express a preference for a particular scientific review group (or “study section”)
  • Express a preference for a specific awarding component (an NIH Institute or Center)
  • Let us know of potential reviewers who you feel might have a conflict of interest with your application
  • Describe the expertise needed to review your application; do not provide names.

No, but assignment requests made through the cover letter will not be accepted. There is also no requirement that you complete all fields in the form.

We carefully consider all information you provide in making assignments to review groups (study sections) and awarding components, in recruiting appropriate reviewers, and in managing conflicts of interest. We will try to accommodate your requests if they are appropriate and possible.

We assign applications to review groups based on the fit between published guidelines for review groups and your application. In assessing fit, we typically consider the abstract, specific aims, broader goals, and methods used. Assignment to a review group also takes into consideration conflicts of interest between key personnel on an application and members of a review group. Your suggestions made via the Assignment Request Form help us to consider the full range of factors.

We designed our review groups to have some overlap, so more than one might have the expertise to review your application. Our scientific staff make the final assignment after they carefully consider your suggestions and explanations in light of NIH policies. The review location for some applications is predetermined, such as those submitted under a request for applications (RFA).

  • You can search for a CSR review group by searching for topics or using the CSR Assisted Referral Tool
  • Examine recent study section rosters to gauge the scope of the group. Note that rosters change over time as we recruit reviewers based on the scientific content of the applications.
  • Consider seeking guidance from an NIH Institute or Center program officer (PO). These individuals usually attend meetings of review groups and can share their insight.
  • Use the  NIH RePorter database to identify the study sections that reviewed successful applications in your field. Please pay attention to recent applications and be aware that our study section guidelines are regularly updated.

You can also request that your application be assigned to an awarding component you think would have the most interest in your research. It's a good idea to contact one or more program officers for guidance before you submit. You can identify NIH program officers via staff listings on NIH Institute and Center web sites . You should also look at the funding opportunity announcement (FOA) you will use to submit your application. Applications cannot be assigned to an institute or center that does not participate in the particular funding announcement.

Use the Assignment Request Form to tell us if you know of a potential reviewer who you believe could not provide an impartial review. Rosters are typically posted online 30 days before the review meeting. If you see a reviewer on it who might have a conflict of interest with your application, contact your scientific review officer (SRO) as soon as possible.

A researcher in your own field who holds a different scientific opinion is not automatically considered biased. These individuals usually provide excellent reviews because they understand the scientific issues. Your SRO will consider the situation and make the final decision. If he/she agrees that there is a conflict, the reviewer will not be assigned to your application and will not be in the room when it's discussed. (SROs will only be able to confirm that NIH policy was followed and will not be able to tell you if specific people were placed in conflict.) Learn more about NIH policy on conflicts of interest .

Use the Assignment Request Form to tell us about specific expertise needed to review your application. Do not provide names of potential reviewers.

Last updated: 02/22/2023 10:37

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PHS Assignment Request Form

Posted in NIH

Use the optional PHS Assignment Request Form to list expertise needed to review your application, exclude reviewers, and request an institute assignment.

Here’s why you should use the optional PHS Assignment Request Form:

  • Having your application assigned to an institute that is enthusiastic about your research may improve your chances of funding.
  • We advise you to request a study section after carefully researching groups that are likely to be scientifically appropriate for your application. For investigator-initiated R01, R21, and R03 applications, we also advise you to request assignment to the most appropriate study section of reviewers.

Taking the time to make this request ensures the best match

In the absence of a request from you, NIH’s Center for Scientific Review (CSR) will assign your application to an institute and study section. CSR bases assignments on its referral criteria, relying on referral staff and knowledge-based technologies to decide.

NIH saves the form separately, so you won’t see it included in your application image after you apply. Your peer reviewers won’t see it, either.

  • Completing this section is a good idea even if you decide not to use the other parts of the form.
  • Highlight disciplines involved, particularly if multidisciplinary, to help the Center for Scientific Review (CSR) assign your application and to ensure the appropriate expertise on the panel.
  • Exclude reviewers.  NIH policy allows you to list people who should not review your application, though your scientific review officer makes the call.
  • Request assignment  from CSR to a study section and Institute.

The form includes instructions which you can preview in the  Sample PHS Assignment Request Form(link is external) pdf .

See the attached data table that identifies the success rates by Institute/Center:

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USC Department of Contracts and Grants

PHS Assignment Request Form in Grant Applications

February 6, 2023

Announcement: ​ The National Institutes of Health is encouraging the use of the  Public Health Service (PHS) assignment request form  when putting together grant applications.

This form is available in nearly all competing NIH application form packages and allows you to provide specific application assignment and review information to referral and review staff.

Applicants may suggest NIH Institute/Center/Office (ICO) assignments, particular study sections, names of people who may have a conflict with reviewing the application, and areas of expertise needed for the review. The information provided is not included in the assembled application and is only shared with appropriate NIH review staff, not with reviewers or others at NIH.

Available resources to help identify which NIH ICO or study section may be appropriate:

  • RePORTER  for grants where related research was funded and reviewed (see also  this blog ).
  • Assisted Referral Tool  can help you identify potentially appropriate  study sections .

Please keep in mind that suggestions for peer reviewers are not allowed on the form (or the  cover letter  or anywhere else in the application). The PHS form clearly states “do not provide names of individuals” you would like to review your application as this could cause a potential  conflict of interest  between the applicant and reviewer.

Questions?  If you have any questions regarding the PHS form, please reach out to your  DCG Officer . 

phs assignment form nih

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NIH Director's Pioneer Award

NIH Director's Pioneer Award logo.

  • Application Process
  • Eligibility
  • After Submission not completed
  • Award Management not completed


The information in these pages are meant to provide general guidance. Instructions and procedures outlined in the funding opportunity,  SF424 Application Guide , and NIH Grants Policy Statement take precedence over any information provided and should be referred to for complete and comprehensive directions.

This section provides steps and information needed to prepare a Pioneer Award application for submission and includes samples of past Pioneer Award applications. The guidance found here is not detailed, but it is specific to the Pioneer Award. For more detailed guidance on each step, go to the NIH Grants & Funding Application Guide website .

The application process includes:

Before you can submit an application, you need to make sure you have all the necessary registrations and accounts. Work closely with your institution's business office to get registered and to determine its internal procedure for submitting an application to NIH.

Step 1: Ensure Applicant Institution Is Registered

Applicant institutions must complete and maintain the following registrations to apply and receive awards. Registration can take six weeks or more, so institutions should begin the registration process as soon as possible.

  • System for Award Management (SAM)  – Institutions must complete and maintain an active registration, which requires an annual renewal that may take as much time as the initial registration. SAM registration includes the assignment of a Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code. A Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) is issued as part of the registration process. The same UEI must be used for all registrations, as well as on the grant application.
  • eRA Commons  – Institutions must have an active DUNS number to register. To submit an application, a Signing Official (SO) and Program Director/Principal Investigator (PD/PI) account must be designated.
  •  – Institutions must have an active SAM registration to complete registration.

Step 2: Ensure Applicant Is Registered

The PD/PI must have an  eRA Commons  account. The PD/PI should work with his/her institutional officials to either create a new account or to affiliate their existing account with the applicant institution in eRA Commons. Obtaining an eRA Commons account can take up to two weeks.

Step 3: Request an Application Package

The application forms package must be accessed through one of the following systems:

  • Application Submission System & Interface for Submission Tracking (ASSIST)  – ASSIST is used to prepare and submit applications electronically to NIH and other Public Health Service agencies.
  • Workspace  – Workspace is the standard way for organizations or individuals to apply for federal grants in
  • Institutional System-to-System – See your institution’s administrative office for instructions if you plan to use an institutional system-to-system solution.

Step 4 (Optional): Contact NIH Institute or Center for Instructions on Clinical Trials

The Pioneer Award welcomes any project relevant to the NIH mission, including  clinical trials . Though technical and conceptual risks are expected in highly innovative projects, clinical research must also contend with potential risks to human subjects. Because awards are administered by the most topic-relevant NIH Institute or Center (IC), applicants proposing NIH-defined clinical trials should contact program staff at the appropriate IC to ensure their applications conform to NIH and IC-specific policies for clinical trials.

For a list of IC contacts for clinical trials research, see our page on  NIH Clinical Trials Contacts .

Follow the Instructions

It is critical that applicants follow the Research Instructions in the  SF424 (R&R) Application Guide  except where instructed in the funding opportunity to do otherwise. When the funding opportunity provides instructions that differ from the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide, the instructions given in the funding opportunity take precedence and should be followed.

All attachments should be formatted according to  NIH format standards .

Adherence to the application requirements is mandatory and strictly enforced. Applications that are out of compliance with these instructions may not be accepted for review.

Required Forms

Refer to the funding opportunity and  SF424 (R&R) Application Guide  for complete instructions.

1. SF424 (R&R) Form

Follow all instructions in the  SF424 (R&R) Application Guide .

Agency Routing Identifier

Enter Science Area Designations in the Agency Routing Identifier. Designate two scientific areas (a primary and secondary) from the list below. For each area, enter the one-digit code and abbreviation (e.g., 1 BSS).

1 BSS - Behavioral and Social Science 2 CB - Chemical Biology 3 CTR - Clinical and Translational Research 4 IDI - Infectious Diseases and Immunology 5 IE - Instrumentation and Engineering 6 MCB - Molecular and Cellular Biology 7 NS - Neuroscience 8 HIB - High-Throughput and Integrative Biology 9 BCB - Bioinformatics and Computational Biology

For each area, enter the one-digit code and abbreviation (e.g., 1 BSS). List the primary area first followed by a semicolon, then add the secondary area (e.g., 1 BSS; 7 NS).

The areas of science listed above are very broad and frequently overlap. Choose the primary (and optional secondary) science area that is most appropriate for your proposed project. The scientific areas are used solely as an aid to assign panel reviewers, who are chosen for their breadth of knowledge and expertise and will be able to review a broad range of applications. Science area designations do not affect an application’s funding potential, and application requirements and instructions are identical for all science areas. All applications are reviewed in the same time period, with the same review criteria, and compete for a single source of dedicated funds.

Note: The science area designations (two one-digit codes with abbreviations) must also be included at the beginning of the Research Strategy essay.

Type of Application

Must be "New."

Proposed Project

The start date should be September 30 of the funding year, and the end date should be 5 years later on July 31. See the funding opportunity for exact dates.

Estimated Project Funding

  • Total Federal Funds Requested: Include Direct and Indirect Costs. Direct Costs should total $3,500,000 for the 5 years of the award.
  • Total Non-Federal Funds: Enter $0.
  • Total Federal & Non-Federal Funds: Include Direct and Indirect Costs.
  • Estimated Program Income: Enter $0.

Note: The budget request is entered only in the fields for "Total Federal Funds Requested" and "Total Federal & Non-Federal Funds" as described above. Funds may be requested for personnel (including collaborators), supplies, equipment, sub-contracts, data management and sharing costs, and other allowable costs. A detailed budget and other budget forms are not requested and will not be accepted.

Cover Letter Attachment

Use the Cover Letter Attachment if relevant information needs to be conveyed as outlined in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide . The cover letter is for internal NIH use only and will not be shared with peer reviewers. Note, applicants are NOT required to have agency approval documentation for budget requests of $500,000 or more because the funding opportunity expressly states that large budgets are welcome.

2. PHS 398 Cover Page Supplement Form

3. r&r other project information form.

Follow all instructions in the  SF424 (R&R) Application Guide  with additional instructions for the sections outlined in the funding opportunity below.

Project Summary/Abstract

There is a limit of 30 lines of text.

Project Narrative

There is a limit of three sentences.

Bibliography & References Cited

Do not use this section. Reference citations are not required. Citations considered essential may be included in the essay and must be included in the page limit.

Facilities & Other Resources

Upload a brief statement (one page maximum) of the facilities to be used for the conduct of the research.

Do not use.

Other Attachments

  • For more help on human subjects, visit the  NIH Grants & Funding website .
  • Foreign components are defined as the performance of any significant scientific element or segment of a project outside of the United States, either by the recipient or by a researcher employed by a foreign organization, whether or not grant funds are expended. It is crucial that you disclose all foreign components, which include foreign collaborations that will result in co-authorship. See the definition of  Foreign Components  for more details.

4. Project/Performance Site Location(s)

5. r&r senior/key person profile form.

Follow all instructions in the  SF424 (R&R) Application Guide , but only the PD/PI’s biosketch is allowed.  Inclusion of other personnel or collaborator biosketches anywhere in the application will result in your application being administratively withdrawn.

Profile Project Director/Principal Investigator

Attach a list of Current and Pending Support from all sources, including current year direct costs and effort in person months devoted to each project.

Profile - Senior/Key Person

Do not use. Submit information for the PD/PI only. Information on collaborators and other key personnel is not required but may be included in the Research Strategy essay.

Additional Senior/Key Person Profile(s)

Do not use. Only the PD/PI may submit a Biographical Sketch. Inclusion of other personnel or collaborator biosketches anywhere in the application will result in your application being administratively withdrawn.

6. R&R Budget of Modular Budget Form

Do not use. A detailed budget is not requested and will not be accepted.

7. R&R Subaward Budget

8. phs 398 research plan form.

Follow all instructions in the  SF424 (R&R) Application Guide  with additional instructions in the funding opportunity.

Specific Aims

Research strategy.

The Research Strategy essay should contain the information below and be saved as a pdf titled "Essay.pdf."

Your essay should describe:

  • Your innovative vision for addressing a major challenge or pursuing an outstanding opportunity of relevance to NIH.
  • The importance of this challenge or opportunity.
  • Your qualifications to engage in groundbreaking research.

No detailed scientific plan should be provided since the research plan is expected to evolve during the tenure of the grant. The essay should include the following sections in the order given with the headings as shown below:

  • Scientific Areas : Provide 1-digit code and abbreviation for primary and secondary science areas at the beginning of essay. See "Agency Routing Identifier" information above for codes and format.
  • Project Title : The project title must be descriptive of the proposed project.
  • What is the scientific challenge or opportunity that will be addressed, and why is this important?
  • What are the pioneering, highly innovative approaches that, if successful, would lead to groundbreaking or paradigm-shifting results?
  • Evidence of PD's/PI's Innovativeness : What concrete evidence can you provide for your claim of innovativeness? For example, qualities common to many highly innovative people include the ability to integrate diverse sources of information; an inclination to question paradigms; a willingness to work with intellectual uncertainties; persistence in the face of failure; an ability to work collaboratively with researchers from diverse disciplines; and the energy and concentration necessary to plan and execute effective strategies for accomplishing goals.
  • How the Planned Research Differs from the PD's/PI's Past or Current Work : How does the proposed project represent a new and distinct direction for your research? While a new research direction may have the PDF/PI's prior work and expertise as its foundation, it cannot be an obvious extension or scale-up of a current research enterprise which could be appropriate for a more conventional NIH funding mechanism, such as a new or renewal R01. Rather, a new research direction must reflect a fundamental new insight and which may involve the development of exceptionally innovative approaches and/or the posing of radically unconventional hypotheses. Applications for projects that are extensions of ongoing research should not be submitted.
  • Suitability for Pioneer Award Program : Why is the planned research uniquely suited to the stated goal of the Pioneer Award rather than a more “traditional” grant mechanism?
  • Statement of Research Effort Commitment : A statement must be included that, if chosen to receive an award, the PD/PI will commit more than 6 person-months (at least 51%) of his/her research effort to the project supported by the Pioneer Award in the first three years of the award and at least 4 months (33%) research effort and at least 3 months (25%) in years four and five, respectively. Applicants with current research commitments of 6 person-months or more must provide a compelling explanation describing how their effort on existing grants will be adjusted to permit them to devote the required minimum effort to the Pioneer Award project

Applicants considering research involving clinical trials are strongly advised to discuss their research ideas with  IC staff  at the scientifically most relevant NIH Institutes or Centers (ICs) to ensure that such research would conform to the clinical trial research policies of those ICs. Funding of applications involving clinical trials is contingent upon conformance to the policies of the IC administering the award.

Note: References are not required but if included must fit within the page limit. Figures and illustrations may be included but must also fit within the page limit. Letters of collaboration will not be accepted. Information on collaborators may be included in the Essay and their names and affiliations should be listed in the PHS Assignment Request Form (see below).

Progress Report Publication List

Multiple pd/pi leadership plan, consortium/contractual arrangements, letters of support, resource sharing plan.

You are expected to comply with instructions for Resource Sharing Plans in the  SF424 (R&R) Application Guide , but the plans will be asked for as Just in Time information if an award is being considered.

Only limited Appendix materials are allowed as described in the  SF424 (R&R) Application Guide .

9. PHS Human Subjects and Clinical Trials Information

Follow the instructions in the  SF424 (R&R) Application Guide . But if you answered "Yes" to the question “Are Human Subjects Involved?” on the R&R Other Project Information form, you must include at least one human subjects study record using the  Study Record: PHS Human Subjects and Clinical Trials Information   form or  Delayed Onset Study  record.

Study Record: PHS Human Subjects and Clinical Trials Information

Follow the instructions in the  SF424 (R&R) Application Guide .

Delayed Onset Study

Follow the instructions in the  SF424 (R&R) Application Guide . Note: Delayed onset does not apply to a study that can be described but will not start immediately (i.e., delayed start).

10. PHS Assignment Request Form

Follow all instructions in the  SF424 (R&R) Application Guide , but do not request an assignment to a particular review panel (integrated review group) or awarding component (NIH Institute or Center). All applications are automatically received as "Office of the Director" applications and reviewed by a single Special Emphasis Panel convened by the Center for Scientific Review.

Provide the names of collaborators reference letter writers and their institutional affiliations so the Scientific Review Officer can avoid conflicts of interest when selecting reviewers. Also, if you wish to exclude individuals from reviewing your application, list their names, institutional affiliations, and the reasons why they should not serve as reviewers. NIH will consider your request but is not obligated to accept it.  

Letters of reference are an important element of the Pioneer Award application. Applicants must arrange to have three (and only three) letters of reference submitted on their behalf.

Applications that are missing letters of reference will be considered incomplete and will not be reviewed. Late letters will not be accepted. Applicants are responsible for monitoring the submission of letters to ensure that three letters have been submitted prior to the submission deadline. Applicants are encouraged to check the status of their letters in their eRA Commons account.

Letters of Reference Vs. Letters of Support

Letters of reference differ from letters of support. Letters of reference are typically from scientists or others who know the applicant well and are qualified to evaluate the merit of the project proposal and the applicant’s qualifications to fulfill the proposed project. Letters of reference are submitted to NIH directly by the referee and are never seen by the PD/PI.

Letters of support typically come from outside individuals or organizations whose cooperation, assistance, or guidance is needed to successfully complete a project. The letter of support affirms the person or entity’s commitment to assist in the project. Letters of support are not permitted for the Pioneer Award application.

Referee Selection

It is best to select referees who can speak to your scientific expertise, leadership experience, and management skills and address how you are qualified to conduct successful independent research. It may not be best to choose referees based primarily on their official position, such as your departmental chair or institutional dean.


For applicants.

  • Arrange to have three (and only three) letters.
  • Letters must be submitted by 5:00 P.M. (local time of referee) on the application due date (late letters will not be accepted).
  • Letters must be submitted electronically through  eRA Commons  (paper copies will not be accepted). Note: The referee does not need an eRA Commons account to submit a reference letter for an applicant, but the applicant must have a valid eRA Commons account.
  • Your eRA Commons user ID
  • Your last name as listed in eRA Commons
  • Funding opportunity number (e.g., RFA-RM-24-002)
  • URL to eRA Commons:  (click on the "Submit a Reference Letter" link on the page)
  • URL to eRA help on submitting reference letters:
  • You will not have access to the letters.
  • An email confirmation will be sent to you when a letter is submitted.
  • Check the status of your letters on eRA Commons periodically, and remind referees to submit their letters on time.

For Referees

For more help, see the eRA page on submitting reference letters .

  • Letter must be submitted by 5:00 P.M. (local time of referee) on the application due date (late letters will not be accepted).
  • Letter must be submitted electronically through  eRA Commons  (paper copies will not be accepted). Note: The referee does not need an eRA Commons account to submit a reference letter for an applicant, but the applicant must have a valid eRA Commons account.
  • PD/PI's name on top of letter
  • Signature block with your full name, title, institution, and contact information
  • 1-2 page description of the applicant's qualities relating to scientific expertise, leadership experience, and management skills necessary to conduct successful independent research (provide specific examples when possible)
  • Provide your first and last name, email address, institution/affiliation, and department.
  • You will need the applicant's eRA Commons user ID, applicant's last name, funding opportunity number (e.g., RFA-RM-24-002), and confirmation number (if submitting a revised Letter).
  •  An email confirmation will be sent to you when the letter is submitted.

NIH expects that applications be submitted on time, which means the application is submitted error free no later than 5:00 PM local (applicant institution) time on the application due date. There is no deadline extension to correct for errors in the application, so all errors must be corrected by the submission deadline.

Institutions often have their own internal deadlines, so be sure to check when your institution needs your application.

About Submitting

Electronic submission of your application is required. Your institution may submit using the NIH Application Submission System and Interface for Submission Tracking (ASSIST) , Workspace , or an institutional system-to-system. If your institution uses a proprietary application system, keep in mind that the system may have its own forms, layouts, or special fields.

Regardless of the application method, all applications pass through for a timestamp and validation checks. To be on time, must successfully timestamp your application by 5:00 PM of your institution's local time on the receipt date listed in the funding opportunity.

Submitting your application may not be straightforward, so be sure to learn more about the process and work with your institution’s business office. If you encounter any problems, contact the NIH Service Desk immediately. They will document the date and time you contacted them, which is helpful in case there are delays in resolving the issue and there are downstream effects.

For technical support and information, use the following links:

  • Avoiding Common Errors
  • Annotated SF424 Grant Application Forms for field-by-field tips on avoiding common application mistakes
  • eRA Training
  • NIH Service Desk
  • Support

Late Applications

As stated in the funding opportunity, late applications will not be accepted.

Sample Applications

Always follow the funding opportunity and SF424 Application Guide's instructions for application format. Time has passed since these grantees applied, and the samples may not reflect the latest format or rules.

The text of these applications is copyrighted. You may use it only for nonprofit educational purposes provided the document remains unchanged and the PI, the grantee organization, and NIH are credited.

Note on Section 508 Conformance and Accessibility: We have reformatted these samples to improve accessibility for people with disabilities and users of assistive technology. If you have trouble accessing the content, please contact NIH staff at [email protected] .

Competition YearPI NameInstitution NameTitle

Thank you to the PIs and institutions for allowing us to post their Pioneer Award applications. We appreciate their assistance and willingness to share.  

More questions? Contact us at  [email protected] .

This page last reviewed on March 26, 2024


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  1. G.600

    600 - PHS Assignment Request Form. The PHS Assignment Request Form may be used to communicate specific application assignment and review requests to the Division of Receipt and Referral (DRR) and to Scientific Review Officers (SROs). This information will not be part of your assembled application, and it will neither be made available to ...

  2. Use the PHS Assignment Request Form

    Use the optional PHS Assignment Request Form to list expertise needed to review your application, exclude reviewers, and request an institute assignment. For investigator-initiated R01, R21, and R03 applications, we also advise you to request assignment to the most appropriate study section of reviewers. In any case, it's a good idea to ...

  3. PDF PHS Assignment Request Form

    PHS Assignment Request Form OMB Number: 0925-0001 Expiration Date: 2/28/2023 Funding Opportunity Number: Funding Opportunity Title: Awarding Component Assignment Suggestions (optional) If you have a suggestion for an awarding component (e.g., NIH Institute/Center) assignment, use the link below to identify the appropriate short abbreviation (e.g., "NCI" for National

  4. PDF PHS Assignment Request Form

    Please wait... If this message is not eventually replaced by the proper contents of the document, your PDF viewer may not be able to display this type of document.

  5. PHS Assignment Request Form

    PHS Assignment Request Form. For assistance with the information required on this form, please refer to the appropriate application guide on the How to Apply page.. NOTE: The forms in these topics reflect FORMS-H, which must be used for applications with due dates on or after January 25, 2023 (see guide notice NOT-OD-22-195.Also see the annotated form set and summary of changes for Forms-H.)

  6. Encouraging Use of the PHS Assignment Request Form in Applications

    You have likely come across the Public Health Service (PHS) assignment request form when putting together your grant application. It's optional, but we encourage applicants to fill it out. This form is available in nearly all competing NIH application form packages and allows you to provide specific application assignment and review information to referral and review staff.

  7. PDF PHS Assignment Request Form

    PHS Assignment Request Form. OMB Number: 0925-0001PHS Assignment Request Form Expiration Date: 3/31/2020. Funding Opportunity Number:Funding Opportunity Title:Awarding Component Assignment Request (optional) If you have a preference for an awarding component (e.g., NIH Institute/Center) assignment, use the link below to identify the appropriate ...

  8. G.600

    Form Screenshots G. - 295 Descriptions of the scientific areas covered by all NIH ICs and links to other PHS agency informati on can be found on the . PHS Assignment Information. website. You do not need to make entries in all three boxes of the "Awarding Component Assignment Suggestions" section. Suggested Awarding Component(s):

  9. Inform the Center for Scientific Review of Your Assignment Preferences

    If you used the PHS Assignment Request Form and feel you did not get the appropriate IC assignment, you can email CSR's Division of Receipt and Referral to ask for a change. You can also request a change if you submitted an investigator-initiated R01, R21, or R03 application and feel your application was not assigned to an appropriate study ...

  10. PHS Assignment Information

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  11. PA-24-245: PHS 2024-2 Omnibus Solicitation of the NIH ...

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  12. G.600

    600 - PHS Assignment Request Form. The PHS Assignment Request Form may be used to communicate specific application assignment and review preferences to the Division of Receipt and Referral (DRR) and to Scientific Review Officers (SROs). This information will not be part of your assembled application, and it will neither be made available to ...

  13. PDF NIH Grants & Funding website

    PHS Assignment Request Form OMB Number: 0925-0001 Expiration Date: 3/3112020 If you have a preference for an awarding component (e.g., NIH Institute/Center) assignment, use the link below to identify the appropriate short abbreviation and enter it below. All requests will be considered; however, assignment requests cannot always be honored.

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  15. PDF PHS Assignment Request Form OMB Number: 0925-0001

    PHS Assignment Request Form OMB Number: 0925-0001 Expiration Date: 10/31/2018 Funding Opportunity Number: Funding Opportunity Title: Awarding Component Assignment Request (optional) If you have a preference for an Awarding Component (e.g., NIH Institute/Center) assignment, please use the link below to identify the most appropriate assignment then enter the short

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  17. Request for Primary IC Assignment SOP

    Include a PHS Assignment Request Form with your application requesting assignment to NIAID. For advice, read Use the PHS Assignment Request Form. If you are not happy with a CSR assignment, contact CSR's Division of Receipt and Referral at [email protected] to request a new institute assignment and briefly state the rationale for the change.

  18. PDF PHS Assignment Request Form

    PHS Assignment Request Form OMB Number: 0925-0001 Expiration Date: 01/31/2026 Funding Opportunity Number: Funding Opportunity Title: Awarding Component Assignment Suggestions (optional) If you have a suggestion for an awarding component (e.g., NIH Institute/Center) assignment, use the link below to identify the appropriate short abbreviation (e.g., "NCI" for National

  19. Submission Process

    Investigators are encouraged to include the PHS Assignment Request Form in their application. The form is optional. Use it if you wish to: request assignment to a specific awarding institute or center (e.g. NIMH) request a specific study section or that it not be assigned to a specific study section; list individuals who should not review your ...

  20. Additional Application Forms and Components

    Assignment Request Form. Use of the PHS Assignment Request form is optional but can be helpful on a number of levels. The PHS Assignment Request Form contains four sections for receiving suggestions from applicants. This information is reviewed by the NIH 's Center for Scientific Review (CSR)'s Division of Receipt and Referral (DRR). Note ...

  21. Request a Scientific Review Group

    NIH encourages you to submit an Assignment Request Form with your application. The form allows you to: Express a preference for a particular scientific review group (or "study section") Express a preference for a specific awarding component (an NIH Institute or Center) Let us know of potential reviewers who you feel might have a conflict of ...

  22. PHS Assignment Request Form

    NIH policy allows you to list people who should not review your application, though your scientific review officer makes the call. Request assignment from CSR to a study section and Institute. The form includes instructions which you can preview in the Sample PHS Assignment Request Form(link is external) pdf.

  23. PHS Assignment Request Form in Grant Applications

    February 6, 2023. Announcement: The National Institutes of Health is encouraging the use of the Public Health Service (PHS) assignment request form when putting together grant applications. This form is available in nearly all competing NIH application form packages and allows you to provide specific application assignment and review ...

  24. Application Process

    10. PHS Assignment Request Form. Follow all instructions in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide, but do not request an assignment to a particular review panel (integrated review group) or awarding component (NIH Institute or Center). All applications are automatically received as "Office of the Director" applications and reviewed by a single ...