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Tips for mba applicants: the short-term and long-term goals essay.

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When you're applying for a Master's in Business Administration (MBA) program , the short-term and long-term goals essay is an essential element of your application. Effective creation of this essay requires a clear strategy, covering all the subtle nuances of a successful response. This is your opportunity to convey to the admissions board, intelligently and succinctly, your top-notch qualifications, your future vision, and your goals as a successful business leader. Perhaps most importantly, you must elucidate why their MBA program is the perfect one to help you reach your highest aspirations.

Read on to learn expert tips for crafting a compelling short-term and long-term goals essay that details your aspirations as an MBA student and a successful leader.

What Is the Short-Term and Long-Term Goals Essay?

The specific wording of the short-term and long-term goals essay request may vary from one graduate program to another, but all MBA admissions teams rely on this essay to help determine if you’re a good match for their program. You will be asked to explain why the MBA program to which you’re applying is essential for achieving your career goals. In many cases, the essay requirement includes several questions; you must carefully consider all of them and address all of them within your essay.

The questions you’ll see in the MBA short-term and long-term goals essay request are likely to include:

  • Why did you select this MBA program?
  • How do you envision this MBA program further transforming your personal and professional growth?
  • What professional benefits do you hope to attain from this MBA program?
  • How do you envision your post-MBA future?
  • What are your short-term professional goals?
  • What are your long-term professional goals?
  • How will this MBA program help you achieve your short-term and long-term goals?

To answer such specific questions thoroughly, you need a clearly defined sense of self-worth: an honest view of your personal qualifications, skills, experiences, and aspirations. You also need detailed thought and communication skills. Convincing the admissions team that you are an ideal candidate requires a concise, compelling response.

Drafting the Short-Term and Long-Term Goals Essay

In order to define your short- and long-term professional goals, you must have a specific understanding of the differences between them:

Short-term professional goals help define where you envision yourself immediately after attaining your graduate degree. They offer precise indications of your intended career path, including your preferred type of industry, company, role, skills, and responsibilities.

Long-term professional goals describe how you envision your career development well into the future, perhaps 20 or more years beyond graduate school.

Gather the important materials that detail your professional history: your CV, current or previous work evaluations, awards, certificates, and letters of recommendation. Use these materials to identify your unique professional strengths, skills, past experiences, and goals.

Carefully build a list of reasons for applying to the MBA program you've selected. Examine the program's published literature, keeping a keen eye out for specified educational outcomes that are closely aligned with your personal and professional goals.

Now it's time to draft your short-term and long-term goals essay. You're well prepared, armed with a full complement of information about your own strengths and those of the program to which you’re applying . Without regard for sentence length or structure, answer every essay question as fully and clearly as possible. Consult your documents for appropriate wording, titles, dates, and other important details. Brainstorm every idea and put it in writing. The resulting paragraphs will be your rough draft, which you’ll now set out to polish.

Refining the Short-Term and Long-Term Goals Essay

Start refining the paragraphs into concise, compelling statements that speak directly to the point. It’s important to set an optimistic tone from the start. Express yourself confidently, decisively, and clearly. Weave appropriate examples into your short-term and long-term goals essay, taking care to answer the questions fully, without exceeding word-count limits.

Use these five tips to craft an impressive, persuasive essay:

Immediately Command the Reader's Attention Begin with compelling statements describing your long-term professional goals and summarizing how your past experiences inform your vision of the future. Provide a synopsis of your strongest achievements and explain how they inspire your MBA goals.

Convey the Significance of Your Goals Widen the context of your goals by explaining why they are important to you and how achieving them will serve a greater good. Emphasize your analytical skills by identifying a problem you wish to solve in your career, and describing the benefits that may result.

Highlight Your Qualifications Promote yourself as the ideal person to achieve your long-term goals. Discuss your passion for success, detailing your relevant professional skills, specific work experiences, and related achievements. Summarize how your unique history and qualifications inspire and qualify you as the right person to achieve your post-MBA professional aspirations.

Discuss Your Program-Specific Goals Focus on the opportunities offered by this MBA program: the knowledge and skills you hope to develop, faculty members with whom you hope to study, local internship and employment that this program can help you pursue, and so on—all items that are unique to this MBA program, rather than common to many. Discuss your ambitions for expanding and strengthening particular skills during your time in the program. Detail ways in which you plan to utilize the unique benefits which your chosen program can provide.

Conclude With a Call to Action Your concluding paragraph should discuss the ways this MBA program will help accelerate your professional growth. Discuss your short-term goals by describing your immediate, post-graduation career plans and the ways in which they’ll empower you to reach your long-term goals. End your short-term and long-term goals essay with a confident call to action, requesting admission based on your clearly defined passion, personal qualifications and aptitude for successfully realizing your professional goals.

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MBA Career Goals Essay Examples

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Career Goals Essay Samples

Almost every MBA application has a career goals essay. Here are some important resources to help you nail it:

Career Goal Guidance from Key Members of our SBC team

How to Structure your MBA Essays

Successful Examples of Career Goal Essays

One of the things I value most at Company X is the collaboration between teams to advance new technologies. As a Program Manager, I coordinate research and development (R&D) projects for the engineering department. R&D is an exciting field to me because we make quick decisions, progress at lightning speed, and focus on the future. Currently, I am directing a X project that impacts the future of autonomous driving.

Post-MBA, I will join the R&D group for a technology or automotive company as a product manager. I want to own the product lifecycle and effectively shepherd a product from inception to market. Ultimately, I aspire to influence monumental decisions like Porsche’s recent $6B investment in electric cars and electric charging infrastructure.

Product management capitalizes on my strengths: communication, teamwork, leadership, planning and organization. I enjoy the breadth of exposure through this role because successful new product development requires me to leverage resources from all over the company – R&D, finance, marketing, supply chain, and production.

But to achieve this goal, I first need a Goizueta MBA. Specifically, Goizueta’s extensive core coursework will teach me how to manage budgets and identify new product markets. Opportunities to apply my classroom learnings to real-world problems through an IMPACT 360 project and to further my leadership development through the Goizueta Advanced Leadership Academy will enable me to pivot to a R&D product manager role and advance my career.

Additionally, Goizueta’s culture of engagement will be instrumental to my development. Building camaraderie through extracurricular and social opportunities will enhance the shared learning I seek in my MBA program, as I envision gathering with my classmates every Thursday at KEGS and exploring Atlanta on the weekends. Essentially, Goizueta provides a business education that will not only facilitate my career progression, but also offers a lasting, lifelong community.

My immediate post-MBA goal is to secure a client relations position at a private equity firm, focusing on global expansion in Latin America. In this position I will hone-in on my knowledge of Latin American banking and finance, coupled with my Spanish speaking fluency, to apply the financial acumen gained at Kelley, to help drive firm’s expansion into the Latin American market. I know that a Kelley MBA would help me pivot into the private equity space and enhance my technical finance and analytical skills needed to excel while working in this unique investment class.

In my three years of professional experience, I have an increased understanding in interpersonal skills needed for a client relations position; however, I want to continue to advance my career in finance through a private equity role. A Kelley MBA will help me enrich my financial expertise and build technical skills needed to succeed in the industry. Additionally, I will acquire deeper problem solving and data analytics skills through courses in the Quantitative Analysis for Business Decisions and Financial Accounting disciplines. Specifically, I am excited how Kelley offers finance electives as early as my second semester, which I will take advantage of in preparation for my summer internship. Finally, Kelley’s Capital Markets Academy will be key to my development. The Capital Markets Academy, particularly Academy Fridays, will provide me with additional coverage into the financial services industry where I can gain the core finance skills necessary to grow, as well as delve into networking opportunities outside of the classroom.

My immediate post-MBA goal also includes being a business leader with global perspective. I anticipate enhancing my managerial skills through courses such as International Management and Organizational Behavior and Leadership in order to be a more effective manager and a stronger communicator. Because of my interest in working with a global financial services organization, I will pursue the Global Business Achievement certificate program. Through Kelley’s Global Business Achievement certificate program, I can further develop my Spanish speaking skills and potentially work on a global research project in hopes of enhancing my worldview, gaining exposure to other international companies, and expanding my global perspective; all key to leading international teams.

In summary, I believe my MBA from Kelley, coupled with my experience working in Latin American finance, will make me a competitive candidate for a position at a private equity firm. In the event I do not get an offer from a private equity firm, I would look for client facing roles at an international bank or hedge fund. Ideally, these opportunities will also focus on Latin American expansion, as I am interested in continuing to work in Latin American finance and improving my Spanish language skills. I know that Kelley offers exposure to diverse financial firms and opportunities in banking, ensuring my successful launch on a new path.

I am excited by the ability of technology to make tools and information more accessible. Television and libraries have been made available globally through internet distribution at virtually no cost. I too have leveraged data and technology to exceed expectations in my educational and professional experiences. For example, I spearheaded the development of Energy First’s iPhone application in 2008, and integrated Live Meeting as a collaborative tool in my retail territory. As I uncovered further applications of technology, I began aspiring to work on the strategic development of such advances, rather than merely their adoption. Having spent the last three and a half years with Energy First, a conservative organization, I look to further my career with more innovative organizations that drive change – such as Facebook or Google – before working in a strategic capacity for a startup venture.

I have always been an entrepreneur at heart. In the sixth grade I published a magazine on my home computer, seeking subscribers from classmates. In 2005, I ran a consulting service that provided computer training for baby boomers. As I look to shift my career path to the technology sector, a strategic roadmap is required to ensure I develop the appropriate skills to facilitate this transition. In the short-term, I plan to gain experience with leading providers of online solutions through internships and post-graduate work. Industry experience will help me apply strategic theory in practice, while I learn best in class marketing tools and processes. I will learn to apply my refined analytical skills in scenarios that are pertinent to preparing for my long-term goals. Having already worked in strategy and execution roles with Energy First, I see myself applying these complimentary foundations in a new sector. After gaining industry experience, refining my quantitative skills and learning to apply a rounded skill set with leading organizations, I will be prepared for a prominent marketing and strategy role in an innovative online service startup. I seek to work on leveraging technology to improve accessibility to information and services. Just as Google has leveraged data mining to launch Google Books and expand global access to literature, I believe further opportunities exist that I plan to uncover as I gain industry knowledge. Any organization in which I work will also need to have a significant focus on leveraging their resources to help the community. UCLA Anderson provides an ideal foundation for achieving both my short-term and long-term goals, as well as allowing me to continue developing a socially conscious mindset through various leadership opportunities.

In order for my career to take a crucial step forward, I need to put myself in an innovative environment where I can challenge and be challenged. I have developed a strong understanding of what my strengths are, and more importantly, what areas require development – financial analysis and business planning in a new industry. An MBA at UCLA Anderson will provide me with the best foundation to take that next step for three reasons. First, the culture of energetic and passionate students and faculty from diverse professional and geographic backgrounds will facilitate idea sharing from varied points of view. For example, the opportunity to learn from Professor Bob Foster on technological business plan development will be a crucial element of my graduate studies. Secondly, Anderson’s reputation for developing exceptional team leaders is evidenced by some of the inspiring alumni, such as Jim Stengel. Teamwork will be at the forefront of any business that I enter, and learning leadership principles that have produced success in the past will ensure that I am adequately prepared to lead a team-based organization. I will develop my teamwork and leadership skills in clubs such as the High Tech Business Association as well as community-driven endeavors such as the Challenge for Charity. Finally, Anderson’s Applied Management Research Program will allow me to build on the principles of the rigorous curriculum, as well as acquire knowledge firsthand about an organization in an industry that I am passionate about. The challenge of working with a team to develop recommendations will provide invaluable experience that will prepare me for business plan development in a method unique to a traditional class-based curriculum. I am confident that my experience at UCLA Anderson will help me target my current weaknesses, share my strengths and experiences with my colleagues, and develop my entrepreneurial skills so that I am able to play a key role in a venture that is both financially and socially responsible.

After several years as a Wireline Field Engineer, I am at a crossroads where I will start to define the future of my career. I envision becoming the VP of Strategic Marketing at a technical firm. Unlike most of my fellow engineers, I plan to merge my technical background with a marketing education to put myself in a position where I can be successful in such a career. A marketing position in a technical firm fits my interests and talents perfectly. Cutting-edge technology fascinates me, and with an engineering background, it is a language I speak. Most engineering jobs deal with technology, but few are primarily focused on human interaction, something that is an essential part of my vision. I enjoy dealing with people; while solving a complex engineering problem can provide great pleasure, it is no match for the satisfaction I derive through team interaction. Similarly, I have always enjoyed coaching others, whether it’s by conducting mock interviews at the high school where I volunteer or teaching nuclear theory to new engineers at a wellsite. The idea of taking a complicated concept and packaging it in such a way that the client clearly understands the benefits is highly appealing.

While my current technical position has many advantages, it is time for a change. I love the challenge of problem solving, and I thrive in such an international role, but I lack a strong business background. As I progress and move into an office job within Schlumberger, I do not see a career path allowing me to follow my goal without taking the initiative to gain further marketing knowledge. I have set my sights on this goal and will devote the necessary time and energy to put myself in a position to be successful.

Anderson is my choice in an MBA program for three reasons. First, it has excellent access to the Asia Pacific region, a market I am familiar with and would like to do business with in the future. My time spent in Thailand has been phenomenal, and I hope to work with such gracious, hospitable people throughout my career. Second, Anderson has a diverse student body from all over the world, something that is essential if I am to be multi-cultural upon graduation. Finally, Anderson is known to be an excellent all-around program, and being well-rounded is extremely important to me. With high quality training from Anderson, I am certain that I can succeed in the strategic marketing position I desire. I understand that a career of this nature requires a great deal of work. I embrace the challenge and look forward to a career which combines my professional skills and my enjoyment in working with others, but for the near future I look forward to an MBA program with exposure to the brightest teachers and young professionals from different business sectors across the globe. Learning to solve business problems, not just technical ones, is the next critical step toward a career in which I will thrive for years to come.

Growing up as one of five bi-racial students in a small farm town south of Dallas, I yearned to see the world outside of Texas. Looking for the first opportunity to broaden my horizons, I only applied to East Coast colleges to ensure that I would experience a variety of ways of life. At seventeen, I moved to New York to attend NYU where I earned a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, and immediately after moved to the Midwest to experience another area of the country, attending Indiana University Law School. Further pushing my boundaries, I studied abroad in Sevilla, Spain my first summer of law school and realized not only the joy of experiencing different cultures, but also my desire to have a career with a global impact. While interviewing for post-law school positions, I found I was not interested in the more traditional legal roles, but that my skills and passions were better suited for the business sector where I could combine the reasoning and analytical skills I learned in law school with my interest in marketing and travelling. My first job with Kaplan was a perfect balance of these qualities. My responsibilities as an account manager, including creating and implementing effective strategies, plans and promotions to increase preference at law schools, sparked my interest in discovering consumer needs. Last year, I accepted a position with Princeton Review as a regional manager, where I manage and analyze sales goals for over 100 representatives, work with outside corporate sponsors to increase revenue and brand recognition, and partner with cross-functional teams to drive growth. Additionally, this position has required numerous business travels, which, in addition to my international travels, has strongly piqued my interest in the hospitality and travel industry and I am now ready to make a career shift to this sector. My long-term vision is to become an innovator, developer and leader as a Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) of a large hospitality company. The most rewarding aspect of my past two roles is bringing a product that I believe in to other people. As a CMO, the opportunity to share my passion on an international level is exciting and motivating. After three years of sales and account management experience, I have developed a thirst for understanding consumers and discovering their needs, their motivation to purchase products or services and ultimately how they become loyal to a specific company or product. Within the hospitality industry, specifically airlines and hotels, providing excellent service and a quality product makes travel easier and more enjoyable, increases travelers’ happiness and encourages future travel and brand loyalty. To reach this goal, in the short term I want to become an associate brand manager within the hospitality industry with a company such as Virgin America or Kimpton Hotels, helping grow their business traveler segment, while maintaining their current brand as a luxury service. Here I will learn the ins and outs of the hospitality industry, while receiving hands on experience managing a product, coordinating marketing functions, and leading cross-functional teams to ensure that the marketing plan is properly executed. After learning the basic skills of brand management, I expect to progress through the company as a marketing director and eventually my ultimate goal of a CMO. An MBA is essential to reach my goals. As I have only worked on the sales side with a legal research and a bar review prep company, I realize my limitations without more formal training. Without knowledge of how to read and analyze a profit & loss statement, bring a brand to market and position it for success, evaluate pricing patterns, synthesize market reports and understand consumer learning, I cannot be successful in a brand management role. An MBA will not only ease the transition, but will also help me gain the building blocks of marketing and business in general and gain broader strategic skills to effectively manage multiple large products. I look forward to my MBA putting me on the path to achieving my personal and professional goals.

Having the opportunity to observe the intricacies of private real estate operations in my current position, I have come to the realization that there’s a considerable gap in how sustainable design (planning strategies that minimize environmental impact and reduce energy consumption) is integrated with development/construction efforts. Consequently, I see significant promise in expanding green awareness to urban planning and wish to dedicate my career to support sustainable growth in the real estate industry. Therefore, in the short term after earning an MBA, I plan to take a position as a development manager for a national REIT and work to implement programs that derive economic gain from environmentally-conscious construction. In the long run, I will capitalize on these experiences by founding a consulting firm that will provide strategic expertise to support and improve private retail, real estate, and development firms’ sustainable initiatives.

My passion for green design began when I was a young painter growing up in an overpopulated Taipei neighborhood. As a boy, I often found the city’s monotonous gray backdrop insufficient for the contents of my canvas. The drastic Taipei urban expansion, resulting from rapid economic growth in the 80’s, drained many environmental resources and plagued the sky with pollution. During this time, I started recreating the city’s outlines into a more ideal community through imagination, and in the process found a passion to combine my artistic talents with my creativity to reshape the surrounding neighborhood. After moving to the US, I decided to make a leap from my imagination to reality and embarked on a career in sustainable design by enrolling in the School of Architecture at the University of Arizona.

After graduating, I took a position with Thompson Architecture in 2004 for the opportunity to work on program implementations that emphasized green construction. Recognizing the potential impact of my position, I consistently went beyond my defined technical roles to assume managerial responsibilities and became the youngest Project Architect in the 600 employee firm at the age of 24. In this new role, I was provided significant exposure to project delivery management, contract negotiations, and client interactions, and in the process deepened my overall interest in business operations. My increased client access also enabled me to initiate sustainability research proposals for them, an endeavor that resulted in landing new green design deals with retailers including Coffeeland, Clothestime, and Shoetown. However, in the process of analyzing the costs and environmental benefits for these green stores, I learned that this case by case approach offers rather limited effects on the environment, and the only way to maximize the benefits of sustainability is through implementation on a more massive scale. After working with the real estate groups of these major retailers and witnessing the impact of ROI analysis on the direction of corporate development, I discovered my true passion would be to work in a business capacity that had exposure to all sides of the real estate development business and could drive environmental impact through broad company initiatives.

Upon evaluating my objectives, I believe I have attained the core technical knowledge necessary to fulfill my future aspirations, but lack the business expertise to execute upon my abilities. Specifically, I would like to enhance my knowledge of market analysis, financing options, economics, and the overall trends/cycles of the real estate industry, in order to propose effective, sustainable solutions. Additionally, as my current role is limited to serving only retailers, I would like to learn appropriate strategic frameworks for consulting other types of clients. I also hope to refine my managerial and communication skills, which will be essential for obtaining buy-in for alternative development proposals. Having identified my goals, I feel now is the right time to attain a business education that can complement my technical experience and facilitate a career transition into real estate development.

From my campus visit this summer, interaction with current students, and discussions with school alumni, I strongly believe that Haas offers the best MBA program for me. First, the Fisher Center offers a wide array of real estate courses, such as Real Estate and Urban Economics, that will provide a valuable foundation for understanding the market dynamics of the development industry. I have already studied Professor Jaffee’s insightful research on the trend toward green development and discussed my interests at length with current Haas Real Estate student Steven Shanks. Therefore, I sincerely believe the Fisher Center will empower me with the necessary resources to identify high-potential sustainable opportunities and organizational skills to generate substantial returns. Outside of the classroom, I plan to take on leadership roles within the Real Estate Club and contribute through activities such as the Bank of America: Low Income Housing Challenge. Finally, I am excited about the Real Estate career opportunities that Haas has to offer, and plan to be actively involved with the new ACRE program.

Haas also stresses global entrepreneurship and innovation. As an innate entrepreneur who has implemented numerous personal and professional initiatives to improve our environment, I look forward to participating in Lester Center activities such as the Berkeley Solutions Group and YEAH. Additionally, through the Haas Social Venture Competition, I plan to propose a business idea for assisting private real estate companies address public urban concerns while achieving financial returns. I also hope to explore different leadership styles and further expand my international exposure by interacting with a truly global student body and learning environment. To that end, I am interested in leveraging Haas’ global entrepreneurial perspective to assist underprivileged communities around the world by participating in the International Business Development program. Through the sponsorship of nonprofit sustainable-oriented clients, such as Beahrs ELP, I hope to assist low-income neighborhoods similar to where I grew up through proposing effective green planning and environmental conscious construction.

Lastly, I am ultimately impressed by Haas’ unparalleled commitment to integrating corporate social responsibility within its entire business curriculum. My definitive goal is to implement innovative programs that positively advance our surroundings and Berkeley’s socially active student body passionately shares such vision. I plan to contribute through the Net Impact Club by making use of my non-profit experience while proposing novel and publicly useful business plans to local private companies. Thus, I will stay involved with the local community while investing in my cross-functional skills alongside a diverse set of talented peers. I am deeply impressed by Haas’ strong support and tradition, and I sincerely believe Berkeley’s close-knit student body will strengthen my capacity to lead the important changes that I could only imagine as a young painter twenty years ago.

Entering the classical music industry just before the economic downturn has opened my eyes to disconcerting financial weaknesses in professional symphonies. As lucky as I was to be a working musician, I saw signs of economic instability in orchestras around America. As a committee member of the Santa Barbara Symphony, I see firsthand how orchestras are financed from year to year and the room for improvement is tremendous. Almost immediately after the housing bubble burst and the market crashed in 2008, orchestras began to show signs of financial insecurity. Due to the recent economic downturn, symphonies across the country are shortening seasons, instituting hiring freezes, and even filing bankruptcy. Top ranked symphony orchestras, such as the New York Philharmonic and Los Angeles Philharmonic, have enacted hiring freezes for vacant positions, and highly regarded orchestras in Houston, Atlanta, Baltimore, and Philadelphia have enforced pay cuts after posting an average of $1.5M in budget deficits. Clearly, changes need to be made on how these primarily nonprofit organizations operate.

After working as a cellist in this economic climate and seeing the strain on my colleagues, I am moved to make a career change to the business side and revolutionize how symphony orchestras are managed. Over the past four years, I have witnessed my peers struggle to find work, soloist friends go weeks without concerts, and prominent symphony musicians show deep concern for their livelihoods. In spite of recent hardships, I believe there is incredible room for growth and revitalization within the classical music community, specifically in symphony orchestras. With the right guidance, I know that symphonies can not only become more financially secure, but also stir a renewed interest in orchestra concerts in their surrounding areas. Armed with an education in general management and exposure to nonprofit business models, I will be able to exact that change. With the skills gained from a Rice MBA, I will join a symphony in a general management role to improve operations and better manage endowment funds and revenue from ticket sales and donations. Long-term, I will transition my career to consulting, where I will help orchestras around the country operate more efficiently and profitably, thus enabling them to thrive both financially and artistically.

To be effective, I need both the strong educational foundation and practical application that Rice offers. At Rice, I will gain the knowledge and skills I need through its comprehensive general management core curriculum. Specifically, I intend to maximize my education through the Leadership Intensive Learning Experience, case-based coursework, public/nonprofit financial management elective, and real-world Action Learning Project. I believe that attacking real world issues and learning from real examples will be key in my transition from a leader as a cellist to a leader as an executive. Coming from a collaborative musical background, I believe that Rice’s well-rounded core curriculum, which emphasizes a healthy balance of class lectures by leading faculty and real world applications of concepts, will give me the tools I need to transform from musician to businessman. Moreover, the Leadership ILE courses will give me a chance to turn my leadership skills in music into strong leadership skills in business. Finally, participating in the Consulting, Net Impact, and Finance Clubs will further equip me to work with orchestras by learning from and being inspired by my diverse peers, all the while building lifelong friendships with like-minded colleagues.

I look forward to bringing my experience as a team player and leader from a unique background as a musician back to Rice and growing both professionally and personally within a culture where students challenge and encourage each other. I am confident that I will contribute to the overall culture, atmosphere, and education of the Jones School by working well with my classmates both inside and outside the classroom. With my unique background as a concert cellist and pedagogue, I also look forward to offering a different perspective in class discussions while having my eyes opened to many different perspectives drawn from equally diverse experiences. Furthermore, I look forward to being able to exercise the problem-solving skills I acquired as a teacher, an ensemble team member, and a section leader in my transition to a businessman at Rice. As my MBA classmates inspire me to constantly evolve and improve on my strengths and weaknesses, I know will do the same for my peers.

As a high school senior, I was given an interesting Christmas present from my parents. They opened up a brokerage account in my name and deposited few hundred dollars into it. It wasn’t the stereo system or the new set of golf clubs that I had hoped for, but it would turn out to be the best present they could have given me. I did not realize it at the time, but this gift would ultimately have a great impact on my future. Sitting down at the computer with my father, he taught me the basics of investing in stocks and mutual funds. My interest in investing grew throughout that final year of high school and became even greater in college. The more I learned about finance and the capital markets, the greater my interest grew.

Not surprisingly, I chose to study economics and finance as an undergraduate student at SMU. The summer after my freshman year of college, I obtained an internship with Merrill Lynch, assisting a Senior Financial Advisor with the daily duties of his job. I continued my studies throughout college and upon graduation, accepted an Operations Associate position at Condera, a boutique asset management firm in Houston. Supporting several financial advisors in the management of around $200 million in assets, my duties include performing portfolio analysis, implementing our strategies by executing trades in client accounts, and interacting with clients on a daily basis. This role has enhanced my leadership and communication skills, two areas in which I can contribute in my endeavors at the Jones School. The autonomy of the position and the willingness of my supervisors to listen to my suggestions are extremely satisfying and for this experience, I am grateful.

Throughout my career at Company X, I have thoroughly enjoyed learning about the sophisticated investment strategies that we employ for our clients, institutions, and foundations. Working with two industry veterans, I make it a point to learn as much as possible from them. They allow me to undertake challenging tasks, such as explaining our investment philosophy to prospects and researching new products to use. As I have grown into a more proactive role in client service, the advisors have focused more on bringing in new assets, thereby increasing revenue for the firm. It is from these experiences that my passion for the analytical side of investing has emerged. I have a deep interest in modern portfolio theory and, after completing my MBA, plan to apply that theory in a role that focuses on market and securities analysis. I believe the Jones School curriculum and the environment fostered by the students and faculty will give me a more comprehensive understanding of modern portfolio theory and its application to institutional asset management.

Long-term, I plan to start a boutique asset management firm that services foundations, endowments, and institutions. Recent trends in the financial services industry indicate that the big box brokerage firms such as Merrill Lynch and UBS are losing favor with many investors. Independent advisors are leveraging the services of custodial firms like Fidelity and JP Morgan to run asset management shops that provide completely unbiased and independent financial advisory services. I see this trend continuing as the major investment houses go through drastic changes during the current financial crisis and intend to capitalize on the migration of assets to independent advisors.

The MBA program at the Jones School provides the best bridge for connecting my current career to the future career that I seek. I have gained a strong, core knowledge of investing and finance and need to build on this knowledge, acquiring a more in depth view of the capital markets. After visiting the campus, speaking with students at a partio, and sitting in on one of Professor Weston’s finance classes, I have concluded that the Jones School offers the curriculum and environment that will best prepare me for that career. The real-world asset management experience that the Wright Fund provides is also of particular interest. Another impressive aspect of the program is the wide array of finance courses available to students. I look forward to being a part of a diverse class that will allow me to learn as much from my peers as I will learn from my professors. It is this collaborative aspect of the Jones School that impresses me the most. I know that I will contribute to the Jones School community in a profound way while growing both personally and professionally from all that the program has to offer.

My earliest memories are punctuated with aromas of my Mexican mother cooking tamales, while my Iranian father taught us about Navroz – the Persian New Year – where life begins anew, and dreams are revitalized. This idealism excited me, and watching my parents struggle to provide for my sister and myself, I wanted to help them create a fresh start. I channeled this motivation into opportunities where I could deliver positive change. My career vision, to lead a Latin America-centric microfinance organization such as Accion, capitalizes on these experiences. In the interim, I will prepare myself by attaining an MBA, and joining the International Finance Corporation’s Global Transaction Team as an Investment Officer.

After graduating from UCSB, I wanted to maximize my contributions and exposure and found this opportunity at [XYZ Sports], a small, established apparel manufacturer. While my primary responsibilities were in finance, I made time to work with marketing, sales, and operations teams, understanding their challenges, and helping implement proposed solutions. I wanted to apply this newly acquired knowledge at a startup, passionate about influencing a fledgling entity. At [Memorabilia Retailer], my goal was to implement financial and accounting processes forming the company’s backbone. Working in an ambiguous, often chaotic startup environment, I holistically analyzed each issue and its ramifications. I also built relationships with functional experts, incorporating valuable insights from them. I confidently presented a tough but necessary set of strategic recommendations around financial operations reengineering to management, and won their approval. As an Investment Officer at IFC, and later, a leader in microfinance, I will leverage the poise I developed during these early-career experiences.

Next, I accepted a job at [ABC Healthcare], coming in to an under-resourced finance department. I suggested augmenting our human-capital base in Costa Rica, expanding our limited presence there, and lowering costs. Although this went far beyond my official job description, I spearheaded this project. Spending significant time in Costa Rica, I understood the work environment, hired resources, and trained them on our business processes. Under my direction our Costa Rican office now efficiently handles all our accounting processes, and has grown from a staff of two women, to 20. This success hinged on my ability to safeguard against the risks of developing an international location, a practice that is imperative to the sustainability of a microfinance organization. Further, witnessing the impact meaningful employment can have on families and communities paved the way for my professional ambitions.

Inspired by the transformation I saw in Costa Rica, I began actively volunteering at a local non-profit microfinance organization, Foundation for Women (FFW). As a Senior Advisor, I partner with low-income entrepreneurs to develop their businesses. Through this first-hand microfinance experience, I have reaffirmed that it is an area of business in which I thrive personally and professionally. I have also recognized the skills I need in order to attain my goals.

An MBA’s academic rigor will form the theoretical foundation on which I will build my future career. Courses such as Business Strategies for Emerging Markets, and Corporate Finance may sound similar to what other business schools offer, but Haas’s approach to the MBA via the BILD curriculum is distinctive, and especially appealing to me as its focus on forging change fits well with my personal leadership style. Through its emphasis on innovative leadership I will prepare myself for the volatility often inherent in international microfinance. I am looking forward to embracing knowledge outside the classroom as well. Applying academic theories to real world issues through Haas’s International Business Development Program will be a unique opportunity to learn from diverse teammates, professors, and clients, while gaining exposure to different geographies and their intricacies. I would also love to add an element of microfinance at the 2013 Latin American Business Conference, perhaps by inviting my contacts from FFW to attend or speak.

The Haas MBA will prepare me for a summer internship in banking and a full-time job at the IFC’s Global Transaction Team, where I will strengthen my understanding of the investor’s role in microfinance and build a toolkit for analyzing businesses with a discerning eye. Focusing on Latin America at the IFC and studying the design and productivity of the region’s microenterprise operations, I will become well versed in its cultural and socioeconomic challenges. Armed with this analytical acumen and regional perspective, I will be ideally positioned for a career at Accion, ultimately building on my experiences and network to establish a robust microfinance infrastructure in a country like Costa Rica and eventually across Latin America.

Upon receiving my MBA at USC Marshall, I will assume a managerial role at XYZ where my mother has been the President and CEO since she took the company over from my grandmother in 1998. XYZ is a leading managed care company in Southern California, providing billing and quality oversight services for over 7,400 physician practices. As the future leader of XYZ, I seek to expand its success by addressing the fast-changing management dynamics of medical groups; a Marshall MBA is critical to this career path.

To ensure an efficient transition to my managerial role at XYZ, I will enter the Marshall program with knowledge from my public health masters program and preceding consumer-oriented work. Through my public health masters program, I have developed an innovative masters thesis that evaluates Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs), the latest healthcare delivery model put forth by the President Obama’s Affordable Care Act. Through this project, I have become savvy in the ACO model and have gained an understanding of’s current and future potential clients, many of which are already ACOs in the Southern California region. My preceding work in connecting to the consumer mindset through marketing programs and, before that, through internships at XYZ, will also contribute to my informed managerial role.

I have a unique opportunity to create a renewed vision for our company that leverages the emerging paradigm shift in healthcare; the industry is moving away from a system of “sick care”—or acute care for diseases and illness—to a focus on preventing chronic disease and reducing costs. In the short-term, as a manager at XYZ, I intend to align my department and influence my employees to set the industry standard for coordinating care by evaluating the effectiveness of provider networks under this new model of care. I will expand XYZ’s services and client-base by creating sustainable, cutting edge products. I intend to enable the company to thrive in the next era of provider services.

My short-term career goals will be only realized if I fuel them with the functional knowledge and critical leadership skills of the Marshall MBA. I will immerse myself in the curriculum at USC Marshall and apply this knowledge in practice through its international programs and on-campus opportunities. In my first year, I will choose marketing as my functional area to hone my skills in management and team-building and will then take electives in healthcare during my second year to learn the specific business principles that guide my industry. The new core curriculum will allow me to explore subjects outside of my specialization to become a holistic leader. Marshall’s coursework will help me acquire the adaptability and rigorous knowledge that is critical for my high-impact career in healthcare.

My experience at Marshall will empower decision making that is socially-conscious within an increasingly global healthcare arena. I require an understanding of social responsibility to make my mark in the healthcare industry. The Pacific Rim International Management Education (PRIME) is a platform to understand these perspectives and will make me a more self-aware, globally-minded professional. The PRIME program will facilitate my learning of the global economy in healthcare as well as further my knowledge about XYZ’s client-base, as XYZ currently coordinates care for patients in the Pacific Rim. The PRIME program will give me a deeper understanding of our clients abroad and potential opportunities for global business development.

USC Marshall will also help me achieve my career goals because of its proximity to XYZ, as I will actively develop my professional network of future business partners and colleagues from the start of the program. Marshall’s core communities will create invaluable networking opportunities with fellow students. As healthcare is quickly evolving into a collaborative, interdisciplinary field, Marshall’s culture will reinforce the values that I will need as a healthcare leader. To further create connections with peers, I will be an active leader in the Healthcare Leadership Association and star player in Challenge for Charity, where I will use my passion for soccer for philanthropic benefit. After my MBA and several successful years working in a managerial position at XYZ, I hope to inherit my family’s business with a strong sense of duty and capability. Only an education from USC Marshall will give me the integrated foundations and networks to transform our business in the decades to come.

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Ellin Lolis Consulting

How to Write a Perfect MBA Goals Essay

May 5, 2023

short term and long term goals essay mba

What are goals?

Can i keep my goals vague, what do clear, detailed goals look like, an interview-winning formula, past experience, future goals, present mba, answer the question.

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UPDATE: This article was originally posted on July 10, 2018. It has been updated with new information and tips below. 

It’s not always phrased the same way, but each school is asking for the same thing: your goals essay . 

Your response must be a personal statement that describes much more than just your short- and long-term goals (though they are, of course, the key to the whole essay). Crafting a compelling goals essay that lands you an interview means giving context to your goals and showing that you’ve thought through them enough to be specific and realistic.

In other words, a good goals essay will include both your short- and long-term goals as well as the context and motivation for having those goals, past experience you have in the field to support your plans (and ideally, some storytelling !), as well as the impact you envision making in those positions. 

As you can see – goals alone are not enough. You will need to support them with other elements to convince the admissions committee to accept you into their program. To help you understand how to craft a convincing goals essay, we’ve compiled some of our best tips below.

While it may seem obvious, let’s start at the beginning: what are goals in terms of your MBA essay ?

Goals are what you imagine becoming as a future professional. Your short-term goal is what you imagine becoming immediately after earning your MBA from your dream program. Your long-term goal is the eventual position you hope to achieve in your field (this could be anything from 5-10 years to where you see yourself at the end of your career). 

short term and long term goals essay mba

This means that your own vision of your future career path must be crystal clear since no elite business school will admit candidates who do not state clear, well-argued goals . After all, why should the admissions committee grant you a precious spot in their program if you cannot show them exactly how you plan to use it?

Let me repeat that just to be sure: your essay must state clear, detailed short- and long-term goals. 

You may be tempted to keep your goals vague to allow for the many possibilities available to you in the future. After all, how can you be sure that you will still want your current desired position after 15 years? Sometimes, we even see candidates who would prefer to argue that they just don’t know what their goals are and instead hope that business school will help them figure that out.

Neither of these strategies will land you a spot in a top-tier MBA program. The admissions committee knows that things change and that your goals may change, too. But they want to see that you have thought clearly about how to translate your passions and dedications into a plan, and for this, specificity is key. They particularly want to see, as of now, what you plan to do with your MBA so they know you will use it wisely.

Chicago Booth, for example, explicitly states the need for clear goals when outlining who they are looking for when analyzing applications:

short term and long term goals essay mba

Arguing that you hope that an MBA will point you in the right direction long-term is also not the solution. Remember, the one thing that all programs ask is about your goals. Revealing that you have no idea will get your essay – and your candidacy – set aside.

So, no, you cannot keep your goals vague in a winning MBA admissions essay.

The key to a good goals statement is clarity and detail. Failing to provide this can leave the reader feeling like they do not fully understand your goals – and that you don’t, either. 

short term and long term goals essay mba

Avoid vague goals like, “I want to work for a Fortune 500 company,” because who doesn’t? According to a Bentley University admissions team member , it’s much more effective to do your market research and choose a specific organization you’d like to work for because they are particularly innovative, socially responsible, etc. Be sure to show why you are aiming for the role and organization in your statement, not just what . 

Furthermore, your chosen goals demonstrate your “career risk” to the admissions committee. In other words, they show the admissions officers how likely you are to succeed in the future and how well their program can set you up for success. 

If your goals are vague, they will not be able to determine your career risk and your application will likely be rejected.

For example, in her first draft, one of our clients initially wrote:

 “My goal is to increase sustainability in major Brazilian companies.” 

However, there are some key elements missing in her statement. Who does she plan on working for and in what field? What kinds of sustainability? What kinds of companies does she aim to do this for? All of these things leave the reader wondering if the candidate actually knows what she wants to do in the future.

In a good goals statement, however, all of these questions will be clear. Take a look at how the candidate’s long-term goal developed by the end of the editing process with our team :

“In the long-term, I hope to become a principal at BCG who focuses on emphasizing sustainable solutions by promoting renewable energy in consumer goods companies across Brazil. In this position, I can not only help companies become more sustainable but reinforce this mindset among BCG teams in order to increase widespread environmental awareness in business.”

Not only is her long-term goal clear but she also details a plan to manifest this goal. Specifically, she names the position and company she hopes to work for as well as how she plans to focus on sustainability in that position.

In other words, by adding detail, you also add clarity to your MBA goals.

If nothing else, you must be specific enough to name both the position you hope to hold in the future as well as the company (or an example of the type of company) you plan on working for. If your goals do not feature these elements, I can tell you right now: they are not specific enough.

Looking for example goals essays to help you start writing? Our MBA Resource Center has dozens of successful sample essays, in addition to all types of essays from countless schools, brainstorm guides, resume templates, interview mocks and answer models, and much more. Find out more about your one-stop shop for MBA application success here .

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If you’re still not quite sure what you want to do post-MBA, you may want to consider career coaching before endeavoring to write a convincing goals essay. 

Assuming you have some rock-solid goals in place, let’s get started!

Try to think of the MBA goals essay as a story. The important components of the story are your past, present, and future and how they all connect. Specifically, how they connect should look like this:

Past Experience + Present MBA = Future Professional Goals

Your story should flow well between these components, building upon each of them and creating a unified narrative. However, that narrative shouldn’t follow a ‘past, present, future’ sequence at all since it’s difficult to explain why a particular program is perfect for you if you haven’t stated your goals yet. 

Instead, go with a ‘past, future, present’ format . This means talking about the skills, strengths, and lessons learned you’ve accumulated, showing how all of this has led you to decide on your short- and long-term goals, and then putting it all into the context of the MBA you’re applying to (including how the program complements your previous experience and fills in gaps before you are prepared to achieve your goals). Organizing your essay in this way will provide clarity and a pleasing flow to the information.

Now let’s look at what each section should include.

Whether the question asks for it or not, a little bit about your work history is important to include in this essay. It gives context to your goals, proof that you have relevant experience and motivations related to your goals , and sets up the argument for why you’re applying for that specific MBA – a crucial aspect of your MBA goals essay. Bonus points if it also sets up the type of impact you envision for your goals.

If the question does ask about your career progress to date, keep in mind the information the admissions counselors already have. The goal here is not to list every achievement you’ve made (they can see that on your resume) but to give brief, strong examples of an accomplished career, especially focusing on achievements that relate to your future goals . 

For example, though you may have had a highly successful marketing internship but have since forged a career in M&A, you may want to leave your marketing achievements out of your goals essay to focus on more relevant information.

Picking and choosing relevant experiences also helps emphasize storytelling , an element our editors highly recommend incorporating into all of your MBA admissions essays. By formatting your experiences into stories , you can connect more easily with your reader, help them remember your application better, and help keep your reader engaged in your tale. 

A good story doesn’t talk about your evolution at a major company over five years. Instead, a good story focuses on a specific problem you had while at that company, what you did to solve that particular problem, and what you learned from the experience. 

If you want to make sure you are choosing your stories wisely, be sure to check out our blog post on this topic. 

Nonetheless, not everyone has a perfectly linear path where each step logically leads to the next. Your work history might look disjointed on paper, but the key is to emphasize growth and highlight your capabilities. All of this needs to add up to the next section: your future goals .

Your essay revolves around your short- and long-term goals, which means you need to think through these two things more than anything else. 

short term and long term goals essay mba

At the same time, everything in your essay should be connected. It is important that you explain the relationship between all the lessons you learned along your career journey and your future – how has your past prepared and inspired you for your future?

As mentioned above, you should almost always include both short- and long-term goals in this part of your essay. Each of these elements should include your desired role, company/organization (or at least what kind), key actions and achievements, and ideal impact.

We highly suggest you take a look at other successful essay responses before you begin writing. 

Our MBA Resource Center has dozens of past successful essays for these prompts – and many more! – and detailed brainstorming worksheets to help you plan out an essay that gets you into your top-choice MBA. 

Our library also includes guides for all top global MBA programs, interview tips and mocks, CV templates, and recommendation letter guides. Click to join !

This is your chance to really sell yourself to the admissions committee – why is their school the very best for your specific needs?

You have proven you have experience and knowledge, and the goals that resulted from your skills gained and lessons learned. Now you need to show that this program can give you everything you need to reach those goals. Specific classes, the school’s non-academic offerings, and school culture can all be referenced to support your argument that this program is the very best (or only) way to build the skills you need to reach your goals. 

While some schools, like MIT , like their candidates to rely on general, school-specific arguments, most others want to know what specific opportunities you will take advantage of on their campus.

Here are some good examples of specific opportunities:

“I want to take advantage of the class Leadership in Small Businesses to gain an international perspective of how family-run business decisions are made, since my previous experience has been entirely with major companies.”

“Through the Education Club, I will further engage in the community to enhance my knowledge of the educational landscape.”

“Additionally, CBS’ Global Immersion class will allow me to learn in-depth international business practices, especially by meeting with business executives and government officials.”

As you can see, these statements not only make it clear what you want to do at the school but also why you want to do it. By showing how each of these opportunities will help you grow, you can argue more effectively the school’s essential role in helping you reach your post-MBA goals.

There are many ways to achieve this: arguments relating to specific professors, values that the school holds in particular regard, or even connections to alumni are often good bets here. Columbia Business School , for example, feels it is important that candidates feel a connection to their prime location in New York City.

Whatever arguments you choose, make sure they are specific to the school and, like all other parts of your essay, detailed.

In general, we suggest using “The Rule of Thirds” when writing a goals essay. Though this does not apply to all essays and all profiles, a good rule of thumb is to devote ⅓ of your essay to the past, ⅓ of your essay to the future, and ⅓ of your essay to the present. 

The above formula is a great way to make sure you include the crucial information in every goals essay, no matter the school. Of course, it’s also important to read each specific school’s question carefully and make sure you’re answering it relevantly. 

Though many candidates want to reuse content from other schools to save time, our experience guiding 98.9% of our clients to receive at least one admissions offer proves this can be a costly mistake. 

For example, Wharton has long asked a question asking candidates for an essay to discuss their career objectives. 

short term and long term goals essay mba

INSEAD, on the other hand, asks applicants to get straight to the point, sensible advice considering how much space the school’s nearly 10 essays gives candidates to introduce themselves:

short term and long term goals essay mba

For that reason, carefully consider how the school is asking you to position your goals and make sure your essay answers this question. 

Other elements that don’t directly answer the question should at least support your main point. Don’t gloss over questions that deviate slightly from the norm – if the application asks why you’re applying now or what you will contribute to the school, incorporate those aspects into the story, but keep things unified.

It is paramount that you don’t cave to the pressure of making your essay ‘meaningful’ and choose goals that you think the admissions committee wants to hear. 

Gradschool.com states that “success on this MBA application essay has nothing to do with manufacturing a statement of purpose that is engineered to hit the admissions committees’ hot buttons.” Keep in mind that this group has read thousands of essays, and can easily tell the difference between “a career vision that has integrity and one that is simply engineered for effect.”

how to write mba goals essay

When writing about your goals, your passion needs to shine through. This means writing about something more impactful than climbing the corporate ladder or making tons of money, but it also means being honest and sincere about your vision for your future. Here too, storytelling can be a great way to emphasize both authenticity and passion in your MBA admissions essay .

Show cause and effect

A logical progression of thought needs to be present throughout your entire essay so that the admissions officer can see how your past experiences have shaped your future goals and why you now need an MBA at that school to achieve them.

Cause and effect comes into play even more when talking about your short- and long-term goals. Make sure that what you hope to achieve in the few years post-MBA can realistically lead to what you are aiming for long term . If the two seem slightly disjointed at first glance, you might just have a little more work ahead of you to show the relationship between them. If you can’t find a connection between the two, you may want to take a step back and reflect more in-depth about your post-MBA plans. 

One helpful way of successfully illustrating this cause-and-effect connection is by talking to an MBA consultant about your career path. The key is simply communicating your past and future well – something that we here at Ellin Lolis Consulting can also help you with. 

Make sure your goals essay stands out from the crowd

Standing out as a prime candidate to admissions counselors means writing a goals essay with clarity and purpose, showing that you are informed and visionary enough to see your goals through. If you follow the above format and tips, you will likely be on a path to achieving your next goal: landing an interview with your top choice MBA program.

However, crafting a goals essay that convinces the world’s toughest admissions committees that you deserve a place in their program can often be a daunting task. 

That’s why many candidates turn to us to help put our 98.9% acceptance rate and personalized approach to work for them . 

Not only can we help you develop a strong personal brand and identify the achievements that will best reinforce your brand but our expert team of editors can also ensure you’re able to turn ideas into essays that cut through the noise and help the admissions committee connect with you and your ideas.

As our client (and Columbia admit) Elisa H. said,  “Ellin Lolis MBA Consulting helped me clarify my goals for the future and communicate those ideas effectively in my various essays. I’m confident that their editing suggestions helped me present myself as the best candidate I could be, which led to acceptances at every school to which I applied.

I would highly recommend Ellin Lolis as they were fantastic at helping me flesh out ideas I had in my head in a way that would make the most impact with an admissions committee.”

short term and long term goals essay mba

Want to put the Ellin Lolis Advantage to work for your admissions essays? Find out more about our team of expert MBA essay editors here .

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MBA Essays: Everything You Need to Know

Scott Edinburgh

Scott Edinburgh - Personal MBA Coach

Scott Edinburgh is an mba.com Featured Contributor and the founder of Personal MBA Coach , a boutique MBA admissions consulting and tutoring firm.

Students Exchange Knowing Look

Nearly all MBA hopefuls are familiar with the term “MBA essay”, but what exactly does this mean and why is the MBA essay so important? To help guide MBA hopefuls, Personal MBA Coach would like to answer some common questions about the MBA essays and share details on the most common MBA essay types.

Why do I need an MBA essay?

Beyond the obvious answer that nearly all schools require you to write one in order to be admitted, the MBA essay is your chance to show MBA admissions committee members who you are BEYOND the facts and figures. These essays are your opportunities to show what makes you unique, share your goals and discuss how you will add to the dynamic community at your target business school. 

Do I need different MBA essays for each program I apply to?

Unfortunately, YES! While there are some overlapping themes across the most common MBA essay types (more on this below), each business school has its own unique essays. Unless you are applying through an organization such as The Consortium (which has some specific requirements), you must complete a separate application for each MBA program and answer each school’s specific essay questions.

To make this daunting task more manageable, Personal MBA Coach helps clients identify common elements across essay types. Ultimately, however, you should develop a separate essay for each school you are applying to.

What should I write about in my MBA essay?

First and foremost, you should answer the question. It is surprising how often candidates write beautiful essays that do not actually answer the question. Instead of writing what you think admissions committee members want to hear, answer the question.

What are the most common MBA essay questions?

While there are countless different essay questions across MBA programs, the three most common types of essays questions are Goals Essays, Why an MBA? Essays, and Personal Story Essays. (Often one essay question will ask clients to discuss both their goals and why they want an MBA.)

Below, Personal MBA Coach shares our tips for answering each of these key essay types:

Goals Essay

When answering a question about your MBA goals , it is crucial that you are decisive . While no one will hold you to what you write in your MBA applications, you should have a specific post-MBA plan. For most schools, you will want a short-term and a long-term career goal. This goal should be logical for you. This means it should flow naturally from your passions and experience. If it doesn’t, it is crucial that you explain why this goal makes sense for you.

Finally, this goal should be attainable. You are not going to be the CFO of Pepsi two years after graduating from business school (sorry!). Do your research in terms of what position might be reasonable in your target industry.

Why an MBA? Essay

To answer a question about why you want an MBA or why you want to study at X school, you want to show that you have carefully thought through how an MBA (at your target program) will prepare you to achieve your career goals. To do so, Personal MBA Coach suggests being very specific in detailing the opportunities you plan to take advantage of on campus.

Discuss classes you are particularly interested in or perhaps professors you are looking to study with, etc. Do not include a laundry list. Instead, carefully think through how each offering will allow you to fill in your skill and/or experience gaps. Be sure to show an understanding of your target school’s culture and avoid writing vague statements and copying content from other MBA application essays.

Personal Story Essay

With a personal story essay, your objective is to show the reader how your story is unique and how you will add value and diversity to classroom discussions and on campus activities. This can be one of the hardest essays to write. To get started, Personal MBA Coach advises that you make a list of everything you have done in your life and take the time to write it all down. Then, think carefully about the decisions you have made, activities you enjoy and, most importantly, why you made those choices. Finally, look for a theme! What single idea connects these items? This is the hard part, so give it time.

How do you conclude an MBA essay?

Do not overthink the conclusion. In fact, with short word limits, Personal MBA Coach often advises clients to write just one concluding sentence or remove the conclusion altogether. Conclusions can be fluffy, generic or repetitive. You do not need (or want) to waste words here. If you have told your story well and you have addressed the question clearly and concisely, do not worry about the conclusion!

How far in advance should I start my MBA essays?

As soon as possible! It is never too early to start thinking about your MBA essays. In fact, Personal MBA Coach works with many clients 6 month – 3 years in advance through our Early Planning package, helping future applicants make the appropriate career and extracurricular decisions to ensure they have enough experience to write strong MBA essays.

That said, with diligence, some Personal MBA Coach clients are able to develop a compelling MBA essay within a month. (Keep in mind, this is a very compressed timeline and takes dedication to achieve!). Plus, you always want to leave time for proofreading and should avoid submitting your essays at the last minute. 

Founded by a Wharton MBA and MIT Sloan graduate who sits on the Association of International Graduate Admissions Consultants Board of Directors, Personal MBA Coach has been guiding clients for 14 years and is consistently ranked #1 or #2, currently holding the #1 ranking in the US on Poets&Quants.

We help clients with all aspects of the MBA application process including early planning, GMAT/GRE/EA tutoring, application strategy, school selection, essay editing and mock interviews. Our team includes a former M7 admissions director and former M7 admissions interviewers.

Last year, our clients earned more than $6M in scholarships!

We are proud to be recognized by Poets & Quants as one of the top MBA admissions consulting firms in 2023!

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Writing a compelling MBA Career Goals Essay

W riting a compelling MBA Career Goals Essay requires you to do more than just list the companies and titles you plan to add to your resume following the completion of your studies.

Your essay needs to demonstrate that you are passionate about the career you envision while convincing the MBA admissions committee that a larger sense of purpose directs your career goals.

Furthermore, admissions officers will judge your career action plan to determine if the dots connect between your skills and experiences and future aspirations.

In this article, we provide you with insights and tools you need to build a powerful MBA Career Goals Essay.

First, we’ll talk about why admissions committees ask you to write an essay about your career goals and share the characteristics of an outstanding answer. We will also help you to avoid the common mistakes applicants make when writing a Career Goals Essay.

We’ll even provide you with a set of building blocks for crafting a unique and powerful essay of your own.

In the final section of this article, we analyze a sample Career Goals Essay to illustrate the principles we taught you in action.

Why Do MBA Admissions Officers Ask About Your Goals?

The MBA Career Goals essay question regularly appears in one form or another on just about every MBA application. Many applicants wonder why MBA admissions officers are so interested in what they plan to do after graduating from business school. Others feel these types of questions are downright unfair. Isn’t business school a chance to figure out what you want to be when you grow up? And what’s the point of making plans when everyone knows those plans are going to change?

The reason admissions officers ask the Career Goals Essay question year after year is because the mission of a top MBA program is to train future leaders who will go on to make an impact on the world. In a sense, when you apply for an MBA, you’re also applying for the job you will take upon graduation, the job you will progress to five years after graduating, and even the executive job you dream about taking 10-15 years after that.

An acceptance letter to a top-tier MBA program is not a blue ribbon for past achievements. Admissions committees want to know what you aspire to become and want to achieve as a future leader. As it turns out, a strong Career Goals Essay is one of the best tools in your application to get the Admissions Committee excited about your potential and to communicate where and how you plan to make an impact on the world after completing your MBA education.

Business schools ask about your career goals in a variety of ways :

  • “What are your short-term and long-term career goals?”
  • “What are your professional objectives?”
  • “Elaborate on your future career plans and your motivation for pursuing an MBA.”
  • “What do you want to do—REALLY?”

When answering these kinds of essay questions, top marks are earned by having clearly defined post-MBA career plans that go well beyond climbing the corporate ladder and making lots of money. Admission officers want to know that you have a passion for the career you imagine and that your career goals are fueled by a sense of purpose.

What Makes For a Strong MBA Career Goals Essay?

Defining your career goals is central to your Application Strategy because a powerful Career Goals Essay will tell the admissions officers how you plan to become a leader of consequence once you graduate. The coherence of your Career Goals Essay serves as elegant proof of your potential.

You’ll also need to persuade admissions officers that your career aspirations are realistic. In other words, they must be convinced that you possess many of the skills, talents, and experiences that you will need to achieve your ambitions. Many candidates undermine their chances for acceptance by proposing a set of lofty career goals that don’t appear achievable when viewed in the context of their past experiences and strengths. Grand ambitions are fine, but you must be able to convince admissions officers that the dots connect from your past accomplishments to your future aims.

Next, remember that admissions officers believe that their job is to find and accept future business leaders who will make a positive difference in the world. The goal of this essay is not to outline your plans for climbing the corporate ladder. Think about how you can devote energy and your career to helping others in some way. This doesn’t mean you have to go to work for a not-for-profit – no matter what field you are interested in, you can identify ways that your career will make a positive difference in the world.

Even when the essay question doesn’t include words like vision and aspiration or doesn’t ask you why your career goals are meaningful, you should let admissions officers know your deeper motivations and that you have a sense of purpose.

Finally, the caveat to all of this advice is that admission officers read thousands of these essays and can tell the difference between aspirations with integrity and those that are simply engineered for effect. To put it bluntly, admissions board members have world-class B.S. detectors, so make sure your career goals pass the sniff test.

Your career goals, if properly developed and defined, can set you apart from other candidates competing for a spot at that school, and that’s precisely what you want them to do. Before you begin brainstorming, you will need to do extensive career planning work to assemble the content building blocks for your Career Goals Essay.

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What Makes for a Weak MBA Career Goals Essay?

Let’s discuss some of the weaknesses in applicants’ MBA Career Goals Essays so you can avoid making mistakes in your essay that might hurt your chances of being admitted to a top business school:

Unfocused career vision

No sense of purpose: passion, meaning, and significance, lack of evidence that the candidate understands his or her future industry.

  • Dots don’t connect between prior skills/experiences and post-MBA career goals

Unconvincing motivations for pursuing an MBA

We’ll expand on these common pitfalls.

When it comes to essay and interview questions about your career goals, the “I will figure out my goals once I’m in business school” answer isn’t sufficient. If you haven’t determined what your career goals are, then how can an admissions officer be sure an MBA is your best next step? More importantly, how can you?

The bottom line is that your candidacy will not compare favorably with the applicants who know where they want to go and can explain clearly how an MBA will help get them there. Admissions officers know that once you’re in business school, you’ll have more work to do than there are hours in the day; there’s not much time available for self-reflection and career planning. In fact, within weeks of arriving on campus for your first year, you’ll be polishing your resume up and submitting it to recruiters for summer internships. If you don’t have a vision for your career, you may not benefit from the MBA experience in the same way as other candidates who do have a defined and focused career vision.

MBA programs were founded on the belief that business leaders can and do play an influential role in contributing to society’s prosperity. Schools are looking for future leaders who aren’t just in it for themselves. Admissions officers are proud that their job is to find and accept future business leaders who will make a positive difference in the world. If your career goals are a thinly veiled plan for making loads of money, then your candidacy is in trouble.

Once your long-term career goals are in focus, you should further educate yourself on the industry in which you plan to work. Admissions officers are understandably skeptical when an applicant claims to want to work in a particular field like venture capital, sustainable energy, or social enterprise but doesn’t seem to know much, if anything, about those industries.

Dots don’t connect between prior skills / experiences and post-MBA career goals

Many candidates undermine their chances for acceptance by proposing a set of lofty career goals that don’t appear realistic when viewed in the context of their past experiences and strengths. An admissions officer will examine your resume through the lens of future corporate recruiters. Suppose your Career Goals Essay says that you want to work in strategy consulting post-MBA. In that case, admissions officers will evaluate whether your current resume, combined with the skills and knowledge you would acquire in their program, would appeal to a recruiter at a strategy consulting firm. If the dots don’t connect for the MBA admissions committee, your application will be less competitive.

Your career goals directly relate to your motivations for pursuing an MBA. Therefore, defining those career goals is critical to explaining why you want an MBA. Unconvincing motivations for pursuing an MBA can be another big weakness in your candidacy. If the only answer you can come up with for “why you want an MBA” is “I’m working at a private equity firm, and everyone here goes for an MBA,” then you need to do more thinking about your motivations and reasons for applying to business school. If you haven’t built a solid case for this huge investment of time and money, then admissions committees would be justified in wondering what kind of business leader you’re going to be in the future.

Now that you understand the characteristics of a successful MBA Career Goals Essay and some pitfalls to avoid, we will share some content building blocks to help you design and write a winning essay.

Content Building Blocks for the MBA Career Goals Essay

Now we’ll tie the preceding insights together into a set of building blocks and provide you with a Career Goals Essay example, so you feel fully prepared to write a convincing essay of your own.

The four content building blocks for an excellent Career Goals Essay are:

  • Career Purpose
  • Career Meaning
  • Your Long-Term Career Goal, and;
  • Your Career Action Plan

Your first step is to develop a statement of career purpose . The building block question is, “What is the purpose of your career — who will it serve, and how will it benefit others?” A statement of career purpose doesn’t exist on an organization chart. It’s not the job; it’s what you hope to achieve in the world in a larger sense.

The next content building block is career meaning . Ask yourself, “Why is the career I envision meaningful to me?” Admissions officers believe that great ambitions are achieved when an individual’s goals are fueled by their interests and passions. Even if the application doesn’t ask the question directly, you should tell the admissions committee why these career goals matter to you.

Once your career’s purpose and meaning are defined, you can progress to building a succinct statement of your long-term career goals . Your long-term career goal may indeed be found on an organization chart — you should include the job you want and the kind of organization you want to be leading in 15 years – CEO, founder, managing director of a non-profit, etc. What is your dream job ?

“What’s the path to your dream job?” — The final building block is your career action plan – it includes the jobs and organizations you plan to work for along the way toward your long-term career goal. For each position on your path, you can briefly explain how the role fits into your overall plan and moves you a step closer to your long-term career goal by providing additional skills, essential knowledge, and a more robust network.

To wrap up this lesson, let’s take a look at a Career Goals Essay sample so you can see these principles and our content building blocks in action.

MBA Career Goals Essay Sample

Our example applicant “Adam” is an investment banker who wants to return to the private equity world post-MBA.

As you’ll see, by using the content building blocks, he goes beyond answering the “what question” – as in WHAT are your career goals – and answers the “why question” – setting himself up to write a Career Goals Essay that will score top marks.

Adam was born in Ukraine, and his career goal is to help people in that part of the world by spurring economic development. He plans to share how troubled he was by the hardships he saw while on a recent visit to Kyiv, during which his career goals came into focus.

Adam makes his career goals more unique than simply saying he wants to start a private equity fund – the fund he wants to create will invest in the former Soviet Union, providing much-needed economic development in the region. Adam plans to work for an established fund in the CIS region before eventually starting his own fund. His dream job is to serve as an economic advisor to governments in that part of the world.

Having completed his building blocks exercise, Adam has the content he needs to satisfy the career goals question criteria. His answer will be comprehensive and memorable and will set him apart from other candidates who also have their sights set on a future in private equity.

Below you will find an excerpt of the essay that resulted when these content building blocks were assembled. Review the sample essay carefully, and then you will be ready to get to work outlining, drafting, and rewriting your own essay until you and your advisors feel you have an outstanding Career Goals Essay for your application.

(CAREER PURPOSE) By the end of the trip, my career goals were clearly in focus. I want to play a leadership role in economic development in the CIS, first as a private equity investor, and eventually, an economic advisor to the government in Ukraine.

(CAREER ACTION PLAN) Directly out of business school, I want to move to Russia and work with an established private equity group such as Baring Vostok (“BV”). I’ve worked for almost two years in private equity in the US, and working for a firm in Moscow like BV for five to seven years would give me regional private equity experience and ties to capital in Russia and the CIS.

(LONG-TERM CAREER GOAL) Long-term, I want to start my own fund in the former Soviet Union, ideally based in Kyiv. I believe there’s plenty of opportunities. My Uncle’s manufacturing company in Kyiv is actually a good example; he needs growth capital, but his business’s risk profile is wrong for a bank and better suited for a private equity fund.

Final Thoughts

Sharing your excitement about your future career path with admissions officers via your MBA Career Goals Essay is an essential step toward earning an acceptance letter from a top MBA program. The coherence and clarity of your essay can convey your desire to be a leader of consequence once you finish your MBA studies.

Ultimately, the goal of an MBA Career Goals Essay is to convince admissions officers that you will go on to use your MBA education to make a positive difference in the world. The lessons we’ve shared in this article can help you to write a high-quality essay. The effort you devote to writing an excellent MBA Career Goals essay will almost certainly help increase your chances of being accepted by one of the world’s top business schools.

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Advice, tips and insights from the admissions dream team., table of contents, how to create mba goals: long term vs. short term career vision.

  • By Heidi Hillis

To craft the best career vision for the MBA, you must present a coherent narrative that persuasively links your personal reasons for pursuing an MBA with your past experiences as well as your short- and long-term goals.

Once you’ve begun to explore your career vision (see part 1 in this series, How to Create a Career Vision for your MBA Application ), you’ll want to tease out the long-term vision and short-term goals. Understanding the differences between them – and how they work together – will enhance your capacity to articulate a compelling case to admissions committees of MBA schools and programs .

What Are MBA Goals?

Your long-term MBA goal is generally where you plan to be 10 years out, while your short-term MBA goals are the stepping stones paving the way to get there. Short-term goals involve your near-immediate plans – either for an internship and/or two to three years post b-school. During this period, you should be acquiring specific expertise or skills that’s essential for you to reach your long-term vision.

Your long-term vision defines your end goal, the peak of your career — answering the question “what you want to be when you grow up.” In response, it’s unnecessary to delve into exacting detail. Instead, your focus should be on the impact you want to have throughout your professional  career. The admissions committee wants to know your values and motivations and how you plan to influence an industry or community.

Alternatively, for the short-term goal, you DO want to get specific. This goal is more important to the admissions committee and should reflect thorough research down to the function, industry —  even possible companies you hope to be working for.  It’s also important to communicate your understanding of the business school recruiting process and what it will take for you to land your post-MBA job. That said, you might consider a few options, to demonstrate that you have a plan B if your ideal path doesn’t work out.

Taken together, it’s imperative to show a rational thread between your past experiences, the MBA, your internship and your post-MBA goals . You want to show how the skills developed from each of these experiences relate to your vision .

In sum, below are the key distinctions between the long and short-term MBA goals .

Long Term Career Vision:

  • Time frame: 10+ years
  • The end goal: What you want to be “when you grow up”
  • Reflects your values
  • Focuses more on desired impact
  • Both inspirational and aspirational
  • Expresses the motivation behind your short-term goals
  • Recognizes that there may be alternative paths to get there (plan A, B, C…)

Three examples of a long-term vision for b-school:

“I aim to increase financial inclusion within current banks by designing, developing, and launching a financial services  ecosystem for unbanked Americans.”

“I seek an executive-level position at a renewable energy organization such as a wind farm or solar company, to well-position me to reach my ultimate objective – impacting the global carbon footprint as a CEO of a global renewable energy organization.”

“I aspire to transform the healthcare system in Mexico by finding innovative ways to make the diagnostic process less costly, so that funding can be used toward enhanced treatments and facilities.”

Short Term Career Goals for MBA Students :

  • Time frame: internship and up to 2-3 years after graduation
  • Stepping stone to your long-term  MBA goals
  • As specific as possible, reflecting considerable research and thought related to: geography/industry/function/potential companies
  • Achievable and realistic
  • Focuses on building capacities, expertise, and experience
  • Displays an understanding of the MBA recruitment process

Three examples of short-term MBA goals for b-school:

“I will leverage my pre-MBA experience as a financial analyst to pursue an internship in finance, either on the buy side or sell side, focused on the energy market. Immediately following business school, I will seek a general management or leadership development rotational program at a global energy firm such as X, focusing on gaining exposure to business development, marketing, and operations.”

 “To gain the experience I need to eventually reach my goal of financial inclusion for America’s unbanked, immediately following my MBA I intend to pursue a role in business development or project management in a late-stage fintech startup such as X or Y.”

“After having had wide-ranging exposure to several industries and companies at X consulting firm, I plan to use the intense finance curriculum at X school to help me pivot to a career in investment banking, where I will be able to gain further knowledge of the key metrics used to valuate companies and portfolios. I intend to pursue an internship with a bulge bracket investment bank such as X, which should help position me to achieve my goal of working as an analyst for an investment bank post-MBA.”

What Are MBA Goals?

Watch this video on how to articulate your short and long term goals:

Want More Advice?

For more career vision insights and resources on what the MBA admissions committee is looking for in your b-school application, view the Fortuna team’s related articles and video strategy sessions:

  • How to Create MBA Goals: Long-term Vision vs. Short-term Goals (blog part 2)
  • How to Convey a Powerful Career Vision (blog)
  • Your Post-MBA Career Goals & How to Position Them In Your MBA App (video)
  • How to Position Your MBA Application When Your Post-MBA Career Goal Is Consultancy (video)
  • Your Current Role & How It Connects to Your MBA Career Vision (video)
  • What You Should Do Now to Prepare for You MBA Career Vision (video)

Let’s Get You In.

Fortuna Admissions is a dream team of former MBA Admissions Directors and Officers from 18 of the top 20 business schools. With our unparalleled collective expertise, we are able to coach you to develop a clear vision of your goals for business school and beyond. We work closely with you throughout the application process and provide expert guidance at every stage to maximize your chances of admission to a top school.

Our free consultations are consistently rated as the best in the industry. To learn more about Fortuna and assess your chances of admission to a top business school, request a free consultation .

Updated Sept. 2022

Fortuna’s Heidi Hillis is an MBA admissions coach and alumnus of Stanford GSB. For a candid assessment of your chances of admission success at a top MBA program,  essay tips, and more, sign up for a free consultation .

  • Posted on September 4, 2022

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short term and long term goals essay mba

August 18, 2023

Your MBA Goals Essay: Get Ready, Get Set, THINK!

short term and long term goals essay mba

You’ll be applying to b-school this fall, aiming for the Round 1 deadlines. You might also be working full-time, juggling various life responsibilities and perhaps even trying to hike up your GMAT score. Although adding another task to your plate might feel daunting, there’s one question you want – nay, need! – to spend some time on and answer early. This question requires reflection: WHY do you want to go to b-school? Is it to make a career pivot? Gain experience in a new country? Expand your network? Acquire a new skill set? Develop your leadership capabilities? The answer will probably involve a combination of things that will ultimately help you achieve your professional goals. Answering this “why” question early will help you piece together many application puzzle pieces and connect those all-important dots from past and present (experience) to future (MBA and career).

Here’s what you need to do to identify and write about your MBA goals.

short term and long term goals essay mba

Pre-application to-do: Define your goals!

The first thing you need to do is  start defining your MBA goals . The more introspection you do before you write your goals essay, the faster and smoother the actual writing of the essay will be later on. 

To begin, jot down possible specific roles and industries that you plan to target.

The challenge here is to think of goals that go  beyond the obvious  (or at least to think of an original way of expressing what might be a common goal within the applicant pool). For example, “I want to go into marketing” won’t cut it on its own, but if marketing is a passion of yours and your ultimate goal, there are other ways to frame it without falling into the boring, generic trap, mainly through the use of details. You want to think about how your goals align with your experiences and how those experiences have not only prepared you for your goals but also helped you define them. So, how do you go beyond the obvious?

Writing about your goals

Here are some tips to keep in mind when preparing to  write a compelling, extraordinary MBA goals essay .

1. Distinguish between short-term and long-term goals.

At each of these stages, what would your ideal position be? At what type of company? And in what industry? These positions, companies, and industries could change as you transition from the short term to the long term, but you should be able to present a common thread between the two. Keep in mind that your short-term objective should serve as a stepping-stone to your long-term vision. Refer to specific job titles and companies to further illustrate how much you’ve thought about your future.

2. Continue to identify the details of the short and long term, including your intermediate post-MBA aims, by thinking about what specific goals you’d like to accomplish during each phase.

Don’t talk merely about what you want to get out of an experience but also about the impact you want to have on the people you encounter and the industry during that time. B-schools are looking for contributors, for individuals who want to make a positive impact in their respective fields. The details that surround your MBA goals, such as your motivation for making a particular impact, are what will make your goals essay stand out from those of all the other future marketers in the stack.  Details make your essay interesting, credible, and individualized.

3. Do your research so that your goals are realistic.

Adcoms want to see ambition, but that ambition should be steeped in reality. Look up hiring trends, services, organizations, market status, products, competitive concerns, and so on at your desired companies. Now is the time to do all this research!

4. Become familiar with the challenges of your chosen industry.

Have any current events affected your industry? What about possible future trends? Consider the challenges that lie ahead, the role that you might play, and how you would navigate that environment. 

5. Be prepared to discuss why your target positions/industry appeal to you.

Most essay questions won’t ask specifically about your motivations for pursuing your particular goals, but you should nevertheless keep your motivations in mind while you write. This will help you present a more engaging story with a stronger message, which will further help your essay stand out. 

Introspection is key

Following these steps during the prewriting stage of your goals essay will help you formulate a clear, compelling, and original portrayal of what your goals are. It will also make actually writing the essay more quick and effortless. Use your time wisely and pace yourself – your applications will be due before you know it!

Jamie Wright admissions expert headshot

Jamie Wright has more than eight years of recruitment and admissions experience at London Business School (LBS) and is the former admissions director for Early Career Programmes at LBS. Originally from the United States, Jamie is now based in London. Want Jamie to help you get accepted? Click here to get in touch with Jamie Wright .

Related Resources:

  • Academic Performance in Your MBA Admissions Profile
  • Leadership in Admissions
  • Four Tips for Highlighting Your Strengths in Your Application Essays

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Good Short Term Goals to Include in MBA Essay: Expert Opinion

EssayEdge > Blog > Good Short Term Goals to Include in MBA Essay: Expert Opinion

Writing short-term goals for MBA essays can be a real challenge for applicants. Sometimes, students fail the admission process because they do not know how to write an effective MBA essay . That’s why we prepared a review to tell all the secrets of writing a short-term goals essay that works. With this guide, defying goals for admission won’t be a problem for you anymore.

Table of Contents:

Few Words about Short-Term Goals

Generally, an MBA short-term goals essay tells about your career path right after graduation. That’s why the goals should be realistic and achievable. However, if you do not have any ideas, you can answer these questions:

  • In what company do you want to work? Provide concrete examples.
  • What job position would you like to get?
  • What hard and soft skills will you obtain while working in this company?

Thus, you need to make your short-term goal MBA essay specify companies role you will have. In addition, make sure that the goals correlate with the educational program you’re applying for, whether it is short-term goals for engineering directors MBA essay or another field.

Melissa S.

Some Examples of Short Term Goals that Work

Let’s compare MBA short term goals by applicants applying for different MBA programs. Click here to see more best MBA essay examples short term MBA goals edited by our experts.

Weak Goal : I am going to find a challenging job as a business analyst. I hope to get a lot of new experience and improve my current skills.

Strong Goal : After the MBA, I want to become a part of a Management Consulting team in top firms, such as The Boston Consulting Group, Inc. or Bain & Company. In this position, I will provide digital strategies and solutions. Apart from working with clients, I want to mentor junior consultants. 

As you can see in the examples from MBA short term goal essays, you need to make the goal clear and specify it with several examples.

In our blog, you may also find an MBA short term goals essay example healthcare and other fields.

The best working scheme for your short term career goals: past background > present > future intentions = perfect career goals essay.

Past Future Present
% of the Whole Content 30-35% of the essay 25-30% of the essay 25-30% of the essay
Where to Place statement/hook at the intro First 1-2 body paragraphs Last paragraph(s) before conclusion
Methods to Choose Engaging story, quote, anecdote, question, statistics Specific Examples Persuasive Arguments
Description It’s usually a story about the events in the past to demonstrate the passion for the chosen field Explanation of how your past background shaped your future intentions Tell how the MBA program correlates with your short term goals after MBA and  overall career path

Guide on Formatting Short Term Goals Essay

Appropriate formatting of a short term goal MBA essay boosts your chances for success. Although there are no special requirements for this type of admission writing, a well-ordered and neat format does make a good impression.

We conducted thorough research to share some useful recommendations on making your short term goals writing well-organized.

Basic Requirements for MBA Short Essay Submission Format

  • Make white spaces with the help of one-inch margins on all sides;
  • Choose “readable” fonts to not confuse the admission committee (e.g., Times New Roman or Arial);
  • The best choice for the font size is 11 or 12-point;
  • Do not use extra spaces between the paragraphs;
  • Add a title at the top of the page; the title should also be centered;
  • Type your full name and date at the left corner of the document (or you can add this info in the header).

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Several Steps You Need to Follow

  • Five-paragraphs format fits the best for this type of essay;
  • Do not forget about the transitions between paragraphs and sentences;
  • Avoid complex words and complicated sentences;
  • Check the essay for grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors;
  • Proofread the content and make necessary changes;
  • Ensure that your essay has no plagiarism;
  • Make a strong conclusion and provide a reason to accept you.

Short Term Career Goals Essay Outline

Here is a detailed outline of an MBA short term goals essay to help you structure the admission paper.

Outline Sample

1. Introductory paragraph.

  • Define a problem.
  • Why do you care?
  • Summarize your experience and career path.
  • How can your expertise help to solve a problem?
  • Provide a solution.
  • Paragraph with the skills you gained.
  • Paragraph with skills you need to gain from an MBA program.
  • Paragraph on how you will gain these skills (be specific).

3.  Conclusion.

  • Remind the reader about your strong desire to solve a problem.
  • Persuade the committee that only this grad program is necessary to reach your goals.

Do not hesitate to use this outline to carefully plan MBA short essay goals and include all necessary information.

How to Make a Short Term Career Goals MBA Essay Outstanding?

Of course, every student wants to make the short term career goals MBA essay stand out from other candidates. In order to hit this target, consider several vital issues.

Let’s look through these short term goals essay MBA tips keys for writing a persuasive admission paper.

Tip 1. Define your goals clearly in the introduction.

The short term goals MBA essay should have a strong introduction, declaring a clear aim of MBA admission. You may explain why you choose this grad school and how it will help to gain professional goals. Thus, the introduction should be full of strong arguments, proving that you are a perfect candidate for this graduate school. So, introduce your MBA career goals effectively.

Tip 2. Draw a parallel between your past experience and short term goals.

Make sure that there is a connection between past experience and short term career goals. That’s why your plan of business career should contain only realistic intentions. Also, show that your previous experience is relevant to your future goals. So, you should stay focused on your short term MBA goals essay and make a logical transition from pre- to post-MBA experience.

Tip 3. Explain your motivation.

A vital step for writing effective career goals in a short MBA essay is an explanation of your motivation. You need to answer the question: “Why are these career goals important to you?” Furthermore, the applicant’s aim is to tell why the graduate program is necessary for the further career path. Without this point, you are at risk of MBA application failure.

Tip 4. Make a career action plan.

Finally, you need to make a career action plan in order to persuade the admissions committee that you see the connection between your goals and the grad program. In the short term MBA goals, you share the career plan to explain why your skills, experience, and knowledge fit the company.

Furthermore, you need to explain why the gained skills during the grad program are essential for your future career. This way, there will be a connection, between the past, present, and future.

List of Typical 2021–2022 MBA Career Goal Essay Topics

Here, you can find the most frequent topics for a sample MBA short term goals essay. Look through them in order to get some insights for writing your short term career goals essay.

  • Define your goals post MBA. How will your professional experience combined with the University of Chicago MBA help you achieve these plans?
  • What are your short term career goals? Why do you think Berkeley MBA fits your career path?
  • In your MBA essay short term goal marketing, describe how Stanford University MBA allows you to achieve these goals. Why are you interested in obtaining our university degree?

Final Words

To conclude, an MBA short term goals essay is a tool to convince the admissions committee that you are the best candidate for the grad program. We discussed the main characteristics of the effective admission paper that will work. Here are the main points:

  • Start with a strong statement in the introduction;
  • Make your short term career goals clear and realistic;
  • Consider the MBA short term goal essay format requirements;
  • Mention your past background and achievements;
  • Remember that your career path should correlate with the MBA program.

Do not hesitate to look through MBA short term goals essay examples posted in our blog .

We wish you the best of luck during your admission process!

Defining your career goals is a must for a successful MBA application. Faculty members never accept unmotivated and undedicated students that wouldn’t benefit the student community. Use this guide to submit an essay that won’t go unnoticed. If you need an expert to edit MBA essay, find the right person here.

Robin W. - professional essay editor and proofreader

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Career Goals for MBA Aspirant in 150 Words


  • Updated on  
  • Apr 15, 2023

Career Goals for MBA Aspirant in 150 Words

If you are someone who is planning to apply for MBA , you must be well-versed in the fact that you will be expected to produce certain essays that help the university understand your motivations for pursuing that degree. Most universities will expect you to begin your essay with your career goals in 150 words, and while this might seem like an easy task for some, it can be extremely daunting for others there are several things that everyone needs to keep in mind. The career goals you provide will help those reading your application assess if you are motivated enough to pursue the degree and if you have what it takes to successfully pursue it. So, while presenting your career goals for MBA aspirants in 150 words, you must mention your short-term and long-term goals for your MBA essay in an impactful and precise manner. It is normal to feel uncertain about how to make a statement in as little as 150 words so here is all the information you will need while attempting to answer this question.

This Blog Includes:

How to tackle career goals for mba aspirants in 150 words, essentials to include, quintessential details, don’ts, tips for writing short-term and long-term goals for mba, tips for career goals for mba essay.

There are numerous different ways in which you can approach this question. You can choose to be course-specific, industry-specific or position-specific. The trick with every way that you approach the question is that you build your answer in a way that supports your argument of how the specific thing will help you achieve your long-term goals. If you are writing with the specific course you wish to study in mind, it is important to let the university know how that course from their university will help you achieve your short-term and long-term goals for the MBA essay . You can also choose to mention how a specific faculty member from the university can be instrumental in your growth.

If you are being industry-specific or position-specific, those 150 words must comprise why you wish to work in that specific industry or at that specific position and how the college you are choosing will aid that development and how, in the end, all of this will add up to your professional growth and trajectory.

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While drafting career goals for MBA aspirants, there are various essentials that you need to keep in mind which might range from mentioning the chosen industry to creating a career plan. Let’s first understand the basics you must add to your career goals:

  • Particular Industry : Write your specific domain and industry emphasizing why you want to work in it.
  • Particular Positions : Once you have mentioned your industry, the next thing is to write about the career profile you want to pursue.
  • Connection to Your Academic & Professional Records: While writing career goals for MBA aspirants, it is extremely important to link your academic and professional milestones with your aspirations to sketch out your career journey.
  • Association with your Career Goals : Connect your mentioned objectives with your career aspirations and explain how you plan to fulfil them through this degree.
  • Community Agenda i.e. how the degree will help you in making your contribution towards the community.
  • Expected Outgrowth
  • Unique Career Plan

Things to Keep in Mind

While the above-mentioned essentials can be a sure-shot guide to writing career goals, there is a host of other stuff that can help you in making an impressive list. Here is a list of the Do’s and dont’s that you must keep in mind while summing up career goals for MBA aspirants in 150 words:

  • Keep it specific and personal.
  • Highlight your short-term and long-term career goals in the MBA essay
  • Carve out your interests and link them with your career goals as well as plans. 
  • Make the article succinct and to the point.
  • Always write something easy to talk about.
  • Must include Education specific content and your ambitions in life in brief.

For instance, why you have chosen a certain business school, why you want to study under your chosen professor and what kind of exposure and outgrowth you are expecting to reach closer to your goals.

  • Avoid elaborating on those career goals which don’t resonate with what has been asked in the essay.
  • Mentioning activities or educational background not relevant to the career goals.
  • Avoid being too vague and ambiguous.
  • Do not beat around the bush.
  • While mentioning your industry is important, don’t overdo it and keep the essay concise and coherent .
  • Why these certain goals?
  • When or how they were conceived?
  • What past experiences/events make you feel that your set goals are realistic?
  • Also, explain the significance of the goals in your life.

This can make your essay more personal and interesting.

As career goals will play an indispensable role in your MBA essay in 150 words, it is essential to know how you can efficiently incorporate them into your answer. Here are some insights into crafting the best short-term and career goals for your MBA essay:

Mention the major career goals you look forward to fulfilling post-MBA

This will include your short-term and long-term career goals post MBA and while drafting these, it is crucial to be precise and put an extra emphasis on showing a career map of what you look forward to. That’s why you should mention the industry you aspire to work in, the job position you want, and how you further aim to climb up the hierarchy accordingly.

Concisely elaborate upon why these goals are important to you

Showing your interest and passion for your short-term and long-term goals in your MBA essay can also help you impress the admission team. Give a unique and interesting reason why you want to pursue a certain industry or job role and connect it with the MBA course you have opted for!

Make it specific to the academic institution

Another imperative pointer to add to your career goals for MBA aspirants in 150 words is to connect your content with the school/college/university you are applying for as it will help the admission committee assess your interest in applying to a certain institution.

Examples of Career Goals for MBA Aspirant in 150 Words

It is always easier to understand how to go about a specific thing by looking at examples of it. Here are free career goals essay samples for MBA aspirants in 150 words:

My long-term goal is to secure the position of a senior (job position) manager in a company that caters to (industry needs). I aspire to create a significant impact in a dynamic and ever-changing industry and to advance the development and growth of such a corporation. I strongly believe that pursuing an MBA degree (specialization if any) from your university will help me develop a skill set that will be instrumental in both my personal and professional growth. I believe that through the duration of the course, I will be provided with ample opportunities to strengthen my leadership and administrative skills and they will help me contribute to the industry. I also believe that pursuing this course at your university will help me realize my long-term goals and over time help me contribute to society’s development as a whole. 

I wish to pursue an MBA in (specialization) from your esteemed institution because I strongly believe that the course taught by (the specific professor) will give me a dynamic learning experience, which will help me become well-versed with the fundamentals emphasized in the course offered by your university. This comprehensive course offered by your university is well-known for providing the essential skill set that will help me become a global leader in the industry. I strongly believe that my previous experience as (job experience) in the industry has equipped me well for pursuing this course and that the environment and exposure provided by your university will help me multiply my network and magnify my potential. My long-term goal is to create a sustainable mark in the industry that aids the overall development of society and that admittance to your university will be a major step on that journey.

My long-term ambition is to enthusiastically enter and be a valuable representative of a Multinational Corporation like Google or Microsoft as a top management consultant after completing the prestigious MBA program from the prestigious university (University Name). I want to learn from a diverse portfolio of client engagements and put all of my theoretical experience into practice in a real-world environment. I’ll work my way up to being a partner, and then I’ll focus on introducing digital and correct business strategies for the industry in the long run. In my position, I will mentor younger generations of aspiring consultants as well as work with clients. I wish to prove myself to be an important asset for the organisation where I will be working in the future.

My long-term goal is to investigate the situation of a senior (work position) Manager in a reputable and renowned company.  My ambition is to have a significant impact in a fast-paced, ever-changing market and the industry, as well as to help my organisation to further improve and develop. I’d like to pursue an MBA in (specialisation) from your reputable institution to gain the necessary insights and knowledge about the current dynamics and trends of the industry, as I am confident that the course taught by (the particular educator) will provide me with a powerful learning experience that will assist me in becoming knowledgeable with the fundamentals emphasised in the course. I also agree and assume that pursuing an MBA degree in (specialisation if any) from your college will assist me in developing a set of skills that will be useful in both my personal and professional growth. Finally, it will help me better grasp my long-term goals and, in the long run, contribute to the development of society as a whole.

Ans. Start with your short-term objectives and work your way up to your long-term objectives. Outline the measures for achieving those objectives in a few sentences. Maintain a laser-like emphasis on your employer and the work you’re applying for, as well as how your objectives would eventually benefit the business.Start with your short-term objectives and work your way up to your long-term objectives. Outline the measures for achieving those objectives in a few sentences. Maintain a laser-like emphasis on your employer and the work you’re applying for, as well as how your objectives would eventually benefit the business.

Ans. A long-term goal is a goal that will be accomplished by a series of smaller goals over a long period, usually five to ten years or more. You might be asked about your long-term objectives and how they fit with the organisation you’re interviewing with during an interview.

Ans. MBA programs instil analytical skills, long-term strategic thinking, networking, and leadership in their students.

Ans. You’ll learn business strategy, preparation, and even financial management in an MBA programme. These abilities will allow you to effectively manage your own business while also contributing to your country’s economic growth.

While we’ve given you an insight on how to go about it, it is normal to feel apprehensive about whether or not what you have written will guarantee you a place in your desired college. But you don’t have to be uncertain about such an important aspect of your application. With the help of the mentors at Leverage Edu , you can write an essay that will meet the university’s expectations and give you an edge over other applicants.

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How to write powerful MBA essays that actually work

How to write MBA essays

Candidates often wonder what it takes to write strong MBA essays that work. It can be a scary and confusing process. Let’s try to figure out a step-by-step process to write a great MBA essay.

For many of us, writing an essay brings back memories of a hot, stuffy classroom on a sleepy summer afternoon, a strict English teacher keeping watch with hawk-like eyes, a mostly blank sheet of paper with the words “My Best Friend” written on top.

And in the middle of it all, you looking desperately at your friend seated next to you, hoping for some inspiration to strike. Or at the very least, for the school bell to strike, lest the English teacher see your as-yet blank sheet of paper and strike first.

In other words, you think of essays as boring. Perhaps even traumatizing, depending on how strict your English teacher was, and how inspiring your best friend was.

We’re here to tell you that that’s not what an essay should be.

An essay should be educating, entertaining, inspiring, thrilling, humorous, and heartbreaking.

Basically, anything but boring.

So if you’re writing boring essays, or if you think essays are boring, you’re doing them wrong.

What is the purpose of writing an MBA essay?

Everybody has seen The Wolf of Wall Street . Remember that famous scene where Leonardo di Caprio pulls out a pen from his coat pocket and tries to sell it to a spellbound, captivated audience hanging on to every word of his?

That’s how an essay should be.

Instead of the pen, you’re trying to sell your story. Your audience is the MBA admissions committee of your dream B-school, and at stake is your MBA dream.

But first, a word of caution – channelling your inner wolf of Wall Street does not mean that you throw form and formality to the wind. This is a B-school, and you’re still expected to wear a suit and tie.

An essay could be like a piece of classical music with multiple layers that merge seeamlessly. Or it could be like hip-hop with a catchy vibe and an impactful message.

But if you can demonstrate that you possess an aesthetic palette eclectic enough to accommodate both Beethoven and Busta Rhymes, that is impressive.

If however, you’re more of a Bollywood and Bhangra person with no appreciation or flair for classical music or hip-hop, you can still write a rocking MBA essay.

The point being, there’s no formula to create successful MBA essays. But you can still improve your odds of creating an essay that you’re proud of, if you follow these simple tips.

Here are 6 steps to writing an impressive MBA essay.

  • Start early
  • Understand the MBA essay prompts
  • Demonstrate your fit with the MBA program
  • Stick to the word count
  • Add a little X factor to it
  • Get someone to look over your essay

Let’s delve into each of them to understand the finer nuances.

How to write powerful MBA essays

1. start early.

Writing takes time. A slow cooked dish brings out the flavors of the food being cooked by allowing the spices to percolate, the aromas to emerge, and the textures to develop.

It’s the same with writing.

You need to let the thoughts in your head marinate on low simmer for days for them to develop into well-formed sentences that will delight your reader. Even if you think you’ve got it all sorted out in your head, putting it on paper is a different challenge altogether.

You’ll need a few days of contemplation to come up with points you want to put in. Jot these down as they strike you. Next, brainstorm with friends, foes, family – anyone willing to provide feedback, and whose judgement you trust.

Next, organize your ideas in a structured framework. What this means, in plain English, is that you need to be able to weave your ideas into a story your readers would love.

No, you don’t need a degree in creative writing to be able to do that.

It’s actually pretty simple. Every story has 3 parts – a beginning, a middle, and an end. In theater and film-making jargon, this is called the 3-act structure.

Act 1 is the set-up.

This is where we get to meet the protagonist (you!), and what is called the “inciting incident”, which is something that incites our protagonist into action. ( the need to do an MBA/ get into your dream B-school)

At this point, the stage is set for an exciting journey. The reader is now expecting an adventure of Tolkien-esque proportions. ( we’re kidding, this is an MBA application, not the Lord of the Rings)

Act 2 is the conflict

This is where our protagonist runs into challenges and obstacles. Their attempt to overcome these is the beating heart of the story. It’s the action that the reader started reading the story for, in the first place.

In your MBA essay, this is where you explain why you want to do an MBA, and why specifically from the B-school you are applying to, and how this will help you in achieving your career goals.

Act 3 is the resolution

This is the happy ending of the story. This is where you tie all the lose ends together, and the reader realizes that the protagonist has been transformed by the quest.

Remember that the journey from act 1 to act 3 is not any series of random actions strung together – it needs to be transformative. At the end of the story both the protagonist and the reader of the story get a sense of a change that has happened.

In the case of MBA essay, what this means is that your essay should convey a clear sense of how the MBA (and only this particular MBA from this particular school) will help you overcome the challenges you foresee in your career, and will thus be transformative.

Also keep in mind, that while it is important for your essay to be engaging, this does not mean by any stretch of imagination, that you invent incidents merely to spice things up. Always state facts and facts only.

Remember, facts are stranger than fiction, and the simplest stories are the most beautiful The novelist John Updike once said that the purpose of art is to give the mundane its beautiful due.

Any story can be made beautiful and exciting with the 3-step act. The journey of the caterpillar from egg to butterfly is a classic 3-step act.

There is no need to go chasing fantastic beasts and inventing imaginary islands; all the magic ingredients you need to write that rockstar MBA essay are already within you in the form of your own unique and wonderful life journey. Let the world hear it.

In the interest of time, some applicants may be tempted to use ChatGPT to write their MBA essays. Find out what should and shouldn’t be done if you are planning to use it, here .

2. Understand the MBA essay prompts

Most things in life come with user manuals. It’s the same with B-school essays.

Your school will usually provide instructions of what kind of essays they want, and what they are looking for in an essay. Make sure you follow these instructions to a T.

For instance, some B-schools might want one long essay, while others might want two to three shorter essays.

Often the essay would come with a question, or an essay statement, such as “state your short-term and long-term career goals, or “why do you want to pursue an MBA at this particular stage in your career”, and so on.

Pay close attention to what is being asked as what you write will depend on the question.

Unfortunately, most of us have a habit of tossing the user manual into trash unopened, and then call customer care when we can’t figure out how to operate the washing machine. Let this not be the case with your MBA essay.

Here’s an introduction to the most commonly used MBA essay questions

Why MBA now? MBA Essay question: Why this school? Long-term and short-term career goals essay Leadership in MBA essays Optional MBA essays – Career failure essay – career break , education gap, low GPA or any other aspects.

3. Demonstrate your fit with the MBA program

This is an exercise you need to perform as much for your own benefit, as for the admission committee’s. First and foremost, convince yourself that the particular MBA program is exactly what you need to meet your career goals.

Because MBAs are expensive, and confirmation bias is real.

Just because someone put it into our heads when we were 16 that xyz is a great B-school, it is entirely possible that we will psych ourselves into believing that this school is the perfect fit for us, even if it is not.

Then, at the other end of the spectrum are the cases where we just want to get into any B-school at all, and never really give a good thought into why we want to do an MBA.

If you’ve got USD 150,000 lying around the house, and all you want is to make more money, you’d be better off opening a post office savings account and living off the 7.5% interest you get on it.

An MBA is a different beast. It’ll take from you not just your money, but also two years off the prime of your life, a lot of energy (read pulling off all-nighters trying to crack case studies and making presentations), and time spent away from your loved ones.

If you’re going to be investing all this into an MBA, you need to be very sure of two things – why you want to do an MBA, and why you want to do it from the particular school you are applying to.

Once you have it all figured out, put it down in your MBA application. Remember, if you’re not convinced yourself, you will most certainly not be able to convince the admissions committee either.

Our MBA MAP process is a helpful tool used by many applicants to select the right business schools.

Read this: – How to write business school specific MBA essays – How to evaluate ‘Fit’ with MBA program

4. Stick to the word count

There’s an old bit of Jewish wisdom which says that a proverb has 3 characteristics – few words, good sense, and a fine image.

While the adage may be about proverbs, it is the hallmark of all good writing.

There’s a reason people remember proverbs but forget stories. Proverbs speak to us less with words, and more with sense and images.

Word counts exist for a reason. One of which, of course, is that admissions committees have to wade through a ton of applications, and their time is limited.

But, equally importantly, a word count tests your ability to communicate ideas effectively. If you can’t get your message across in a 1000 words, you definitely will not get it across in 10,000.

And a good manager is nothing if not a good communicator. So take the word count of your essay as another test that you must pass on your way to your dream B-school.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that you obsessively start counting words after every sentence you type. A margin of (+/-) 5% to 10% is acceptable in most cases.

But even if the b-school’s online application form does not enforce a hard cut-off, we’d recommend erring on the conservative side and staying below the word count.

Try to fit in all you need to say within this. You really don’t need anything more than that to tell your story. You’re writing an essay, not an autobiography.

Oscar Wilde famously said that brevity is the soul of wit, and we have since come to accept that brevity is pretty much the soul of most forms of communication, MBA essays included. Be frugal with your words and fathomless in your meaning.

Read: How important is the word count for MBA essays

5. Add a little X factor to it

This one is a little difficult to pin down, since what this X factor means will differ from one candidate to another.

That little magic dust that you sprinkle on your application to make it stand out from the crowd.

This become more important when you’re fighting in very competitive applicant pools and your resume doesn’t have much that automatically grabs the admission officer’s attention.

Here are some examples of what you can look at.

A small aspect of your life-story that you may have overlooked could provide that X factor that converts a regular story into a memorable masterpiece.

Or it could be related to your extracurricular activities where you achieved or experienced something remarkable.

Or it could be your unique writing style, or the way you use analogies to bring your ideas to life.

With the right, structured introspection, you’ll find that there are several avenues to highlight that makes the essays unmistakably reflect the real you.

This is one of the reasons we strongly discourage MBA applicants from using sample MBA essays that worked for others.

At first glance, they may look impressive to a new applicant, but they weren’t designed for recycling.

Using sample MBA essays will kill the uniqueness of your essays and consequently the crucial X factor.

Read why sample MBA essays don’t work .

Before we share our 6th and final tip, let’s first delve a little into the reasons we kept it for the end.

Despite their best efforts, even the strongest applicants tend to make mistakes in their application. We invited a special guest from a top school to list them down.

Top 5 mistakes to avoid while writing MBA essays

By rebecca loades, director, career accelerator programs, esmt berlin.

Essay writing tips

Unfortunately, the following 5 mistakes are all too common:

  • Not being authentic . No matter how qualified you may be on paper, authenticity counts. The biggest mistake we see is when applicants tell us what they think we want to hear, rather than showing us who they actually are.
  • Not answering the question or going beyond the word count . There’s a reason we ask the questions we do and limit the word count. Ignoring the prompt makes you stand out for the wrong reasons
  • Not trying . You might have stellar credentials and a super high test score but that doesn’t mean you’re guaranteed a place. Being successful in an MBA program requires more than pure academics. The essays are where you can help us see beyond your CV so that we get a sense of you, the unique perspective you will bring, and what you want to achieve.
  • Spelling and grammar errors . Spellcheck is there for a reason, use it! Ditto for making sure that you’ve spelled the school’s name properly and/or are calling us by our name vs the last business school you applied to.

  With that context, it becomes apparent why this final tip is so important.  

6. Get someone to look over your essay

Once you’re done writing, take a break and get some one you trust to have a look at your essay.

Having a fresh set of eyes go over your writing is always helpful. This is the reason why editors even exist.

Even the most gifted writers – the madcap literary geniuses and the Nobel Prize winners – relied on editors to polish their rough drafts into the enduring literary classics we know them as today.

The thing with writing is that when you’ve been living with the ideas in your head for so long, and then you begin the long, slow, painful process of putting those ideas on paper, you become just too familiar with them to be your own critic.

Those words have been a part of you for so long, you can no longer tell whether they’re good or bad.

It’s like how when we stare at a screen too long without blinking we begin to see the fine pixels and dots that make up the picture, but lose sight of the picture itself?

That sort of a thing.

A good editor can make that draft shine like a lapidary polishes a rough diamond to brilliance.

A “good editor” does not mean you need to get in touch with the New York Times to ask if they can loan out their literary editor for a day.

Here’s a candidate who got a USA MBA admit despite a big mistake in application .

A friend or a mentor with the experience and knowledge of the admissions process can help.

If you don’t have anyone like that in your life, and if all this sounds a little overwhelming, consider hiring a good MBA application consultant .

MBA Crystal Ball has highly experienced admission consultants who can help you polish your application. Read more about our MBA essay editing services .

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That’s all folks. Make sure you follow these steps, and we’re confident that you will be able to write an amazing MBA essay that with the potential to impress the admissions committee and to get you that elite MBA seat that could change your life.   Also read: – Top MBA application tips – Sample Harvard Stanford MBA essays using ChatGPT

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MBA Career Vision Part 2: Long-Term Vision Vs. Short-Term Goal

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Long Term Vision vs Short Term Goal

A powerful vision for the future reflects your motivations and ambitions, and gives you a roadmap for achieving it. To craft a compelling career vision for the MBA, you need to present a coherent narrative that convincingly links your past experiences and your reasons for pursuing an MBA with your short- and long-term goals. Once you’ve made a solid start on exploring your career vision (see part 1 in this series, Crafting a Compelling Career Vision for Your MBA ), it’s useful to distinguish between the long-term vision and short-term goals, both to clarify the differences between them and to understand how they work together. Doing this will greatly enhance your ability to articulate a powerful and persuasive case to admissions committees.

Think of it this way: the time frame of a long-term vision is usually around 10 years out, while short-term goals are your stepping stones on your way to that end goal. Short-term goals include your near-immediate plans (for your internship) two to three years after you graduate business school. During this time, you should be acquiring specific skills or expertise that will be necessary for you to achieve your long-term vision.

Your long-term vision describes your end goal, the pinnacle of your career — answering the “what you want to be when you grow up” question. For this, you do not need to focus so much on specifics. Rather, your focus should be on the impact you want to have over the course of your career. The admissions committee wants to understand your motivations and values and how you plan to influence an industry or community.

For the short-term goal, alternatively, you DO want to be specific. This goal is more important to the admissions committee and needs to be more thoroughly researched — down to the industry, function, and even possible companies you want to be working for. That’s why it’s also important to convey an understanding of the business school recruiting process and what it will take for you to land your post-MBA job. As such, it’s often helpful to have several options, to show that you have a Plan B if your preferred path doesn’t pan out.

Taken together, it’s vital to show a logical thread between your past experiences, the MBA, your internship, and your post-MBA job. You want to demonstrate how the skills acquired from each of these experiences are in service to achieving your vision.

Key elements of your long-term vision:

  • Time frame: 10 years and beyond
  • The end goal: what you want to be “when you grow up”
  • Focuses more on impact
  • Both aspirational and inspirational
  • A reflection of your values
  • Conveys the motivation behind your short-term goals
  • Recognizes that there may be more than one path to get there (plan A, B, C…)

Three examples of a long term vision for the MBA:

“I aspire to revolutionize the healthcare system in Mexico by finding innovative ways to make the diagnostic process less expensive, so that funding can be used toward better treatments and facilities.”

“I aim to expand financial inclusion within existing banks by designing, developing, and launching a financial ecosystem for unbanked Americans.”

“I seek an executive-level role at a renewable energy organization such as a wind farm or solar company, to position me well to achieve my ultimate objective — impacting the global carbon footprint as a CEO of a global renewable energy organization.”

Key elements of your short-term goal:

  • Time frame: internship and up to 2-3 years post-MBA
  • Stepping stone to your long-term vision
  • As specific as possible, reflecting significant research and thought related to: industry/function/geography/potential companies
  • Realistic and achievable
  • Focuses on acquiring skills, expertise, and experience
  • Demonstrates an understanding of the MBA recruiting process

Three examples of short-term goal statements for the MBA:

“I will leverage my pre-MBA experience as a financial analyst to pursue a summer internship in finance, either on the buy side or sell side, focused on the energy market. Immediately following business school, I will seek a general management or leadership development rotational program at a global energy firm such as XX, focusing on gaining exposure to business development, marketing, and operations.”

 “To gain the experience I need to eventually reach my goal of financial inclusion for America’s unbanked, immediately following my MBA I intend to pursue a role in business development or project management in a late-stage fintech startup such as Credit Karma or Payoff.” 

“After having had broad exposure to a variety of companies and industries at Deloitte, I intend to use the intense finance curriculum at Columbia to help me pivot to a career in investment banking, where I will be able to gain a deeper understanding of the key metrics used to valuate companies and portfolios. I plan to pursue an internship with a bulge bracket investment bank, which should help position me to achieve my goal of working as an analyst for an investment bank post-MBA.”

For more tips and insights on what MBA admissions committees are looking for in your career vision and how to get started, check out part 1 of this series, Crafting a Compelling Career Vision for Your MBA .

Heidi Hillis   is an expert coach at MBA consulting firm  Fortuna Admissions , as well as a Stanford GSB alum & former MBA admissions interviewer. Fortuna is composed of former admissions directors and business school insiders from 13 of the top 15 business schools.

Questions about this article? Email us or leave a comment below.

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Booth Long term and short term Goals Essay

Hello Redditors,

As Booth deadline is arriving, I am super anxious about my preparations. I haven't done a consultant and writing my application myself.

So Booth has a bit strange application and they don't have the standard goals essay. Instead they ask for goals seperately. I don't think I can use 250 words for short term goal and long term goal each. Anyone knows what does the school expect in those two questions. ?

I will reiterate the same thing in my main essay as well.

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Short-Term Goals: The Key to Professional Achievement

Written by Salary.com Staff

June 16, 2024

Short-Term Goals: The Key to Professional Achievement Hero

Reaching long-term professional goals can sometimes feel like climbing a mountain. All those lofty ambitions are sitting way up there at the peak, while you are still slogging along at the bottom. But what if there was a trail of stepping stones you could follow that led steadily upward? That is where short-term goals come in.

Like a series of mile markers along the path, they keep a person moving in the right direction. With the right short-term goals in place, professional success is just a matter of putting one foot in front of the other. This article shows how to leverage short-term goals to make consistent progress.


The Importance of Setting Short-Term Goals

  • Keeping You Accountable

Setting short-term goals keeps employees accountable and on track to achieve their long-term goals. When they break down big goals into smaller milestones, it helps them stay focused and motivated. Meeting smaller goals along the way also gives employees a sense of progress and encourages them to keep going.

  • Building Momentum

Achieving short-term goals builds momentum and motivation to achieve the next goal. The progress an employee makes by achieving one short-term goal feeds into the next goal. This cycle of achieving and evolving creates an upward spiral of motivation and success.

  • Staying Flexible

Short-term goals also allow employees to stay flexible. If circumstances change, they can adjust accordingly while still working toward their long-term goals. This gives them more chances to reassess their direction and make any necessary changes.

  • Celebrating Wins

Reaching short-term goals also gives employees the chance to celebrate wins along the way. Celebrating milestones keeps them motivated and fuels them with more purpose to achieve the ultimate goal. Even small wins deserve recognition.

Setting short-term goals is essential for professional success and reaching long-term goals. They keep employees accountable, build momentum, allow them to stay flexible, and give them reasons to celebrate wins.


The SMART method

The SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) method is a useful framework for setting short-term goals.

When setting a short-term goal, be as specific as possible. Vague goals like "get better at my job" will not motivate action. A specific goal could be "Complete all monthly reports by the 3rd of each month." Specific goals provide a definite target to work towards and achieve them.

Establish solid criteria to measure progress. If the goal is to "improve customer satisfaction," decide a way to track satisfaction ratings or customer feedback. Measurable goals allow employees to see their progress and stay accountable.

Do not aim for 100% customer satisfaction in a month if current ratings are 40%. An achievable goal in this case may be increasing ratings by 10-15% each month. Setting achievable goals helps employees feel motivated and prevent burnout.

Goals must align with broader priorities and values. Short-term goals for professional success should align with career ambitions and an employee’s key responsibilities. Relevant goals ensure they are working on the things that really matter.

Give each goal a deadline. This can be a specific date or a period of time to achieve the goal. Adding a period instills urgency and prompts action. Reviewing progress at regular intervals keeps employees accountable for the deadlines they have set.

Setting effective short-term goals using the SMART method is key to continuous professional progress and career success. Define your goals, plan, act, and achieve great things!

The FAST method

To achieve professional goals, breaking them down into smaller milestones can be helpful. The FAST method is an effective way to do this. FAST stands for Frequent, Ambitious, Specific and Transparent.

Using the FAST method, employees can establish short-term goals such as:

  • Take a course on effective communication and networking within the next 3 months.
  • Shadow a senior colleague in a role they aspire to within the next 6 months.
  • Update their resume and LinkedIn profile and start networking with two new contacts per month.
  • Research three target companies they are interested in and follow their job listings over the next year.

With frequent, ambitious, specific, and transparent goals, employees can build momentum towards larger career ambitions and professional success. Consistency and perseverance are key. Review and revise short-term goals every few months to keep making progress. Before you know it, you will be achieving milestones that once seemed far out of reach.

How to Create Effective Short-Term Goals for Your Career

To advance your career, setting effective short-term goals is key. Short-term goals refer to goals you want to achieve in 12 months or less. When done right, they provide motivation and a roadmap for progress.

  • Choose Specific and Measurable Goals

Vague goals like "get promoted" or "make more money" will not cut it. Strong short-term goals are concrete and measurable, such as "complete two additional job duties this quarter" or "increase sales by 15% this year." Ask yourself how you will specifically achieve and measure the goal. If you cannot establish concrete actions and metrics, revisit your goal.

  • Set Realistic Timelines

While the goals themselves must be ambitious, the timelines must be realistic. If a goal will take 6-8 months to achieve, do not give yourself three months. You will only become annoyed and give up. Think about obstacles and how long similar goals have taken you in the past. It is better to extend a timeline than to fall short of an unrealistic one.

  • Review and Revise Regularly

Once you have set short-term goals, review progress regularly and make revisions as needed. Maybe a new opportunity has emerged, and you need to pivot. Or you are ahead of schedule and can proceed with another goal. Some goals may become irrelevant. Revisit goals at least quarterly and be open to making changes to keep you on the path to success.

Effective short-term goals require specificity, measurable metrics, realistic periods, and regular review. Keep your goals visible, check in on them often, and do not be afraid to make changes to keep your momentum.

  • Achieving Your Short-Term Goals Through Focus and Consistency

Focus and consistency are key to achieving professional short-term goals. By establishing clear and specific goals and breaking them into manageable steps,  you can accomplish a lot in a short period of time.

Short-term goals are meant to be accomplished within months. By keeping focus, breaking big goals into manageable steps, developing consistency, and persisting with willpower, you have the power to achieve professional goals and become the person you aspire to be.


If you want to get ahead in your career and achieve professional success, make sure to set meaningful short-term goals that will keep you focused and motivated. Break the big picture down into smaller, more manageable chunks. Set milestones and target dates to hold yourself accountable. And do not forget to celebrate your progress along the way.

Keeping your eye on those short-term goals will help you make consistent progress, build momentum, and reach your larger professional aspirations. With some thoughtful planning and commitment, you can make those career dreams a reality, one step at a time.

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  23. Booth Long term and short term Goals Essay : r/MBA

    As Booth deadline is arriving, I am super anxious about my preparations. I haven't done a consultant and writing my application myself. So Booth has a bit strange application and they don't have the standard goals essay. Instead they ask for goals seperately. I don't think I can use 250 words for short term goal and long term goal each.

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    Reaching short-term goals also gives employees the chance to celebrate wins along the way. Celebrating milestones keeps them motivated and fuels them with more purpose to achieve the ultimate goal. Even small wins deserve recognition. Setting short-term goals is essential for professional success and reaching long-term goals.

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